His Unfortunate Wife(Complete...

By FlowerVine98

161K 8.3K 592

She is a bad omen She is unlucky And now she is his unfortunate wife too. Well whose wife she is? And why she... More

Author's Note
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 6

5.2K 296 26
By FlowerVine98

Punguzhali Pov:

"Tie the thaali" I heard iyaar voice. I looked at my right side only to see him, who is looking at the thaali with so much of sadness.

"You could have stopped this marriage" I says to him.

I tried a lot to stop this marriage beforehand like tried to speak with him. Only to know that he was out of india to Australia for some work.

Iyaar is asking him to tie the thalli.

I looked ahead only to see the happiest couple who is getting married with so much of love. My sister and his brother.

"If you don't want to, you can stop the marr..." before I complete he tied the thaali.

"Your life is doomed" I says as soon as he tied the thali.

"It was already doomed" he replies.

After every rituals we were asked to leave the marriage hall.

Okay it's time for leaving my family.

"Mumma take care" I says to her.

To which she just hugged me and strated to cry.

"Thanks for everything for putting up with me. Am sorry mumma if I ever, naah I know I always hurted you with my words mumma. Am sorry, as dad says you should have aborted me mumma."

"No ammu, you are a very sweet baby ammu. It's the veil which you are using to cover yourself. You are nothing but a hidden gem ammu. I hope you will have a great life ahead." she says while kissing my forehead.

I hugged her tightly.

"Am sorry mumma. " I agian says.

She wiped my tears.

"Wherever you go you will just spread the happiness ammu." she says while kissing my cheeks.


"Why this room is decorated?" I asks.

"Mmmm for our first night" I heard his voice.

"Shit" i shouts. I thought he is not present

" Woah, did I really frightened you? "

" Yes you, idiot. "I shouts.

" Hello Mrs..... What is your name actually? "he asks me.

" Are you sure you dont know my name? "

" Well I don't have any interest in marraige at all in first place. This is not even a marriage to me. "

" Well it's mutual. "I retarded.


One more place where I was a unwanted person. Nice.

" Name? "

" What you gonna do with knwoing my name? "

" Well many people may ask me to introduce you. So I have to introduce you right. "he asks me.

"Punguzhali" I says.

"Am thiraviam. "

"I know it, am not like some dumb person." I says.

He looks irritated

"Why you didn't stopped this damn marraige?"

"Look" he started to be serious.


" See I agreed to this marraige. Since If not you, definitely my parents and my brother are going to search for an another woman. I thought you would be the best choice for me in this life that's why? "

" What?. Best choice in the sense, a barren woman and whose reproductive system is under developed, so she will not ask for anything right. "I shouts at him.

I know it.

" I mean look, best choice in the sense. If it's for other woman I wound have to break her heart for saying that I won't accept any other woman other than my Shreya. But when it's come to you, you already don't want to get married. So here I don't have to break your heart. I meant that. "he says.

I sighed.

" Then let's be stranger forever " I says ti him.

" off course. " he says while taking the pillow.

" Where are you going? "I asks him.

" I can't share a bed with another woman other than my wife. "

" Well am your wife now" I says with a smirk.

He glared.

"I meant my real wife. Look you are just a string in my play, I will never going to accept you as my wife forever."

"Better be. "

"You can sleep on the same bed. Don't worry, I won't ever try you" I days.

"Am not such a man, who will go around for pleasu..... "

"Even if you ask for it, I can't give you any. And even if you go with other woman I don't have any problem with it. Because I can never give you anything." I says to him.

He just opened and closed his mouth.

"Good night. " he just gritted out and walked out of the room into the balcony I guess.


"Good morning" I heard my sister voice.

"Good morning Shivani" I says to her who is smiling.

"Shivani" someone called her, I looked back only to see ajay.

"Mom is calling you both." he says.

I nods at him.

"Hi dears" she says who is sitting in the dinning table along with everyone.

"Please have your seats" his dad said. We both nods and took our seats next to our partners.


I don't want this life at all.

"Me and your mom bought a honeymoon tickets for you both pairs. " his dad said.

"Thanks dad" Ajay said and Shivani is smiling.

"Thiraviam and punguzhali For you guys also." his mom said sensing that we both are not saying anything.

'Is this aunty got into some accident or what?'

"I don't want to papa and mumma. I have so much of work. Even pungurai..." he stops.

"Punguzhali" I slowly says to him with a irritation.

"Yeah we both are having a lots of commitments. So it will be my brother and his wife that's it."

"But thiraviam, you should spend sometime with your newly wedded wife. Then only you will able to understand..."

"Mom am getting late." with that he left the house.

"Sorry dear, he will soon start to accept you. It's just that he is not yet come out of that tragedy... Please give him some time dear." his mom said.

I don't need him to understand me at all.

I politely smiled at her and walked out of the dinning room to my.. I mean his room which is in upstairs.

I entered into the room.

" Damn I should resume the work. Am already feeling alone. "I murmurs.

I looked at the wall.

There were many photos, of a woman. I should say a beautiful woman.

" I think you is Shreya. "

Both Shreya and thiraviam where looking into each other with so much of love.

" Life is so cruel. " I says.

"This man will never love any other woman for sure." I syas while looking at every pictures.

Then i started to look at the room properly.

"Mm maintained well." I murmurs.

With that I settled down on the bed only to lie.

