My Innocent Baby Boy

By Mehersingh13

12.6K 744 91

Ever heard of those stories where the girl falls first but the boy falls harder? Yep. Exactly the same thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End.

Chapter 11

313 19 1
By Mehersingh13

On Monday, Hea got up and got dressed. She didn't come out of her room the entire day yesterday because her father was home.

She replaced the bandage on her hand after dressing and got ready to go to Jimin's house.

When she got there, Jimin was now walking out, and she hid her right hand in her skirt pocket.

"Let's go?" She asked with a smile.

Jimin nodded with a small smile, and they started their journey towards school.

Hea made it her usual to run in the bakery and get treats for them to eat on the way. Today she bought chocolate brownies for the both of them.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows seeing the girl offer it to him with her left hand.

He wasn't dumb. He saw her open the door with one hand, hold the things with the same hand and even asked someone to open the door for her to exit with the other hand free in her pocket. What happened to her?

Nevertheless, he waited until she was ready to tell him or until he prepared himself to ask her.

"It's good?" Hea asked after he took a bite.

"Yep." His usual response to that question she asked.
"Remember we have a test today?"

To his utter surprise, Hea nodded.

"Already studied and everything!" She cheered, giving him a thumbs up.

"That's great!" He smiled, encouragingly.

"Gonna blow them away!"

Jimin could tell she was excited. He never saw her this happy before; in school she always had a resting bitch face... Unless it was with him. Some part of him felt Happy. Elated even, that she's excited because of him.

They arrived at school and hurried to class for their math test.

Hea sat next to Jimin at the front, her new hobby, and took out the necessary.

Their teacher walked in just as the class was full and everyone became quiet.

"I will give you all five minutes to revise. I want no failing! Everyone must pass 70% or it's a week's detention." Mrs. Lee took her seat.

All her students began cramming except Hea and Jimin.

The girl scooted over to Jimin.

"Uh Jimin..."

He turned to her.

"I don't think I can do this. I wanna skip." She told him in a nervous tone of voice.

He widened his eyes.

Hea was nervous?! For the first time?!

Jimin panicked internally on what to do. He was too shy for any skin-to-skin contact, so how could he comfort the girl?

She looked so cute with her doe eyes; he's never seen before.

"Hea, take a deep breath." With shaky hands, he rested his on hers.

"You can do this. You studied and that's all that matters. When you get the paper, don't panic. Just remember what you've learnt and answer the questions." Jimin hoped that what he was speaking helped the girl.

"Five minutes up!" The teacher announced and got up with the stack of papers.

Hea went back to her seat after whispering a thank you to Jimin.

She couldn't help but like the feeling of his hand on hers. She wanted more of his touch. And knowing that he doesn't like skin to skin contact made her feel special.

She shrugged away those thoughts for now and focused on the paper she was given.

Mrs. Lee sent her a glare and as if Hea got back her confident self, she sent her a teasing wink in response.

Jimin saw this to which he smiled. He liked it when she was confident and bold.

"Begin!" The lady's voice boomed over the entire room and all the students picked up their pens and began answering the questions.


Hour and a half later, the teacher collected the papers from the students and then announced,

"Since we have a lot more time left, I shall mark these papers now. You all may do something constructive until I am finished."

Immediately, students switched seats to sit with their friends and whispered about the math test.

"How was it?" Jimin turned to Hea and asked.

"It was surprisingly not too bad. And I never thought I'd say that about a test." She laughed.

"Well then, we'll see how much you get."

The girl nodded and pulled out her sketch book.

Jimin took out his novel and they both got busy doing their own things.


"Alright class. I am done with marking your papers."

Hea's heartbeat increased. This was the first time she actually tried on a test. She wanted to make Jimin proud. She needed to make Jimin proud.

Mrs. Lee finally came to her desk, and handed Jimin his paper, then walked to Hea.

She slapped the paper on the desk, causing Jimin to flinch. Hea growled lowly and clenched her fist.

A look from Jimin telling her he's okay made her take a deep breath. However, she glared at Mrs. Lee as the teacher walked away.

