My Emir ✅

By bookcounter

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Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... More

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 12- Wedding party
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 18- Arcane
Chapter 19- Boundaries
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 23 - Selfish
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 42- Couture
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 26- Calm before the storm

414 39 13
By bookcounter

Since the day it was confirmed that Sa'eed had fled from the country, eyes have never left the borders. Arrangements had been made in a way that they will be notified as soon as he stepped foot in Nigeria__ just like a landmine will blow off when stepped on.
If was also made clear that he wouldn't take long before he returns to the country because that was where he had made a life for himself. His dealings and whatnot took place right there.

Now, he has returned thinking Zayn has given up searching for him after months. Albeit, he was wrong.
For the time being, the security agents that were assigned to his task chose to seem laid back. They wanted him to believe that he owns the situation. Soon enough, he will start to spread his dark malicious wings, and they will get clipped forever.

Eskander heaved a content sigh when he saw Sara approach him. She wore a blue and white floral dress, with her hijab loosely draped around her head.

" Yaa illahi, make this woman mine." He prayed silently and then tore his gaze from her approaching figure. He has taken in enough for now__ perhaps, not.

It all started with one hilarious decision he had made. It wasn't hilarious per say, but__ he built a partnership with her family's restaurant, just to have them open a permanent branch in his hotel. It was a collaboration to offer catering services to his hotel. It took a little bit of trouble to get her posted to the branch as the sole manager, though it was all worth it.

With that achieved, they picked up with baby steps that started with short conversations which aggravated to staying up late to talk to each other. Gifts and little acts of services were exchanged, occupational supports and many more.
At a point in time, the rate at which everything aggravated seemed so scary. He found himself falling so deep, he didn't want to climb up. He liked it there.

" Hey SK," She waved when she reached up to him.

Another nickname?
He will tie it around his head like a turban, and will never get tired of it.

" Sara." That was all he could manage to utter.

He pushed himself off the car he had been leaning on, and opened the door to the back seat for her.

" At your service, ma'am." He said playfully with a slight bow.

The only thing that came between Sara and her new supposed employed driver, Eskander, was a salary. He was honoured to do it for free.

" Abeg, drop that act." She laughed, filing into the car.

This man never fails to amaze her. He never does. She reached out for a bunch of flowers that were in the front seat of the car. Those were for her, just like always. Chrysanthemums and daises.

" You really know how to find what's yours." Eskander's commented while settling into the car. How he wished she understood the hidden meaning of his words.

Sara, who had just clicked a few pictures of the flowers, raised her head to look at his reflection through the rearview mirror.

" I do." She agreed with an adorable pout and proceeded to type something on her phone, while the flowers were safely tucked in her arms.
After a while, she slid the device into her bag and shifted her attention to the flowers. She would cherish them more if she knew the amount of money he and Zayn spend to get flowers for her and her best friend.

Just like every other bouquet, she posted a well angled picture of the flowers on her Instagram story. With every post, she tagged him and expressed her gratitude.

" One day, I'll buy one of this your Rolls-Royce. In shaa Allah." She affirmed, taking a quick glance at the interior of the car. That was the first time she had seen him using it so it must be new.

" God has willed it already. You can have my own." He was quick to give in to her wishes without any qualms.

Saratu gave his face a once-over and snickered. The way this man cherishes his cars, will he give it to her for free? He is only joking.

' My pride.'
That's how much he loved his cars.

" If you dash me this one, what will you take pride in again?" She rolled her eyes at him.

" Us."

Did she hear him right? She and him? What are they?
She knew very well what he meant so she decided to prod on it.

" You." She shot him a questioning look. " You like me, don't you?"

He only smiled. Of course, he liked her, otherwise why would he be doing all of this?

" Sara, listen." He started. " I'm tired of pretending that we are only business partners. We are more than that. I don't only like you, I want to marry you too. You don't know long long I've been holding this in. I'm down for a forever termed relationship as long as you are ready to cooperate."

The car came to an abrupt halt. Through the mirror, he could see Saratu's dumbfounded expressions. He didn't know why he stepped on the breaks but it was needed. He didn't want to hear her answer while he was concentrating on the road. Saratu's reaction to his confession was quite disheartening.
Maybe he shouldn't have confessed after all.

That was when a realization dawned on him.

" Shit!" He cussed, shifting in his seat to face her.

