WOSO x Reader imagines

By Outsideratheart

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A collection of WOSO imagines that I originally posted on my Tumblr. More

An American In London Town (Leah Williamson)
You. Are. Mine (Alexia Putellas)
Keep The Key (Leah Williamson)
A World Cup To Remember (Jenni Hermoso)
In Paris - Part 1 (Alexia Putellas)
In Paris - Part 2 (Alexia Putellas)
I'm leaving but i'm not leaving you (Alexia Putellas)
New Team Mate (Alexia Putellas)
It's not your fault (Alexia Putellas)
Birthday Wish (Jenni Hermoso)
Never Go To Bed Angry (Leila Ouahabi)
Champions League final (Ellie Carpenter)
Never Stopped (Leah Williamson)
I'll do it for you (Alexia Putellas)
Sore Loser (Aitana Bonmati)
Rules Are Meant To Be Broken (Mapi Leon)
Time to Celebrate (Lucy Bronze)
Second Chances in Ibiza (Alexia Putellas)
Only a Blue For You (Leila Ouahabi)
Labor Omnia Vincit (Alexia Putellas)
Nobody compares to you (Claudia Pina)
Reunited (Aitana Bonmati)
Birthday Girl (Alexia Putellas)
Rivals No More (Alessia Russo)
Contract Negotiations (Alexia Putellas)
First Dates and Ferris Wheels (Aitana Bonmati)
Green Dress (Alexia Putellas)
I do regret it (Alexia Putellas)
Making Memories (Alexia Putellas)
History (Alexia Putellas)
True Loves Kiss (Leila Ouahabi)
I Need More (Jenni Hermoso)
Homecoming (Jenni Hermoso)
Hope (Alexia Putellas)
Eyes Open (Leah Williamson)
Deja Vu (Leah Williamson)
Christmas Miracle (Alexis Putellas)
Mistletoe and Miscommunication (Alexia Putellas)
Make It True (Leah Williamson)
Adios Amor (Alexia Putellas)
Very Important Person (Stina Blackstenius)
Te Quiero Mi Amor (Alexia Putellas)
I'll Protect You (Ana Maria Crnogorcevic)
Birthday Homage (Alexia Putellas)
Too Much Teasing (Mapi Leon)
Cliche (Leila Ouahabi)
Unstoppable (Leah Williamson)
Everything I Wanted (Leila Ouahabi)
Plans (Alexia Putellas)
Welcome to Coloney (Leah Williamson)
Finalissima (Leah Williamson)
What's Love Without Tragedy (Alex Scott)
Be Still With Me (Leah Williamson)
You're Not Funny (Lucy Bronze)
La Reina and La Diosa (Alexia Putellas)
My Heart Will Leave You Never (Leah Williamson)
United (Alexia Putellas)
The Bet (Alexia Putellas)
I'll Be In The Stands (Stina Blackstenius)
Meet Me At Henman Hill (Leah Williamson)
Be Proud (Ana Maria Crnogorcevic)
Happiness (Alexia Putellas)
Play Nice (Alexia Putellas)
Bees land on the prettiest flowers (Lia Wälti)
Sweet Nothing (Alex Scott)
Mornings With You (Leah Williamson)
Not While I'm Around (Alessia Russo)
Fighting Talk (Alexia Putellas)
Us - Alexia Putellas
On a Night Like Tonight (Alex Scott)
Queen Of What Now? (Mary Earps)
You Should Have Told Me (Alexia Putellas)
Time Has No Concept (Ingrid Engen)
By Your Side, Always (Alexia Putellas)
Fear of Failure (Alessia Russo)
A Return Worth Celebrating (Fridolina Rolfö)
Birthdays in Bed (Alexia Putellas)
Happy Sundays (Laia Aleixandri)
A Night To Forget (Leah Willamson)
Healing (Alexia Putellas)

Trust These Hands (Alexia Putellas)

8K 188 10
By Outsideratheart

A/N: I'm still riding the high that was the champions league final.

2-0 down at the end of the first half wasn't how you expected the final to go. Barcelona couldn't seem to find the back of the net no matter how many shots they take and Wolfsburg proved that they only need one chance to score. As you made your way towards the tunnel there are four people you wanted to talk to and that was your defence but Alexia walks towards you, stopping her warm up as she does so. You know she means well but when you feel her hand on your shoulder you shrug it off. You didn't need comforting right now, you needed to know what that hell happened in the last 45 minutes.

"Are you fit?" You ask Lucy as she sits in her locker. You voice isn't loud, in fact no one other than the players to either side of her can hear what you are saying.

"I—" She hesitates so you crouch down enough that you are at her level "It's my fault" it was a whisper, one which let's you know she is disappointed with her performance.

