Dark Places (ONGOING)

By me6012

90.1K 2K 268

^Previously known as (Still Trying) or (Loving Via)^ Started- January 15th 2023 Complete- ongoing "Still try... More

It is Stupidity
Biological Family
Mama and Papa
Beat by a Girl
The Mall
Seen Something Horrifying
Beyond Pissed
Hell Hounds
What's Your Name?
21 Questions
What the Fuck Have You Done to Her?!
Torture and Chicken Alfredo
Go on a Date With Me
Meanest Child Showing Affection
I Promised We Would Do It Together
Oh Shit
I Miss You
Well here we go
I Wasn't Mad
Alexander & River
223 None of Your Business Street
Story Time
Do You Love Her?
The date
The Date - Part 2
Gunshot wound #3
Dr.Pepper, Oreos, and Gremlins
No Way
I Love You
I Love You - Part 2
Be Quiet
Ignored Them For a Reason
High Koala
Angry Breakfast
Found Out
So Many Questions Not Enough Answers
End of It
Not a Chapter


1.1K 32 6
By me6012


"Lay down with me," Octavia asks, I want to but I don't want to hurt her. My love has three different gunshot wounds on her and she isn't slightly affected and that worries me. "Please" she begs after I didn't move or say anything. I knew she wouldn't let it go and I really did want to lay with her.

I gently picked her up, laying her in between my legs with her upper body laying on mine.

She wraps her arms around me while I pull both of my hands up to run my fingers through her hair. After I know she's asleep, I fall asleep right after.


I woke up to something moving, opening my eyes I see Octavia squirming around, sweating, and breathing heavily. She starts yelling a bunch of pleads, not five minutes later my parents and brothers, Killian, the twins, and Octavia's parents run into the room. Ignoring them, I pull her head up against my chest so she can hear my heartbeat, which is really fast right now. I hate seeing her in this state. She stops yelling and moving, simply she just goes back to sleep.

"She didn't take her sleeping medication did she?" Mr. Antonov asks me. "No, she doesn't have them with her." I tell him. From all the talking Octavia wakes up and sees everyone in here and then looked at me. I knew what she wanted and I can understand how she's feeling. "Can everyone leave please?" I ask them as nicely as possible, looking back at her and smiling.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, it's time for dinner and I have a surprise." my mother says grinning. Octavia sighs and literally climbs on my back, laying her chin on my shoulder. "Can I borrow your clothes?" she asks me. "You don't even have to ask that baby" I tell her before I slide off the bed, standing up and securing her legs around my waist. I feel her breathing on my neck, giving me goosebumps. I walk us to my room and sit her on the bed, she sprawls out like a starfish making me laugh.

I go to the closet and change into black sweatpants with a black shirt and I get Octavia black sweatpants and a grey shirt. After I'm changing I walk back out and see her staring at the ceiling. "Do you want me to help you change?" I ask her knowing she could rip her stitches again. She nods and I'm happy she does because I like to help her.

I go to take my hoodie off of her and she shakes her head no, 'I want to wear this hoodie," she says pouting. I kiss the corner of her mouth making her smile before I take off the sweatpants that she wore over to my place yesterday. I put my black sweatpants on her before I sit back down so she can climb on my back again. She starts playing with my hair as I'm walking us down to dinner. I know I look weird having her on me but I like to have her close to me. No one in the house has said anything about her age or mine and honestly it's not even that far apart.

I walk into the dining room and immediately stop in my tracks. My extended family is here. Mother and Father failed to mention this and Via, yes I'm calling her either Via or baby because she has a longish name. Anyway I don't want to overwhelm her, she just met my parents and was shot. So I walked back out and let her get down so we could talk face to face.

"Was that your entire family?" she whisper-yells with wide eyes. "Yes, Via that was my entire family," I respond just as shocked. "I didn't know they were here Via, we can either go in there and you could meet them or if it's to overwhelming we can go back upstairs and I can call someone to bring our dinner up," I tell her seriously while holding the sides of her face.

