
By Artemisia738

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She got alerted hearing the same footsteps approaching her. Crawling backwards she shook her head vigorously... More

Chapter 1- Abducted
Chapter 2-Ruined
Chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- Handwriting
Chapter 5- Escape
Chapter- 8


3.1K 267 44
By Artemisia738

" What did you say?" Rubab questioned getting close to Darwish who seemed impassive by her sudden presence.

She confronted him," You ruined Walid's relationship! That means you knew me before we met! Who are you?"

Now, everything was making sense to Rubab. Darwish knew her from the beginning and there must be some kind of grudges he was holding for her and that's why he was behaving like a brute with her. She might have done something to him that she couldn't recall but he remembers clearly. Rubab wasn't buying his silence anymore. She realized that there must be some kind of stupid game he was playing. 

" What's your enmity with me?" Rubab questioned sounding suspicious.

Before Darwish could reply Rubab's mind spoke ' What if Darwish is the person who kidnapped her and raped her repeatedly?' This thought crossed her mind and her whole face turned pale. She took a step backwards shaking her head. Is she married to that disgusting creature? 

" How dare you interfere in my matters? huh!" Darwish grabbed her arm tightly making her hiss in pain.

He shouted in her face," How dare you eavesdrop on my conversation?"

" It was you?" Rubab questioned making him raise his brow.

Her lips quivered," It was you who kidnapped me." 

His hands loosened around her arms the moment those words rolled out from her mouth. He was flabbergasted by her sudden question. If she gets to know the truth then she will surely run away from him or report him to the police. And, he doesn't want to lose her at any cost.

A few days ago it didn't matter to him if she will come to know the truth because he was planning to sell her to a brothel after using her to his heart's content. But, the situation changed suddenly. His feelings started changing without his realization.

" Have you lost your mind?" He questioned as if she was wrong. 

She shot back," Talk about yourself! I know that he knew me before our marriage. It was all your plan to ruin my life."

She grabbed his collar," Tell me what I did to you? You want to take revenge, don't you?" 

Darwish jerked away her hands and yelled," Shut the fuck up and get out." He pointed his finger at the door.

Rubab refused shaking her head," Without knowing the truth I am not leaving."

Darwish was pissed off by her stubborn attitude. He was disturbed after seeing the suspicion in her eyes and he knew that he had to stop this conversation right now. 

" I knew that politeness won't suit you," he grabbed her hand tightly almost cutting her blood supply.

Before Rubab could understand anything she was thrown outside of his room. He shut the door right on her face and Rubab realized that he was hiding something. The way he reacted she wasn't any fool that she won't understand anything.

Rubab's suspicion on Darwish kept growing with every passing second. Returning to her room she kept pacing here and there while thinking about everything from the first. She continued analyzing Darwish's every single word making her suspicion stronger.

" He knew me," She mumbled. " Or I knew someone close to him. He always blamed me for ruining someone's life. Who could be that someone?"

Rubab tried a lot to solve this puzzle but she failed. She felt like running away from Darwish because she was sick after realizing that he might be the person who snatched her dignity. Without any proper evidence, she couldn't tell about her suspicion to her parents. Her family members were enough fond of Darwish so there was no way they will believe her suspicion.

" I need to know about his background," A thought cross Rubab's mind. " He will never share his background with me."

After thinking for a few moments she sighed in relief. She knew who can help her. It was none other than Razia. There was no way that she will stay under the same roof as her rapist. 

Entering Razia's room, Rubab found her reading a book. Rubab cleared her throat to grab Razia's attention.

" Bhabhi, what are you doing at the door? Come inside," Razia straightened her back closing the book.

Rubab came forward and took a seat in front of Razia. She smiled awkwardly and Razia understood that Rubab might want to ask something.

" You want to ask something, bhabhi?" Razia questioned.

Rubab said," Razia, actually I want to know everything about Darwish."

Razia seemed puzzled so Rubab cleared her words," I mean I want to know about his background. Our marriage happened suddenly so we didn't get enough time to know each other. And, I think you know how much secretive is your brother. He never shares anything. So, I am asking you. Tell me everything about him. Like his family, friends, relatives etc." 

" Well, I know Darwish bhai from his childhood. Since my mother used to work in his house and my father used to work for his father, I often used to come here. He always loved me like his younger sister," Razia continued narrating.

Taking a breath she kept saying," Darwish bhai and his father used to live in this house. I heard from him that his mother and younger brother died in Iraq due to war." 

" Younger brother?" Rubab raised one of her brows. Darwish never talked about his brother. 

Razia nodded her head," Yes."

Rubab's suspicion on Darwish continued to increase. She creased her brows.

" We always thought Darwish bhai's mother and brother are dead but we were wrong," Razia said making Rubab surprised.

Razia added," I was around 13 or 14 years at that time. One day I returned from school and saw a woman with a boy around my age sitting in the living room. I saw Darwish bhai crying at that woman's embrace and Darwish bhai's father seemed shocked as hell. I was confused after watching those strangers."

" My confusion was cleared when I got to know that the woman was Darwish bhai's mother and that boy was his younger brother whom he always loved. At that moment Darwish bhai's happiness knew no bounds. I thought everyone will be happy with this reunion however everything turned upside down when Darwish bhai's stepmom returned from Saudi Arabia after Hajj," Razia said making a sad face. 

"Stepmom?" Rubab questioned.

Razia sighed," Yes. Darwish bhai's father married another woman because he thought his wife was dead."

" Darwish's bhai's mother couldn't handle the truth that her husband had another wife. So, she disappeared again with her son leaving behind Darwish bhai. It was really a sad incident for him. Specifically, he couldn't bear the pain of losing his brother again. He was really affectionate towards his brother. He tried a lot to find out his brother and mother but failed," Razia kept saying. 

" After years he found them eventually but not in any good state. He found them in a hospital where his brother was struggling for his life and mother.........." Razia was interrupted by Omar. He just woke up from his sleep and started whining for his mother.

Razia said," I will talk to you later, bhabhi."

Rubab was annoyed by Omar's sudden interference. But, she didn't show her annoyance. 

" No problem," She forced a smile on her face. 

Rubab forwarded her legs to leave Razia's room while her mind kept repeating Razia's words. Darwish found out about his brother and mother then why did he tell her that they were dead? Moreover, he never shared anything about his brother.

" Older brother!" Rubab's mind reminded of that conversation she had with Dawood in her dreams. Her eyes widened suddenly and she turned her back to Razia.

" Ummm... Razia," She called. Razia looked at her with questioning eyes.

Rubab questioned," What's Darwish's brother's name?"

" Dawood," Razia answered making Rubab stumble backwards. 

Note- I hope you have enjoyed the update.

I know that the updates are slow. I am sorry for that. Because of the long gap, I kinda forgot how I planned it earlier.  I am working on the drafts currently. Once I finish them the updates will be frequent. I am planning to finish this story this month. So, I hope my readers will be patient with me.

Thank you.

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