Tørtured Søuls [REWRITTEN]

By emiliavs

31.8K 994 498

Loki drifting into the abyss where he finds Thanos. A mad Titan that tortured him until a girl came along. Th... More

The Mad Titan
A Strange Girl
Who Are You?
Trial and Error
Giving In
God of Thunder
Release the Beast
The Plan
New York
Don't Resist
Bombs Away
Behind Bars
Blood and Tears
Hidden Secrets
Running Thoughts
New and Old Encounters
True Faces in the Dark
The Aether
Odin's Firstborn Child
Death and Despair
Past Memories
The Sceptre

God of the Wind and Seas

131 6 11
By emiliavs

-Third Person POV-
On Asgard, Thor and Hela were getting ready to leave to go retrieve Loki.

On Midgard, Loki and Lorna were sitting outside as the sun was setting. Loki and Lorna were talking about what happened earlier at the store. Loki apologised for evading Lorna's personal space. Lorna said it was fine while blushing, rethinking the memory of Loki gently kissing her on the neck. Loki turned his head to the side, embarrassed at his actions.

However, to Lorna, it felt ice cold wherever Loki touched her. Loki's skin was cold to the touch. But that's expected from a frost giant.

Lorna looked up at Loki as he grabbed Lorna's hand, gently rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand. Lorna smiled some as a strand of hair fell from behind her ear. Loki let go of Lorna's hand as he tucked the strand of hair back behind her ear.

Lorna finally had the courage to ask Loki what they were, relationship-wise. Loki said they could be whatever she chose them to be, whatever she was comfortable with. Lorna was nervous as she wanted them to still remain close. Loki understood. He said he would still act his normal self with the exception of being flirtatious at times, reassuring Lorna he won't take anything too far. He was afraid of possibly making her uncomfortable. Lorna didn't know what her and Loki were at the moment. Loki clearly saw them as more than just friends after his actions from earlier today. Lorna didn't know what to think. She was too scared of commitment, fearing she would somehow disappoint Loki to where he would depart from her. However, relationship-wise, Lorna and Loki were going to be okay.

Just then, the skies turned dark. Rumbling was heard when Loki leaned forward. Just then, the Bifrost rained down before Loki and Lorna as Hela and Thor emerged.

"What's wrong?" Loki asked as Thor looked stern.

"Something is coming to Asgard, we need you there just in case Hela can't defend it," Thor explained as Hela scoffed.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Hela reassured, "but it would be nice to have you home."

Loki nodded his head as he looked at Lorna.

"She's welcomed to come Loki," Thor stated, smiling some.

Loki chuckled while standing up, lending his hand to Lorna to help her up. Lorna smiled and accepted Loki's hand. Clint and Laura waved Loki and Lorna goodbye as did Elliot, Reid, and Matthew. Clint and Laura's children waved too as they looked at Thor and Hela in amazement.

Walking up to Thor and Hela, Loki and Lorna smiled at one another before the Bifrost came booming down on them. In an instant, Thor, Hela, Loki, and Lorna were at Asgard. Lorna tensed up at bit from remembering her last encounter she had when she first came to Asgard as she was clearly nervous. Loki noticed this as he gently brushed his hand against Lorna's, reassuring her that he won't let anything bad happen to her.

Hela noticed Loki and Lorna holding hands briefly as she smirked. She nudged Thor to show him what she saw as Thor noticed too. Thor smiled as he was happy for this brother.

Before walking down the Rainbow Bridge, the Bifrost opened up as a certain god stepped through. It was a tall man with blue hair, carrying a sword along with a small servant behind them.

The waters around the Rainbow Bridge began to form into giant waves, crashing against the bridge. Hela drew out her sword only to drop it after seeing who it was.

"Njord?" Hela questioned before the god chuckled.

"Ah I knew I felt a familiar presence," the god whose name was Njord chuckled.

{pronounce as Nord}

"Who are you?" Thor questioned while pointing Mjölnir at Njord, the god only smirking at Thor's attempt to threaten him.

"He's the God of the Wind and Seas," Odin explained, clearly shocked by the fact Njord was here as well as Loki and Lorna.

"I thought you died Loki," Odin sneered a bit. "Seems like not even Death wants you."

Loki rolled his eyes at Odin as he knew Odin was still pissed at him, Thor, and Hela for breaking out the dungeons and fleeing Asgard with Jane, leaving Asgard in legit shambles.

Hela chuckled darkly as she said lowly, "Maybe Death is waiting for a bigger meal." Hela stepped closer to Odin, mocking, "Maybe it's waiting for you Allfather!"

