The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 57

2K 81 15
By YamagsuKami

Brown eyes wandered over the streets of the city as the orange tone of the sky illuminated the entire area but none of that light reached him.

His gaze was devoid of any emotion... Not devoid, there was an emotion in them. Impotence.

Once again he had failed at doing what he wanted to achieve the most. Protect his friends. He failed again.

Issei looked at his hand, shortly after a crimson gauntlet enveloped the flesh as it glowed. Then blade unsheathed from that same sacred gear.

A sigh left him.

"No matter how many gifts I get... No matter the training it's never enough. Why the situation always overwhelms me? Am I not enough? Is my fate to always fail?"

He gritted his teeth as he turned his hand into a furious fist.

"Why I cannot do anything right for once?"

Because he was too weak to even face Cain now Y/N was lost in a place that had no tangible way out. Now his friend was suffering because of his incompetence.

Why did all the situation ended up overwhelming him?

"I am sorry, Y/N."

His gauntlet faded as he brought his hands to his face in shame.

"I knew that you would be here."

A voice came from behind him making Issei look back to see Rias.

"President? What are you doing here?"

He asked slightly curious and Rias frowned a bit in response before giving her answer.

"Can I worry about my cute Pawn? I was... concerned because I haven't seen you in an entire day."

"I am okay. You should go back to the mansion. Pretty sure they need you more than I."

Issei's gaze returned forward.

Rias sighed as she walked closer to him.

"Can I sit?"

"If you want."

His answers weren't like his usual self. They were short, simple and even a little coldness leaked from his voice. It... bothered her.

"Are you alright?"

Issei almost scoffed humorlessly upon such a dumb question.

He wasn't alright... But not like his feelings mattered at this moment.

"I am... Fine."

"You are not. For the first time, you're brooding."

"I am pretty sure that Y/N is having a much worst time than me. So I think I cannot complain about my current state of mind, President."

Through all of this, he never gave her a look, he just sat there looking at the nowhere with pitiful eyes.

"Issei... Tell me about you and Y/N."

He rose an eyebrow.

"I don't see why is that necessary. Look, I am fine, President. You should just-"

"Just tell me, there is nothing wrong with a simple talk."

Even though he was unsure of what to say back he just kept on her wishes.

"Well, he was just a guy who appeared out of nowhere to save from some bullies and it dragged on until now. He was always there to help me. Both in the good times and bad, more on the bat though."

"I see. He seems like a great friend, but I think that is pretty obvious for everybody who gets to know him. I always found it astonishing. His level of loyalty and dedication to those he cares about it's... Really admirable."

Issei chuckled as he looked at his feet.

"Yeah, he is the best. Always there to give me a hand when most needed... It wasn't strange that mom warmed up to him quite rapidly, to the point that she considers him a son as well."

"It reminds of me and Akeno, you know. We have been united since we were pretty young. It might not seem like it, but Akeno was the one to be at my side when I was at my lowest. She has a natural talent for reassuring. Similar to a mother."

"In my case, it was more like a brother. I could always count on him to watch my back... He never failed me, yet I..."

Rias widened her eyes when she caught a glimpse of the brown-haired teenager's watery eyes. A pair of tears stained the ground.

"Yet I could repay him. When he needed me the most I couldn't do a thing. Not even with these powers that I have been gifted. I couldn't do anything to help him. I couldn't save him. Hell, I didn't even get the chance of even trying. I failed him."

A warm pressed against his hand making him turn to the side meeting Rias's blue eyes.

"I am certain that he doesn't blame you."

"But I do! It was my fault. If I have been stronger. Maybe if I had put more effort into the training, maybe if I broke my bones each time that I trained maybe I could have even attempted to save my brother! Now he is suffering in that shit hole of a place. How can I even fix this?"

Rias cupped his face in her soft hand gently wiping his tears away.

"We will fix this. Together. With each second that passes, we are closer to saving Y/N. Trust him, he is strong. The strongest I know. A bad place won't be the end for him. If I dare to say I bet he is already used to things like these."


She smiled at him as she lowered his head to her chest in a tender matter.

The sound of her heartbeat was sweet, just like a lullaby before going to sleep. A Soothing sensation that Issei found therapeutic.

