Sneak Peeks

By A_stronot

1.2K 70 31

Somewhere for me to keep all my ideas organized, but also give you all a sneak peek? you know, let me know if... More

In the rain.
The Journalist
The Soldier
What about her? [Alternative]
What about her [Alternative pt.2]
Her Ex-Wife
Family vacation
The book room
Another Dime Bag [ What about her?Extra]
TNG [extra]
Little one
lead dancer
Jades gone
No Dad?
Told You So [Extra]
Alternative School
What About Her [Extra]
Mommy Wars
Baba stole her
Painfully broke
Cold War [4]
Supernova [2]
Danger to Society
Danger to Society [2]
Real mom
Told you so alternative
Told you so [alternative]
Told You So
Her Nanny
Her nanny [2]
Sweet 16 GW
Hybrids in NY
more tys stuff
bahb little extra
tys prequel
Mom's new BF
Dad's new GF
Amir's First Kiss
What about her Alternative [2]
Hybrid Camp
Hybrid book
New Academy
Polar Opposites
Hybrid Camp 2
WAH extra
⚠️I'll make sure of it ⚠️
Drinking Buddies
New Academy

Jades gone 2

16 1 0
By A_stronot

"Found her?!"

"No. But I think I can track her. Do you know her registered hybrid identification number?" Ethan asked with Victoria sitting in his lap.

"Down mama" Leigh-Anne put Perrie down and she ran over to Victoria.


"Sure bubba. What do you want to play?" Perrie pulled on Victoria's hand, leading her to the back door.


"Hm?" The hybrid turned to Jesy with a sweet smile.

"What did mama say?" Jesy asked and Perrie turned around pulling on the door. Whining when it didn't open.

"Amma asked you a question bubba" Victoria turned her around to face Jesy.

"Mama said to stay inside. You know you're not allowed outside" Jesy reminded softly. Every since Jade went missing she's been on edge. They all were.

Perrie turned around ignoring Jesy. She continued to pull on the door.

"Hold on" Leigh-Anne stood up from the sofa making her way into the dining area.



"No playing outside today. Take aunty upstairs to play."

"Wanna go out mama."

"I know bubba but not today."

"But. . . Fine" Perrie pouted, dragging Victoria upstairs with her. Leigh-Anne returned to her seat beside Ethan who was waiting for Jade's ID number.

". . . .19B92J12A26T."

"Okay and her social"

"107-29-4097. How is this going to help find my baby?"

"All domesticated hybrids have a tracking device."


"Yeah. All of them born after 1990 and Jade was born in 92 so she should have one. "



"Come here please baby"

"In trouble?" Perrie asked holding the rail as she came down the stairs one step at a time.

"No my love come" She sat in Leigh-Anne's lap giving her a hug.

"Where should it be, do you know?"

"Wrist, neck or right here" He rubbed the back of his head.

Leigh-Anne began to run her fingers over the areas but she didn't feel anything.

"Perrie doesn't have one."

She checked behind her ears and just ran her hands through her hair but didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

"When was she born?"


"Perrie's not a domesticated hybrid. She's not going to have one." Jesy told the two who seem to have forgotten that.

"That's true." Leigh-Anne sighed softly kissing the back of Perrie's hand.

Jesy watched over their shoulders as Ethan entered the numbers. The page loaded and soon enough a red dot appeared a few towns over.

"Where is that?"

"I don't know let me get an address and we can go."

"Okay, let me get dressed."

"Not you Leigh-Anne. You should stay here with Perrie and I." Victoria knew everything would go better if Jesy and Ethan went. . . Alone.

"Okay" Jesy pecked Leigh-Anne's lips and went to get dressed. Once she came down she and Ethan left out but not before she gave Perrie a kiss on her cheek.

"Wanna watch a movie bubs? It will help time pass" Victoria asked the two who were cuddling into each other. When they nodded she asked Perrie what she wanted to watch.

"Mmm Grug!" Perrie cheered.

"Grug? What's that bubba?"


"I don't know what that is my love"

" She wants to watch meet the croods"

"Oh. . .okay" Had Leigh-Anne not said anything Victoria would have been there all day trying to figure out what Perrie meant.

Once she put it on she sat with them on the sofa, joining in on their cuddle session.


"It's right here" Ethan got out of the car and Jesy followed him into the dingy looking building.

They looked around for the hybrid.

"Jade?" The weak, immobile hybrid's ears perked up. She tried to call for Jesy but it came out as a pained whimper.

"Shh Shh, I heard something." Ethan shushed Jesy before she could call for Jade again. They listened and followed the whimpers down stairs into a basement.

"Jade?" Jesy called again. She could hear her cries but couldn't find her.

"In here." Ethan opened a door.

"Oh my god. Jade. What did they do to you?" The poor hybrid was sitting in mess. She's only been missing for about three days. But In those three days she hasn't had food or water. She wasn't allowed to use the bathroom either.