Odin ignored Hela's remark as he turned around ordering his guards to stand down. Lorna tensed upon seeing Odin and all the guards as Loki moved to stand slightly in front of Lorna.

"Why do you boys keep bringing mortals to Asgard. It's like bringing a peasant to a grand palace," Odin remarked, glaring at Lorna.

Lorna got angry and used her abilities to make Odin's staff fly to her. Her hand clasped around the staff as she pointed it at Odin.

"You shouldn't talk so lowly about mortals," Lorna threatened, stepping out from behind Loki.

Odin scoffed as he held his hand up, causing all the guards to point their weapons at Lorna. Lorna glared at all the guards as she used her abilities to make a magnetic pulse radiate from her hands. The guards were pushed away while stumbling backwards. Lorna pointed the staff at Odin again, walking closer to him.

Loki quickly stood between Odin and Lorna as Lorna tilted her head to the side, confused at Loki's actions.

"Perhaps we could talk this through," Loki chuckled nervously.

Loki feared Odin or the guards would kill Lorna if Lorna somehow managed to attack Odin. Hela smirked at the scene before her as she was hoping Lorna would hit her father.

"Lorna, please put down the staff," Loki said softly, walking closer to Lorna.

Lorna remembered the last time Loki and her were in this situation on Asgard. It ended up with Loki using his magic on Lorna. Lorna felt hurt from that incident still, fearing Loki would use his magic on her again to make her vulnerable.

However, Loki walked closer, gently placing his hand on the staff, lowering it down from where it was pointed at. Lorna was breathing heavily as Loki knew why she had fear in her eyes.

"I won't hurt you," Loki said quietly, in a mere whisper. "Just please put down the staff."

Lorna slowly obliged as she carefully dropped the staff onto the floor. However, she proceeded to kick the staff with her foot, making it roll over towards Odin's feet.

Odin scoffed before picking up the staff. Muttering an insult underneath his breath.

Lorna heard Odin as she used what little telekinesis she had to push a force towards Odin. Odin fell backwards as his guards caught him before he could fully fall onto the floor.

Loki dropped his mouth open as he looked at Odin, worried at what Odin would do next. Odin just cleared his throat.

"Take her back to her own planet," Odin sneered. "She doesn't belong on Asgard."

Hela rolled her eyes before appearing right behind Odin, her sword drawn in front of his neck. Loki walked up to Odin, drawing out his dagger, pointing it at Odin's one good eye.

"She stays," Loki began in a low voice, "or else your head will roll."

Njord stepped closer to Odin. "I'd prefer if the little mortal stays, she seems interesting."

Odin huffed before saying, "Fine. She can stay."

Hela smirked before removing her sword from Odin's throat. Loki lowered his dagger as well.

Odin began walking back to the palace with the other guards as Njord, his servant, Thor, Hela, Loki, and Lorna followed behind.

Njord looked down at Lorna.

"I've never met a mortal with abilities like magic before. Tell me, what are you if you are not a regular human?" Njord asked, still looking forward.

"We are called mutants on Earth," Lorna explained.

Njord hummed in response as he ordered his servent to plan something in his schedule.

"I would like to visit Earth again sometime soon, it's been centuries since I last visited," Njord said calmly.

Njord had this scary yet calm aura around him. Lorna didn't know whether to be scared of the god or to be relieved he wasn't like Odin. However, Lorna felt calm talking with the god. Loki didn't know if he should be concerned about Njord's interest in Lorna. However, Loki had nothing to truly worry about as Njord was mostly interested in Lorna's abilities, wondering how strong she could truly become.

Njord was about 3,000 years old. Younger than Odin, but a little older than Hela.

{I'm taking a guess Hela is 2,500 years old so don't come at me for the ages please. Also Njord's voice sounds like Kenjiro Tsuda!}

Njord realised the waves hitting against the Rainbow Bridge were still agressive as he waved his hand to the side, making the waves calm and at bay.

Lorna was fascinated as she wondered what else Njord could do.

When they all arrived at the palace, Odin dismissed all his children along with Lorna as Njord wanted to speak to Odin alone.

"What is it that brings you here today Njord?" Odin asked, sitting upon his golden throne.

Njord hummed to himself as he smirked. "Seems like you haven't noticed yet. Shame. Aren't you one to have someone keeping an eye out on all your realms?"

Odin glared down at Njord. "What haven't I noticed?"

"The infinity stones. Someone has begun hunting for them from what I've heard, destroying planets in search for them."

