Married to my best friend- 2...

By msjasly

358K 37.9K 12K

She was his peace and he was her protector She was his saviour and he was her solace She was a cracker and he... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter -6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter- 25
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Thank You

Chapter - 26

8.1K 943 534
By msjasly

Recap: Yami and Nive start have heart to heart conversation that begins the bloom of their friendship.


Yami and Nive returned home and saw the home was empty like they left. The two elder ladies were yet to return home. Nive was worried for them but Yami was her cool and walked towards the kitchen and grabbed juice for her and Nive. 

Nive: Are you not worried ?

Yami: Wait for them to return and you will feel bad for worrying on them. Don't underestimate them. They are anything but innocent. God knows they are capable of selling this whole city. Sit with me on the couch and get ready to see their attrocity.

Nive shrugged and sat on the couch next to Yami. They were watching some series on Netflix sipping their juice. Hearing the creech of the tyre Yami gestured Nive to look towards the entrance. Now it was Nive's turn to be shocked looking at the ladies who entered wearing new tops and coolers. They had got their hair straightened and were carrying shopping bags in both their hands.

Yami pushed the chin up for Nive to close her mouth and chuckled at her reaction.

Yami: Oldies, did you leave some for others to shop or not ?

Jaya: Yaru di oldie ? ( Whom do you call old lady ?) We are young until we have grand children. After seeing our children, the way they are living we are sure that we will not turn old anytime soon so we are anything but old.

Madhu smirked and dumped the bag on Yami's lap taking the juice from her hand.

Madhu: Neenga enna panninga ungalukku juice. Po poi swiggy la food order pannu. Nanga romba tired ah irukkom. ( What did you both do that you want juice now ? Go...go and order food from swiggy..we are tired to cook )

Nive: They are rocking..I swear we could never see cool women like them.. I m loving them.

Yami: Ayayo....No, you made a terrible mistake and reap what you sowed now.

Before Nive could respond she was engulfed in a hug by both Madhu and Jaya who was now dramatically crying over Nive's shoulder.

Madhu: finally we got a pure soul who could understand us. Atleast we will die in peace. Nive, we are happy that atleast we have you to cry over if we are dead. 

Jaya: We were yearning for someone to love us when all our children abandoned us.

Vimal who returned home early saw the scene and took a step back shaking his head and reached the garden mumbling " just escaped ". Nive who saw him leaving already mumbled "traitor".

Yami was in her room placing the shopping bags. She was smiling touching Sid's shirt. She bit her lips thinking of executing the idea of her mothers. She hid all her night dress and took one of the night gowns her mother had bought for her.

After escaping from Madhu and Jaya, Nive entered her room and Vimal entered behind her. 

Vimal: You didn't go to office ? 

Nive: should have saved me rather than running away like that. Are you seriously human Vimal, how come you are an introvert living in such a lovely family ? I m just loving them all. Thank you so much for giving this family.

Vimal: Are you fine ? do you have fever or something, should i take you to hospital ?

Nive: Whatt ?????? They are sweetly annoying...We went to mall for shopping and you know both aunts went on their shopping spree leaving me and Yami. We girls returned finishing our shopping but I was amazed to see their return after shopping. I feel like flying in air with excitement.

She was sitting on the couch with her legs folded and talking with so much excitement and Vimal could see her eyes lit in happiness.

Vimal: you look beautiful when you smile Nive. Seeing you smile like this for the first time.

"He has already fallen for you Nive else he is not someone who lets a person in his life so easily" Nivedha remembered Yami's words.

Nive: May be I never knew the real meaning of happiness. All I knew was shopping with friends, hanging out but that was purely money involved. Even my friends would talk about business, latest products launched and boast about what we got in life. It was not like smiling from the heart like I was doing today. Thank you for that.

Vimal: I m happy to see you happy. But you will run like me with time.

Nive: I don't think so, may be I would love join their team.

Vimal: Noooooooooooooo, 

Nive laughed looking at his scared face. Vimal pulled her to him cupping her face which made her blush. She looked away shyly and he kissed her cheeks.

Vimal: Will you go on a date with me wife ?

Nive: Ofcourse, my husband deserves a better treatment for giving such a happy family. Only sid is left out but I m sure we will get along soon. 

Vimal: Get ready, we will leave now.