That shattered her resolve. " What is it?" She asked.

" I shouldn't have proposed like this. A ring would have been better." He answered, he looked so nervous. " ...or more traditionally since we are that type, kola nuts and some other things would have done the trick. I'll learn more of it fr my dad. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you."

Saratu laughed.
" Traditionally, you'll have to pay my parents a visit. About my reaction, I was only surprised at how quickly my prayers were answered."

God! This woman will be the death of him.
He almost had a heart attack.


There he was in all his glory, mounted on a black horse that strode towards her majestically. He had taken off the babbanriga he had worn to a programme that was held by Sultan Lawal, and was left with a two piece traditional suit and a perfectly tied turban. He was dressed in all white__ leaving only his eyes to be seen.

It would be her loss to take her eyes off the majestic figure that was approaching her. Sometimes, she found it intriguing to believe that she was married to the Ashraf Malik.

Horse riding was a sport he had great interest in. However, it was quite challenging to find time for it due to his tight work schedule so he tries to indulge in it anytime he has nothing much to do at the palace.

" You can't help but ogle, can you?" He teased her as soon as he halted his horse in front of her.

" Guilty as charged, milord." She rised her hands up in mock defeat.

Zayn snorted. " It's not your fault that I'm so good looking." He decided to play along. " I've even trimmed my hair." He took off his turban to reveal his hair that was neatly trimmed.

She stared at him for a while longer than necessary before extending her hand to him.

" I want to ride with you." She begged with pleading eyes__ the one that has always had an immediate effect on him. At this juncture, there was no way he could have refused her.

" I don't see why not." He held onto her extended hand, and helped her mount the horse.

It was her second time on a horse, and she felt giddy. She brought this upon herself by asking to ride with him.

As if Zayn knew what was going on through her head, he wrapped a protective arm around her tummy to hold her in place, while his other hand controlled the bridle. He knows a first time rider when he sees one.

" Are you comfortable?" He inquired.

With her positive response, he kicked the horse into motion.

They rode around the vast durbar grounds that was devoid of any other humans.

It started with trots, which aggravated to smooth gallops, according to Mariya's preferences.

" This is fun!" She laughed amidst the gushes of wind that whipped past her face.

On the other hand, Zayn was glad she was enjoying the ride.

After a few more minutes, they rode back to the well kept stables, as a result in the scorching sun. If they were to ride for a little longer, they would have gotten roasted like some fine suya.

" Maa shaa Allah, you are such a good rider." She praised him. " You should teach me how to ride this good."

Holding her hand, he helped her dismount the horse.
" I would have refered you to Eskander who had taught me how to ride this good, but I wouldn't want to miss such an honorable offer." He uttered while brushing the dark manes of the horse with his fingers.

" We'll find time for it then." She shot him a blinding smile.

" I'll see to that."

Hand in hand, the couple walked into Sultan's parlour, and what Mariya saw, was a sight to behold, but not to Zayn. He had been graced with such a sight many times before.

Sultan was seated on a richly crafted kashmiri carpet that was splayed on the floor of the parlour. He was receiving a massage session from Aisha, who was seated on a chaise lounge.
For a brief moment, the old couple laughed at something Aisha had whispered into her husband's ear.

" It's been years but they still act like lovesick teenagers." Zayn fought the urge to roll his eyes at them. Albeit, he liked it that way, and he wished it would be the same with him and Mariya.
Mariya couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

" Zayn, no one is stopping from doing same. We are an inspiration." Sultan Lawal proudly stated, his mind filled with relief.

" Exactly." Aisha countered. " Sannu da zuwa, dai." She welcomed, to which they responded and settled on the posh couches in the parlour.
Mariya always awed at the interior design of the palace.

It gave of an aesthetic traditional serenity.

" My husband is here." Nana, who was engrossed in embroidering a piece of material, looked up to her grandson. Embroidery was a die hard hobby for her.

She was seated at the far end of the parlour. Zayn and his wife didn't even notice her presence before she spoke. Nana dropped her tools and materials, and walked to where the others were seated. She exchanged a brief pleasantries with Mariya before settling down beside Zayn.

" Nana, wait until my wife takes enough of your husband jokes." Zayn retorted to his grandmother's earlier statement.

" Dan Allah." She sneered jokingly, hitting him on the shoulder. The woman had steel hands. Zayn brought a hand to his shoulder, rubbing the spot to ease the stinging sensation. "She's your wife, but she knows I own the title. She can't argue."