The girl then glanced at her paper and was reluctant to turn it over.

She hesitantly lifted it up and her hands flew to her mouth as she let out a gasp of shock.

"Jimin! I got a 76! I got 76%!" She whisper yelled.

The boy, who was anxious for her all this time, smiled.

"Great job. I guess you're learning after all."

"Well I have the beeeest tutor."

He smiled shyly.

"What'd you get?"

"100%." He lowered his voice at that.

"Holy fuck- Damn you're smart!" She exclaimed.

Jimin quickly shushed her before she could be caught for cursing and the teacher called for everyone's attention.

"I will be announcing your grades."

The class groaned.

"What's the need for her to do that?" Hea whispered to Jimin, disgusted.

In response the boy shrugged as their teacher called out grades.

"Park Jimin, a hundred. Always topping."

Few glares went to him as well as couple claps.

Hea threw all those glaring a dirty look and they knew not to let her eyes cross them again or they'll be in trouble.

"Kang Hea, seventy-five."

The entire class gasped, and Mrs. Lee rolled her eyes subtly.

"It's actually a seventy-six." The said girl fired.

The class gasped again.

"Kang Hea. A. Seventy. Six." Her teacher gritted out.

She smiled teasingly and threw back in her chair. A forbidden thing to do when a teacher is in class but obviously, Hea could care less.

"Continue to work then." Plastering a fake smile, the lady encouraged Hea with an uninterested tone.

The bell rang, ending the misery of the students. Everyone rushed out of the class, to go get lunch.

Jimin and Hea parted ways and went to their friends.

"Wassupppp bishes!" The girl greeted her cousin and two friends.

"You look happy. Real happy." Hoseok observed.

"Did you pull more pranks?"
"Did you beat someone up?"
"Did you curse someone out?"

She laughed at their three assumptions.

"Nope. I passed a test."

Daniel choked on his drink, Hoseok's lettuce fell out of his mouth and Yoongi straight up dropped his burger.

Hea began to go into a laughing fit seeing the three of them.

"No fucking way! How much did you get?!"

"Well, Yoongles, your girl got a 76."

Their eyes widened and mouths fell open. 

"Damnnnn. Congrats cuz!" Daniel gave her a fist bump.

"I must say. Your tutor is really good."

"Thanks Hobi. He definitely is."

"And cute too." Daniel piped in.

"I agree, Dan." Hoseok agreed. 

Yoongi glared at Hoseok and Hea glared at Daniel.

"Anywaysss," The girl slurped on her drink. "Oh look. He's right over there."

"What's he doing by himself?" Yoongi questioned.

"I don't know, he was with his friends couple minutes ago. Imma be right back."

Hea left and the three gave each other knowing looks.

"Yep. She's fallen." They chorused, speaking each other's thoughts.

They all then shook their heads at how she didn't realize it yet.

On the other hand, Hea went over to Jimin and took a seat next to him.

"Heyy! What's up?"

Jimin looked up from his book.

"Hi Hea."

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook? Why are you by yourself?" She questioned.

"Oh, student council work. So I am here reading until class starts back."

"Nope not gonna do. Come on, my friends wanna meet you."

Hea got up and closed his book. Then she picked up his bag and held his hand.

"Wait what? Meet me? Why? Hea? Heaaa come on." Jimin questioned and whined quietly as he was dragged to a table with three people.

"Sit." The girl commanded and reluctantly he took a seat then looked at them.

"So guys. This is Jimin, my tutor and my friend. Jimin, this is Daniel, you already know him. Yoongi and then that's Hoseok."

After the introduction, it was really awkward and Jimin wanted the world to swallow him whole.

"Jimin, I heard you helped our Hea with her studies. Thanks to you she got the highest she's ever gotten."

Jimin blushed at Hoseok's kind words and Hea laughed.

"It's no problem." He spoke quietly, still a bit shy.

The boys welcomed him well and made conversations with him until the bell rang again.

When Hea and Jimin were walking to class, he said,

"Your friends are nice."

