Memories in the Moonlight

By youreicky

965 348 202

(Ongoing) Harlow is not who she thinks she is. She is leading a double life, and does not even know it. On on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

7 6 0
By youreicky

The next day was long and exhausting for Harlow. She completed task after task but refused to complain. It was time to make amends for the anguish she caused, not to be a brat. The sun was high in the sky as she cleaned the outside of their hideout, a bead of sweat dripping down in between her shoulder blades. She had been at it for over an hour now, but there wasn't much left to clean. Why Ilyana wanted the outside clean she wasn't really sure.

Kiran had been MIA most of the day, probably back at the castle trying to do damage control. She hadn't only escaped, there was yet another body in her wake. Even though she wasn't the one that killed him, and even though Malik was disgusting, she still felt the guilt in the back of her throat.

Her brush moved slower against the wooden building as hot tears slipped down her cheeks. Harlow fought back a choking sob as she continued working, the memories of death flicking through her mind. Fire licked up in the pit of her stomach at the surge of emotion, begging to be released. Harlow pushed it back down roughly, brushing at the wall harder.

By the time she was finished the sun was again low in the sky and Kiran had returned. They had exchanged pleasantries before he disappeared into the building. After cleaning up, Harlow made her way back inside the hideout, prepared to start her next task.

"Sit." Ilyana instructed her as soon as the door shut, her slender arm gesturing towards an open chair next to her.

Harlow sat slowly, taking in the smell of cooking meat around her. They must be having the deer she caught for dinner. Peering over, she noticed the Witch staring at Harlow, though her expression seemed softer than normal.

Ilyana gripped the arm of her chair, knuckles whitening. "We need your help tonight, Harlow." Ilyana began, speaking slowly.

"Sure, I'll go get the bow." Harlow was expecting to be sent out hunting again. She knew the deer wouldn't last long with a group as large as this one. 

A soft chuckle escaped Ilyana's lips and she shook her head. "No, Wildfire, we need you with us tonight."

A memory pinged in Harlow's mind at the name Wildfire. She couldn't quite place it, but remembered hearing that often as a child. She pushed the memory out of her mind before replying. "Okay, what is it?"

"You want King Hollis gone right?" Ilyana spoke as though she knew the answer already.

Harlow nodded slowly, confusion passing over her features.

"We do too. We have an opportunity, and we're going to take it. But we need your power."


A group of about ten of the resistance stood at the edge of the woods near the castle, each one quiet and low to the brush. Ilyana led the pack, with Harlow behind her. She didn't know the names of most of the others as they hadn't wanted to speak to her yet, but the large Fae male to her left was Baz. Another tiny Witch, Ilyana's daughter, brought up the rear, and Harlow could almost feel the power rolling off of her.

They were watching the guards patrol with Kiran patrolling along with them. He was the one to watch for, and when he was spotted the group was to make their way through the castle grounds into the servants quarters. Everyone was wound up and antsy, Baz shifted anxiously at Harlow's side. After a couple more long minutes, Harlow spotted Kiran walking around the edge of the perimeter. His gait was slow and steady, and his hand draped lazily on the hilt of his sword.

"Now!" Ilyana spoke in an aggressive whisper, and the group rushed across the open perimeter and around to the rear of the castle. Without speaking a word, Ilyana quickly opened the servants door and peered inside. Harlow had to respect Ilyana as a leader, it wasn't often that you saw one running with their team. Gods knew King Hollis would never fight with his troops.

After determining the coast was clear, the group made their way inside to a storage closet. All of them gathered in right, Kiran joining after a few minutes.

He and Ilyana shared a look before he addressed the rest of the group. "We have fifteen minutes before the guards return from their breaks. There's a party in the east ballroom. My father is with his harem at the bar."

Ilyana broke us off into smaller groups, putting Baz, Kiran and Harlow together. Their role was arguably the most important, at least according to the Witch. Kiran was meant to distract King Hollis while Baz got Harlow to the edge of the ballroom. From there she was supposed to light the numerous tapestries on fire, causing the party to fall into chaos while Ilyana grabbed the King.

