You Are My Obsession Till Ete...

By poojagg11

177K 6.9K 483

Pihu Gupta, a 21-year-old girl, possesses a gentle demeanor that radiates sweetness, innocence, and shyness... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 29
Chapter- 30
Author's Note
Chapter 34
My Dear Readers
My Dear Readers


4.9K 157 1
By poojagg11

Author's POV

After 3 months,

Pihu and Shivani had been tirelessly working on their internship, investing their time and energy into learning about managing finances. With only one week left before its completion, Pihu couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfilment and excitement. She was elated about the knowledge she had gained and the prospect of taking a step forward towards a promising future.

Little did Pihu know that a storm was brewing on the horizon, ready to descend upon her life and shatter her dreams. Fate had something unexpected in store for her, something that would not only snatch away her freedom but also leave her heartbroken and devastated.

On the other side, as Rudra prepared to return and claim his love. Consumed by his infatuation, he believed that Pihu would be unable to resist him because he possessed all the qualities a girl desires in a man. However, little did Rudra know that Pihu's heart was not swayed by material wealth, and she was not ready for any kind of relationship.

Rudra, fueled by his obsession, thought various ways to propose to Pihu. In his mind, there was no room for rejection or the possibility that Pihu might have her own desires and reservations.

Unbeknownst to Rudra, Pihu had experienced enough pain in her life. She had a traumatic past which made her cautious, independent, and resistant to falling for superficial displays of wealth and power. Pihu craved a genuine connection, one built on trust, understanding, and emotional support, rather than material possessions.

In Rathore Empire,

As Rudra, surrounded by a phalanx of bodyguards, entered the office building, an air of power and authority followed him. The mere sight of him commanded respect from the employees present in the entrance hall. Silence fell across the hall as they paused their conversations and turned their attention to the charismatic figure in their midst.

One by one, the employees greeted Rudra, their voices filled with reverence and admiration. The awe-inspiring presence of Rudra, with his imposing demeanour and influential position, left an indelible mark on everyone present. The employees, in that moment, witnessed the embodiment of authority and success.

As Rudra made his way through the entrance hall, his piercing gaze swept across the hall, taking in the scene before him. His expression revealed a mixture of satisfaction and purpose, fueled by his relentless pursuit of power and control. He was accustomed to being the center of attention, basking in the adulation and respect bestowed upon him by his employees.

The employees, aware of Rudra's formidable reputation, knew better than to cross his path or incur his wrath. They respected his authority, fearful of the consequences of disobeying or disappointing him. The presence of his bodyguards only amplified the sense of importance and dominance that emanated from Rudra.

While his arrival may have stirred awe and admiration, it also generated an undercurrent of tension and unease. The employees were aware of the consequences of working under Rudra's rule, where loyalty, obedience and competence were paramount. They understood that failure to meet his expectations could result in severe repercussions.

As Rudra entered the elevator, Veer followed closely behind. The doors closed, enveloping them in a momentary privacy as they ascended to Rudra's office floor. Rudra's mind was consumed with thoughts of Pihu which he considered his love, his heart's desire, his obsession.

Turning towards Veer, Rudra's voice carried a mixture of anticipation and curiosity as he inquired about Pihu, wanting to know her whereabouts and current activities. "Veer, what is my love doing?" Rudra asked, his tone revealing a blend of eagerness and longing. He sought any information that would bring him closer to Pihu, even in her absence. To Rudra, Pihu was not just an object of desire but someone he yearned to possess, to hold in his arms and call his own.

Veer, aware of Rudra's longing for Pihu; he had taken it upon himself to gather information about her schedule for the day. As they walked towards Rudra's office, Veer shared the news with him.

"Rudra, she is going to attend a meeting in the finance department in one hour," Veer informed him, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and concern.

Upon hearing this, Rudra responded in a cold voice, "Inform them that I will also be attending the meeting." As Veer processed Rudra's order, a flicker of surprise danced across his face. He knew that Rudra rarely attended meetings unless they pertained to critical decisions regarding new projects.

However, Veer recognized the depth of Rudra's longing for Pihu, and he understood that Rudra's actions were driven by his overwhelming desire to be close to her. Veer took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding.

"Okay, Rudra," Veer said, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and understanding. "I will inform them that you will also be attending the meeting."

Together, Rudra and Veer continued walking towards Rudra's office, Rudra minds filled with thoughts of meeting his love. On the other side, Veer's mind buzzed with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, wondering how this unexpected turn of events would unfold.

As the news of Rudra attending the meeting reached Pihu's ears, she grew anxious, and fear crept over her. She didn't want to be recognized by Rudra as the one who saved him from getting shot in the mall that day. In her state of anxiety, she hurriedly approached Shivani, who was deeply engrossed in preparing for her work. Startled by Pihu's sudden appearance and anxious demeanor, Shivani asked, "What's the matter, Pihu? Why are you sweating so much?"

Pihu's heart raced as she tightly gripped Shivani's hand, leading her towards the secluded staircase where they could speak in hushed voices away from prying ears.

The fear in Pihu's eyes was palpable, her voice filled with an anxious desperation as she whispered, her words almost quivering with emotion. "Shivani, do you hear that? That RSR is also attending the meeting. Can you imagine? What if he recognizes me? I can't even fathom what he might do if he knows that I was the one who saved him. And to add to my terror, you're aware that I was the one who courageously informed the police about his nefarious illegal activities that day. What if he somehow finds out it was me? What if he comes after me, seeking revenge?" Pihu's voice trembled with a mix of fear and anguish, her eyes welling up with tears as she expressed the depth of her vulnerability.

In that moment, the weight of her secret burdened her soul, and the potential consequences of being exposed to the wrath of the mafia felt all too real. She doesn't know what to do.

Shivani's words trembled with a mix of fear and concern as she attempted to reassure Pihu. "If Rudra ever finds out that you were the one who informed the police, you would have faced a deadly fate the very next day. You would have become a ghostly spectre haunting the memories of those who knew you."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of an unthinkable fate. Shivani attempted to offer a glimmer of lightness amidst the darkness. "And yet, here you stand before me, your ghostly appearance is gracing my presence," she added, her voice infused with a bittersweet mixture of humour and vulnerability.

As Shivani's words reached Pihu's ears, a flicker of amusement danced across her lips, lifting her spirits momentarily. Shivani's tone held a tinge of rudeness, reflecting her deep-seated disdain for Rudra. She stated with conviction, "Even if he were to recognize that you are the one who saved him, you don't need to worry about him expressing a gratitude to you. Expressing appreciation is not in his nature. He is nothing but a short of a heartless monster, indifferent even to those who risk their lives for his sake."

Pihu's heart resonated with Shivani's sentiments, reaffirming her decision to keep her distance from Rudra. She had no desire to entangled herself with a person immersed in the dark world of mafia, and she vowed to protect her own light from his shadows. "You have no need to worry about him infiltrating your life," Shivani added, echoing Pihu's intentions. Pihu found solace in the belief that someone like Rudra would never even utter a word like Thank you to the ordinary girl like her. The notion of gratitude from him seemed utterly improbable.

In that moment, Pihu embraced the assurance that her path and Rudra's would never intertwine. She knew deep down that a person like Rudra, shrouded in darkness, would never extend his reach to someone like her. Expressing gratitude was a foreign concept to him,and she had no intention of exposing herself to him and hearing a word like 'Thank you' from such a ruthless and heartless man.

"In the twisted game of hearts, the angel seeks refuge in the light, while the devil revels in the abyss. But the devil, an insatiable hunter, stalks the angel's dreams, forever craving her surrender to his relentless passion." 

...................................To be continued.

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