The Punk Next Door Punk Luke...

By ButUrNotMattyHealy

171K 3.5K 1.4K

Charlie Springs was always a good girl. She wasn't the normal rebellious teenager who went to parties and got... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

10.7K 210 68
By ButUrNotMattyHealy

Charlie's POV

Luke left me there stunned and furious at the same time. He knew what he was doing to me and wouldn't stop. He has no right to do this. I immediately pulled out my phone and found Kassidy's name in my contacts. I needed someone to talk to. She picked up on the second ring.

"What happened?" She asked.

"How do you know something happened?" I wondered.

"After everything that has been going on lately how do I not." She responded.

"Can you just come over? Like now?"

"I'm already in my car."

I hung up and ran home. Luckily Luke wasn't outside doing whatever he does outside. I raced up the stairs and laid on my bed. When Kassidy got here, she'll just barge in anyways so whats the point of waiting downstairs. I heard the door swing open and shut. Feet came running of the stairs and Kassidy ran through the door.

"Spill. Now." She demanded. Even with a hangover, she was still such a good friend.

"Okay, so last night when I said I was going to go home, Luke came with and we had a really good conversation. Like we weren't yelling at each other for once. He asked me to stay over to watch you drunks and I agreed. When I woke up that morning, Luke was so angry that I was in his house and kicked me out. I ran home and started to cry but realized that I shouldn't let him have control over my feelings and got dressed like this and went for coffee. Luke showed up and we get into an argument. When I leave he came after me and kissed me then said that he cared about me and now I'm so confused." I explained, purposefully leaving out the whole cuddling thing. She gave it some time to process what I just told her before responding.

"He does like you! No, not like, love!" Kassidy screamed and regretted it because of her headache.

"Kass, he does not even like me, let alone love. And even if he did, he has a weird way of showing it. I mean cuddling me on a couch to kicking me out is just stupid and it messes with my head."

"Wait, hold up. You cuddled on the couch?" Shit.

"What? No. I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, terribly I might add.


"Please don't, I really don't want to make a huge deal about this. But seriously, what am I suppose to do?" I yelled.

"God, shut up. I can talk to him for you?" She offered. I was about to decline, but realized that if I did then I would have to talk to him myself. I wasn't ready for that.

"Okay." I replied.

"Really? You're going to let me?"

"Yup. But, if you say one embarrassing thing to him. I will kill you." I threatened.

"K. I'll be back."

"Wait what? You're going now?"


She ran down the stairs and I knew that I couldn't do anything about it now. She was probably already knocking on his door.

Luke's POV

I was sitting on my couch with my head in my hands thinking about what had just happened. I really screwed up. I was so confused by my feelings towards Charlie. A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. Who the hell was here?

"What?" I snapped at Kassidy.

"Well hello to you too, grumpy." She walked inside and took a seat on the couch.

"What do you want, Kassidy?" I asked.

"An explanation. Now." She demanded.

"Abut what?" I already knew the answer but asked anyways.

"Don't play stupid Luke. Why did you cuddle with Charlie, kick her out, argue with her, then kiss her? She's a total mess right now." She yelled.

"She's a mess?" I asked. I didn't mean to, I mean I kind of did, but i didn't think it would work.

"Yes. Stop avoiding the question. Why?" She questioned again.

"I don't know." I admitted.

"Do you like her?" She was finally calming down.

"Maybe. I don't know. I can't like anyone."

"You do. And you better fix this before Michael makes a move. Oh crap. Forget I said anything."

"Michael? Michael likes her? He can't." I was starting to get angry.

"Just don't tell anybody. And if you don't want anything to happen between them, then do something. Bye Luke." Kassidy shut the door behind her and knew exactly what to do now.

Charlie's POV

Kassidy shut Luke's door and was coming back. There was a feeling in my stomach, a mix of anxiousness, nervousness, and excitement. Mostly the first two. Soon enough she was back on my bed next to me.

"What did you do?" I said.

"Nothing bad. I promise. But he might do something, so be aware of that. I have to go, bye and good luck." Kassidy assured.

She opened my door and left. Great. I still had no idea what was Luke was doing, but at least I knew he was going to do something.

Later that night (Still Charlie's POV)

Michael: Heard about Luke. You ok?

Charlie: Yeah. Just really confused.

Michael: If you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here.

Charlie: Thanks Mikey. You're the best. I better get to sleep for school tmro.

Michael: Ok. I'll see you tmro then.

I put my phone down and tried to sleep, but the thoughts of today kept replaying my head. This just made me even more confused. As my eyes were finally getting heavy and light tapping on my window woke me up. Thanks whatever that was. I got out of bed and slowly pulled back my curtain, fearing a murderer was out there. Instead a familiar tall figure was standing out there.

"What Luke? Go away." Why was Luke here?

"No. Charlie, please talk to me." He begged.

"I have nothing to say to you." I whisper yelled.

"Then just listen. I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry for being mean to you then being nice to you and completely confusing you." I could tell that he was genuinely sorry, but I had to be sure.

"Prove it."

"Prove that I'm sorry? Done. Come with me." He told me.

"I can't just sneak out, Luke. My parents would kill me." I said.

"Who says they have to know? Now come on, lets go." Luke said very impatiently.

