Sneak Peeks

Por A_stronot

1.2K 70 31

Somewhere for me to keep all my ideas organized, but also give you all a sneak peek? you know, let me know if... Más

In the rain.
The Journalist
The Soldier
What about her? [Alternative]
What about her [Alternative pt.2]
Her Ex-Wife
Family vacation
The book room
Another Dime Bag [ What about her?Extra]
TNG [extra]
Little one
lead dancer
Jades gone
Jades gone 2
No Dad?
Told You So [Extra]
Alternative School
What About Her [Extra]
Mommy Wars
Baba stole her
Painfully broke
Cold War [4]
Supernova [2]
Danger to Society
Danger to Society [2]
Real mom
Told you so [alternative]
Told You So
Her Nanny
Her nanny [2]
Sweet 16 GW
Hybrids in NY
more tys stuff
bahb little extra
tys prequel
Mom's new BF
Dad's new GF
Amir's First Kiss
What about her Alternative [2]
Hybrid Camp
Hybrid book
New Academy
Polar Opposites
Hybrid Camp 2
WAH extra
⚠️I'll make sure of it ⚠️
Drinking Buddies
New Academy

Told you so alternative

14 1 0
Por A_stronot

"You do understand that we have a sibling policy meaning we cannot separate them."

"She has a sister or brother?" Jamie asked sitting beside his wife and foster child in the social workers office.

"A younger sister actually. She just turned four and she was in a family group home. Since you two are doing well with Sairah and we found Leigh-Anne we can put her with you. If you feel like it's too much we can take Sairah and put her in the group home with Leigh-Anne and find another child for you."

Sairah frowned, not wanting to leave her new  parents.

"We'll take her"

"Wait. Can we have time to think about it" Jamie asked, not knowing how he would feel with a young child in his house. Especially with his career.


"What is there to think about, babe? If we don't take her Sairah goes to a group home, you don't want that do you?"

"Of course not, but she's young. . . You know?"

"It's nothing we can't handle, babe. This is what we wanted and after years and years we're getting it."

"Okay, we can do that"

"You do have room for her, correct?"

"Yes we have a six bedroom five bath."

Jamie pulled his daughter into his lap when she began to walk around their chairs. She was bored.

"How many people live in the home?"

"Three full time and two part time"

"Can you explain?"

"My husband, myself and Sairah live in our home. My little sister comes to stay with us sometimes and his dad has been staying with us for the past three months."

"Okay I'll pop in for inspections and once everything is cleared she's be with you in three to five business days."

"Thank you" the parents smiled, shaking hands with the social worker.

"Can we go to the park?" Sairah asked buckling herself into her booster seat.

"We have to get your little sisters room ready bubba" Amina smiled thinking about having a younger child. Nothing against Sairah but she wasn't too fond of Amina. She was always under Jamie and Ami was hoping that Leigh-Anne would be a Mama's girl.

"Papa, can we go to the park?"

"No Mimma, Mama just said we have to get the bedroom ready for your sister. Do you remember her?"

"Leigh-Anne? Not really. But does she have to come live with us?"

"You don't want to live with your sister?" Amina asked in shock.

Sairah shrugged, asking Jamieson for his phone.



"Yes mama"

"Please come eat at the table,love"

"But papa is on the sofa"

"Okay. I'm asking you to come sit at the table please"

The six year old grumbled as she stood up and brought her plate to the table.

"Soon as you finish eating you can go back into the living room with papa."

Amina sighed when she rolled her eyes at her. She tried not to give her too much time of day because she is still young and a little bit troubled.

"Her bed and stuff should be here today" Amina told her husband. She had ordered everything for the little girl.

"Is it?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"I needed to step out today"

"So go out. I'll be home."

"Are you sure?"


"I'm going to run out now so by the time I get back I can help you put everything up. Don't worry yourself. I'll help you, please don't try to do everything yourself. You're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting."

"I know baby. Go. Be safe, I love you"

"I love you too." Jamie kissed her fore her before pecking her lips.

"Mimma, I'm running out"

"Can I come?" He shook his head kissing her cheek.

" Be nice to mama, you hear me?"


"Good. I love you and I'll be back, okay?"

"Mhm" She frowned, walking away from them.

Once Jamie left Amina went to find Sairah.

"Would you like to watch a movie with me, love?"

"No" she got off the sofa going to her room. Amina followed her.

