Living A Dead Dream (Baji x O...

By kittywolfy101

11.4K 369 27

~Currently on hiatus~ and is on AO3 As an ex-delinquent with a knack for ticking others off with his mouth, D... More

Character Info
Extra: Arcade


166 5 0
By kittywolfy101


From the alley that Takemichi and Hinata were just walking by, burst a very large man. He swung his arm that was clad in red, catching Takemichi in the crook of his elbow, and threw him down the street past Danny, Hakkai, and Yuzuha.

"Take!" Danny exclaimed as she quickly went to her brother's side. She crouched next to him as he coughed, rubbing and patting his back as he did so. This guy had gone too damn far. She looked over at the towering man with a glare as she stood with her shoulders back, ignoring the nervous pit in her stomach. 

He was taller than anyone else she knew and definitely more muscular. Unlike the other members of Black Dragon, his uniform was red with the coat being undone which showed the swirls of a tattoo and some cursive writing that she didn't care to read. His blue and white hair was swept back aside from two pieces of his bangs and his golden eyes just oozed murderous intent.

She wasn't scared though. As a matter of fact, she was pissed. He had just attacked her brother for no reason. She wasn't about to let him get away scot-free. 

"Dooh! The sound you make when I bash your head in!" he sang as he gave a sinister smirk. He stopped just a couple of feet from Danny, making the difference in their height all the more obvious. "Not fair, you guys. You're having fun without me. Let me join in!" Without warning, he grabbed the collar of Danny's uniform and lifted her up. She had barely enough time to lift her arms before he tried to deliver a punch to the side of her head. 

She flew from his grip, hitting the concrete a second later. Her vision was a bit blurry despite defending herself. Holy shit... she thought as she pushed herself up a bit. She stayed low to the ground though as she kept her eyes on the monster of a man. With every beat of her heart, she could feel the dull throbbing ache in her arms.

"So, who are these punks?" Taiju asked as he turned to look at his men.

"You punched them without even knowing?" Kokonoi asked with a laugh. "That's so like you, Boss. The guy you just punched is Toman's Beast and 3rd Division Captain, Danny Hanagaki, and the other is their 1st Division Captain, Takemichi Hanagaki."

"Huh?" he looked down at Danny's crouching form. "Toman?" He let out a loud hearty laugh. "This guy is their Beast? Koko, that's a good joke."

Bitch! Her eye twitched in annoyance.

"It's true, Boss. They're your brother's friends."

"There's no damned way!" he laughed once more as he took a couple of steps closer to Danny.

Her eye twitched in annoyance as he brought his leg back for a kick that she fully expected. Right before he could land a hit to her jaw, she leaned back, making the kick narrowly miss. "Oi," she said in a low tone as she pushed herself up. She cracked her neck, keeping her glare on the titan in front of her as a smirk formed on her features. "You're too slow."

The silence following was deafening. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY?! Danny mentally freaked out as she kept her smirk up and gaze on Taiju's murderously calm face. I really had to tempt fate twice today, huh? Well, fuck it. I wanted some fun and I'm gonna get it. Despite how angry she was at the man, and how much she was itching for a fight, she wasn't stupid. He was definitely stronger than her.

Takemichi gaped at his sister. Daju what the hell?! he thought as he began freaking out. He knew she couldn't watch her mouth at times, but she might have well slapped Taiju in the face! At least then she would've had more of a chance.

While her brother was busy freaking out, the two younger Shiba siblings were petrified. No one had ever talked back to their brother and lived to tell the tale. Hakkai, specifically, was more worried. He had heard rumors of Danny being a fierce fighter that egged on fights. Hell, he even witnessed the Beast in action during the Halloween Conflict. He knew Danny was strong, but not strong enough to beat his brother that was twice his size.

What... did this guy just say? Kokonoi asked himself in disbelief as he stared wide-eyed at the teen who looked ready to fight, as if he was on even ground with their boss. More than anything, Taiju's eerily calm expression was more frightening than he or any of the other members of Black Dragon had ever seen.

Inui, on the other hand, was intrigued. Not only had he kicked his knife away without a hint of hesitation, but he challenged Taiju, the strongest guy he's ever fought, after taking a punch. He didn't even look the least bit nervous. 

After what felt like hours, but was probably less than a minute, Taiju's eye twitched before he swept his leg at Danny. She jumped up, barely managing to dodge it before delivering a kick to his side. It felt like she just kicked a wall. Her foot barely hit the ground again before he sent a punch aimed at her face. Yet again, it failed to connect. Seeing the briefest of openings, she brought her leg up. 

To everyone's shock, her foot connected with his jaw, making his head jerk up from the force. He took a step back as he flexed his jaw. It actually stung a bit. Danny felt a bit of satisfaction from the hit, but didn't let that stop her as she quickly directed a kick to one of his temples. Her eyes widened in shock though as her foot came into contact with his hand. Fuck- He gripped her foot before immediately throwing her. Before she could process the feeling of weightlessness, her back harshly crashed into a wall, knocking all the air from her lungs. I think I broke something, she thought as a string of curses left her lips.

"So, Hakkai, you mean to tell me you brought some God damned outsiders to our home? But you won't even join our gang no matter how many times I tell you to?" Taiju sighed as Danny was finally able to focus on what was happening now. "Hak-kai~ Beat them to death." When Hakkai didn't move, Taiju went over to him and got in his face. "Oi, couldn't you hear me?! I told you... kill them! As a fellow Toman member, you must take responsibility!"

