SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Ci...

By LordYeager_55

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Sword Art Online: A world of swords, adventure, and fun. But everything changed on November 6th, 2022. On tha... More

Aincrad Pt. 1: The World of Swords
Aincrad Pt. 2: Illfang the Kobold Lord
Aincrad Pt. 3: Red-nosed Reindeer
Aincrad Pt. 4: Firelink Shrine
Aincrad Pt. 5: High wall of Lothric & Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Aincrad Pt. 6: Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Aincrad Pt. 7: Oceiros the Consumed King
Aincrad Pt. 8: Champion Gundyr
Aincrad Pt. 9: The secret is out
Aincrad Pt. 10: The Ashen One
Aincrad Pt. 11: The Abyss Watchers
Aincrad Pt. 12: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley & Pontiff Sulyvahn
Aincrad Pt. 13: Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Aincrad Pt. 15: The duel
Aincrad Pt. 16: Archdragon Peak & Ancient Wyvern
Aincrad Pt. 17: The Nameless King
Aincrad Pt. 18: Lost love
Aincrad Pt. 19: Calm before the storm
Aincrad Pt. 20: Laughing Coffin
Aincrad Pt. 21: The Blue-Eyed Demon
Aincrad Pt. 22: The Twin Princes
Aincrad Finale: Soul of Cinder
Epilogue: A new family

Aincrad Pt. 14: Yhorm the Giant

446 8 19
By LordYeager_55

A week later, the assault team cleared the Irithyll Dungeon. The tight halls and enemies waiting to ambush us around every corner proved to be far more difficult than I had anticipated.

Reaching the Profaned Capital wasn't much easier, seeing as how everyone aside from a select few was impatient. After my fight with Lind, he pulled his guild out of the assault team. We were down by 50 men because of that. It only added to the anxiety everyone was already feeling.

Kirito: All the work we did to get here seems pointless when you consider the difficulty level this boss poses.

"Yhorm is not without his challenges. For one, the weapon you need to defeat him is at the back of the arena, near his throne. Second, the charge time for the skill is insanely long" I said

Asuna: how long exactly?

"Around 15 seconds," I said

Koharu: that's not too bad.

"You're missing the point. Yhorm is obscenely fast when he gets going. You will have little to no time to charge the skill before he's on top of you. It would help if you timed dodges, charges, and attacks accordingly. It would also be ideal if the damage dealer is fast as well" I said

Kirito: who do we have that has the stat requirements and speed to use the weapon?

"Asuna, how high is your agility?" I asked

Asuna: it's at max level.

"And your strength?" I asked

Asuna: 25.

"That's not good enough. It needs to be at least 30. What about you Koharu?" I asked

Koharu: they're both at 50.

"Are you willing to wield it? If not then I'll do it" I said

Koharu: I've got this. Don't worry.

"Just making sure," I said

Asuna: we've planned out who'll use the weapon, now we just need to figure out a strategy. U/n, you said that the arena is narrow, correct?

"Yes. It's not particularly small, but we won't be able to defeat Yhorm with an entire raid group. The weapon has a wide range of attack and if there were to be any soldiers in its path, they'd get obliterated" I said

Kirito: What should we do then?

"Talk to the other guild leaders and see what they think. A raid group of about 20 is more than enough. We can't have any more than that or there will be definite casualties" I said

Kirito: Understood. I'll talk to Klein and Agil.

Asuna: And I'll talk to the commander. He may even be persuaded to let me lead the raid group.

"Good. Meet back here at our place when you're done" I said

Kirito/Asuna: Understood.

They both left to inform the guilds of the plan for Yhorm. I sat back against the railing of my and Koharu's little cabin. It was on Floor 22 not far from a rather large lake. Since the assault team was on Floor 69, there was no one around. The peaceful sounds of the water and the birds were therapeutic.

(A/n: I think I used therapeutic right? feel free to correct me if I didn't.)

Koharu: It's beautiful isn't it?

"Yeah. Did you know that this is Aincrad's best season?" I asked

Koharu: How so?

"The warmth of the sun, the cool breeze, the sounds of nature, etc. It's all designed to make SAO feel as real as humanly possible. It wouldn't be a VRMMO if Kayaba hadn't programmed it this way." I said

Koharu: Huh, now that I think about it, you're right.

"Aren't I always though?" I joked

Koharu(laughs): Sounds like someone's cocky.

