Her Boy [A Benson Fan Fic]

By GirlandHerKeyboard

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Olivia never expected to be a mother. Her job had always gotten in the way, but as she neared forty, the unex... More



198 19 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Calvin came to a stop after sprinting away from the park. He panted as he slipped his backpack off and grabbed Maya's phone. Calvin had stolen it before they left the apartment, and Maya never realized. He unlocked it quickly, but didn't know what to do with it. 

Does he call his grandparents? Or does he try to contact a friend of his mother?

Calvin's hands were shaking as he pulled his backpack on, before trying to think about whom to call. He thought for a few long moments, before dialing his paternal grandmother's number. He had it memorized for the longest time, and he hoped that she'd pick up.

"Drecker residence."

"G-grandma? It's Calvin!" Calvin exclaimed into the phone. There was silence on the other side of the call, and Calvin started to panic. What if his grandparents didn't want him? Where could he possibly go where Olivia wouldn't find him?

"Calvin? Vivian's Calvin?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah! Grandma-"

"Why are you calling? How did you get my number?" Barbara demanded. Calvin swallowed hard as he continued as far away from the park as possible.

"Mom had me memorize it just in case something happened... She's in jail, and I need you. Please, Grandma... I promise to be good," Calvin spoke, yet he struggled with each word.

"Of course she's in jail," Barbara grumbled. Calvin frowned deeply, but didn't respond. It wasn't his mother's fault that she was scarred by what happened to her mother or the drugs her friend got her into.

There was some mumbling before his grandfather was put on the phone. 

"Calvin, where are you?" Albert asked.

"Um, I don't know exactly... I've been walking for a while," Calvin replied.

"Walking? Why?"

"Mom's in jail, so I'm on my own," Calvin lied. He wasn't on his own and would never have to be on his own again because Olivia loved him. She wanted him to be her son, even if the thought scared him.

Albert sighed deeply into the phone, then there was some more mumbling. Eventually, Albert spoke to his only grandson.

"Calvin, get to a place where you can wait for us. It'll take us a while, but we will come pick you up. I'll wait on the line until-"

"I'll call you back, Grandpa! I promise!" Calvin exclaimed. He heard sirens coming up behind him, so he hung up and ran as fast as he could. 

It was over an hour before Calvin called his grandparents back. He had made it to a bridge and walked into a twenty-four hour diner. He had a little money, so he bought himself chicken tenders and fries. After an hour in the diner, his grandparents showed up.

"Hi!" Calvin exclaimed, as he tried to act excited to see them. He hated the mean things they said about his mother, but he needed their help. Especially since he couldn't go back to Olivia.

"Did you eat?" Barbara asked as she glanced back at the diner.

"Yeah, Mom gave me money before she was arrested. I got chicken," Calvin replied.

"Okay, then. Are you ready to go home?" Albert sighed. He was slightly annoyed that now his grandson was now his responsibility. His son was in jail and so was Vivian. Now Calvin needed him and his wife.

"Yes, sir. I'm pretty tired," Calvin said with a forced smile.

Calvin buckled himself into the backseat of his grandparents' Cadillac and moved his eyes outside of the window. He watched as several cop cars drove past the diner and no one saw him.


Olivia sat quietly in her office as she tried to figure out where Calvin would have gone. He didn't have friends, and Tiffany hadn't heard from him. Olivia couldn't stop thinking of the worse, like if someone saw her scared little boy and decide to take him. 

"So Maya can't find her phone," Fin spoke, as he walked into Olivia's office.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"I think Calvin swiped it. We are going to track it, so hopefully your kid-"

"He's not my kid..." Olivia trailed off as tears slipped down her cheeks once again.

"Hopefully, Calvin didn't turn the phone off. I'll give you an update once I have one," Fin spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before taking her glasses off and wiping tears from her cheeks.

All Olivia wanted to do was take care of Calvin and make him feel loved. She wanted to make sure he felt safe and that someone would always be there for him, but he didn't want that. Now Olivia wasn't sure if they would ever give Calvin back to her. She had proven to not be a suitable guardian and Calvin would be better off with someone else.

"Hey," Rafael breathed, as he walked into her office with a bag of takeout.

"Hey," Olivia sighed deeply.

"I got you soup and breadsticks."

"Rafa, I appreciate it. But I'm not hungry. Offer it to Fin. He's always hungry," Olivia mumbled.

"Baby, you need to eat. You gotta put something in your stomach if you want the energy to find your kid."

Olivia took a slow breath before looking at her boyfriend. Everyone needed to stop calling Calvin her kid.

"Please don't call him my kid. He ran away after I asked if he wanted to be my son, and he doesn't... I guess we won't be starting a family together because an already formed child doesn't even like me. Can you leave?" Olivia snapped. Rafael walked around Olivia's desk before leaning close to her.

"I know you are angry, but we agreed you wouldn't push me away again. I love you, and you need me. Eat your freaking dinner so we can get back out there and search for Calvin. He may not want to be adopted, but he is still your child. Even if he or you don't like that."


Calvin climbed into the guest bedroom bed and smiled as he pulled the quilt up to his chin. Now that he was in New Jersey, if he wanted to get further away, it would be easier. He rolled over onto his side and grabbed Maya's phone. 

As he went to unlock it, he froze when Olivia's name popped up on the screen.

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