"Fine, hold on." I realized that I was in my pajamas so I quickly threw in some jeans and a random shirt. I quietly ran down my stairs and out the back door to find Luke.

"Took you long enough. You didn't have to change, you know."

"Yes I did. I was not going out in public in my pajamas. Even this late. Where are we going anyways?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. Hurry up." He started to pull me faster behind him.

"You and those long legs of yours Luke. I don't know how anyone can keep up with you." I laughed.

He finally stopped at a park and pointed in a direction. I assumed he was telling me where to go so I followed where his arm was pointing. As I got closer, I realized that it was a picnic.

"A midnight picnic? Very cliche, Hemmings. It's a good thing I like cliche things." His frown from what I said turned into a smile once he realized I liked it.

"You hungry?" Luke asked. When he said that, I realized that I was to busy thinking about today and didn't eat dinner.

"Starving." I giggled.

He opened up the box, revealing a pizza.

"I can't cook." He explained.

"I would much rather have pizza than any home cooked meal."

"Same." I couldn't help a laugh escaping my lips when he responded with that.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

He hesitated but soon replied, "Sure."

"When we first met, why were you so distant? And why did you kick me out so quickly this morning?" I was scared for how he would react, but surprised me by being so calm about it.

"Well, when I first saw you, I knew you were different from other girls. You weren't throwing yourself at me, nor were you scared by my appearance. When I found out that you were becoming friends with Michael, it got me scared that I would have to spend more time with you and I could actually start caring about somebody. I've never really cared about anything before, the girls I always use mean nothing to me. I thought that if I stayed away from you, nothing would happen. I was wrong. The more I stayed away from you, the more I wanted you, and when I had you I panicked and made you leave." Luke explained.

"Oh." That was all I could say.

"Yeah." He whispered.

"Are you going to make me leave again?" I whispered back.

"Never." He said as he leaned in closer to me. This time I was ready for him to kiss me when he pulled away. I shot him a playful glare and he just laughed.

"I want to sing you something." He pulled out a guitar from beside him. As soon as he started to strum, I recognized the song as I swear this time I mean it by Mayday Parade. How did he know that they were my favorite band?

* You can play the song added if you would like now*

Oh Florida please be still tonight

Don't disturb this love of mine

Look how she's so serene

You've gotta help me out

And count the stars to form in lines

And find the words to sing in time

I want to keep her dreaming

It's my one wish, I won't forget this

I'm outdated, overrated

Morning seems so far away

So I'll sing a melody

And hope to God she's listening

Sleeping softly while I sing

And I'll be your memories

Your lullabies for all the times

Hoping that my voice could get it right

If luck is on my side tonight

My clumsy tongue will make it right

And wrists that touch

It isn't much, but it's enough

To form imaginary lines

Forget your scars, we'll forget mine

The hours change so fast

Oh God, please make this last

Cause I'm outdated, overrated

Morning seems so far away

So I'll sing a melody

And hope to God she's listening

Sleeping softly while I sing

And I'll be your memories

Your lullabies for all the times

Hoping that my voice could get it right

Could get it right

You could crush me

Please don't crush me

"Cause baby I'm a dreamer for sure

And I won't let you down

I swear I this time I mean it

And I'll sing a melody

And hope to God she's listening

Sleeping softly while I sing

And I'll be your memories

Your lullaby for all the times

Hoping that my voice could get it right.

When he finished the song I was almost crying because of how sweet it was.

"Thank you Luke. That was probably the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me." I said and hugged him. He was surprised at the gesture at first but quickly put his arms around me.

"You're welcome Charlie. I may not show it all the time, but I do care about you. A lot." He blushed. "We better get you home before your parents notice."

I nodded and started to help him pick up before he stopped me.

"Ah ah ah. I will not allow my girlfriend to clean up after us."

'Who said anything about me being your girlfriend. I haven't even been asked out yet." I said sassily.

"I thought this was a date. Doesn't that make us dating?"

"Nope, not until you ask me. Just because we had a picnic together doesn't make us together."

"Fine, stubborn. Charlie Springs, will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asked.

"I don't know. Let me think about it." I teased him.

"Really, Charlie? But you said that I had to ask you and I did." He complained.

"I never said I was going to say yes," Once I said this he started to pout and I finally gave in, "I was kidding Lukey. I would love to be your girlfriend." He immediately perked up and a huge smile spread across his face. He skipped back to my house with me failing to keep up with him. Seeing a 17 year old boy covered in tattoos and piercings skipping was probably one of the strangest things I've ever seen It definitely wasn't the worst because I had an internet connection and everyone knows what weird things you can find on tumblr. I finally caught up to Luke who was waiting patiently at my back door for me.

"Thank you for this amazing night, Luke." I said.

"Thank you for agreeing to be my girlfriend." He smiled. I really enjoyed these times with Luke, but who knows how long they could last before I said something that made him mad or he said something stupid and made me angry. He walked inside with me up to my room.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Charlie." He said and pecked my lips.

"Wait, Luke. Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I almost begged.

His smile grew, if that was even possible. I told him that I was just going to get into my pajamas and he should wait on my bed. I quickly threw on my usual sleep wear and came out of my bathroom to find Luke stretched out on my bed already.

"Move over, loser" He scooted over so I could get under the covers and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I just hope that my mom wouldn't find this in the morning.

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