"Oh? Well if I'm cocky then what does that make you? You follow me wherever I go" I said

Koharu: You're impossible sometimes.

"You like that about me though, do you not?" I asked

Koharu: Maybe.

"Anyway, what's on the menu for lunch today? Anything you need me to buy?" I asked

Koharu: No, but thanks for offering. I've got everything I need right here.

"Okay. I'm gonna visit Agil. I've got some stuff I need to get rid of and he's the man to go to" I said

Koharu: Just make sure you aren't gone for too long.

"I won't," I said

We both went inside. I equipped my gear and made sure everything I wanted to sell was in my inventory and not the item storage. Once I was ready I went to the door to leave, but Koharu stopped me.

Koharu: Before you go, I wanted to say something.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked

Koharu: Laughing Coffin has been eerily silent for a while now, and I-

"You're worried about me aren't you?" I said

Koharu(sighs): Am I that transparent?

"Sometimes. Look, I'll be okay. I promise. There's nothing they can throw at me that I can't handle. If anything, they should be afraid of me after what I did to them when I rescued you" I said

Koharu: I know you can protect yourself, but that still doesn't abate my worries every time you go out alone.

"I know. Tell you what, I'll get some of that fruit you like on my way back, okay? How does that sound?" I asked

Koharu: That sounds wonderful. Thanks U/n. You're the best!

"I try," I said

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. I looked at her in awe as her face became flushed. We looked at each other before quickly looking away.

Koharu: It's for luck.

"I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself while I'm gone" I said

Koharu: I will.

I flashed a smile before opening the door and heading out.

(3rd pov)

As Koharu watched U/n leave, she realized something. Her worry for his safety wasn't just because she wanted him to return unharmed. It was something else.

Koharu(in mind): What is this feeling? Do-Do I love him? No, that can't be right. We've barely known each other for a year. I can't be in love with him. Besides, he probably doesn't feel the same. Even if he did, what would I say? Would I have the courage to give him the answer he wanted? I should talk to someone about this and get a second opinion.

Koharu opened up her menu and tapped on her friend list before scrolling and stopping on the name she was looking for. After typing a message, she closed her menu and waited for a response.

(U/n pov)

I walked through the bustling streets of Algade while I made my way toward Agil's shop. I soon reached an alleyway on my right side and turned to go down it. At the very end was a sign hanging above a door. It read "Agil's trading emporium".

Someone walked out carrying a spear while muttering something about being ripped off. I chuckled under my breath, knowing that Agil had pawned off the spear on purpose. He loved to pull jokes on his unsuspecting customers and sell them less-than-ideal gear. He wasn't so cruel as to sell defective equipment that would lead to the demise of a fellow player.

I went inside and saw the familiar black coat of my first friend. Kirito was at the counter trying to sell a chunk of meat.

"Yo," I said

Agil: Ah, U/n. Kirito was just telling me about the plans for the next boss.

"Yeah. It's going to require a smaller raid party than usual due to space restraints in the arena. I'll make sure to save some space for you" I said

Agil: Always the generous one. Thanks, man.

"Don't mention it. So Kirito, what is it you're trying to sell here?" I asked

Kirito: After I messaged Klein and informed him of the plan, I was walking through a forest when I heard a sound. Taking a throwing knife, I spotted a Ragout Rabbit. It dropped this chunk of meat. Since I can't cook it, I was trying to sell it.

"Why not ask Asuna?" I asked

Asuna: Ask me what?

We both turned toward the entrance and saw Asuna standing there with another member of her guild.

Kirito: Nothing.

Asuna: Come on, tell me.

"He got some Ragout Rabbit meat," I said

Asuna: You what?!

She grabbed Kirito by the collar and forced him to look at her. He started shaking and sweating profusely. Asuna could be scary when she wanted to be. There were times when you didn't want to tick her off, and this was one of them. Kirito would have to choose his next words carefully.

Kirito: It's true. I found it while walking through the forest. Since I can't cook it, I was gonna sell it.

Asuna let him go and placed her hands on her hips before looking him in the eye.

Asuna: I'll cook it for you then.

Kirito: How?

Asuna: If you must know, I maxed out my cooking skill last week. I can cook it for you, no problem.

Kirito: Well, if you insist.

Asuna: Good. U/n, you and Koharu are welcome to join us.

