Aincrad Pt. 6: Dancer of the Boreal Valley

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(3rd pov)

Kirito and Asuna walked through the streets of the main settlement of Floor 50, Algade. Kirito had done business with Argo before, so he knew how to get in contact with her. Asuna, while wary of Argo, wanted to find U/n by any means possible and if she had to make a deal with a shady info broker, then she would.

The two were awaiting Argo's arrival after Kirito reached out via message. While not stating explicitly what it was he wanted to meet for, he made sure to tell Argo it was of the utmost importance. The info broker had readily agreed to meet after Kirito said he wanted to buy some information from her.

Asuna: What's taking her so long?

Kirito: Don't worry. She's a very popular source and has several contacts throughout Aincrad. This is just standard procedure in her line of work. She'll be here, I'm certain of it.

Asuna: I hope you're right.

(U/n pov)

I appeared back at Firelink to level up before heading out again. The Fire Keeper smiled at me before offering her hand. I reached out and touched her fingers. A warm tingling feeling coursed through my body as the attribute menu appeared.


Vigor: 85

Attunement: 20

Endurance: 90

Vitality: 59

Strength: 99

Dexterity: 99

Intelligence: 27

Faith: 19

Luck: 69

Soul Level: 567

I put all of my available points into intelligence and faith, bringing both of them up to 30. My vigor was decently high, so I wouldn't need to upgrade it for a while. Strength and dexterity were both at max level while endurance sat comfortably at 90. I wasn't too worried about attunement as I didn't have anything that required overtly high amounts of FP. That left intelligence and faith as the two main things to upgrade.

Satisfied with my levels, I closed the menu. The Fire Keeper bowed and stepped back. I walked past her and up the stairs behind the thrones before stopping at the first one to the right. Engraved on its back was a name, Ludleth the Exiled. He would be able to transpose boss souls for me, granting weapons, spells, and rings depending on my choice. I walked in front of Ludleth, a tiny man seated on the edge of his throne.

 I walked in front of Ludleth, a tiny man seated on the edge of his throne

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Ludleth: Greetings, Ashen One. How may I be of service?

"I want you to transpose this soul for me," I said

Ludleth: Of course, your grace.

A menu popped up with two things. Vordt's mace and Pontiff's left eye. I selected the eye, causing the menu to close automatically. I felt weight in my hand and saw the eye sitting in my palm staring up at me through my hood. I opened my menu and put it in the first ring slot.

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