"No Luce, it's mine" you go the drinks cooler and get the both the defender and yourself a bottle of water, the team now aware of the conversation that is taking place between the two of you "Once her foot struck the ball it was on me. It is goalkeeper's job to save the shot, it's cruel but it's the job"

"But Pajor got past me"

"How about we both go out there with a fresh slate"

The English defender nods her head in agreement and it gives you faith going into the second half. Unbeknownst to you Alexia watches and listens to the interaction. Since coming to the club you have unintentionally taken a captain's role given your experience but she knows right now you needed to know it wasn't your fault just as it wasn't Lucys.

You almost felt lonely as you sit in your locker listen to Jona's strategies for the second half. Being a goalkeeper was a tough job and it was one that most people never experienced. Barcelona needed to score in the second half, that much was obvious but those goals would mean nothing if  you didn't stop Wolfsburg from putting the ball in the back of the net.

"- If anyone can come back from this it is us"

Alexia was now speaking and you had been too deep in your own head to realise. It wasn't the mindset you needed to have so you quickly try to come up with a game plan, one which can give you a little bit of control going back out onto the pitch.

"Y/N" now she was in front of you and you didn't even hear her coming. Something else you failed to pick up on is that you are the last two in the locker room.

Pity; that is the look in her eyes. Throughout the season there were some tough games. She remembers how you where when you got back from Germany after playing Bayern but even then you didn't have the defeated posture you currently have.

"Mi corazón"

She knew how much you loved the nickname she gave you shortly after you asked her to officially be your girlfriend. The term of endearment warmed your heart but there was no place for that right now. You didn't need a warm heart, you needed fire in your belly and ice in your mind.

"I can't do this, not with you" you pull on your gloves and make your way towards the door "Are you coming?" You ask her.

"But you just said—"

"I love you but I don't need my girlfriend right now, I need my captain"

The two of you walk down the tunnel side by side with little to nothing been said. Alexia didn't know what to say, well she did but it wouldn't be of any use. You held the weight of the club on your shoulders in every game you play but today was different, today a champions league title was on the line and you refused to admit defeat when there was still 45 minutes left play.

Just before you step onto the pitch Alexia grabs your wrist and turns you to face her one last time.

"You are the best goalkeeper on that pitch" she was fully aware what her words meant. You weren't just playing any team in Europe, you were playing Wolfsburg. The team that all but told you that you weren't good enough to play for them and so far you were proving them right.

"But" for a brief second you let Alexia see your vulnerability that came in the form of doubt.

"No" she now places her hands on your shoulders "you are Y/N Y/L/N. You are going to go out there and protect your goal. I trust these hands, the team trusts these hands and the fans trusts these hands. Do you?"

When you nod your head a smile tugs at alexia lips and almost by instinct as similar one appears on your face.

"Good now go show them what I see everyday"

The two of your briefly hug just like any other team mates would before you run towards your goal which much to your dismay was right near the Wolfsburg fans. They cheer as you stand tall in your box. You're not sure if it is out of respect for all you had given to their beloved club or if it was some kind of mind game. Either way you chose to ignore it.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Patri had scored twice within the space of two minutes and it took everything in you not the run the length of the field to celebrate with the team. Instead you saw a few Barcelona fans sitting behind your goal so you celebrate with them. The game was tied and you knew that you couldn't afford to make any mistakes and neither could your back line.

With every pass of the ball, the minutes pass by and despite both teams greatest efforts the game remains 2-2. Extra time was more or less the same. Both teams were getting tired and even though shots were taken no player was able to find the back of the net. 30 minutes later the referee blows her whistle; the final was going to penalties. In your eyes it was no longer Barcelona vs Wolfsburg, it was you versus Merle Frohms.

You weren't nervous. Being nervous came for one of two reasons: either you were unprepared or because you were doubting yourself. Neither of those two things applied to you right now in this moment. You knew this team like the back of your hand and you had spent hours over the years helping them perfect their penalties.

Alexia leaves the group to do the coin toss to determine which side of the pitch the shootout will take place and which team will take the first penalty. You and a few of the other players watch the captains hoping to see what the decision will be. When you see Svenja turn her attention to you it is obvious that she is trying to get a read on you to see which decision you would prefer, deep down she already knows the answer.

"We want to go second" the Wolfsburg captain tells the referee.

Now it was up to Alexia to decide which end. She knows which she would prefer as one is closer to the Barcelona fans but still she turns to you. She is asking which side you want to play at. You tilt your head to the left side of the pitch, the one that Alexia too wanted to play at.

Shootouts were lonely for goalkeepers. Each team had split into to groups: those on the pitch near the halfway line and those on the bench that watch in anticipation with the staff knowing the final is out of their hands.
You stood to the side by yourself as you watch Pina step up to take the first penalty. It was a lot of pressure for the young forward but she hit the side netting with ease. As Sveindis Jonsdottir took the ball from the referee you tried your best to see if anything about her body language gave her away. You didn't know the forward that well given that she signed for the club when you were injured. She is right footed so you dive to the left, it was a well known tactic but the ball just slips past your fingers.