"It's not that it's too overwhelming, what if they don't like me?" she asks me like that is her life's biggest problem. "Baby they'll love you and if they don't then I don't care and neither should you because you aren't going anywhere," I tell her and softly kiss her. She takes a deep breath before nodding her head, it makes me happy that she is willingly to meet my family even if she is caught completely off guard.

We were literally trying to get to know each other on that date but boom, were ambushed and pushed to the next level of meeting the parents. I grab her hand before we walk back into the dining room. As soon as we walked in I heard Killian yell, "Noo" everyone looked at him funny.

"The twins and I made a bet whether or not Octavia would come back and I betted she wouldn't come back," Killian says slumping in his chair. Via has an offensive look on her face, "Okay then Elliot do you wish for me to leave?" she asked sarcastically. "Noo" Killian and the twins yelled, making everyone including Via and myself laugh.

Via goes stiff for a moment, I think she seen something before sits at the other end of the table with Maxim on her right and I sadly have to sit at the other side of the table because I am also the Don. Everyone but the twins, Via's parents, Killian and myself don't look confused by her sitting there. I'm glad that out of everyone here my dad asks the question because he isn't as rude. My father sits to my right and Killian sits to my left.

My father clears his throat getting everyone's attention, "Maxim why is your daughter sitting at the head of the table instead of you?" he asks politely which I don't think he could have asked any nicer. My uncle Tobias finally fully faces her and makes his presence known, "Collin your asking the wrong question right now," he says glaring at my baby. I wanted to say something but she shook her head at me, telling me not to.

"So Tobias, how is your injuries? Last time you arrested me I beat ya up pretty bad don't ya think?" she smirked at him. My eyes grow wide cause like what the fuck. He is my uncle and she is my girl, I'm not picking sides.

"So, Octavia how are your wrists? It's only been a few weeks since I arrested you four times in one week, you'd think at this point your wrists would have permanent hand-cuff marks," Uncle Tobias says glaring at her. No one says anything, maybe because everyone knows Via is a bit crazy or because they want to see how this plays out.

"Officer Tobias!" Via exclaims in offense, "It is highly disrespectful to ask a lady about her wrists, do you ask all ladies about their wrists?" she asks him sarcastically. Uncle Tobias looks pissed, "So sorry demon child I keep forgetting your a lady and not a fucking monster, do you know how many calls I get about you a day? I am STILL getting calls about you and you don't even live there anymore," he exclaims. I think he is going crazy. I see Oliver grab both of the girls, like he's ready to protect them at any moment, I see Alexander give him a sad, knowing look before looking away.

Via's body stiffens before her face goes completely blank, "Tobias, what have we talked about calling me a monster? Monsters are weak, deceitful people who prey on people for their down fall, I am not weak, maybe I am a little deceitful but I do not hurt or torment innocent people, and what happened we used to be such good friends," she says calmly which is fucking scary. I haven't seen her like this before.

"Why are you still pretending like I didn't see you kill that man?!" Uncle Tobias yells, making both me and Via stand before she yells back, "Because you fucking idiot he was going to kill you to get to me, you had me in lock up you dumb fuck. If he killed you all he had to do was get the keys off of your corpse and get me so yes Tobias I picked the lock and got myself out, I stabbed him over and over before I slit his throat and guess the fuck what? I enjoyed every second of it until your loud ass mouth started yelling for help, you lucky that Oliver and Zelda had got there in time to fix that mess or I would have had to kill you too!" she yells at him. By the time she is done he looks guilty.

"I wasn't and still am not just some deranged child that kills just anybody for fun, the Irish made me into that person but I am not her and I will not be labeled as her, she was the monster but you never met her so it's best we keep it that way." Via says before sitting back down.

"Oh, Collin to answer your question, I'm sitting here because I am the Russian Donna," after Octavia said this the maids brought out the dinner, I guess they were waiting for us to stop fighting.

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