Broken Vow

By zahrah_mukhtar

6.1K 927 811

On losing her husband, Zain Hashim on their wedding day, Hanan Aali made a Vow to remain his widow for the re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

228 42 18
By zahrah_mukhtar

Qatida reported that Anas b. Malik said:
May I not narrate to you a hadith which I heard from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) which no one would narrate to you after me who would have personally heard it from him (the Prophet) (as I have the good fortune to do so)? -" It is from the signs of the Last Hour that knowledge would be taken away, ignorance would prevail upon (the world), adultery would become common, wine would be drunk, the number of men will fall short and the women would survive (and thus such a disparity would arise in the number of men and women) that there would be one man to look after fifty women.

Sahih Muslim, 2671 b
In-Book Reference: Book 47, Hadith 12


"Assalamu alaikum," Tareeq greeted as he entered Ammar's office.

"Waalaikumusaalam," Ammar replied, looking up from the file he was reading.

"Have you safely returned home?" Ammar asked with a smirk, prompting Tareeq to playfully toss his car keys at Ammar, who skillfully dodged.

"Tareeq, just a reminder, I'm your boss," Ammar said coldly.

"Apologies," Tareeq mumbled as he retrieved his keys.

"Ummi's boy has returned to his loving mother," Ammar teased.

"Ammar, cut it out! You're saying you're my boss, but your behavior doesn't match," Tareeq said with a feigned anger, secretly enjoying this emerging side of Ammar. Unbeknownst to Ammar, he was gradually returning to his usual self, thanks to Hanan.

"If I acted like your boss, you probably wouldn't appreciate it," Ammar replied with a smile.

"Sure, sure, sure," Tareeq said, sitting across from Ammar, who was at his desk.

"Alright, enough about that. How's the progress with that old man? Your illness slowed down our work," Ammar inquired.

"You know you can't manage without me," Tareeq smirked, earning a glare from Ammar.

"And that 'old man' actually has a name. It's Mr. Zafir Z.H," Tareeq said with a grin.

"I see, I wasn't aware," Ammar replied sarcastically.

"Don't worry about him. Everything is under control. I've placed a mole among his men. We'll be aware of his plans," Tareeq said, relaxing in a chair.

"That's reassuring. But I can't help but worry about him. He's the one who turned my life upside down. I'm determined to make him pay, to the point where he'd beg me for mercy on his knees. That's my promise," Ammar declared firmly.

"I'm right there with you until we make that happen," Tareeq affirmed.

"Thank you, Tareeq, for being by my side since..." Ammar started but trailed off, the unspoken sentiment understood by Tareeq.

"I think he's going to win the primary election," Tareeq remarked.

"He better win. It'll be more satisfying," Ammar said, a smirk forming.

"Absolutely, watching him on the brink of victory only to have it snatched away will be quite entertaining. I can't wait for that moment," Tareeq exclaimed with excitement.

"Patience, that day will come soon," Ammar assured, sharing a smile with Tareeq.

"Where's my sister-in-law?" Tareeq inquired.

"I left her at home, but she plans to visit the orphanage later. She hasn't been there since our honeymoon," Ammar informed.

"She seems to have a soft spot for the orphanage," Tareeq observed.

"Yes, she adores going there. That's one of the reasons I love her even more," Ammar admitted with a smile.

"Hanan has filled up all the space in your heart, leaving little room for the rest of us," Tareeq teased.

"I don't have room for anyone else, Hanan is my heart. She's the reason I continue to live," Ammar expressed, with a significance known only to the two of them.

"We'll head to the orphanage this evening to pick her up," Ammar mentioned.

"Finally, you're paying the orphanage a visit," Tareeq said with a smirk.

"Yes, when my wife loves it, I have to go along," Ammar said.

"So, you're going even if you're not a fan?" Tareeq teased.

"It's not that I dislike going there. The children tug at my emotions, and I'm not keen on showing my feelings. So, it's better if I stay away," Ammar explained.

"The mighty Ammar Sheikh, can't show his emotions," Tareeq chuckled, prompting a laugh from Ammar.


Hanan emerged from the backseat of the car, casting a stern look at the bodyguard who had opened the door. Frustration simmered within her towards both the bodyguards and Ammar.

It was exasperating that she couldn't enjoy the freedom of going out without a trail of bodyguards behind her.

She needed to have a serious conversation with Ammar about this because she disliked the situation.

