Aincrad Pt. 22: The Twin Princes

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After the defeat of <Gleam Eyes> and the subsequent unlocking of Floor 75, Kirito received a lot of unwanted public attention due to a leaked video of him dual wielding. Klein wasn't one to go back on his word and it wasn't me or Asuna either. The only possible conclusion was that it was one of the two soldiers we saved.

He was currently hiding out at Agil's shop to avoid the prying eyes of the public. That's where we were at now. 

Kirito: I just don't get what all the fuss is about. U/n dual-wielded for a little while and nobody put up a fuss about that.

Agil: That's because it was expected of him since he had exclusive access to the quest. You, however, are a normal player. That's why everyone is so uppity about this.

Kirito: Yeah, you've got a point there.

"It'll blow over soon. Trust me" I said

Just then, Asuna's friend Lisbeth came into the room carrying a box of stuff. I'd gone to see Lisbeth several times when I wanted my equipment maintained, so I knew her quite well.

"Hey Liz," I said

Lisbeth: Oh, hi U/n. I didn't know you were here.

"I'm helping Kiri deal with the public," I said

Lisbeth: so that's why you asked me to make you another sword. Because of that skill. Why'd you hold off on using it for this long?

Kirito: Because I was afraid of this exact thing happening. I don't need any more eyes on me than I already have. It's exhausting. I couldn't even go home because there was a mob waiting outside for me. That's why I'm staying here until it all blows over.

Lisbeth: Well if you guys beat the game, it would end in an instant.

"But there are still 25 more floors left including the 75th one. My theory about the quest being tied to the end of Aincrad is beginning to seem less plausible as the assault team progresses to more and more floors. We've still got a long way to go" I said

Lisbeth: Then hurry and defeat the Floor 75 boss.

"We need to defeat the Twin Princes of Lothric first. Besides, the boss room for Floor 75 hasn't been found yet" I said

Kirito: Are you sure you're ready though? You haven't touched the quest since that day.

"It was Koharu's dying wish that I find happiness in life without her. I cannot do that if I leave what we started together unfinished. So yes, I am sure. It's time to return to Lothric and finish this" I said

Kirito: Yes, I agree. Asuna and I will inform Heathcliff. Can we leave Klein and Kibaou to you?

"Yes," I said

Kirito: Alright then. Let's begin preparations. Agil, I assume you're coming along?

Agil: Damn right. I wouldn't miss this for the world.

"Then I'll go let Klein and Kibaou know," I said

I stood up from my chair and walked out. For the first time in a long time, I didn't have my hood covering my face, so everyone was able to see what I really looked like. Judging from the looks I received, they were expecting me to be older, not a depressed 17-year-old boy.

My first stop was at the HQ of Fuurinkazan on Floor 10. After the fall of Kagachi the Samurai Lord, Klein and his men decided to set up shop on the feudal japan themed floor. I found it odd that they'd never relocated with the opening of 65 new floors, but I wasn't one to judge them.

Once I arrived, I didn't even have to knock because the gates to their Japanese castle opened on their own almost like they were expecting me. Once I was through, they closed behind me.

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