Nivedha moved away from him but stopped looking at him.

Nive: Vimal, you are wrong when you said you had no friends. You had a friend who knew you more than you know about yourself like you knew about her. She is worried about you like you are worried about her. 

Vimal: Nive ...

Nive: We talked Vimal, everything. She might have not spoke to you knowing how possessive Sid could be and how reserved you were but she has seen the Vimal whom none has seen. As much as she wants Sid to be happy she wants you to be happy. She said we are made for each other and we have fallen for each other. I am Vimal ...have you ?

Vimal: You would have not asked this question unless you heard the answer from her. How could my friend judge me wrong.

Nive rushed to him and hugged him throwing her hands around him and Vimal hugged her back.

Nive: I love you Vimal, please forgive me for leaving you alone. I love you and I'm so sorry for ignoring you recently. I have been childish and behaved very immature. Thank u for making me realize love and life....I'm so lucky to have you.. I love you man....

Vimal: I love you too Nive, it is just few days we knew each other but I didn't know when you made a place in my heart. I really missed your presence. I m sorry I being so irrational but i want all your attention to me. Call me selfish or immature but I couldn't stop myself from expecting your attention on me.

He pulled back from the hug and crashed his lips on hers with his heart fluttering in happiness on getting his love and knowing he had a friend all these years.

Sid was driving back home thinking of some way to take his first step in his love. He stopped in a signal and saw a lady selling roses. He quickly bought a bunch of rose and drove home trying to find a reason to give them to Yami.

On reaching home he saw his parents were asleep and Yami was waiting for him. The feelings which he had buried all these years rekindled the moment he saw her walking towards him. He hugged her suddenly taking her by surprise. Yami closed her eyes and hugged him back.

Sid pulled back from the hug and gave her the roses. Yami took them and smelt its fragrance.

Yami: Enna da, rose la vaangitu vandhurukke ? ( What happened you got roses today ?)

Sid: Our business has kick started like rocket and thought of presenting these beautiful flowers to my beautiful wife. If not her then we would have not achieved this today.

Yami felt her heart beating eratically and ready to jump out of the rib cage hearing him addressing her wife. She saw him entering their room in first floor whereas Sid shut the door and sighed in relief.

Sid Mv: Reaction pakkama vadhutiye da ( You came without seeing her reaction man ) No problem next time don't miss to see her reaction. Make a even more better plan next time. He refreshed and joined to have dinner to with her. On returning to room he laid on the bed and Yami went to the washroom to get changed into her night wear. 

She changed into a full length silk gown and a silk robe over it. She stood before the mirror and gasped how different she looked in it.

Yami: Enna Yami namakke different ah irukku. Sid enna pannuvan ? ( What is this Yami, you look differnt for yourself and what would Sid do ?) Step step ha polam paatha indha amma direct ah last question poga solludhu..( Instead of taking it step by step this mother wants me to jump directly to the final question )

She took slow breathes couting one to ten to calm her mind and breathe. She took final breathe and opened the door and walked out. Sid was deeply engrossed in his mobile. Yami was extremely shy to face him so she moved slowly and was closing the door. Hearing the sound Sid raised his head and a figure dressed different standing at his door.

Sid: Hello yaru neenga, enga room la enna panringa, veliya ponga ( Hello who are you and what are you doing in our room ? Get out now ) 

Yami turned around slowly and saw Sid standing behind the cot with his eyes closed.

Sid: Yami, where did you go. Please come and save me. Some girl is in our room. Please trust me I don't know who she is and I will never betray you. come soon please...

Yami gritted her teeth and laid on the bed covering her completely.

Yami: Sid, shut up and come sleep now. 

Sid opened his eyes and saw the girl was missing. He laid on the bed and sighed in relief.

Sid: Yami, did you see that girl, how and why did she come in our room ? Who is she ?

Yami: Sethu pona enga aaya ...( my dead grandmother )

She screamed and turned to the other side. Sid was confused with her behaviour. He slowly got inside the duvet and his eyes grew wide to see the same red silk back. The next moment he screamed and Yami got startled with his screaming. Being scared suddenly she hugged him burying her face in his neck. Sid froze with the sudden weight on him and saw Yami lying on him.



Continuation in next chapter. Keep guessing what will be therir reaction.

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