"You all should stay here. Don't follow me inside," Hanan instructed them as they arrived at the orphanage. She wanted to ensure the bodyguards didn't accompany her, so as not to frighten the children.

"But the boss said we should maintain a minimum of three feet distance from you," one of the bodyguards interjected.

"That's not my concern! The point is you won't be trailing me around while I'm in the orphanage. Make sure to keep a reasonable distance," Hanan firmly retorted, beginning her walk from the orphanage parking lot to its interior.

"Ummi!" The children erupted in joy as soon as they spotted Hanan.

"My dear children," Hanan beamed at them.

They rushed towards her, enveloping her in hugs. Hanan crouched down, ensuring to embrace each and every child.

"We missed you, Ummi," a girl named Zahra, around five years old, said as she clung to Hanan.

"I missed all of you too," Hanan replied warmly.

"Why did you stop coming to see us?" Saleh, a boy of about seven, inquired.

"I had to travel, Saleh. But don't worry, now that I'm back, I'll come here every day just like before," Hanan assured, her smile brightening.

"Really?" Saleh's eyes lit up upon hearing her response.

"Yes," Hanan confirmed, playfully tousling his hair.

"Welcome back, Ms. Hanan," The Nanny greeted, approaching Hanan along with the children.

"Thank you, Nanny. How have you been?" Hanan inquired, rising from her squatting position.

"I've been well, though we've all missed you," Nanny replied, her smile wide.

"I've missed all of you too," Hanan returned the smile.

The orphanage staff also gathered around to greet Hanan and express their delight at her return, everyone voicing their longing for her presence during her absence.

"Now, let's go and play," Hanan exclaimed with cheer, prompting excited squeals from the children.

The kids adored Hanan's presence; she engaged with them, cared for them, and indulged their wishes, buying them what they desired.


"Are we parking outside, or are we entering the orphanage?" Tareeq inquired from the driver's seat, glancing at Ammar who sat in the passenger seat.

"Let's go inside," Ammar replied, closing his eyes and leaning back in his chair.

"Okay," Tareeq responded, honking at the orphanage gate.

One of the security personnel from the orphanage approached their cars, looking at the various vehicles wanting to enter. This made him a little nervous.

Tareeq rolled down the window to provide an answer. "This is Ammar Sheik, Hanan Aali's husband. We're here to pick up Hanan," He said, gesturing towards Ammar.

"Sorry, Sir. Welcome, Sir," The security guard replied in a fluster, motioning for another guard to open the gate immediately.

"That's why I suggested we come to the orphanage with just the two of us, to avoid drawing attention. But you didn't listen and insisted on excessive security," Tareeq complained as he drove further inside.

"You know why I need this security," Ammar responded.

"Yes, but this level of security is excessive. Five cars filled with bodyguards! If you could, you'd probably have a bodyguard drive my car or sit here in my car as well," Tareeq remarked.

"You tend to talk a lot, Tareeq," Ammar stated as he stepped out of the car, which one of his bodyguards quickly opened for him.

"You never pay attention to what I say," Tareeq sighed, shaking his head.

Ammar didn't respond, beginning to walk around the orphanage.

"This orphanage is truly beautiful," Tareeq commented.

"Yes, it is," Ammar agreed, smiling.

Ammar's breath caught when he spotted Hanan playing with the kids. She looked stunning, running around with the children.

"Hanan," Ammar called out, walking towards her among the kids.

Hanan immediately halted her activity upon hearing Ammar's voice.

"Why are you here?" Hanan questioned, standing next to him.

"Sweetheart, I've come to pick you up," Ammar beamed at her.

"Did I mention I'm leaving now?" Hanan raised an eyebrow.

"No, but don't you usually come back around this time?" Ammar said, noticing it was nearly 5:00 PM.

"Give me ten more minutes," Hanan requested.

"Okay, I'll wait for you until you're done," Ammar smiled at her, prompting her to smile back.

"Ummi, who is this?" the children asked, looking at Ammar curiously.

"I'm your Ummi's husband," Ammar responded before Hanan could reply.

"Good evening," The children greeted him cheerfully.

"How are you kids doing?" Ammar asked with a warm smile.

"We're fine," They replied.

"Ummi, what should we call your husband?" One of the children asked Hanan.

"You all can call me 'Abi,'" Ammar suggested, his smile sweet, though it earned him a glare from Hanan.

"Can we call him Abi?" The children asked Hanan, who nodded, unable to refuse after Ammar's earlier suggestion.

