Typical {H.S}

By LirryFlowers

13.5K 728 104

Via was too blinded by, supposed, true love to realise what she went through wasn't right. But she finally fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Thank you.

Chapter 3

426 32 5
By LirryFlowers

I'm woken up at by the fierce sun beaming through my window onto my bed. It's only seven thirty in the morning. Due to there being no curtains, I can either stay in bed and boil or get up. I decide to choose the second option.

As I slowly get out of my bed, I check my phone to see if anyone's contacted me since my departure from Melbourne. Nothing.
I called my family last night and updated them on what's happening but they didn't seem to care too much. My mother merely said "as long as you're happy" and hung up. I'm in two minds whether or not I should just text or call Zayn, but I think he'll call me when he's ready.

Whilst I'm pouring my cereal Niall comes out from the hall way already showered and changed, looking as if he's ready to go out.

"Mornin' Niall. You're up early. It only just hit eight o'clock."

"I'm going out with a couple of my friends for breakfast. Haven't seen 'em in ages!" Niall says way too ecstatically for this time of morning, "you're welcome to come if you like?"

"No thanks Niall," I laugh but show a genuine smile, thankful for his offer. "Have fun. I'll just see you later."

"Anything from Zayn yet?" Niall asks with full concern.

"No Niall. Don't worry about him," I state before I give him a hug. "Go or you'll be late."

It's now hit midday and I've done absolutely nothing but get changed out of my Pj's, eat and watch a couple of movies. I was kind of hoping Niall would be back soon so we could go do something. I'm not one to want to do things in the city by myself.

It was as if Niall heard my thoughts, as he now walks through the front door with three guys following behind him. They're all very attractive, not a flaw in either of them, which made my insecurities and I feel quite intimidated.

"Via! I thought I'd invite my mates back so you could meet them," shouts Niall with his wide smile. I don't really have friends up here in Sydney anymore because when I moved to Melbourne, I kind of fell out of contact with all of them, so that's probably why Niall wanted me to meet all his friends so hopefully I'd then be making some of my own.

"Hi," I say with a shy smile. I'm so awkward. "I'm Via, if you hadn't already heard." One of them, with short hair, a slight beard and brown eyes is first to greet me with a warm hug.

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Liam." He says as we pull away from each other. Straight after I'm greeted with a another hug from one of the others.

"Hello," he says before he pulls back from the hug. "I'm Louis. You look so nervous love. Why?" He says through a slight chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm just slightly awkward at meeting new people." I laugh. One of them quickly walks forward to engulf me in a huge hug. He's definitely the most attractive, shoulder length long hair that's a nice chestnut colour, lovely jaw line and pretty green eyes.

"Don't be shyyyyyyyy. We're pretty great guys so no need to be," he states with heavy sarcasm. He also has a gorgeous British accent. "Oh and I'm Harry." I feel bad for thinking all these guys are really attractive, I have a boyfriend, I can't do that.

"Well it's great meeting you all. I'm just going to make a quick phone call but I'll be back." As I start to walk to my room I can feel Niall following behind me. "You could have texted me and warned me all your friends were really attractive or something," I say to Niall as we walk into my room.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks with full confusion.

"They're all so charming and nice and kind. I'm nearly falling at their feet. I feel so guilty because I have Zayn!" I shout like its Niall's fault for my irrational feelings, but it's really not.

"Is that who you've come in here to call? He hasn't even bothered about you since you left! Doesn't that say something? And you're not letting off a good look on my friends." Niall half yells. He has a very valid point. I sit down on my bed in frustration.

"I know. I'm sorry. Just...let me call him. I'll be quick," I sigh in defeat. Niall leaves the room with out saying a word.

I press Zayn's contact name to call him. Dialing. Dialing. Dialing. No answer. I decide to try once more. Dialing. Dialing.

"Yea?" He greets with no emotion in his voice.

"Hi Zayn. How are you?" I ask delicately, just incase he's mad.

"Oh it's you," he says with disappointment. "Yea alright."

"Look I'm sorry for leaving like that. I was stupid and I thought it would be easier but I was just being selfish, but th-"

"Don't worry about it." He hangs up. Is he really that mad at me? What I did was wrong but I thought he'd at least see if I'm okay here. For all he knows I could be on the street. I did say I'd be staying at my cousins house, but that's not the point.

I should go back out there. All of them were so lovely to me yet I'm just here sulking. I just don't know what to do. Should I give Zayn time to cool down so he can hear me out? Or do I end things because at the moment he has no care for me. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door with Niall following behind.

"How'd the call go?" Niall says with slight sympathy.

"I really don't know. He cut me off at one point then hung up. I don't know why he's THIS mad at me," I say in frustration and I flail my arms in annoyance.

"What did he say?" His brows furrow together.

"He just said 'Don't worry about it' then he hung up. He sounded so disappointed when he answered the phone." Niall didn't really have a response. I know he was holding back what he wanted to say but I just let it go. "I'll come out now and 'socialize' with your friends," I say through laughter to try lighten the mood again. "Sorry for kind of running out on them straight after I met them. I'm sure that makes me seem like a real great person."

"Actually they were a little worried that they came across to blunt with you, they felt a little guilty. Little do they know that you just suck at socializing." Niall attempts to keep a poker face but fails miserably only seconds after his statement.

"Oh gee thanks for the confidence boost," I squint at him, poking my tongue out. We both leave my room to head back to the other boys. Here we go.

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