"Sairah, have I done something wrong?"


"Did I hurt you? Or maybe hurt your feelings."


"Then why won't you talk to me, Why don't you want to spend time with me. You only want to do things with papa. It makes me a little sad."

"You're sad?"



"Because I want to spend time with you. Can we play or do something fun? Just you and me?" Amina was trying her best to explain to the six year old that she wanted to spend more time with her.

"Like watch a movie? Then will you be happy?"

"Yes, that would make me so happy"

Sairah stood up taking Aminas hand. They went downstairs to bulk up.

"I can have anything?"

"Yes. You can pick out two snacks" Sairah smiled when Ami walked out of the pantry, she grabbed a handful of fruit snacks and some doritos.

Amina poured her some juice and diluted it with some water before bringing it into the living room. She moved the coffee table and laid a plush blanket down for them.

"What do you want to watch bubba?"

"Mmmm. . . Can I look?"

"Sure" She handed Sairah the remote and she began scrolling through the family movie section.

"That one! I like that one." 

"This? Toy story?"

"No, the ugly green thing"

"Hey, don't call Shrek ugly" Sairah smiled. She just watched it a few weeks ago with her dad. Amina put it on and soon enough Sairah had her head in her lap munching on her snacks.

Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh made Amina so happy. It warmed her heart.

"Did you hear donkey, mama" Sairah cackled at something. Amina has seen the movie tons of times with her little sister, she wasn't really watching it. More so capturing the moments she was sharing with her daughter. .

"Yes I did bubba."

"He's silly."

"Can we watch it again?" She asked when the film came to an end.

"How about we watch Shrek 2"

"Yes!" Amina put it on and halfway in someone knocked on the door.

"I get it." Sairah jumped up. Ignoring Amina when she told her not to open the door. She swung the door open.

"Sairah!" She pulled her back.

"You don't know who could've been standing there. You don't just open the door like that. At least ask who it is." Sairah rubbed her arm where Amina grabbed her as tears sprung in her eyes.

"Did I grab you too hard?" When she nodded Amina hugged her.

"I'm sorry baby. I just panicked. I don't want anything to happen to you. Mommy's sorry" She apologized, kissing her forehead. She was always paranoid that someone was after them because of Jamie's work life.

"It's okay mama." Amina opened the door seeing the social worker.

"Hello, I'm sorry about that. Is something wrong?" Amina looked down when she felt Sairah hold her hand.

"No, I told you I'd be here in three to five business days with Leigh-Anne."

". . . Where?" The social worker gently pulled the little girl from behind her.

"Say hello, Leigh-Anne." The child stared at the two strangers before hugging the social workers' legs.

"Hi Leigh-Anne, I'm your big sister" Sairah tried to hug Leigh-Anne but she cowered away making Sairah frown and hug her mom instead.

"Aww she's probably just a little shy bubba, don't get upset." She rubbed Sairah's back knowing she felt a way.

"Hi sweetheart. I'm Ami, do you remember me?"

"Do you remember the nice woman, Leigh-Anne?" She nodded, giving a small wave.

"Would you like to come in? We're watching movies." Leigh-Anne looked up at her social worker and when she nodded she walked into the large home.

"Come I'll show you" Sairah held Leigh-Anne's hand taking her into the living room.

"Sit here. Next to me" Leigh-Anne plopped down beside her sister.

"Want these?" She asked, holding up a pack of opened fruit snacks. She began to feed her little sister but with how fast she was feeding her Leigh-Anne couldn't chew properly. She began to cough which caused the snacks to get stuck in her throat. She began to clutch at her throat.

"She's quite small"

"She is, she wasn't taken care of in previous homes. You also know about her past. So she's a bit timid and very quiet."

"Yeah, I read that. Is there anything else I need to know about her diet or anythi-"

"Mommy!! Mommy!! She's choking!!" Sairah dragged Leigh-Anne to Amina.

"Help her, help her mommy."

"I'll help her bubba. Calm down"

Amina raised her arms and began to firmly pat her back. Seconds later she spit a handful of the gummy fruit snacks into Amina's hands.

"Are you okay" Leigh-Anne stared at her.

"You know you shouldn't raise her arms if she's choking. It can make it worse. Just pat her back and if she can't breathe use the heimlich."

"Yeah, sorry I just panicked."

She picked Leigh-Anne up, taking her into the kitchen and pouring some water into a sippy.