" Who am I to argue with my husband's first wife?"
Mariya's joke poked the occupants of the room, into a fit if laughter.

" Well said."

Going into the same position as his father, Zayn sat in front of Nana, flashing her an adorable grin that instantly melted her heart.

" Nana, please I want a massage." He begged, taking her hand in his.

Mariya cringed slightly at her husband being a big baby.
Grandma's boy.

" How can I refuse you? Dan liti na."

Hearing her response, he kissed her hands that were now marred with wrinkles and adjusted himself properly for a better massage experience.

He let out a content sigh as Nana's fingers worked their magic against his scalp, with a generous amount of coconut oil that was passed on to them by Mama Aisha.

" Nana, you give the best massages. I commend you."

Mariya narrowed her eyes at him. That was what he said to her, exactly two days ago. She'll wait for the right time to deal wit him.

" Tomorrow is the late Sultan's fourteenth death anniversary, and I'm planning to organize a veneration, just like the past five years." Mama Aisha announced. She had been doing such for five years in a row. She wished her father in law lived a little longer for he had a lot to offer to his people.

" I'll keep on supporting your noble acts, Aisha." Sultan spoke with a warm smile on his face, that was directed to his wife. He was ever grateful for her existence in his life.

It brought a smile to Mariya's face, knowing that her husband was learning from the right couple.

" After the veneration, I would like to go to Makkah for Umrah." Nana stated as she greased Zayn's hair with more of the coconut oil.

" That's good, mama." Sultan was the first to throw a remark. " This time, Zayn can go with you." He then turned to Zayn." Start making preparations as soon as possible."

Zayn looked between his father and wife. For his wife, their gaze locked for a brief moment.

Mariya looked back at her husband, who was holding back from giving his father a feedback. Did he not want to go to Makkah with Nana because of her?

If that was the case then, no. She won't be the reason why he would refuse to accompany his grandmother. Infact, she'll personally send him away if the need be.

She threw him a look that dared him to go against his father's orders.

Slumping his shoulders in defeat, he gave in. To the elders in the room, his brief moment of silence was that of contemplation.

" I'm fine with it." He agreed. " As long as my wife will come with us."

Did he really have to do that?

" Babu matsala." Nana remarked.

It was all set then. Zayn could only pray earnestly that nothing would go wrong with their laid out plans. Who knows if God has got a different plan for them.


Zayn shut his eyes as he felt a last wave of tiredness coarse through his being as he lay on the king-sized bed in his room. He lay on his back while he faced the ceiling.
The lights in the room were dimmed, although one could make way around.

He was supposed to be asleep but slumber was nowhere near him. The day was a hectic one. He felt the space beside him on the bed sink, which only meant that Mariya had found her way onto the bed.
She passed the numerous pillows at her side, and chose Zayn's chest as her vetted and approved pillow.
Her head lay on his chest as her arms wound their way around his torso.

Zayn let out a low chuckle, wrapping his arms around her too, and adjusted their bodies in a more comfortable position.

" Eskander finally proposed to Saratu." Zayn voiced out.

" Yes." Mariya smiled, tracing unidentified doodles on his chest with her fingers. " She accepted it, and I'm so happy for them. I can't wait to start their wedding preparations. You don't know how long I had been waiting for this day."

Mariya couldn't help but fall harder when Zayn's laughter reached her ears. She loved to see him happy.

" She's in good hands. That one is for sure." Zayn added, twirling the locks of Mariya's hair around his finger.

For a few minutes, none of them uttered any word. Sometimes, all they needed to do, was to appreciate each other's presence. What better time to do that, except when the night is still? At times like this, they didn't need words to convey any feelings, when their hearts are already content with each other.

Zayn's eyes started to feel heavy, and he knew it was sleep that was beckoning him. He didn't hold back, because he needed it so much to make up for his pathetic sleep schedule.

" Goodnight, hayati."

God! This man never sticks to one nickname.

She was falling harder and she didn't want anything to hold her back. She pressed her lips to his cheek.

" Sai da safe, baby na."


" Yaa 'ibaadiyal lazeena aamanoo innna ardee waasi'atun fa iyyaaya fa'abudoon. Kullu nafsin zaaa'iqatul mawti..." Zayn recited along with the Quran recitation that was blaring through his ears as he sat on a sofa in his living room,with a Quran in hand. He had had breakfast with Mariya not long ago, and the two of them were doing nothing in particular, except for the rewarding act of Quran recitation.
Mariya had been reciting with him stopped after he had paused and threw him a questioning look.

The line he just read__ it was enough impact to straighten a misled heart, unless it's one made of stone. He pondered over the verses for a while.

He was just about to continue when a call came through his phone. He hung his headphones around his neck as he brought brought up his phone to his ears after connecting the call with a swipe of his finger.

Nothing. Keyword __ nothing would have prepared him enough for the news that Eskander had called to relay. There was no way he was expected to believe such news without seeing it himself.
At first, he scolded Eskander, thinking it was a measley prank. However, Eskander remained adamant on the message.

" This can't be real." Zayn's voice came out barely as a whisper.

" I'd be lying blatantly if I said it's not the truth." Eskander's voice rang from the other end of the line, and it lacked its usual enthusiasm.

Mariya, who had been gauging Zayn's expressions since he started the call, knew out right that something had gone wrong.

Zayn turned to her with a horrified expression as his phone slid from his callous hold.

He didn't wear such a look when Sa'eed had a gun aimed to his head, so what could be worse than that? She was growing anxious and couldn't help but inquire.

" Me ya faru?"

" Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'oon!"
What else could have gone wrong?
" Nana... She's no more."

Mariya couldn't even find it in her to utter anything.

What happened to their plans? Everything has been burnt down to ashes?

Immediately, the couple rushed to the garage, to grab a ride to the palace.
They didn't even think of changing their outfits before heading to the palace to truly confirm the situation. Mariya only pulled a jilbab over a maxi-sized floral dress she was wearing. Zayn maintained his black thobe.

The cause of her death, he was yet to find out. Heck, he didn't even want to confirm the news of her death, lest it all plays into reality, but alas! It had already happened.
He just got over Khayra's death and now it's Nana.

Zayn veered his car onto the road, speeding faster than the set limit. He was breaking the law but he needed to get to his destination as fast as possible. He honked crazily at any vehicle that tried to delay him in the slightest bit.

Since the very moment Zayn broke the news to Mariya, she hasn't uttered a single word. She stared at him with a look that evoked a feeling of pity. She watched as he swerved through moving cars, making sure to stay strapped in her seat.
It had attracted the attention of a few policemen on patrol, who tried fruitlessly to stop their car.

On a normal day, she would have played along with the thrill of adrenaline rush, caused by Zayn's reckless driving. It would have been her own Arewa version of fast and furious, but no.
She found his hand that held the hand breaks and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
He turned to her and the look he had on made her heart churn in pain. She has never seen him that devastated before. She could swear she saw a film of tears in his eyes. He turned back to the road ahead of him, to concentrate on his driving.
They would have run into a speeding ambulance, if not for Zayn's fast reflexes.

They arrived at the palace earlier than expected because of the exceeded speed limit.
The palace was packed with people who had come to pay their last respects and also relay condolences. Kano has lost a gem.
They strode past the crowd of wailing women and other visitors, then into her private chamber, where she laid in state.

She and her husband died on the same dates__ just fourteen years apart.

Zayn couldn't find the right words to express what felt as he watched her figure that was wrapped in layers of white linen cloth, leaving only her face for the time being.

He wished he could pinch her to see if she would wake up to hit him like she always did.

" Nana, please wake up. What about the plans we made?" Will she wake up if said that? He knew he was only being delusional. She's really gone.

His heart was an excruciating mess as he kneeled by her bed to supplicated to the Almighty on her behalf.
He had a lot to say. He wanted to talk to Mariya about it, but all the words he had planned to utter ironically vanished into thin air as soon as he opened his mouth to speak.

After Zuhr prayers , the janazah prayers took place, which involved a large number of people.

Nana Khadija Ahmad Malik was taken to melt in peace with the earth.

Indeed, 'kullu nafsin zaaa'iqatul mawti...'

( Reference to the Quranic verses. Surah ankabut_56&57)

Hiiiii guys

Yet again, another week hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Rip, Nana 🕊️🥲

Let's get to Eskander and his Sara. What do you think about the two??
Talk to meeee .

Prepare your spiked clubs for Sa'eed in the coming chapters. You're gonna need it.

Till then, vote, comment, and share.

See ya.

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