"Issei, you're not a failure. We will save him."

They stood there for a couple of minutes but their moment was cut short when a fake cough reached their ears.

Xenovia fake coughed in her hand making them snap back to reality standing up from the ground rigidly.

"X-Xenovia? What's the matter? Weird seeing you here..."

"I apologize for interrupting your moment. But I don't have much time and your bonding time was starting to extend way too much."

"Wait... How long have you been standing there?"

The blue-haired knight shrugged an Issei question.

"A couple of minutes. Maybe more. Anyway, none of that is important. I came here to deliver a message to you, Hyodou. It is from the King."


Xenovia nodded and handed him a simple-looking box that was heavier than how it looked.

"He told me if the events dragged to something of this style... I should be giving you this. He wanted to give it to you personally but... You know."

Issei looked at the box with a melancholic gaze but returned it to Xenovia.

"Thank you, Xenovia."

She nodded politely.

"I should be heading out. I am assisting Venelana. Be seeing you."

Both Rias and Issei nodded in comprehension and the blue-haired girl walked leaving the two of them alone.

Rias smiled at Issei.

"I will give you some space. Come to my office anytime you wish to. Take care, Issei."

"Thank you, President... Your company I mean."

"Anytime, my cute little pawn."

She chuckled before leaving him alone.

Issei then began to open the box that weighed quite some. Upon opening the layers of the box his eyes widened upon seeing the pristine sight of a dark blade with crimson edge. The blade shined under the touch of the sun.

His hand grabbed the dagger and marveled at its craftsmanship and feeling.

"There's something else..."

He muttered as he reached for a note deeper into the box and started to read it. It was Y/N's handwriting.

'This was the weapon I used at my beginning and carried me through at my lowest. It helped me, I thought it might be of use to you. Now it's your beginning. Do not ever give up, Issei. Dragons do not let themselves be weighed by adversities, they tear them apart. Take care, brother.'

A single drop of water stained the white paper. The sensation of his throat being crushed made him close his tearful eyes while a sob left him.

"Y/N... I promise that We Will Save You."



As soon he stepped within the huge room the gates behind him started to slowly close. Now the entrance was blocked, leaving him no way to escape. Not like he planned to either way. The aura of the dragon which he thought was Ophis has never felt stronger.

He was close and the only way to reach it was forward.

His curiosity peaked at the voice that spoke to him shortly after walking into the room. But he didn't see anyone nearby. And it wasn't Vritra's voice.

A gulp left him as he scanned his surroundings. This place... It was similar to the one he and that monster battled... Hyperion. He felt it in the environment. He had been here before. It had to be in the same place.

Y/N noticed some of the sequels of their aftermath. The ground shattered, and some trees burned to a crisp about to decay... And above all...

His eyes were fixed on the thing that stood out the most from the place. A dark long sword which a blade was dug into the ground. Corrupted energy swirled the sword. Hyperion's sword. The same one which put him through hell.

While he managed to defeat it he was unable to claim his prize, the sword rejected him in all forms. It didn't acknowledge him as a worthy wielder at that moment.

That was then...

Now it was different. He was different. He was stronger.

That sword was rightfully his.

Plus, he could use another weapon since his sacred gear was destroyed by Cain. And while Pride and Greed were very useful and reliable he wanted a more heavier and ranged option.

Y/N walked towards the sword brimming with dark energy and the corruption seemed to scan him as soon he place his finger over the handle.

His whole hand was surrounded by black veins and he felt his entire body burning, but he withstood it.

"Come on... Be Mine."

He muttered but he widened his eyes as soon as the sword let out a shockwave that pushed him far off.


Grunting as he got back up he looked at the immobile Long sword and frowned.

He still wasn't worthy of it? Why?

He was much stronger than Hyperion. Why it didn't accept him?

"It's you. I always knew that it would be you the one to step into this place..."

A deep voice echoed all over the room alerting Y/N.

Y/N narrowed his eyes toward the shadow past the sword and saw an orange glow emerging from the darkness.

Both of his blades materialized on each hand prepping himself for the upcoming battle.

Curiosity was drawn on his face when the figure revealed itself to be a huge humanoid figure that reach nearly two meters and whose body was an armor itself. Around its neck some sort of orange energy mane. Energy irradiated from it and its eyes... They reminded him of someone.