As Baz slowly led Harlow towards the ballroom across the castle, she could feel the fire bubbling up in her core. She would not miss a chance to take Tioni Hollis down. Baz pressed her back into a wall and placed his forefinger over his lips to signal quiet. A drunken party guest sauntered by, humming to himself.

"Almost there." Baz whispered, his deep voice hushed. He pushed his long hair out of his face and motioned for Harlow to keep following.

Baz was a large Fae, bigger than most. He stood easily at over seven and a half feet tall, and was built well. Most were frightened of him, though he was a saint through and through. He was one of the few that were remotely kind to Harlow, and he seemed to be interested in what she had to say.

Harlow stopped at the edge of the party entrance, leaning her back against the cool stone. Her fire flicked through her veins at an alarming rate, almost begging to be released. Her fury pumped up as she peered around the corner and her eyes locked into King Hollis.
Harlow felt the small flame lick up into her hand as she stared into the ballroom. It built bigger when she moved her arm towards the nearest tapestry. It depicted a mother and two children sitting on a rock together. It looked like they were having a picnic, like they were happy. Like they didn't deserve to die.

All at once Harlow's mind stopped. The anger stopped. All of these Fae here, they didn't deserve to be burned, to be hurt by her fire. She couldn't control it, it wasn't safe. Her breathing started quickening, eyes wheeling to every individual in the room.

I can't do it, I can't hurt anyone.

She gripped the wall beside her tightly, hyperventilating. She knew Baz was speaking to her, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. The ballroom began to spin in front of her as her eyes darted before they landed on Kiran.

His eyes were locked on hers, brow furrowed in worry. He was standing across from his father, a drink in hand. Looking away from Harlow, he spoke quickly to his father before heading over to her.

Tears began to run down Harlow's cheeks as her knees buckled, forcing her to the floor. Kiran took the last steps toward her quickly before pulling her further off to the side and kneeling by her.

"What is it?" He asked, voice somewhere in between concern and annoyance. He kept his head on a swivel, looking for any danger.

It took a moment before Harlow could calm her breathing enough to speak. "I-I can't hurt anyone el-else." She stuttered out, choking over her own sobs.

Kiran let out a sigh. "We don't have time, Harlow. Light it up, now!" He spoke in a hushed shout, his hands on her shoulders.

"I can't." She choked out.

"Please, Low. This might be our only shot. I'll make sure no one is hurt." He pressed his palm against her cheek, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth.

She shook her head, but before she could speak again a sharp pain started in her abdomen. She hissed, immediately feeling her flames bubble up. Her eyes found the source of the pain, a dagger in her stomach, with Kiran's hand still holding it.

"What the fuck!" She seethed, allowing flame to build in her palm as she threw her hand against Kiran's chest. The rage bubbled up in her yet again, but before she could do anything else Kiran wrenched her arm upwards against the Tapestry.

"Be quiet." He snapped, holding her hand there until the fabric ignited. As the flame spread over the wall, he dropped her arm. Kiran stood and walked away without another word, leaving Baz and Harlow alone.

She stared up at the flames as they spread, fear shooting through her system yet again. Before she could get herself trapped in another spiral, Harlow yanked the dagger out of her abdomen and threw it aside, a hiss of pain escaping her lips.

Baz pulled Harlow to her feet quickly and ushered her through the halls. They stumbled in silence until they reached their exit, but stopped short before running out. Yet again Baz pulled Harlow into an alcove, planting a hand over her mouth to quiet her strained breathing. Standing before the exit was Soren.

Of course the King's right hand is the one thing stopping us. Of course it is.

He slowly walked through the area before stopping just before the alcove. Harlow's eyes widened and she willed herself to shrink back into the stone itself. Her fingertips shook as the fire bubbled inside of her yet again.

Soren stood there in silence for a moment before a shriek towards the ballroom rung out. His arm flew to his sword as he jogged back down the hallway.

As Baz released Harlow's mouth, she let out a shaky breath. "Let's go." She ground out, stumbling out of the servants entrance. She could feel her arms heating as she ran.

They had almost made it back to the wooded area when an elbow connected with Harlow's right temple and she fell like a stone.

• • •

I guess if I've been away for a while I can do a double upload!!

I hope everyone had a great day!

xoxo, Ari

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