Frido scored her penalty and you didn't doubt her for a second. The moment you saw her step up you almost felt bad for Frohms, she didn't stand a chance. Ewa Pajor was next for Wolfsburg and you could see the nerves radiating off her. You knew exactly where she was going but at the last minute she slices the ball, instead of it going in the bottom corner it goes to the top but your quick reflexes allow you to leap into the air and tip the ball of the top of the goal.

Barcelona now had the upper hand, it just had to stay that way and they would be crowned champions.

Patri is up next and you know where she is going because she had a similar placement to Pina, only her target was the other side of the goal. The speed in which she takes the penalty leaves Frohms frozen in her spot but the ball hits the post and goes wide. Patri looks at you and mouths  I'm sorry. You use your index finger and tilt you chin up, a way of telling her to do the same. Now it was the captain's turn. Svenja was someone you knew very well and you knew that she had multiple shots in her arsenal. In that moment you try your best to remember the average placement of her shots but it is no use. Although you dive the right way, her shot hits the back of the net.

It is a small shock when you see Mapi step up to the spot next. You thought Barca would go attackers first given that they take the most shots on a daily basis but you trusted Mapi to score and she did. Obi steps up for Wolfsburg and unlike her team mates thus far she keeps ahold of the ball and looks you directly in your eye. You and her had a bond and you hated that you were now facing off against each other but you had a job to do and so did she. She always shoots left and you knew that she wouldn't risk going against what she knows or at least that's what you think. She shoots down the middle but my some miracle the ball hits your foot before hitting the cross bar. Obi had missed.

The whole stadium erupted at what was one of the best penalty saves they have seen. As you walk back towards the side you encourage the crowd to make some noise. It was now 3 penalties scored to 2 in favour of Barcelona with only one round left.

Alexia was the fifth penalty taker. She was Barcelona's penalty taker. As she steps up to the penalty spot she looks to you. She was nervous, it wasn't a common sight and suddenly the confidence you felt only seconds ago faded. You nod your head and she does the same.

With the crowd silent, Alexia readies herself. If she scores then Barcelona win.

She misses.

And now you felt the pressure and what's worse is you knew who was taking Wolfsburg's last penalty. It was your best friend, Alexandra Popp.

It all came down to this. If Alex scores then Wolfsburg wins but if you save it then Barcelona win.

Popp walked at a snails pace and it allowed you to gather your thoughts. You needed to disassociate the shot with the result. It needed to be you and her. The crowd needed to be blocked out and you had to ignore your team mates watching from the half way line.

What you didn't expect was for Alexia to have her back turned. She couldn't bring herself to watch the final shot. Was it because she blamed herself or because she didn't have faith in you to save Popp's shot.

"Alexia" Frido taps the captain on her shoulder "Y/N is looking at you, you need to face her. You need to trust her"

Just as the swede said Alexia turned around to see you looking directly at her.

"Trust those hands" The brunette whispers.

She sees you clap your hands hard and wonders if you somehow heard her.

"I trust my hands" Without realising it you had replied to Alexia even though the both of you were none the wiser.

Top corners. It was risky but Popp loved top corners for Penalties. You knew this and she knew you knew this.

Left or right.

It was a decision you had to make in split second.

Left or right.

Popp took her shot with pin point accuracy.

You could hear a pin drop in the stadium as they watched ball fly through the air almost as if it was in slow motion. You reaction isn't the best and it makes your job that much harder but you use every ounce of strength you had to launch yourself to the top left corner. The ball hits your gloves and goes wide.

You had spent the shoot out near the fans so they are the ones you run too, not your team. It was also a way to take the celebration away from your former club. You may have just won the champions league but you didn't want to rub salt in the wound.

Within what feels like seconds you are surround by the rest of the team. All them of the patting you on the back, hyping you up, them all knowing that you have just won them the champions league.

"I could kiss you but I think someone else might want to" Mapi wraps her arms tightly around your neck.

Behind her you could see Alexia celebrating with some of the staff. It was obvious that she was keeping her distance from you but you wouldn't allow it.

Once you are let go by Mapi you make a bee line towards your girlfriend.

"Do I not even get a smile?" You poke her cheeks playfully which immediately causes Alexia to smile.

"I missed" There it was.

"We won"

"I missed" she repeated herself and you could tell it was an apology.

"I saved. We won. We are Champions. We can obsess over it later, I promise"

She doesn't reply straight away. Alexia looks at you, not caring that she is staring or that she is making is blatantly obvious.

