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"Brave Tarnished, thy strength befits a crown..."

I watched as Godfrey, or Hoarah Loux, faded from the Lands Between. As the second to last boss of Elden Ring, he was quite the challenge, and I'd bested him with a set of dual greatswords I got from exchanging Radahn's remembrance at Roundtable Hold.

"Right back at you...dick" I muttered

My name is Y/n L/n. I'm 15 years old and I love games. Probably more than any person should, but that's what happens when you don't have a social life. I spent my time as a social recluse. No one wanted to hang out with me and I didn't want to hang out with them. My only comfort in this world was my games. I loved being transported to a different world where I could be anything I wanted. 

I sighed and placed my controller on my desk before taking my headphones off. As soon as I did, I heard it. The sound of my parents arguing. This was pretty common around here. Not a day went by when they didn't scream at each other. I wanted to believe they were in love at one point, but everything I heard and saw daily made me feel like it was impossible.

I stared at the poster taped to the back of my door. It had the SAO logo stylized like the Dark Souls main menu. Dark Souls, a godlike entry into the gaming world. Praised for its bosses, lore, music, gameplay, and difficult but rewarding challenges.

*I hope SAO is just like Dark Souls. That would be cool.* I thought

I shut down my Playstation and turned off my lamp before climbing into bed. With a heavy sigh, I fell asleep, oblivious to the horrors that awaited me the following day.

SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Cinders of AincradWhere stories live. Discover now