"As much as I'd like that, Koharu and I already have plans. I was just coming here to sell some stuff real quick before heading back. Sorry" I said

Asuna: It's alright. If anything, this is the perfect time for you two to finally confess to each other. What's keeping you?

"First of all, it's not like that. Second, that's none of your business. Third, I could say the same thing about you and Kiri" I said

Kirito: Dude, I told you to stop using that nickname. It's stupid.

"Sucks to suck," I said

Asuna: Well if you aren't coming, that's more for us then.

KotB guard: Lady Asuna, I must protest. Why are you willingly allowing a beater into your home? His kind is all but a piece. They're selfish, egotistical, and irresponsible.

Asuna: That's enough Kuradeel. What I do during my free time is my own business. Kirito is a trusted ally and friend. I will not have you insulting him. Is that understood?

Kuradeel: Yes ma'am, but my opinion still stands.

Asuna: So does mine. Kirito and I are having dinner together tonight and that's final. You are relieved of your post for the rest of the day.

Kuradeel: Im afraid that's not possible ma'am. I was ordered to guard you at all times.

"Back off man. That order doesn't include following her home and standing guard outside it. She'll be in a safe zone and Kirito is more than capable of defending her, not that she needs protection, mind you" I said

Kuradeel: Silence, beater. I did not ask for or need your input.

Asuna: Kuradeel! Thats enough. Follow the orders I've given you or I will be forced to approach the commander about this. Do I make myself clear?

Kuradeel(defeated): Yes.

Asuna: Good. You may return to headquarters effective immediately.

Kuradeel: Listen and listen good, beater. If anything happens to Lady Asuna, I'll have your head.

Kirito: Yeah yeah. No need to threaten me.

Kuradeel scoffed and flung his cape dramatically before walking out. He scowled at me before going out the door.

Agil: Damn, you've even got beta haters within your guild? Thats rough.

Asuna: It's annoying. Everyone that hates the betas has no idea just how misplaced their hatred is. Let's go Kirito.

Kirito: Right. See you guys later.

Agil: Aight, see you.

"Have fun" I said

Asuna: Oh, we will.

She grabbed Kirito's hand before dragging him out. Agil and I watched until they left the shop.

Agil: That was interesting. Now what can I do for you U/n?

"I just want to sell some junk items," I said

Agil: Okay. Let's see em.

I opened my inventory and dumped a pile of weapons and armor on the counter. It was a mixture of everything I'd gathered over the past few days during one of my grinding sessions.

Agil: Damn man, how you spend hours on end and come out with this much stuff is beyond me. But hey, I'm not one to judge since all of this sells well. I'll transfer the Col after I close up shop for the day.

"Sounds good," I said

Agil: Anything else I can do for you?

"I need your advice about something. You said you're married irl, right?" I asked

Agil smirked at me with a knowing look. I could tell he knew exactly what this was about. He began chuckling a bit.

Agil: I gotta say, man, you with feelings for a girl? That's something I never thought id see. Is it who I think it is?

"Yeah," I said

Agil: Im just gonna say it, don't try to come up with some lavish scheme and reveal your feelings at the tail end. That's too much work for what you're trying to do. Just be honest with her and lay everything out. Sometimes that's all it takes. You do not need to spend a ton of money on dinner or flowers. That comes later once you start dating.

"It's that easy?" I asked

Agil: It's that easy. Now go get her. I've got faith in you.

"Thanks, Agil. And here I was brainstorming a way to tell her" I said

Agil: No problem. Let me know how it goes next time you come in.

"I will," I said

I waved goodbye as I walked out of the shop. Agil responded in kind. The whole way to the teleporter, I was psyching myself up. The next words I'd say to Koharu would make or break our relationship thus far. I wasn't getting my hopes up too high, but I sincerely hoped it would work out.

Once I warped back to Floor 22, I got a message. Upon opening my menu, I saw that the sender was Koharu. She was asking if we could talk once I got back. My heart began racing as I read it. There was a chance she wanted to talk about what I was going to say when I stepped foot inside our cabin. When I reached it, I took a deep breath before exhaling.

*You can do this. The worst she could say is that she doesn't feel the same.* I thought

I opened the door and walked inside. Immediately, a wonderful smell hit my nose. I put my armor back on the stand in my room and switched to my casual clothing before going into the dining room. There was a delicious-looking meal set on the table and Koharu was seated at her place.