"Taiju, they didn't know this was Black Dragon turf, so please..." Hakkai said, sounding frightened as he looked at the ground instead of his brother's face which was mere inches from his own. His demeanor was the polar opposite of what it was minutes ago when he punched one of their guys into the pavement.

"I don't give a shit about that. Didn't you hear me give you an order? You're my little brother, which comes before membership in Toman. In other words, you must obey my orders. Family bonds are more important than bonds with friends, right?"

"Taiju!" Yuzuha approached the pair. "Quit threatening Hakkai!"

Danny's eyes widened as Taiju punched her. He didn't just slap her, he full-on punched her. "Yuzuha... It's your fault for not raising him right. I'll make that very clear to you next."

Anger swirled in Danny's chest as she tried to push herself up. She hissed in pain though when a sharp pain shot through her leg. Shit, it's dislocated, she thought as she bit on a clump of her uniform. Taking in a sharp breath, she forced her knee back into place. The action sent excruciating pain through it as she felt a pop. She tried pushing herself up again and, though it still hurt, she managed.

"Even though she's family to you, Yuzuha is still a woman!" Takemichi exclaimed as he stood, making Taiju face him with that grin still plastered to his face. "How dare you strike a woman, your own sister!"

"This is a Shiba family affair, so butt out, you little shit!" Taiju said as he leaned down to his level. "Watch carefully, Hakkai. I'll take care of your problem for you. This is what family's all about!"

His fist met Takemichi's face. Once, twice, three times, his demeanor didn't give any sign of him stopping anytime soon. 

"That's enough!" Hinata exclaimed, getting between the two, making Taiju cease his actions.

"Get out of there, Hina!" Yuzuha shouted.

"I can't just stand by and watch this! Takemichi's gonna die if this keeps up!"

With the same murderous grin plastered on his face, Taiju brought back his arm, putting all of his weight onto his left side. Right as he began to swing his arm forward, Danny rushed in. She hooked her arm onto his before kicking the backside of his knee, effectively bringing him down onto it and making him punch the air. The force of the intended blow hurt her arm, but she didn't let it bother her. "Don't you know how to be a decent human being?" she hissed as her glare met his.

"You," he stood before lifting Danny by her collar once again, "really want to die, huh?" 

"Taiju!" Hakkai shouted, interrupting the pair's stare down.


"Stop this! Please!"

"Hak~kai~" His fist met Danny's face. "When you ask someone for a favor..." another hit, "you need to offer something in exchange. Give me something that makes it worth my while."

For Danny, everything was blurry, like everything was spinning. Her chest heaved as she tried to breathe. Any second now, she could pass out.

"If you don't, then this is where this punk-" A splat of saliva mixed with blood landing on his cheek cut him off. His face scrunched up in anger as multiple veins popped on his forehead. "This is where you die," he lowly said as he brought his fist back for another punch that would surely knock the teen out.

"I'll quit!" Hakkai shouted just as Taiju's fist was about to meet Danny's face. "I'll quit Toman. I'll join Black Dragon so I can assist you. So, let them go! That's my offer!"

Shit... he can't... Danny thought before her vision faded to black.


"Fuck..." Danny grumbled as she began to regain consciousness. Her eyes opened only to be squinted shut again. Another inaudible curse left her throat as she registered that she was being carried.

"Danaju!" Hinata exclaimed, seeing that she had woken up.

"Daju!" Takemichi exclaimed from behind her.

"Not so loud, please..." she grumbled before noticing that she was on Hakkai's back.

"Thank goodness," Hinata sighed in a quieter tone as she clasped her hands in front of her.

"You all right, Danny?" Hakkai asked.

"As good as being thrown into a wall and getting punched in the face a few times gets ya," she replied as some annoyance seeped into her tone.

"Daju..." Takemichi trailed off.

She turned her gaze to her brother who was injured, but nowhere near as bad as her. "Well, I can't win 'em all, right?" she replied with a half-hearted chuckle. How the fuck am I supposed to fight like this though? She knew for a fact that she had a few broken ribs, or fractured ones at least. It hurt to breathe, but it wasn't an ungodly amount.

"There's a hospital ahead," Hakkai informed, earning a hum from Danny.

"Hakkai..." Takemichi started, "I'm sorry you had to leave Toman for our sakes."

"I'm sorry too," Danny added. She really did feel bad. If she had just been stronger, she could have won.

"It's not your guys' fault. I had already made up my mind," Hakkai said. "Actually, I wanted to thank you for standing up for Yuzuha. You guys must be surprised that my brother is the boss of Black Dragon."

"Yeah..." the twins agreed in sync.

"There's something... I need to do there..." he lowly muttered, but Danny still caught what he said.

~Anyone else have the problem of getting the way Taiju says Hakkai stuck in their head? Every time I even think of the man, it gets stuck in my head for like a week. Also, how the hell is he only 16?! The guy looks twice his age! On another note, we have Danny with ten-fold the audacity of Takemichi again. Honestly, she's just so much fun to write.~

I watched the trailer for season 3 yesterday and it made me cry a bit T-T Both from happiness and knowing what's coming up

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