Aincrad Pt. 9: The secret is out

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(A/n: There are mentions of torture and mutilation later on, so any of you squeamish folks better leave now.)

Since Koharu and I defeated Gundyr, we hadn't been able to find the next boss. I spent all my time searching but to no avail. She actively went out on her own to look for it despite my disapproval. She had no idea what people would do to get their hands on the quest we had and the power that came with it.

It was up to me to expend any extra time searching so I could protect us both from the murderous desires of those that were so consumed by a hunger for power that they would do anything to obtain it. I knew they were out there and I knew who they were. Laughing Coffin, a murder guild, was actively increasing their numbers and brutally murdering those that refused to join them.

I vowed not to fail again and I made sure Koharu knew of these dangers. I told her every day until they were ingrained in her mind. Maybe it was my determination to keep her safe, but I'd begun harboring a strange and growing fondness for her. Whatever it was, I always made sure that if she was going somewhere alone, she had what she needed to survive. I taught her how to survive in the wilderness, how to conceal her presence and sneak around, and how to quickly and efficiently get rid of enemies.

(Two months later)

Koharu: Hey U/n, I'm going to get some maintenance done on my armor and weapons.

"Okay. Be safe" I said

Koharu(laughs): I always am, thanks to what you've taught me.

"Just making sure," I said

Koharu: Your concern is sweet, but I can handle myself.

She smiled and kissed my cheek before leaving. Once she was gone, my hand flew to where she'd kissed me.

"I wonder, does she feel the same? No, that's absurd. She's only known me for a few months. There's no way she'd-" I stopped myself

I couldn't afford to think of my partner right now. I was going to go out and search again. I wouldn't stop until I found it. I grabbed my gear from the armor stand in the living room of our shared home. Once everything was equipped, I headed out.

I passed many players in the streets, all of which stared at me as I walked by them. Whispers echoed through my ears as they tried to figure out exactly who I was. I hadn't shown my face to anyone other than Kirito, Koharu, and Asuna. Those three were the only ones who knew what I was really like. I glanced at my gauntlets and noticed that the shine had left them.

*I should get this maintained soon.* I thought

As I walked, I heard a commotion. I broke into a jog and hurried to the source, which was the town square by the teleport monument. A man was going around to anyone and everyone begging for their help, but no one listened. On a whim, I decided to help him out. I didn't have anything other than searching planned for today, so I could spare some time.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked

Player: Thank god! Listen, my entire guild was slaughtered by monster PKers. No one has listened to me. They all keep calling me insane.

"What exactly happened? Who were these people?" I asked

Player: They were led by a red-haired woman and all had orange cursors, but she had a green one. They tricked us into going into a gorge where a stampede of monsters crushed my guild underfoot. Please, help bring these murderers to justice. I'll pay whatever price you want, just please help me!

"Calm down. I'll take care of it. You don't have to worry" I said

Player: Thank you. I promise I'll make this worth your while.

SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Cinders of AincradTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon