Memories in the Moonlight

By youreicky

965 348 202

(Ongoing) Harlow is not who she thinks she is. She is leading a double life, and does not even know it. On on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

16 4 0
By youreicky

Hot tears streamed down from Harlow's eyes as she argued with Ilyana. There was no way this was her mother, Harlow had no memory of this woman before barely a week ago. Her mother was a short, plump witch with wispy blonde hair. She didn't smile often and her temper was vicious. Ilyana knew too much for it to be only a coincidence, though.

Harlow felt a sting deep in her chest at every small detail her supposed mother told her about herself. Ilyana recited every point of Harlow's tenth birthday, the reason for every childhood scar, and the time Harlow came back from school squeezing a rabbit in her arms. Each memory stacked up into a precarious tower in Harlow's mind.

There's no way. But how could she know all of this?

"Why can't I remember you?" Harlow whispered, not sure she even wanted to be asking the question.

Ilyana leaned forward, reaching over to touch the back of Harlow's hand. "I changed your memories, Wildfire. I couldn't let you or Aeron go to Vrahan knowing who I was. The Coven was too scared."

"Scared of what?" Her interest was piqued with that statement.

"Of King Hollis. We wanted to keep as quiet as we could. At least until Aeron was killed." Her voice was laced with disappointment.

Harlow sat with that for a while, not knowing whether to be furious or relieved to have her mother. The roiling boil in her stomach made the decision for her.

"So you decided to remove yourself from your children's memories because you were scared?" She hissed, yanking her hand out from under Ilyana's.

The Witch looked like she had been slapped and Bea shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "I needed to protect the coven. To protect you two."

"And yet here we are, and Aeron is dead." The words hung idly in the air, dripping down between the three.

Ilyana pushed herself to her feet and stormed out of the room, but not before speaking one last time. "The King is being held in the basement when you are ready."

Bea sat in shock for a moment before moving to follow her mother. "I'm excited to have a sister." She whispered barely above a whisper before quickly walking away.

Harlow dropped her head into her palms and let out a groan. She wasn't sure why her tongue  always moved before her mind had a chance to think it through. That wasn't appropriate or fair to say, even if it was how she was feeling in the moment. A sigh slid past her lips and she squeezed her eyes shut.

She sat in silence for longer than she cared to admit before rising out of the chair that was swallowing her whole.

I can't be alone tonight. I need Kiran.

She wasn't sure if Kiran had returned when she rapped on the door of his room quietly. It was late and she didn't want to wake anyone up. After waiting in the dim hallway for a moment, Harlow raised her fist to knock again. Before her knuckles could connect a wooden door down the hallway creaked open and she spotted Baz poking his head out.

"Oh, sorry for waking you." She spoke quietly, suddenly feeling sheepish.

He stepped out further, the exposed deep skin of his bare chest glinting in the light. "Are you alright?" His voice felt genuine to Harlow as he spoke.

She found herself shaking her head before she even had a chance to think. Her now dry curls bounced lightly against her face. She stepped away from Kiran's door and towards Baz who now had exited his room completely. "Can I stay with you?" She asked, feeling her stomach churn.

Baz widened his dark eyes, running a hand up and through his hair. He looked either scared or shocked, which one was unclear to Harlow. "Oh, um, really?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

The churning in Harlow's stomach turned into the deep stabbing of rejection. She stopped dead in her tracks, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Harlow was grateful it was dark, hopefully he wouldn't notice. The quiet was palpable, filling the short space between them like a wall.

"Sorry. Stupid question." She muttered before turning to walk away back to her room.

Before she had made it more than a step, Baz's hand gripped her arm. "Wait, I didn't say no. I just thought you'd rather stay with someone else."

"There is no one else. I just can't be alone tonight." Her words were a whisper but seemed to bounce off the wooden hall walls endlessly.

Baz slowly slid his hand down her arm before intertwining his fingers with hers. "Come on, Harlow." He spoke quietly as well before gently leading her back into his room.

They talked for hours, both bundled under blankets in his bed. The pair spoke about growing up, about their favourite foods, and their mutual hatred for King Hollis. She wasn't sure why, but Harlow explained the situation with Ilyana to Baz. It was easy to speak to him, and it didn't feel like releasing a secret at all. He had been shocked, but had sworn to stay silent about it. There didn't need another reason to create division between Harlow and the rest of the group.

It didn't feel uncomfortable or scary when she turned to face him, her lips mere inches from his. Baz was the one who closed the distance, holding the side of her face with his palm as he pressed his lips against hers. He was slow and gentle, lips moving against hers like a whisper.

Pulling away, he locked eyes with Harlow. His fingers still rested gently against her cheek. "Is that alright?" He asked quietly, voice rougher than it had been moments before.

Harlow's own fingers travelled up to touch her lips gently. She nodded slowly before crashing forward to meet him again. She entwined her fingers into his long hair as their lips refused to part one anothers. His hands explored down her arms to her waist, moving slowly. Baz was a gentle giant, never making a move without checking Harlow's body language.


The sun had started to peek itself over the horizon when Harlow and Baz finally broke apart, bodies slick with sweat. Harlow laid beside him for a while longer as they both caught their breath. When she felt she was able to, Harlow stood and retrieved her clothing, sliding it on quickly.

Baz watched her from the bed as she dressed. His arms were behind his head, propping it up further than the pillows. He had the sheets pulled down low on his waist, dark chest beaded with sweat. "How are you doing now?" He asked, without the usual male cockiness that came after sex.

A smile crept up over Harlow's lips as she finished buttoning her blouse. "Better, how are you?" She knelt on the edge of the bed, leaning down to press her lips against Baz's cheek.

"I'm quite well." He chuckled, reaching his hand up to squeeze her arm.

"I've got to go apologize to Ilyana. I'll see you later though?" She asked, chest tense while waiting for the reply.

A smile akin to Harlow's broke across Baz's face as he nodded. "Of course."

She crept off of the bed slowly, making her way towards the door. She smiled once more at Baz before opening it slowly and slipping out. She heard steps as she gently shut the door behind her, head swinging towards the noise.

There was Kiran, striding down the hall in his guards uniform. He was covered in what looked like dirt, a streak running across his left cheek. He spotted her at the same time she did, eyes flicking between her and Baz's door. Harlow got to watch as a million emotions flashed across his features.

Kiran stopped in front of his door and looked down at his shoes before meeting her eyes again. This time his face was deathly void of emotion apart from his clenched jaw. "Morning."

"Good morning." Harlow replied in a small voice, walking down the hall past him.

"Your pants are on backwards. I guess that you were in a rush this morning." He called after her, voice filled with the emotion his face refused to reveal.

Harlow hurried off down the hall to fix her pants and find Ilyana. The churning in her stomach was back, and this time much worse than before. 

• • •
I hope everyone is having a great week!

Here's another chapter for your enjoyment.

Please vote and comment, it helps me out a lot!!

xoxo, Ari

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