when we were young (JEM#1)

By spicytuna22

31.8K 1.5K 243

Jamie Ashanti Robinson had worked hard to get where she is being a young black lawyer in New York when an opp... More



712 40 3
By spicytuna22

"I missed you." Kareem mumbled holding her tightly.

Chuckling a bit Jamie held him as the two of them rocked side to side.

"Missed you too Reem."

Still holding her he went straight to her lips, Leaving a soft peck.

Jamie stared a bit shocked not expecting him to do that. They never had a conversation about where they stood after they had slept together.

"Kareem we need to talk." she said as she stepped out their hug, much to his disdain.

Walking to his couch she took a seat setting her purse down beside her. Looking at him expectantly Kareem took the hint and followed suit by sitting next to her.

Turning towards him she was immediately given his undived attention. Starring at his coffee coloured eyes she took a deep breath before starting the much needed conversation.

"Kareeem where do we stand relationship wise?" she asked picking at her nails.

"Why do you mean?" he questioned grabbing her hands in his to keep her from damaging them.

"I mean, I consider you someone important in my life, someone I don't want to lose so I don't want to ruin our relationship by doing more of your not serious about." she took a pause to gauge his reaction. "Im not forcing into something your not ready for, especially since all that's happening but I can't keep doing this it feels to much like I'm taking advantage of your sensitive state and forcing sex on you." finally taking a moment to breathe she stared back at her hands that were tightly clutched in his.

Thinking over what Jamie he took in everything from her point of view. They got close each other, caught feelings than ghosted one another out of fear and miscommunications than suddenly she's back at his side as emotional support only for it to escalate into something much more. Anyone could mistake there situation as her taking the fact that he was emotionally unstable and using it to her advantage.

But that would be wrong as he had always had feeling for her. And those feelings intensified when she became his shoulder to cry on. In his opinion them sleeping together was much overdue and only made such feeling more profound . The sexual tension had always been there for them but the need to keep it friendly stuck longer than anticipated.

"Jamie you didn't force anything on me. I'm the one who initiated it. If anything I took advantage of you." he said chuckling.

"I want to be with you but I feel like my mental state would just ruin everything before it even starts."

"Dont say that!" she interrupted.

"Let me finish." he smiled. "If it's not to much to ask would you wait for me till I'm ready? Cause I don't think you know how truly bad I want you."

"Okay, I guess I could wait a little longer. I've been waiting damn eighteen years  already. What's another few months?" she dragged out dramatically rolling her eyes with a smile.

"Good, cause I don't like to share."


Pictures of Darius Gray's funeral surfaced on the internet a week after the funeral.

The funeral was open to the community so anyone could come without an invite. But people exploited that right by taking pictures of Kareem without his knowledge.

There  were pictures of him sitting with his family in the church.  Another set of pictures from when he ran out whilst experiencing a panic attack. And finally, pictures of him and Jamie sitting on the steps.

The desperation people felt to know if they were a couple was maddening.

The mixed reactions from the public was the real star of the show. Some say Jamie was exactly what he needed in such a hard time whilst other say women will be the downfall of Kareem Gray, especially after his previous scandal came to light.

"Those people are grimmy as hell for taking pictures of Uncle Darius's funeral when their their was literally a sign on the door that said no pictures." Chance ranted as paced around Jamie's office with his iPad in his had scrolling through the pictures.

He couldn't make it to the funeral but from what everyone was telling him it was a mess and now that pictures are out rumours are starting and are causing distress to everyone but Jamie and Kareem.

"How are you not fuming right now? Your literally being dragged through dog shit on Twitter right now." he questioned whilst showing her the screen. To which she only glances at before continuing her work.

" I really don't care."

Rolling his eyes at her non-challant ass he moved from his iPad to his phone where his family group chat was blowing up.  Chance is related to kareeen through his mother meaning he heard all about how she got her ass Beat expadisouly at the funeral and made a fool out of her self by even showing up where she wanst wanted.

Even though she was his aunty everyone including her siblings, parents and friends agreed she had no right showing up with her her husband after everything she did to Darius.

Reading through The messags he let out a loud laugh when his cousin sent the video of her getting dragged. The video was about two minutes long and was a compete shit show as everyone was trying to get the two women separated from each other which caused more chaos.

Not paying any mind to her friend Jamie worked diligently on preparing for an upcoming case by securing all the facts and statements. She was extremely tired and wanted to finish her work up quick so she could go home and sleep.

Nearing the final stretch of her work Jamies phone interrupted her flow.

Rolling her eyes she looked at the text that was left for her.

Cairo: give me your friends number.

Jamie: why?

Cairo: cause she's fine as hell and I want her number.

Jamie: fine whatever.

Sending Essences's number she went to her text thread with Essence to let her know.

Jamie: I gave Cairo  your number

Essence: thank you Jesus! Doing the lords work🤭

Laughing at the message Jamie went back to work as she dreamt about her bed.


Good night

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