"Take your time little one" She sat her on the counter and stood in front of her to make sure she didn't fall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to choke her."

"I know, calm down. You're not in trouble"

"Why doesn't she talk or cry, mommy?"

"I don't know bubba. She's just a little shy. She'll start talking to us soon"

"Does she have to learn how to talk?"

"I'm not too sure love. We have to wait and see."  Leigh-Anne held her arms up to be held.

"Come on." She brought Leigh-Anne to the living room where she pressed play so sairah could finish watching her movie and she could sign the paperwork. Once everything was signed the social worker left, leaving the three home alone.

"Do you want to watch something Leigh-Anne?" Sairah asked, trying to be nice.

"It's okay bubba. You can watch Shrek"

"Mmkay" While sairah watched the movie Leigh-Anne cuddled into Amina.

"Are you cold bubba?" She asked the girl in her lap but Sairah answered instead.

"No I'm okay mama" Amina smiled. 

"What about you, Leigh-Anne. Are you cold, love?"

She didn't answer, she only pushed herself into Amina more.

The next few hours was spent watching movies and playing around. 

"You're it Leigh-Anne!" Sairah lightly shoved her sister.

"Be careful Sairah. Just tag her, don't shove."

"She's not hurt mama"

"I know but let's just be more careful please"

"Tag. You're it"

"Much better.  Thank you" she gave the six year old a thumbs up when she tagged Leigh-Anne. 

She smiled running off.

"Go get her. Go get you're sissy" Leigh-Anne smiled as well, clumsily running after her sister.

Amina turned off the fire when she heard the door again.

She checked the video feed.

"Can I help you?"

"Package for a um . . . Aminata-"

"Yes. You can leave it on the porch thank you" He nodded scanning the barcode before making his way back to the truck. She found it strange that he wasn't in uniform. She left it there so Jamie could bring it in.

As she turned around to go back in the kitchen she heard a splat. It was a kid hitting the marble tile floors.

"Are you okay, baby?" She waited to see of Leigh-Anne would get up on her own which she didn't. She just sat there.

"She's okay mama" Sairah picked her up and began chasing her again. She found the girls behavior a bit bizarre but ignored it.

Once she finished dinner Jamieson announced that he was home.


"Hi Mimma, were you good for mama?"

"Yes. I was."

"Very good. What did you do today?"

"I watched Shrek with mama"

"Again" She nodded with a big smile.

"And I played with Leigh-Anne and Mommy"

"Did you? She's here?"

"Uh huh. Mama's giving her a bath"

"Okay, did you take a bath already?"

" I'll take one after dinner."

"No. You know you're supposed to wash up before dinner. Come on" Sairah led the way. Jamie removed his shoes and Jacket before following her upstairs.

"Give me" Sairah picked up her clothes giving them to her dad before getting in the tub. He checked the water to make sure it wasn't too hot.

"Wash up good don't forget behind your ears and between your toes. Everywhere. Yes?"

"Yes papa" Sairah chuckled and began bathing herself while Jamie ran their clothes downstairs to the laundry room. He took a quick shower himself and got dressed before going to find Sairah some Pajamas.

"Your clothes are on the counter, Mimma"

"Thank you papa"

"You're welcome."

Jamie went to find his wife and new child.

"What's wrong?" Amina asked Leigh-Anne when she tensed up. She pointed behind her and she turned around.

"Oh, hey babe. How did it go?"

"I don't really want to talk about it"

"Okay. Well this is Leigh-Anne. Leigh-Anne this is my husband, who I've been telling you about. Do you want to say hi?" She shook her head. 

"Can you wave? He's very nice,  i promise"

Leigh-Anne waved shyly before hiding her face.

"Hello there,  I'm Jamieson.  You're safe around me. I won't hurt you"

She clung to Amina which made Jamie frown. 

"Dont feel a way. She hasn't said anything to anyone yet."

"She's never spoken?"

"I don't know about before but not since being here, no."

"Do you think she's mute?"

"No. I think she might just be a little shy. She is around new people." She stood setting Leigh-Anne on her hip and took her downstairs. Jamie followed close behind.

"Do you think that. . .  I don't know. Maybe she's a little challenged. . . No offense. I'm not trying to be rude."

"If she is?"

"It doesn't change anything or how I feel about her, I'm just curious. She doesn't talk or anything. Isn't she four?"