"Come, we're going to get you out of here." Ethan held his hand out but Jade couldn't move.

"I'll get her." Jesy could see the hesitation on his face. Jesy didn't care, she just wanted her baby out of there.

"She's limp." Ethan raised her arm, watching it fall to her side.

"I gotta get her home and cleaned up. "

"Does anything hurt baby?" Jesy asked as she carried Jade up the steps. Jade nodded as her eyes shut. She began dozing off. She knew she was safe now and felt comfortable sleeping.

"We're going to take care of you baby" Jesy kissed her forehead.

"Do you have a cloth to put down? I don't want to dirty your seats."

"That's alright. I can clean it up. It's not a big deal. Let's just get her home and make sure she's okay. "


"Leigh-Anne, they got her." Victoria shook Leigh-Anne awake.

"Is she okay?"

"She's alive. She seems a bit out of it I don't see any physical injuries but can you set her a bath please, we're ten minutes away." Jesy asked holding the cold hybrid close.

"Yeah. Yeah. Thank you guys so much. I love you all. Please get here safe."

"We love you too" Ethan said before waving and hanging up.

"No mama" Perrie whined when Leigh-Anne stood up.

"We have to go set Jade a bath bubba. Let's go clean out the tub." Perrie rubbed the sleep out of her eyes following Leigh-Anne.

"Can I sprinkle?"

Perrie asked when Leigh-Anne picked up the Ajax.

"Yes, put it all over. . . No no. Not the floor bubba. Just the tub" Leigh-Anne put Perrie's hand over the tub and left her to get the broom and dustpan.

She swept up the powder while Perrie played with the now wet, clay like cleaning product.

"Baby." Leigh-Anne sighed. Perrie giggled clapping her hands sending it everywhere.

"Stop bubba. You're making a mess." Perrie began to sneeze, inhaling too many fumes.

"See. Bless you"

"Thank you mama"

"You're welcome. Let's wash your hands." Leigh-Anne helped Perrie wash her hands and sent her out of the bathroom so she could finish cleaning and setting the bath.

"Mama I'm ready" Perrie was standing in the doorway in her pull up.

"This is for Jade silly. You took a bath this morning."

"I wanna take a bath with Jade."

"Maybe. We have to ask Jade."

"That's My Jade!!" Perrie ran downstairs straight to the door, pulling on it.

"Where is your shirt bubba?" Victoria asked as she opened the door.


"You need a shirt."

"Nope" Perrie ran over to Jesy who was holding Jade.

"I wanna take a bath with Jade Amma."

"Maybe another time bug. Jade isn't feeling too well."

"But. . ." Jade lazily opened her eyes when she heard Perrie's voice.

"Hiyaa" Perrie waved excitedly. Jade looked at her before closing her eyes again. She was exhausted.

"Thanks guys but I'm going to take her up."

"Yeah, we'll watch Perrie." Victoria sat down with the shirtless hybrid in her lap.

Leigh-Anne came down the steps for a bathbomb. They hadn't unpacked everything quite yet.

"Awwww my baby" She cooed, kissing the hybrid's cheek.

"Can you just rinse her off before you put her in the tub?" Leigh-Anne asked, pecking Jesy's lips. She nodded carrying Jade upstairs.

"Perrie. Where is your shirt?" Leigh-Anne has been trying to get her hybrids to wear clothes for a while now. Especially because Ethan and Victoria have been around a lot.

She shrugged before continuing to playfight with Victoria.

"No, come to mama. You need a shirt." Leigh-Anne said looking through a box picking out the first shirt she saw.

"but I not going outside" Perrie frowned but stood up when Leigh-Anne curled a finger at her.

"I don't like it" Perrie began to cry.

"We have company bubba. So you can't walk around shirtless. You have to wear clothes."

"Aunty see me already, in bath"

"Yes she has but Uncle is here so you need a shirt. When it's just me, you, Amma and Jade then you don't have to wear a shirt, okay?" Perrie nodded. Leigh-Anne could tell she was sleepy. She wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Go finish playing with Aunty and Uncle, It's almost bedtime and I know you're sleepy. "

"No I not!" Leigh-Anne walked into the kitchen warming some milk for Perrie before pouring it into a sippy.

"Here baby"

"Say thank you mama" Victoria reminded.

"Thank you mama" Leigh-Anne smiled and went upstairs to help Jesy with Jade.

"Very good. . ." She heard Jesy talking to Jade softly as she came up the steps.

When she entered the room she noticed Jade cower away.

"Baby?" Jade refused to make eye contact with Leigh-Anne.

"I'm not mad at you. You're not in any trouble, baby. Look at me please" Jade refused. Leigh-Anne wasn't going to force her.

"Do you want to just shower with Jesy?" Jade nodded slightly, surprising Leigh-Anne. She thought she would be clinging to her by now.

