Aincrad Pt. 21: The Blue-Eyed Demon

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Two months had passed since the fall of Laughing Coffin and Koharu's death. During that time, the assault team and I cleared Lothric Castle and defeated the Dragonslayer Armor. I lost everything that day and it broke me even more than losing the Moonlit Black Cats.

Everyone could see how ruined I was. They all just left me alone. Even those who had previously hated my guts were sympathetic. Whenever anyone tried to offer their sympathy or words of comfort, I just ignored them. I was a husk of my former self who was no longer the fearsome swordsman he used to be. I was still the second-strongest player, but my sword swings had no meaning behind them anymore.

Anyone that didn't try to talk to or comfort me was most likely scared. I'd seen it plenty of times. The most dangerous people are often the ones who don't say anything or show emotion. People like that were dangerous and unpredictable. Because of that, anyone not acquainted or affiliated with me kept their distance.

I was currently in the Floor 74 labyrinth gathering map data with Kirito and Asuna. They had remained as a duo for as long as I could remember. After Koharu died, I refused to party up with anyone ever again, so I was essentially a third wheel on our little adventure.

Kirito: Asuna, switch!!!

Asuna: Got it!!!

Kirito attacked once and then jumped back, allowing Asuna to charge in and strike the armored skeleton with her rapier. I dashed toward a group of them and sliced them all up without using any sword skills. My face was devoid of any emotion whatsoever and my blades were as dark as midnight.

 Once the last of the skeletons were vanquished, we all sat down for a lunch break. Asuna materialized a picnic basket and handed out sandwiches.

"Thanks," I said

Asuna: Don't mention it. Here, take this too.

She tossed me a fruit that resembled a peach. I caught it and immediately bit into it, savoring the sweet juice and tangy flavor. Though I may have become a monster, I still enjoyed a few things about this world.

Kirito: We shouldn't have a whole lot further to go. The map is almost complete.

Asuna: That's great. Once it's done we'll head back to HQ and report to the commander.

"What are the plans concerning the last steps of the quest?" I asked

Asuna: I talked with the commander and the other guild leaders. We decided to wait until Floor 74 was complete.

"Okay," I said

Just then, a familiar group of players came into view and stopped next to us.

Klein: What up guys?

Kirito: Klein, good to see you're still alive.

Klein: yeah well, it's all thanks to what that guy taught me two years ago.

He gestured to me but I didn't even look up or respond. It was tense and silent for a while.

Klein(whispers): Yeesh, that raid really messed him up badly, didn't it?

Kirito(whispers): Yeah, but don't talk about it. He doesn't like it.

"You do know I can hear you, right?" I asked

Klein: Uh-

"Don't bother trying to hide it," I said

Just then, the sound of several footsteps drew our attention. A large group of armored men was making its way toward us.

"What's the ALA doing here?" I asked

Kirito: Did they follow you, Klein?

Klein: No, not that I'm aware of.

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