"She just turned four and I don't know. Let's not push anything on her. Just because she doesn't speak doesn't mean she's challenged." Amina sighed as she set the table with her one free hand.

"Can I have juice mommy?" Sairah asked, taking her seat at the table.

"No bubba. You've already had a cup of juice today."


Amina shook her head ending that.

"You can have milk or water with your dinner."

"Chocolate milk?"

"No. A plain cup of milk or a cup of water."

" Then I don't want anything!! I'm not hungry!" She pushed the plate away, knocking over the cup.

"Okay." Amina removed the plate, bowl, cup and utensils from in front of her daughter. She obviously wasn't going to let her go hungry but she also wasn't going to let her destroy her dishes and make a scene.

She set it on the counter and sat down, sitting Leigh-Anne beside her.

"You can make your plate babe" Jamie nodded. He usually made his plate last because he ate more than his wife and child combined.

"Do you know what this is?" Leigh-Anne shook her head putting her thumb in her mouth.

"Lets taste it" Amina held the small kids fork twirling a bit of pasta on it before blowing it and putting it up to her mouth.

"That's icky, dont do that. Say ah." She pulled her finger out of her mouth.

"Good girl. Do you like it?" When Leigh-Anne nodded she put some on a plate for her. She made her own plate before looking at her older daughter who had her head down on the table.

"Are you hungry, Sairah?"

"No" she grumbled, not bothering to pick her head up. Amina left her alone.

She fed Leigh-Anne little by little before feeding herself.

Leigh-Anne took a hold of Amina's fork trying to feed herself.

"Are you still hungry?" Leigh-Anne nodded, holding her own fork and Aminas fork.

She put a decent amount of pasta in a small silicone bowl and put it in Leigh-Anne's lap. She ate her food occasionally glancing at Leigh-Anne, she had to get her a high chair. At least for the table.


Later that night Amina and Jamie were fast asleep but Amina wouldn't be for long.

Leigh-Anne stood by her bed tugging on her hand. She continued to tap her and pull on her until she woke up.

"Yes my love. What's wrong? Did you have an accident?" Leigh-Anne shook her head, making her sit up.

"What's wrong? Need a cuddle?" Leigh-Anne shook her head but then nodded.

She pulled Aminas hand and she got out of the bed putting on her slippers.

"The floor is cold baby, where are your socks or house shoes?" She asked picking her up. Leigh-Anne pointed to Sairahs room when she heard quiet sobs.

"Sairah?" When she opened the door the girl began to fake sleep.

"I know you're not sleeping.  Why are you crying?" Amina set Leigh-Anne down and sat on the end of sarah's bed, rubbing her back. Leigh-Anne took the time to climb back into Aminas lap she stil wanted her cuddles.

"My tummy mama"

"Your tummy hurts?"

"Yess" She cried holding her arms around her midsection.

"Your stomach hurts because you refused to eat dinner. Come eat" Amina pulled the blankets back pulling Sairah up.

"Are you hungry too baby?" Leigh-Anne nodded with a big smile.

The girls sat at the table while Amina warmed some leftovers and made some tea.

"Dont eat like that. Take your time" She warned Sairah when she began to stuff her face. She looked to her side to see Leigh-Anne doing the same with a smile and tomato sauce everywhere.

"Eat slowly" She waited for the tea to cool down before removing the tea bag and stopping to get the milk.

Was she supposed to give her six year old tea? Maybe not but her mother did and she's just fine and it put her to sleep. So why not. She checked the temperature again before screwing on the lid.

"Can we watch a movie mama?"

"Sure. We'll watch it in my room okay?" Sairah nodded, taking Leigh-Anne upstairs.

While she washed the dishes. Sairah woke Jamie up asking him to put on Shrek.

"What are you doing up mimma?"


He put the tv on and began scrolling. Leigh-Anne jumped around excitedly when she saw the dog from her coloring book. She pointed to it and frowned when he passed it. She walked over to the TV stand tapping where she saw the cartoon. She sat down in front of the tv. She was interested in it.

"You're going to go blind, baby" Amina put her in the bed and handed her a sippy with warm milk. Once everyone was in the bed Amina closed her eyes. It was Jamie's turn. Or so she thought.  Sairah was laying on him watching Shrek 2 again while Leigh-Anne made herself comfortable on Amina. She sat on her stomach sipping her milk.

If this was her new life, she was one thousand percent okay with it.

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