She had initially wanted to decline, as this was what the orphanage children used to call Zain. She was wary of anyone trying to replace him. However, she decided to let it pass this one time.

"Abi, can you play with us?" the children asked Ammar, a fleeting emotion crossing his face before he concealed it.

"Of course, he'll play with you kids. He always enjoyed playing with children," Tareeq interjected, joining the conversation as he approached them.

Ammar's expression turned ice-cold as he glanced at Tareeq, who couldn't help but shiver under his gaze, feeling the weight of Ammar's displeasure.

"Let's go and play, kids," Ammar said plastering a smile, and the children gleefully pulled him towards the playground.

"Tareeq, you're here too?" Hanan remarked.

"Yes," Tareeq nodded.

"The orphanage is beautiful, and the kids are healthy. You've done an excellent job in maintaining it," Tareeq acknowledged.

"Thank you, but my family helped me make this happen," Hanan replied, and Tareeq smiled.

"Ammar is happier since he married you. Thank you for bringing happiness to him," Tareeq expressed his gratitude.

"He wasn't happy before?" Hanan asked, puzzled.

"He wasn't. Can't you see how he smiles more frequently and even laughs now? Previously, it took ages to even see him express a single emotion, let alone smile. But now, all this has changed because of you. That's why I have immense respect for you. Please continue to be patient with him," Tareeq advised, looking at Hanan, who was rendered speechless by his words.

As Hanan watched Ammar playing with the children and witnessed his happiness, she gazed ahead, reminiscing about Zain playing with the kids in a similar way.

She decided to capture the moment by taking pictures of Ammar with the children.

"Where are you going?" Tareeq inquired as he saw Hanan turning around and heading somewhere.

"I'm going to get my camera from the car," Hanan replied, and he nodded.

Hanan retrieved her camera and discreetly started photographing Ammar and the children.

"Sweetheart, are you taking pictures of me?" Ammar asked, winking at her.

"No, I'm taking pictures of the kids," Hanan fibbed.

"Okay, let me see," Ammar requested, walking over to her and playfully taking the camera from her hands.

"Give me back my camera!" Hanan protested, trying to retrieve it.

"Sweetheart, I didn't know you enjoyed taking pictures of me. It seems like you only took pictures of me," Ammar remarked, looking at the images.

"Just so you know, you're not the only one in these pictures; the kids are there too," Hanan retorted.

"But all I see is me," Ammar teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh, Ammar, sometimes I don't know what to do with you," Hanan sighed.

"Nothing, sweetheart," Ammar grinned.

"Go stand with the kids so I can take pictures of you together," Ammar suggested.

"Wait, you know how to take pictures?" Hanan asked, surprised.

"Sweetheart, I love everything you love, including taking pictures," Ammar replied, his smile radiant.

Hanan's heart skipped a beat at his words. They were exactly what Zain used to say to her.

Why did Ammar's words constantly remind her of Zain?

And why did she keep drawing comparisons between the two?

She didn't have an answer, not even for herself.

"Stand next to them," Ammar instructed, and Hanan complied. Ammar started taking photos of her and the children, and Tareeq joined in, capturing shots of Ammar and Hanan with the children.

After an hour, they left the orphanage. Hanan distributed the gifts she had brought for the children to the Nanny, who would share them among the children.


"I'm utterly exhausted,  your children have drained all my energy," Ammar breathed heavily as he slumped into a chair in the living room.

"Aren't they your children too, considering you've encouraged them to call you 'Abi'?" Hanan quipped, settling down beside him.

"Yes, they are my children too, as your children are mine," Ammar responded, winking playfully at her, causing her to avert her gaze.

"Sweetheart, give me a hug, maybe it'll magically make my tiredness vanish," Ammar pleaded, adopting a puppy-dog expression.

"Nope," Hanan firmly shook her head.

Ignoring her response, Ammar enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Ammar!!!" Hanan protested with a mix of exasperation and amusement.


Hello lovelies🥰

How are you all doing?

I know I didn't update in a while, because some things keep coming up.

And school also resumed, but I'll try and be updating at least once a week.

Back to the chapter. How was it?

Ammar is keeping us in the dark. Who is that old man? Any guesses?

And Hanan can keep her heart in one place, why does she keep bringing Zain in everything?

I want her to forget Zain, and accept our Ammar😌 Who is with me?

Please don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow.

Love Zahra💕

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