Aincrad Pt. 18: Lost love

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With Archdragon Peak officially cleared, it was time to move on to the final area of the quest, Castle Lothric. Koharu and I had cleared the Consumed King's garden a while back, so there was no need to go back through it again.

There were only three bosses left in the quest and they were each a force to be reckoned with. Today, however, we would only be focusing on the Dragon Barracks, the Grand Archives, and the Dragonslayer Armor boss. The boss itself wasn't hard, the location in which the fight took place was the real challenge.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I opted to blitz through Lothric, kill the Dragonslayer Armor and the Twin Princes, before ultimately taking on the Soul of Cinder. However, not everyone shared my sentiment. The Unkindled Embers, as the quest came to be called, only filled so much of Aincrad and if my theory about it being the end of the steel castle was wrong, then there were still at least 25 more floors to go.

Asuna: Im telling you U/n, it's just not possible. We cant recklessly charge through unprepared and take on two bosses one after the other.

"And I'm telling you it is possible. Have you forgotten who got us this far?" I asked

Asuna: Don't go there. We all know what would've happened had you decided not to help, but what you're asking of these guilds is impossible.

"You have no idea just how wrong you are. This entire quest was designed to be done by a single person with the option of multiplayer available. I thought you wanted to escape this prison asap. What happened with that?" I asked

Asuna: Don't you dare assume I've changed my mind. You know damn well how much I want to escape.

Kirito: Come on guys, arguing isn't helping anyone.

"And I suppose you have a better idea?" I asked

Kirito: No.

"Unless anyone can offer an alternative solution, this is the plan. I have the means to guide you all through this final area. It's up to you to choose if you want to follow me or not" I addressed the group

Klein: U/n, this isn't like you. You've changed man.

Agil: Im inclined to agree. What's up with you?

"Nothing. I just want to efficiently finish this and go home" I said

Koharu: U/n, they're right. Did something happen between now and when we finished Archdragon Peak?

"Since when did this become an interrogation?" I asked

Kirito: It's not an interrogation, we just want to know what's up.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Now drop it" I said

I walked out of the meeting room, leaving the guild leaders and my friends behind. They just didn't get it. I had a massive amount of pressure on my shoulders and I wanted to finish this but they insisted on putting barriers in the way.

Koharu: U/n?

I turned and saw my girlfriend staring at me with concern. My hardened gaze softened when we locked eyes.

"Hey," I said

Koharu: What's wrong?

"Nothing," I said

Koharu: I've been with you long enough now to know when you're lying. Now tell me what's bothering you.

I sighed, knowing she would persist until I relented.

"Lothric is the last level before the final boss of the quest and I want to finish it as soon as possible. I have a theory that Aincrad will end with the defeat of the last boss in this quest. That's why I was so insistent on us plowing through this last area" I said

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