Baran. It was similar to the servant of Cain but this one... This one was different on a whole other level. He could feel it.

The figure walked past the sword and ceased his movement. Each stomp he took caused a fissure in the ground due to the power that he irradiated.

Imposing, to say the least.

"Do you know me?"

Y/N asked as he started to move as well getting closer to the still behemoth.

"I do. Son of my Master Cain. Y/N Primus."

They steadily circled around not removing their glares at each other while they moved.

In response, Y/N smirked a little as his fingers played with his blades

"Got to say, I am not surprised. I met your friend, Baran. You look similar to some point. Also, I legally go by my mother's last name. Y/N L/N. Got used to that name."

"Baran. I never liked that coward. The only thing he has is a little power and thinks he can rule over everything."

A soft chuckle left Y/N.

"In that... We agree. Hope you're not as pathetic as him... You are?"

The two of them stopped in unison.


"Why are you here?"

"I could ask the same thing. How did you get to Purgatory and why have you willingly crossed those gates?"

Y/N stood silent for a bit.

"I... I need Ophis and I got here due to the battle that I had against your master. Sequels of battle you could say."

"Why do you need The Void Dragon? If it's sealed it's because of something."

The figure was starting to ask too many questions. He didn't have time for this.

"You give me a nice guy vibe, but I think my reasons are none of your business... Or unnecessary. Because no matter what I tell you... You're not going to let me go to it without putting resistance, am I right?"

"Indeed. No reason is good enough to access that dragon monster. You should turn back and look for a way out of Purgatory. Ophis isn't someone you want to meet. Given your heritage, it will seek to severely torture you in many gruesome ways."

Y/N rose an eyebrow in curiosity Andromeda noticed his curiosity and decided to answer it right away.

"Ophis despises Cain to the point that anyone who shares his blood will suffer its wrath... And you're his son. It explains itself."

This made him feel a little hesitant about meeting Ophis. If its first reaction would be to attack him... That could prove to be troublesome. Not like he was in any way or form to face the Void Dragon itself. However... He didn't have any other choice.

"Scary... But I have no other choice, Andromeda. So I will do my part and ask. Andromeda, let me talk to Ophis."

Expected but disappointing nonetheless he denied it.


"I see..."

Black aura swirled around him as his eyes glowed purple.

Upon seeing this Andromed snapped its fingers and the seal in the gates behind Y/N glowed.

Y/N widened his eyes when a burning pain scattered all around his body as he fell to the ground on his knees while panting.

All of a sudden he felt weak... Weaker than ever.

"What is... this?"

"This room can suppress any kind of Draconic power. Why do you think Ophis hasn't come out of this prison? This... The sword makes the seal even stronger as well."

Andromeda signaled at the long sword that Y/N tried to claim not long ago.

Y/N got back up but he was sweating bullets.

"Isn't that... Cheating?"

"You fighting with your natural strength, the power that you were born with alone is cheating. If anything using Vritra's influence is cheating on any single fight that you had."

"Isn't most of your power given by Cain? Aren't you a hypocrite? You're just scared of losing, Andromeda."

"My powers might be Cain's but I have honed every single particle of the gift that he bestowed upon me."

Andromeda responded confidently as its armored fists tightened in preparation.

"Me too. I can't understand your logic. You're only giving yourself a handicap."

"Warriors battle instead of whine. What are you?"

At the servant of Cain's response, Y/N chuckled as he gripped his blades.

"A man who loves a fair fight, but I guess I can't have everything that I want huh?"

His eyes glowed purple getting ready for battle. His adrenaline got rid of all the weakness he previously felt.

Andromeda then rose its hand aiming it at him.

"Ruler's Authority."

Seconds passed before Y/N widened his eyes due to an undeniable force that dragged him toward the towering humanoid. Similar to that of Cain's.

"What the-"

He tried to stand his ground but the force only increased until the gap between him and Andromeda was mere inches away.

Andromeda rose its other arm and aimed a fist at Y/N which he crossed his blades in x to take most of the impact.

Upon the impact, Y/N felt his entire self vibrate painfully as he was pushed away.

He recovered rapidly and stared at Andromeda analyzing him.