"We are champions"

"Yeah we are"

The two of you join in with the dancing around and singing before the team is called over to collect their medals and lift the trophy. What does comes as a shock is that when Alexia is walking over with the trophy she signals you to move forward so that you can lift it together. At first you refuse, you weren't a captain, it wasn't your place but then she stands in her place with a look on her face that tells you she won't take a no for an answer. You more than happily admit defeat and alongside your captain and girlfriend you lift the trophy, basking in the sound of the cheering fans.

"Look after this for me" you hand Alexia your medal after the celebration have died down ever so slightly.

"Why?" The Catalonian takes it from you and places it around her neck. She watches as you walk towards your former team mates.

Alexia knew this game was personal for you. It was your chance to show Wolfsburg that they made a mistake in letting you go but she also knew how much you loved your former team mates and how difficult it was leaving them.

You sit down next to Popp, holding her tightly as you let her cry into your shoulder. Only ten months ago the two of you were in the same position on the pitch at Wembley comforting each other and now one of you had just been crowned champion whilst the other had just had their dream destroyed.

Alexia watches as you console you friends. The night prior the two of you couldn't sleep so you went for a walk and you ended up at Philips Stadion. She asked how you felt about going up against your former club. You told her that you found the thought of celebrating their loss hard and that when you won you would take some time to be with them because they were like your family. Alexia understood and agreed to make sure your team mates gave you space to do so on the one condition that you come back to her. It was an promise you found easy to make.

She remembers her words when she sees Aitana running towards you with a flag in her hand. The captain tells her team mate to give you space and after arguing at first the girl does as she's told but she keeps the flag for when she come back to the team.

"I knew her coming here would be good" Caro tells her captain.

"She proved today why she has the right to be considered one of if not the best goalkeepers in the world"

"Right because your admiration is only for when she's wearing the #1 shirt"

"You know it's not" Alexia didn't like talking about her relationship, neither of you did but Caroline knew more than most. She is one of your closest friends and in being that it also mean that she was the person Alexia went to when she wanted to know something about you.

"I do and I saw you stop Aitana from going over but I think it's time you did" Caro points in your direction. You were no longer talking to any of your friends, instead you had been collared by your former manager Tommy Stroot.

Stroot was one of the reasons for your transfer. He was adamant that Frohms was the best option for the team and his lack of trust in your ability was the first time you felt under valued at the club. The way you spoke about him and what he told you led to Alexia gaining a strong dislike for the man.

"Maybe we should have kept you around. You —"

You counted to ten and then ten again as your former manger spoke. You had no loyalty to the man and now was your chance to speak your truth but before you could you were beaten to it.

"You should have" Alexia comes out of nowhere. She stands by your side. Her hand with a firm grip on your waist "You made the biggest mistake of your career and it led to one of the best transfers Barcelona could and will every make. This woman right here just won us the champions league" Alexia uses the opportunity to place the medal back around your neck "You failed to see what she is capable of. I, along with everyone in Barcelona, should thank you. Because of your arrogance and blindness we got Y/N Y/L/N. If you still had her then you might have one of these. Now if you listen closely you will hear that the fans are singing for her and she would hate to let them down, wouldn't you?"

"I really would" you place your arm around Alexia's shoulder  "I wish I could say it's been pleasure Tommy but it really hasn't"

You and Alexia make your way back to the team. Not caring what Tommy Stroot was saying.

"What was that about?" You nudge her playfully.

"You told me what he said about you, how he made you feel and I wasn't going to let him get away with that"

Alexia's protective side wasn't a rare sight. You had seen is a few times over the past few months but it never came out this publicly and her anger has never been directed towards the manager of one of Europe's biggest clubs.

"You are not only one of the best players in the world, you are are one of the most amazing human beings and you just saved three penalties in a shoot out to determine the champions league. I will never make you feel the way he did. You will always know your worth with me and when you are unsure, I'll show you"

Your girlfriend had this soft side which very few people got to see but every time you saw it it made you fall more in love with her.

"You'll show me huh?"

Her eyes darkened and you knew she picked up on what you were insinuating.

"I will. Just you wait until we get back to Barcelona, then we can really celebrate" you leaned forward so she could whisper in your ear.

She was teasing and she saw the way you chest moved that your breathing had quickened but you could play this game just as good as she could.

"What if I don't want to wait that long?"

Alexia pulled back and you noticed her eyes had darken. A smirk grew on your face knowing that you had won this little back and forth.

Just as she is about to respond you are called our by the younger players.

"Time to celebrate Alexia. We can't wait all night now can we"

You run over to where Jana and Bruna are jumping around as they take in the atmosphere. You happily join in and the joy only increases as Alexia joins in. The celebrations continue in the locker room, on the coach and then on the plane but the best part of the celebrations happen once you and Alexia get back to her apartment.

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