"Mmmm if it's a real couple the day after the marriage would be really different. But In my case,..." I sighs.


"So when is your next period?" one girl called anjana asked another girl.

We are in our 11th class which is a free period.

"Yesterday only my period was over.
Am so happy."

"Dont be happy, either way we are going to get for every months right." kaveri says.

"Yeah that's right."

"When is yours punguzhali?" kaveri asks me.

"Students, everyone stand up now." our teacher shouted with that everyone stood up.

After the school time ends, I started my way back to home.

"Hy punguzhali" anajana calls me.

"Yes anjana" I says to her

"You didn't said your period date, i haven't never seen you had one in school time ever."

I tried to smile at her.

"I... I.. Actually had min....."

"Are you has the irregular period?" she asks me.

"I know one doctor punguzhali, i will give her number. She will examine you. Don't worry even I had that problem in the start due to some hormonal changes. But now you know it got cured. I think you should go there, besides you should stop eating much. I think it's because of your obesity. " she says.

I tried to smile at her.

But no.

My tears started to form.

"Hy what happened punguzhali?. Why are you looking like you are gonna cry." she asks me.

"It's nothing" I tried to say.

But she just grabbed my hand.

"What is it punguzhali?" She asked me again.

But I couldn't able to.

"It's.. N.. Nothing...."

"Punguzhali am sorry, you can share with me if you want. What happened punguzhali? "

"Share with me"

I don't know why I just wanted to say this to someone just to feel free. With that I said to her.

"I have a sh.. Syndrome"

"What is it?" she asks me.

"I have a MRKH syndrome." I said to her.

"What does mean it?" she asks me.

"I.. I.. Don't know exactly... About it... I.. It means... I won't get period.. As I don't have the.. Uterus...a" I stopped with a buckled up tears.

"Hy common don't cry please stop crying."

I nods at her.

She is my best friend.

"Please don't say this to anyone." I asked her.

To which she hugged me.

The next day.

When I walked inside the classroom I could see everyone's eyes on me. And I could sense that everyone is speaking about me.

Maybe am just thinking myself. I thought to myself.

" What happened? Why are you kept looking at me Sudha?" I asked her.

"So you don't bleed?" she asked me which made my heart to explode


"W.. What are y.. You say.. Saying?"

"When was the last time you had your period?" she asked me with a smirk.

"That's.. N.. None of your nu.. Business" I said.

I walked out of the class to the restroom.

My tears were started to roll down my eyes. I keot crying. How would they got to know? I kept thinking.

"Here is she"

"You don't have a uterus too?" that same girl sudha asked me. She is nothing but a mean girl. Who used to fight in class time. So I used to complaint about her to principal. Am damn sure she is not gonna leave me ever.

"Hy girls look at our punguzhali, she don't have a womb. How lucky she is you know, she don't even bleed there won't be any pain to her." she said to everyone, where the class 10 to 12 th students were present.

"No w...Who said.. I.. It it's not tr.. True." I tried.

"Your best friend Anjana said" she says near to my ear

I looked at her who is looking shock.

"I.. Did. Didnt Said any.. Anything ti her"

"We are a biology student. So without uterus means no children right Kanika. " she asked a girl.

"Sudha, if she won't able to bear a child means. Is she a woman?"

"I think she is a woman. Look at her her breasts are grown well. But.... Who knows she can be a trans2oman also." she passed a comment.

"How about checking now guys?"

I looked terrified at her.

What no no.

"Wh. What yu.. You meant... N. By that... I. Di. Don't.... Le." I shouts and tried to walk out of the restroom. Only to be stopped by other girls.

"No no, leave me" I shouts but no one helped me.

"Pl. Pl... Please leave me.."

"We wanted to know that whether you are a girl or not that's it. " she says.

"Am.. Am... G.. Girl.. Gi only. Leave me. " I shouts.


"Am a woman only" I shouts and oke up.

"Shit" I sighed.


"It's still look fresh." I murmurs. Then I looked at the clock only to see it is already evening.

Okay tomorrow my sister and her husband are going for their honeymoon.

After freshening up, I walked out of my room to check on others.

"Hello mumma. " I says while walking  as I attended the call.

"How are you ammu? Why you didn't called or attended my call. Atleast Shivani didn't forget me." she says.

"I didnt forget you mumma." I says to her.

"What are you doing?. Did you and mapilai went somewhere out?" she asked me.

"Mumma look, me and him are not married under a good terms. So don't expect us to be like a normal couples" I says to her

"Ammu why are you being like this?"

"Punguzhali, I spoked with your doctor. She said that we can transplant the uterine. You can also bear a child ammu. I think now a days it is producing a larger success rate ammu. We should go by that. But before we have to do much of tests it seems ammu. Let me kn... " she started.

"Mumma, will you stop with this. Like I already said, I born without a uterus, so let it be Amma. Look the cost for the transplant will take upto more than 25 lakhs. So let's drop the idea." I says to her.

"Ammu why are you not at all understanding it..."

"Mumma please stop."

"Atleast, we should do the vaginoplasty....."

"Mumma someone is calling." I says while keeping the phone.

"Why do I need to undergoes that vaginoplasty mumma. When am not going to have any Intercourse ever." I murmurs while wiping my tears away.

Author's note:

How was the chapter?

Please do comment ❤️

Why am I seeing very minimal comment?. Is the story is boring?

Love yourself ❤️

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