Some sort of Gravity power perhaps. Similar to Cain's. He also counted with something similar but Y/N's didn't work like the two of them. He could only raise small objects like his blades or make someone unable to move. But he was incapable of actually dragging a human being to his position.

"Having second thoughts, Y/N?"

Andromeda asked almost cockily.

"Ain't that a little overpowered technique?"

"You can withstand the power if you're strong enough. It's not undeniable."

A second after an orange flash illuminated behind Y/N being his opponent who decided to attack directly.

Y/N avoided the destructive punch of the behemoth and retaliated with a pair of cuts on his blades but they did nothing more than scratch its bronze armor.

Unbothered by this, Andromeda grabbed Y/N's leg and swung him around like a tornado but before the behemoth could throw him away Y/N got off from his grip and connected his foot to the behemoth's face staggering it a bit.

Y/N left hand turned into a fist while still holding his blade and connected a punch to his opponent's armored chest. A little crack appeared proving that his punches were more efficient than his blades. Or maybe not...

Maybe he had to apply more force on his swings...

He swung Pride and Greed in a x with all of his strength and this caused some damage to Andromeda who was pushed back but only a little.

Not long after his combo of attacks its orange eyes glowed in defiance. Using its speed that was abnormal to its size he flashed in front of Y/N and rose both of its arms seeking to smash the human to a pulp.

Y/N was barely capable of avoiding it but the impact on the ground caused the earth to break makings him lose balance... An opening.

Andromeda gave him an uppercut that made his vision go blurry upon the power.

Y/N flew through the air but was pulled back by Andromeda's skill. He could even get the chance to breath when a knee smashed against his stomach making him let out a gush of blood.

Right... Without Vritra's influence, his body wasn't as resilient as previously.

It didn't end there. Andromeda grabbed the teenager by its hair and shoved his entire body to the shattered ground, breaking it even more than it already was.

Y/N tried to get up but the grip over his head was too strong to defy. He just glared at Andromeda with his purple eyes while the behemoth did the same.

"Glaring it's for the weak... Fighting is for the Strong... What are you?"

He asked that same question again.

"I will defeat you... I must."

Andromeda narrowed its gaze.



Valiana flew across the sea heading towards his destination.

All this traveling was getting her off her nerves. She wasn't the traveling person you know. She preferred to just stay at home doing nothing... Or fighting.

It made her chuckle a bit

She hated to admit but she was a slob. Even if she always complained about Y/N's mess of a house she wasn't the cleanest of the two. She just knew how to hide it well.

Her expression turned serious as she saw land on her vision forward. She had arrived and the moment she flew over the dry grounds a heatwave shook her. Potent enough to make her sweat.

Valiana proceeded to fly towards the address that Victoria gave her. Due to her speed, she got there in a matter of a minute.

Needless to say, she was weirded out by the sight in front of her. A mansion... in this desert... out in the nowhere.

Well, if it was weird then it meant this must be Abel's house. No doubt about it.

In front of the door, two shadows appeared on each side of her. She decided to keep both fallen angels behind due to them slowing her down. They had objections against it but she didn't even give them the chance to bicker and since they didn't know where Abel was so they couldn't do anything to avoid being left behind.

Valiana glared at the door and thought that she should just smash it open

"I suggest my Queen... To have a more amicable approach instead of what you might be thinking right now.

Beru suggested already knowing what the white-haired woman was thinking. Igris only nodded in agreement.

She sighed heavily and knocked on the door three times.

It took an entire minute but someone opened the door but it wasn't Abel but a red-haired woman with a pair of brown eyes wearing a business sweater without her blazer on.

There was distrust drawn all over her face.

"Who are you?"

"I am Valiana. I'm looking for Abel, you know him right?"

The woman frowned a threatening aura surrounding her but Valiana only rose an eyebrow.

"How are you even here..? How did you cross the barrier?"

"Barrier? What barrier-"

Valiana was cut short by a powerful punch which she managed to cover before it hit her face but the impact sent her gliding over the sand of the desert.

Before the two shadows could act Valiana rose her hand at them while smirking.

"Good... You're irrational just like me. I was getting tired of playing nice girl. Come and give me your best shot, bitch."

