Sneak Peeks

By A_stronot

1.4K 70 31

Somewhere for me to keep all my ideas organized, but also give you all a sneak peek? you know, let me know if... More

In the rain.
The Journalist
The Soldier
What about her? [Alternative]
What about her [Alternative pt.2]
Her Ex-Wife
Family vacation
The book room
Another Dime Bag [ What about her?Extra]
TNG [extra]
Little one
lead dancer
Jades gone
Jades gone 2
No Dad?
Told You So [Extra]
Alternative School
What About Her [Extra]
Mommy Wars
Baba stole her
Painfully broke
Cold War [4]
Supernova [2]
Danger to Society [2]
Real mom
Told you so alternative
Told you so [alternative]
Told You So
Her Nanny
Her nanny [2]
Sweet 16 GW
Hybrids in NY
more tys stuff
bahb little extra
tys prequel
Mom's new BF
Dad's new GF
Amir's First Kiss
What about her Alternative [2]
Hybrid Camp
Hybrid book
New Academy
Polar Opposites
Hybrid Camp 2
WAH extra
⚠️I'll make sure of it ⚠️
Drinking Buddies
New Academy

Danger to Society

22 1 0
By A_stronot

[If you all couldn't tell. I really want to write a superhero book]

Soon as the headmaster opened the door the seven year old ran over to her parents with tears in her eyes.

Damian picked his daughter up and Samara wipes her eyes asking her what's wrong. She didn't say anything she just hid her face in her father's neck.

"I'm sorry. She's too young and too reckless. She's not aware of her full potential yet. You can try bringing her back when she turns sixteen."

"How are we supposed to manage her powers"

"They're special abilities that are affected by her mood, attitude and temper. So therapy. She's short tempered and she will end up hurting someone. You need to keep her locked up and away from other children. She's a danger to society."

"She's seven"

"Yeah and imagine when she turns seventeen." Samara rolled her eyes taking Leigh-Anne from Damian.

"Dont cry bubba"

"I'm going to hurt everybody!" Samara frowned. They did keep her in a secluded area, but that's because they lived in a secluded area before they got her.

"No you're not."

"I am. That's why I have to wear this" She raised her left wrist that had a fitted cuff on it.

Once they got to the car Samara sat in the passenger with her daughter in her lap. She inspected the cuff before trying to take it off.

"Owww. No mama!"

"What happened??"

"It hurts"

"Okay. I'm sorry. Mama's sorry but we have to get this off of you."

"How?" She looked up at her mother with teary eyes.

Samara held Leigh-Anne's right hand in hers.

"Make a small flame for mama please."

"I can't"


"I can't"

"Yes you can. Try for me" Leigh-Anne closed her eyes to focus but couldn't seem to create a flame. She opened her eyes when the car door opened.

"They said she has potential so I think we can bring her back when she's older"

"She's not. I'm not bringing her back."

Damain didn't question it. He drove them home, once there Leigh-Anne ran to her bedroom, closing and locking her door.

"I don't get the big deal"

"They put a stainless steel cuff on her wrist and labeled her a danger to society."

"She's unpredictable babe, we never know what's next with her. Besides we had cuffs for a few years"

"Its different. We were teenagers. She's seven. She doesn't know why all the kids run away from her at the playground. I'm sure her feelings are just hurt and that's why she's always heated or on fire. When she's happy she can control it. I'm going to go check on her" Damian nodded following his wife. She knocked before trying to open the door. She could hear her flesh sizzle as she touched the door knob but she couldn't feel it.

"Can mama and papa come in bub?"

"No. Go away"

"We just want to talk, love. You're not in trouble." Damian tried.


"Why not"

"I don't want to hurt you. Im a monster!" Their hearts began to ache hearing the little girl sob uncontrollably.

"Can mommy give you a hug and make you feel all better?" Samara backed up pulling Damian back with her.

A moment later the door unlocked but she didn't open it.

Samara pushed the door open.

"Awww, Leigh-Anne." She cooed seeing her sit in the middle of her bedroom surrounded by a ring of blue flames. She stepped in hugging her daughter. Damian joined in. They held her as she cried and cried.

"We want you to know that you are not a monster. You have a gift. You're gifted Leigh-Anne.  No one else can do what you do. Yes fire can be dangerous but not if you know what you're doing.  You're still young and figuring everything out so don't worry if you can't control all of your abilities right now. You're only seven years old."

"But I do more bad than good."

"Like what?"

"Set everything on fire and melt everything and release bad gas and smoke into the air and chemicals toxins and kill everyone."

"You don't kill everyone bubba and people don't die here that why we have Ms. Rose who looks like she just rolled out of the casket" Damian rubbed his arm where Samara pinches him. Both smiled when Leigh-Anne laughed a little bit.

"Maybe you burn a lit of stuff but you also do good. Like warming us up when we're cold or protecting us and giving us little light shows."

"You like them?"

"Yes, we love your light shows baby."

"I can't do it with this on" She pulled at the cuff making the blade pierce her skin.

"You're going to hurt yourself."

"Its almost off" She continued to pull and with each tug it went deeper into her skin.

"Why won't it come off!!" She began to get mad and her hands began to warm up. A few minutes later the copper cuff was melting off. Burning through the carpet that it fell onto.

"There you go, good Job bubba!"

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