"Okay. . . Well, um. . . I'll be in the playroom with Perrie I guess."

"I think she'd want us all to sleep together, right baby?" Jade nodded.

"Okay. Let me get the little one ready for bed." Leigh-Anne went back downstairs where she heard Perrie running.

"Perrie, it's time for bed baby- Where's Perrie?" Leigh-Anne asked despite seeing her long striped tail from behind the sofa.

"Have you seen her" both shook their heads. Leigh-Anne smiled and sat down beside Victoria.

She watched what was on the TV and after a while Perrie came out of hiding wanting to be held. Leigh-Anne put her hands out for her but she went straight to Victoria.

"Look, mama wants you bubba" Perrie shook her head before laying it on her shoulder. The couple felt bad when Leigh-Anne got up and walked away. Where she went? No one knows.

Meanwhile Jesy took her time washing Jade up in the bath. She couldn't tell if Jade was small or not, she didn't think she was but she still put a few toys in the bath. When she and Leigh-Anne took baths they played with toys too. She washed her hair which took some time but Jesy didn't mind.

"Jade?" She looked up hearing her name.

"Did they do anything to hurt you?" Jade nodded.

"Was it a man or a woman? A man?" Jade shook her head.

"A woman?" She nodded.

"Okay we don't have to talk about it anymore for now, thank you for telling me. I know you must've been afraid." Jade nodded. All she could do was give a slight nod or shake of the head and blink.

"Are you ready to get out of the bath?"

"No? You can't stay here forever my love. Don't you want to see Leigh-Anne and Perrie?" She nodded.

"We can take another one tomorrow, okay?" When Jade nodded, Jesy stood her up in the bath carrying her over to the shower where she sat her down on the bench in the box shower. She lathered her up one more time before rinsing her off. Jesy wrapped a towel around her and carried her to the bed.

"Do you feel like you need a pull up?" Jade shook her head and Jesy put her in some panties.

While the two got comfortable in the bed. Perrie made her way over to Leigh-Anne when she returned to the living room. She laid her head on her Mama's shoulder and held her hand as she slept.

"Let me help you, you know you're not supposed to be on your knee." Ethan took Perrie from Leigh-Anne carrying her upstairs.

"Everyone covered?" He asked after knocking. He learned first hand that the women sometimes slept naked or in very little clothing. He felt bad that they all had to get dressed because he was here and he wanted them to be comfortable in their own home but they reassured him that it was fine.

"Hold on" Jesy pulled the blanket over Jade since she was only in her panties before telling Ethan he could come in.


"Ah yes, and she's already sleeping. Thank you" jesy took Perrie from him and laid her down beside Jade.

"No problem. Um, what room can Victoria and I take?"

"Whichever one you want. Make yourselves at home you're going to be here for a while."

"Alright, thanks Jes." She smiled telling him goodnight.

"Goodnight guys"

"Goodnight Leigh"

Leigh-Anne came into the room and got into the bed getting under the blankets. She was exhausted and stressed all the way out.

"Let me take your brace off, baby"

"It's okay, thanks babe"

Leigh-Anne waved her off but Jesy walked over to her side of the bed to take it off anyway. Leigh-Anne hissed in pain when Jesy pulled the velcro strap.

"Dont take it off."

"What happened? Is it from when they bumped into you when running down the steps?"

"No, I just, I think I've been putting too much weight on it." She lied.

"You can't sleep with this big ass brace on. I can help you into a cloth one. You're not going to be comfortable like this" Leigh-Anne sat up.

"Still hurts when you bend it?"


"You need to go to the doctor babe, seriously."

"It's just a sprain"

"It's not just a sprain if you're still in this much pain. I don't know what's going on with you but as soon as Jade gets a little better I'm taking you to the doctor."

"I'm not a child, Jesy"

"You sure are acting like one. You're going. I don't want to hear any more of it." Jesy shut her up, sliding the heavy metal brace from under her leg.

"Owww. Oww no. Leave it." Leigh-Anne bit her lip trying to be quiet when Jesy tried to pull the cloth support brace up over her knee.

"Why didn't you tell me that your knee was swollen like this?"

"Because. . ."


"We had more important things going on."

"You're not going to learn until your body falls apart. You're going to the hospital. I'll let you pick the day but sometime within this week you're going." Jesy kissed her wife before covering them all with the blankets and turning out the light.

She didn't bother to turn the TV on because the hybrids were sleeping. Or she thought they were. Jade whimpered softly making Jesy and Leigh-Anne sit up and turn on their bedside lamps.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"She doesn't want to be in the dark. Do you want to watch some cartoons, love?" When she nodded Jesy turned on the TV and put on fairly odd parents. Leigh-Anne fell asleep soon after but Jesy waited until Jade fell asleep to go to sleep.

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