The red-haired woman frowned as she flashed in front of her Valiana sand raising in her apparition.

Valiana rose her hand and both fists clashed together elevating a cloud around the two women.

They both exchanged punches at blinding speeds but the redhead was getting tired while Valiana was on a row enjoying every single time her knuckles impacted against hers.

"What is it?! Getting tired?!"

She exclaimed while the other woman barely managed to keep up with her vicious punches.

The woman jumped back to gain distance but she was found defenseless when the white-haired devil was above her with her fist ready to strike her down.

"Where do you think you're doing? I am not done!"

Her fist collided against her face digging her whole body into the sand.

Valiana noticed how this woman was already defeated and ceased her attacks.

"Tsk! Sand is getting into my boots. Annoying."

She commented visibly irritated.

Suddenly she felt a pressure beneath her and the woman whom she had thought defeated was glaring at her with full crimson eyes.

Valiana felt the danger and jumped away avoiding a beam of power that was aimed at her.

"I will destroy you!"

A white and blue aura swirled around Valiana as she smirked.

"I like to see you try!"

Both women flashed and appeared right in front of each other with their fists in the air ready to strike at the other.

But before their attacks collided a man with black hair and green eyes flashed in between them grabbing their arms with each one of his hands.

The raw power of the man was enough to nullify the intense power of the women.

"Belladonna... I told you to watch over my property not to cause a mess."

Abel scolded the red-haired girl who gave a couple of steps back.

"Master Primus... She is an intruder! Who knows what she might have in mind."

The man let go of their hands and looked at Valiana.

"What do you want? And how did you find me?"

"Really? Your property? From what I recall our battle didn't cause any damage to your stupid mansion. Besides you live in a desert."

"I prefer the sand that surrounds my property to look as presentable as possible."

Valiana snorted.

"It's sand, dumbass. And Victoria told me where you live."

Abel sighed at that last part.

"Master Primus. How did she cross the barrier in the first place?"

The redhead who was named Belladonna said.

"Anyone who has some DNA belonging to Primus might cross. And she is pregnant with the kid of one. It makes sense."

Abel shrugged while he answered.

"Is she? By you?"

Belladonna asked with wide eyes. The question caused Valiana to grimace in disgust as Able shook his head.

"That's gross."

"No. It isn't mine. It's my nephew's. Anyway... Let us get inside. The heat must be unbearable."

He headed towards the entrance of the mansion both women followed suit but Belladonna gave Valiana some cold stares, not like she cared.

Beru and Igris decided to dematerialize and hide in Valiana's own shadow.

As they got inside the mansion Valiana noticed some things that caught her attention.

Weapons of all kinds. Artifacts that were very valuable in the supernatural world. Skulls and bones of creatures that were thought unbeatable hanging just like mere trophies.

Dragons, Chimeras, and some... Dinosaurs? The hell?

Valiana then remembered that this guy was alive since the earth was in its early years.

"Belladonna leave us. Make watch over the country and inform if something happens."

Although hesitant the redhead nodded and departed.

"Who is that?"

"Who? Belladonna? She is the daughter of the Greek goddess of war Bellona. She is young and weak but holds great potential. Coffee?"

He offered and frowned weirded out by the nice hospitality given their last meet-up that developed in a quite hectic way.


"That's... is distasteful."

"Well sorry, but I consider that coffee is even more gross."

Abel ignored her and proceeded to prepare coffee for him and on the side tea for her.

After a while both hot drinks were ready and the human placed the cups on each opposite side of the table.


He plainly said and she did as told but she barely paid attention to the hot tea in front of her. Abel grabbed his cup of dark coffee and drank a little.

A satisfied sigh left him as he placed back the cup on the table.

"What is it?"

"Y/N is trapped at Purgatory we need your help to get him out."

"Do you know that getting inside Purgatory is a task edging the improbable while getting out is just impossible? There's a reason why God put there most of his failures. And what makes you think that I will help you?"

This made her frown deeply but she calmed herself.

"Because he is your family maybe and you are his uncle. Maybe because he is the only one who is going to keep your stupid lineage alive?"

A dry chuckle left Abel, the first time she had seen him do any sort of humorous act.

"Family or Lineage doesn't mean a thing to me."

Now it was Valiana's turn to laugh.

