Aincrad Pt. 19: Calm before the storm

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"What the fuck are you doing here, you piece of shit?" I asked

PoH: Why so serious? I just came to remind you that we're still alive and kicking.

"Cool, I don't give a shit. You have exactly five seconds to explain why you're really here before I chop your head off and send it to your lackeys in the mail" I said

PoH: Alright alright. Would you lower the sword so we can talk like men?

"If you think you can get me to lower my guard around you, think again. I'm not that stupid" I said

PoH: I can see that. Very well, since you're so insistent, I'll tell you why I'm here. I want you to join us.

"Are you out of your damn mind? What makes you think I'd ever join you?" I asked

PoH: Let's go down the list shall we? You're becoming more detached from everyone around you by the day, the guild alliance is losing both its trust and faith in you, and you've lost sight of what matters.

"Have you been sending your jackasses to spy on me? Who was it this time? XaXa or Johnny?" I asked

PoH: Neither of them. They have better things to do. You're my greatest enemy so I made it my business to keep tabs on you. That's how I knew you lived here. Not very observant are you?

"Shut up," I said

PoH: In any case, I said what I came to say.

"What happens if I say no?" I asked

PoH: Then I'll make you watch as I have my way with your girl before killing her like I should've done before. And then, once she's gone, I'll kill you slowly and painfully. You have 24 hours. If I don't hear anything by then...well, you know what'll happen. You also know I'm not bluffing. farewell, for now, Ashy. 

He turned and walked away from the door without a word. He said he knew I lived here which made me wonder just how long he'd known. If it was longer than six months, then he'd known the entire time. That meant that he could have killed Koharu at any time while I was gone and tormented me about it later. I felt so stupid for not considering the possibility. Now he was blackmailing me.

I re-equipped my armor and weapons before heading out. Regardless of the alliance's opinions of me at the moment, they needed to hear this.

(3rd pov)

PoH watched from his hiding place as U/n stormed out of the cabin and began sprinting toward the nearest village, no doubt going to warn everyone about Laughing Coffin's reemergence. Standing beside PoH, his two lieutenants, Red-Eye XaXa and Johnny Black, struggled to contain their laughter at U/n's predictability.

XaXa: Man, that guy is a total ass. He did exactly what we thought he would. I can't believe this. And to think it was all a ruse.

Johnny: Are you sure this is a good idea, boss? I'm not doubting you or anything, but I'm wondering if there was a better way to do it.

PoH: By making him think he's got a day to give me a response, he's going to frantically try to convince the assault team to come take us out. If they actually listen to him, I've prepared for a full-scale war with the assault team. Then we can force him to kill and become a murderer, causing his allies to lose faith in him completely. Then, when he's at his lowest point, we'll take turns with the girl before killing her in front of him. That'll break him utterly and completely. By then he won't even be able to fight back.

Johnny: I like it.

XaXa: Im not one for partaking in assault of that type, but I'll help with the killing part.

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