Koharu: Welcome back U/n.

"Glad to be back. This looks delicious" I said

Koharu: Im glad. I made it just for you.

"Thanks. I mean it" I said

Koharu: We'll talk after we eat, okay?

"Got it," I said

Once we'd finished eating and the dishes were cleaned, we went to the living room. I could tell she was nervous because I was feeling the same way.

"So I was-" I started

Koharu: I-

We looked at each other, trying to figure out who should go first.

Koharu: You first.

"Oh, alright then," I said

I breathed in and out again. It was now or never.

"Koharu, I'm just going straight to the point because I do not believe in dodging around what I want to say," I said

Koharu: What is it?

"I like you, and not just as a friend. I have feelings for you and I've had them for a long time now. I first realized this not long after we began our partnership. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid that it would ruin our relationship" I said


"If you don't feel the same way, then I understand. I just wanted to get this off my chest" I said

Koharu: U/n, be honest with me. Why do you feel this way?

"I feel the way I do for several reasons. I think you're beautiful, smart, your battle skills are incredible, and you're the best partner I could ask for. You've also been there for me when I've gone through hard times. It's because of all that that I fell for you" I said

Koharu: I see. Well, I guess there's only one thing I need to do now.

"And that is?" I asked

Koharu: This.

She got up from her spot, walked over to me, and placed her lips on mine. I was shocked at first since I wasn't expecting it, but I quickly reciprocated it. Seemingly acting on its own, my hand touched her cheek as the kiss deepened. It lasted for a few seconds before we separated. We were both blushing madly. Personally, I was still in shock.

Koharu: That saved me the trouble of having to say it. I like you too, U/n. No, that's incorrect. I love you.

"I love you too Koharu," I said

I stood up and hugged her tightly. It wasn't like before when she'd initiated it to comfort me after I explained my past. This time it was out of love and adoration. I'd fallen in love with my partner and friend. I'd confessed my feelings and found out that she felt the same way I did.

Koharu: So does this make us a couple now?

"I think so. If that's what you want us to be" I said

Koharu: Yes, more than anything. I want to stay with you and remain in your arms forever.

"Then I'll never let you go. I promise I'll always be there for you. As your comrade and boyfriend," I said

Koharu: And I'll do the same as I've always done, only this time as your girlfriend.

We stood in the living room of our cabin hugging each other for several minutes. I couldn't be happier than I was at that moment. Eventually, though, I let go and looked at my new girlfriend in her emerald eyes.

"As much as I'd like to stay as we were, the boss fight is coming up and I need to focus on how to direct the party as well as figure out a formation that works around you using the Storm Ruler," I said

Koharu: Right. I'll let you get to work. If you need help just let me know.

"I will, thanks," I said

She stretched upward and kissed me once more before leaving the room. I stood there for a bit, savoring the feeling of her lips on mine. It was like a dream come true. Once I got over the intense euphoria I was feeling, I got to work.


After I'd drawn up the battle plans, I sent messages to each guild leader in our alliance, letting them know that I was ready when they were. The very next day, a small party of 20 men was gathered outside of Yhorm's boss arena. Asuna had been granted permission to lead a small squad of 5 men by Heathcliff, who was also in attendance. Klein led a group of 6, including himself. aside from Kirito, Koharu, and myself, that left Agil and Kibaou with one man apiece.

"The plan is straightforward. We go in, Koharu grabs the weapon, and we defend her while drawing Yhorm's attention. When the weapon is charged, she will let us know. That's the cue to clear the area. Remember, if you get caught in the way, you'll be killed instantly. Now let's bring this giant to his knees" I said

Raid Party: Got it!

I led the group through the fog wall where Yhorm was waiting. The looming giant stood from his throne and brandished his massive machete. His eyes flashed red as he charged toward us with a roar.

Once Yhorm was defeated, the raid party dispersed and returned to their respective headquarters. Koharu and I headed back to our cabin and enjoyed a nice dinner before heading off to bed. She told me after we ate that she wasn't yet ready to begin sharing a bed at night and I respected her decision. I would wait until she was ready to take our newly formed relationship to the next level, whether it be physical intimacy or simply sharing a bed at night.

(A/n: Three lords later, U/n confessed to Koharu. I tried my best to not rush their relationship and I hope I wrote its conception in a satisfying way.)

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