"Look at you... You don't even believe in yourself. All you fuckers talk about is Primus this Primus that. How about if you actually do what a so-called Primus is supposed to do... Protect."

Abel's eyes turned emerald green as he glared at her

"What do you even know about my Lineage? Acting like you know a thing. It annoys me to see ignorant people pretend like they even know what they're talking about."

"You always knew of Y/N... I am pretty darn sure that you know that he was all alone since the beginning. And still, you did nothing... All you did was run away. You fucking coward-"

Her throat was violently grabbed by Abel. His grip was strong enough to cut the blood circulation and make her struggle for air.

"You don't know what I did. You know nothing. My brother killed me and you expect me to take care of his offspring?"

"You're just as old as the whole earth and you still whine about that? Grow up."

Abel's grip intensified Valiana trying to free from his hand failing miserably.

"Tell me, if you ever get to notice that Rizevim was about to die would you save him?"

Valiana did her best to scoff under his grasp

"I would let that asshole burn. But why don't you understand that Y/N isn't Cain? He is the most naive and nicest asshole that I have known in my whole life. He doesn't fucking deserve to be In Purgatory. Why Y/N must pay for his father's sins?!"

Abel was visibly taken back by these words his grip loosened a bit.

Valiana's fist dug into the male's face forcing his entire body to fall to the wooden floor shattering it in the process.

Once again she punched his face relentlessly on the ground. And another.

Abel just lay there taking every single one of the raged woman punches, but he wasn't taking any visible damage... He maintained his serene expression as he let himself be hit.

"Why in the hell he sacrifices everything for others? Why can't he be selfish?! Why can't Y/N stop paying for my shit?! Why his fucking family doesn't care a single fuck about him?! Tell me, asshole. Why don't you care about him?!"

Each question was followed by a punch of hers.

He put a stop to his frenzy by grabbing her fist before it could hit him once more.

"I... Care about him... You wouldn't understand. You have never experienced love. You're an unhappy woman."

"Damn right. The only genuine love that I have ever received was his. Why do you think I am beating you to the pulp?"

Abel smirked.

"Beating me?"

He flicked his finger on her forehead and it was enough to push her to the table breaking it.

The human got back up and dusted himself off.

"Look what you have done to my house. I don't know why Y/N even bothered to fuck such a distasteful woman."

Valiana growled as she got up from the ground a burning pain in her forehead.

"Drop dead."

A heavy sigh left the man.

"What do you have in mind...?"

In response, Valiana grabbed from her leather jacket the piece of paper that had the magical formula on it.

"This was what Y/N used to be able to open a portal to Purgatory. If we find a way to recreate it and power it maybe we can also create one to get him out."

Abel grabbed the paper and analyzed it.

"Magic isn't my strong. I don't have a single clue of how to help you directly?"

Valiana gritted her while she snatched the paper off his hands.

Once again, she wasted her time.

"Fucking hell, all you people do is talk and talk but never back the shit with actions. Waste of my damn time."

Furious she turned her back to him but he stopped her with his next words.

"I am not done... Even if I can't give you a solution myself I know someone who might be... In fact, I am certain of the fact that she will give you exactly what you need if you ask nicely."

Valiana's blue eyes squinted in uncertainty. She didn't feel like making another flight to the other point of the planet.

"Who? And how certain you are that this person will be of help?"

"I will give it to you straight... If she cannot find a way to fix your issue then you can kiss goodbye any hope of getting Y/N back. If given the case Y/N is at his own luck. She is the best sorcerer that has existed."

Interested, she turned to face Abel.

"Okay. Who is she and where I can find her?"

"My Mother. Eve Primus and you might find her wandering in Greece."


A pair of pink eyes glowed in the darkness of the room. As the eyes lighted the moonlight went through the single window of the room casting a faint source of illumination within it.

The moonlight shined upon the owner of those bright eyes.

There it was a tall and fair-skinned woman with long blonde hair and pink eyes. She wore a big sun hat and designer clothes. While also carrying a heavy amount of jewelry on her. Her bright red lips curved upwards in a smile as she felt someone approaching her grounds.


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Everyone good story got to have a happy ending. Sora was always helping everyone in need. Helping everyone find their happy ending. Will Sora be able...