Epilogue: A new family

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After I defeated Kayaba, I was engulfed in darkness for a short time before appearing on a transparent platform in the sky. 

???: Beautiful isn't it?

I saw Kayaba as he looked in real life standing next to me.

"Yeah, I guess it is," I said

Kayaba: I didn't think you'd be able to defeat me after I powered up like that. I guess it just goes to show that the power of the human will can surpass even the mightiest of foes.

"Yeah," I said

Kayaba: Since you won, I'll stay true to my end of the deal. All 6147 of the remaining players are being logged out as we speak.

"I'm glad I was able to do something right while I was here," I said

Kayaba: You've done more than that. You and Koharu defied the system by becoming a duo of Chosen Undead. Im not sure how it happened but it did.

"You were there that day. Was there something I could've done differently to save her?" I asked

Kayaba: No...I'm sorry.

"Why do this? What was the point?" I asked

Kayaba: Ever since I was a young boy, I always dreamed of a floating castle made of steel. For decades it was all I thought about. All I wanted was a world where anyone could be whatever they wanted. I suppose you could say I achieved my goal, though not in the way I expected to.

"You do realize that you'll be locked up for a very long time right?" I asked

Kayaba: I'm not worried about that. I have achieved my lifelong goal so I have nothing left to do or live for. Goodbye, Y/n.

He turned to leave. Something was gnawing at me and I knew if I let him leave now, I'd never know the answer.

"Wait" I called out

Kayaba: Yes?

"My name, how do you know it?" I asked

Kayaba(smirks): That's a secret. One day, you'll find out the truth. 

He walked off into the sunset and gradually disappeared. I stood still looking at Aincrad while my coat billowed in the wind. Eventually, I was hit with a blinding light. I soon opened my eyes for the first time in over two years. I tried moving but the slightest movement hurt my body greatly. I settled for just trying to sit up. Once I was in a comfortable position, I reached up and pulled the Nervegear off my head.

I was in a hospital room with all sorts of wires sticking out of me. The room was dim and the window was open slightly, allowing a cool breeze into the room. I opened my mouth and felt a painful dryness in my throat. I began coughing loudly and uncontrollably.

As if having heard the noise I was making, a nurse came into the room to see what was going on. She called for a doctor and asked me a bunch of questions. I was unable to answer any of them because of how sore my throat was. The doctor used a tiny flashlight before holding up his finger and asking me to follow it. I did as he asked and he switched off the flashlight.

Doctor: Do you know your name, son?

"Y/n L/n," I said hoarsely

Doctor: Are you feeling any pain? Nausea? Cramps?

"No, but I am thirsty," I said

Doctor: Nurse, get the boy some water, please.

Nurse: Right away doctor.

I watched the nurse walk away before facing the doctor.

"Are my parents here?" I asked

Doctor(sighs): Im afraid not. They brought you here and got you admitted to a room and haven't shown up since. I know this is hard to hear, but we believe they abandoned you here. Do you know of any relatives willing to let you stay with them?

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