"I am glad you like them."

"Yeah I felt really comfortable after a while." He smiled. "Thanks." The boy said again but in a lower tone.

"Anything for you Jiminie."

His heartbeat increased at her words, and he had to calm it down before it jumped out of his chest.

Gladly, they reached their class and took their seats.

Mrs. Lee taught subjects for the semester and the class continued.


Hea slammed her pen on the table lightly, causing Jimin to look at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked curiously.

She turned to him with puppy eyes, something he never saw before.


"Jiminieee." She began, sweetly.

His brows furrowed more in confusion.

"Can we stop early? I am tiredd."

"But the schedule says an hour?" He asked trying not to focus on how cute she was looking.


"No, come-on Hea. You're doing good so far. It's just fifteen more minutes."

The girl folded her arms over her chest not budging. Maybe she could find a way to convince him.

What would work? The girl thought.

'Maybe I can make him shy?' She concluded.

"Hea, come on, one more problem-"

Jimin was cut off, feeling a quick sensation of lips on his cheek.

He stared at Hea in shock, his cheeks getting red. She just kissed him... On the cheek...

"Jiminie?" She called.

"Yea?" He was still avoiding her gaze with red cheeks. His heart raced as the scene replayed in his mind.

"Yah. Look at me, Baby Boy." Hea got impatient.

"L-let's just focus on the subject." He told her, clearing his throat.

"Are you blushing?" She teased, with an amused face.

"NO!" He quickly denied. "Let's focus on the subject."

Hea whined. All that trouble she spent gaining courage to kiss him on the cheek to distract him...

It didn't work.

Seeing her sad face, Jimin held in a smile. He completely forgot she was the bold, daring girl who always fought with everyone.

"Alright fine. I guess... Just because you're improving. Maybe we can cut this session short."

Hearing that, the girl perked up happily.


"Yeah, what do you want to do?"

"Well, I wanna treat the best tutor in the world with ice cream."

Jimin smiled shyly but began to pack up to leave.

They walked to the ice cream parlour and happily talked while having ice cream.

"Bye Jiminiee." She waved him off.

"Bye Hea." He smiled, his eye smile making her feel extremely happy.

She walked off after seeing him close the gate and went home.

Jimin, walked in his house with a smile on his face.

But unfortunately, his smile disappeared after he was yanked by his shirt.

The person threw him into wall and Jimin whimpered.

"Where's your test results?!" The angry lady yelled as he scrambled for a bow.

Still bowing, he reached in his bag for his test paper and handed it to her.

"H-here Ma'am."

He breathed out a sigh of relief when he heard a satisfied hum.

She threw it back in his face. "Hm. At least it's not a 97 like last time."

"Y-yes Ma'am." He nodded; head still lowered.

"Now! Go and make me dinner!"

His eyes shot up, but seeing a glare, he quickly lowered them again.

"Ma'am. I am tired and I have school tomorrow." Swallowing, he built up courage to answer her.

"WHAT! You dare defy me?! Should I call your father?!"

"N-no. Please."


"Mother!" A voice intervened.

The lady's eyes softened as she turned to a young man coming downstairs.

"Ah Jisung. My baby. What woke you up?"

Jimin lowered his eyes as the welled up with tears.

Jisung glanced worriedly at his brother then back at his mother.

"Mom. I want to make dinner for you tonight, it's this new recipe I have been wanting to try."

"Oh really?"

He threw his arms around his mother and began walking to the kitchen with her.

"Yes, it's a Japanese dish that I want to make. And if you like it, maybe it'll impress father for me to get my restaurant someday."

"Ah yes yes. My sweet son, come on. Let Mother see your talent."

Jisung glanced back at Jimin who was looking at them. He gave his elder brother a wink and Jimin passed him a grateful smile then headed upstairs.

He got changed and threw himself on his bed exhausted.

Jimin's eyes then teared up looking at a picture on his bed stand.

Quiet sobs soon left his lips as he tried to muffle them in the pillow.

"I miss you Eomma."

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