"I knew about the planets being destroyed but never thought twice about if the planet was harbouring an infinity stone," Odin sighed, knowing if someone was collecting infinity stones, the universe is truly in for it.

Odin became slightly worried for Asgard since it was harbouring an infinity stone as well. However, Odin's pride was confident Asgard could defend itself from whatever threat was to come one day.

-Loki's POV-
My heart fluttered as I walked around the palace with Lorna, showing her to the beautiful gardens, the lakes, and waterfalls. Lorna awed at everything as I smiled.

She looks so adorable.

We sat down at the gardens as Lorna admired the flowers. I picked out a flower as I brought it up to Lorna. She smiled as she smelled the magnificent scent of the flower. It was a Gardenia flower.

I placed the flower behind Lorna's ear as I quickly gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Sorry, you just look so beautiful," I whispered to Lorna as she chuckled, reaching out to hold my hand.

She brought the back of my hand to her lips, lightly kissing my knuckles. My entire face went red as I felt my ears burning.

I sensed someone's presence nearby as I quickly stood up and turned around.

Thor and Hela walked by as they were talking with Njord. I overheard them talking about a ball tonight. I was guessing it was Njord's idea since Odin isn't one to organise parties—Thor would, but not Odin himself.

I showed Lorna my room as she was welcomed to stay there with me if she preferred. I knew Odin would be skeptical if Lorna was staying in my room with me. However, I could care less what Odin thinks of me.

A knock was at the door as a servant came in. It was a younger male.

He was asking which attire I would prefer for the ball tonight. I chose the second choice as they wouldn't have thought of a second choice if the first wasn't preferable. I was about to dismiss the servant when I glanced at Lorna. She would need something to wear as well since I was planning on taking Lorna as my date. She didn't know this yet.

"Lorna," I called out.

"Hm?" Lorna hummed out.

"Would you care to join me in tonight's ball?" I asked, smirking at the end of my sentence as I held out my hand to her.

Lorna blushed as she accepted my hand. "It would be an honour."

I smiled as I called the servant over. The servant asked some new maids to come in to measure her as I stood outside my room, waiting for her.

"Why did you bring her here again if the last time she was here it was for an interrogation?" Hela asked as she was walking past me and stopped.

"Because I can?" I retorted back.

"Do you love her?" Hela interrogated.

I held my breath as I thought about it. "I do," I began, "and it terrifies me."

"Because she is only a mortal with a short lifespan or because of these feelings you are experiencing?" Hela asked, tilting her head to the side in curiosity.

"Both," I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. "These feelings, I've never felt them before. Not this strongly," I admitted. "And knowing she is only partially human scares me." I looked to the side and scoffed, "Now I know what Thor was feeling when he met Jane."

"You know we have those special apples here right?" Hela stated.

I froze. "You what?"

"The ones that give you 'eternal life' but it's actually for a couple thousand years."

"Where?" I asked a little too quickly.

"Do me a favour first little brother," Hela said while smirking.

"What do you want?" I asked a bit nervous of Hela's request.

"Tell her that you love her," Hela said calmly, tilting her head toward the door Lorna was behind.

I immediately turned red as I was about to oppose, telling her it was too soon for that. However, Hela turned around and walked away, waving her hand goodbye.


Night overcome Asgard. The palace was bustling with people. Some people from Njord's realm were invited. There were also many people from Asgard here as well. Everyone was welcome to show up.

I was getting dressed in my bathroom when Lorna knocked on the door. I quickly finished getting dressed as I opened the door. Lorna's mouth was agape as I'm guessing from my outfit I was given to wear.

I asked Lorna what the matter was as she was nervous for the ball. She had never been to a real ball before, never learning how to dance or royalty etiquette. I assured Lorna I would be there to guide her every step of the way. She smiled as I placed a quick kiss to her forehead.

Another knock was at my door as I knew it was the new maids to come dress Lorna. I bid Lorna goodbye as I gently kissed the back of her hand. I left the room as I began going towards the throne room.

-Your POV-
The maids were whispering among each other as I stood in the middle of the room vulnerable. I tried covering myself but the maids just ignored me, getting my dress ready. They chose green as I requested the colour green as I was quite fond of it. It reminded me of my abilities. Hela walked into the room wearing a black dress.

I awed at how beautiful Hela looked.

"You look amazing," I complimented Hela as all the maids bowed at Hela's presence.

I was beginning to bow in front of Hela but Hela said I didn't have to do that. She saw me as someone that's a part of the family, therefore I didn't have to be formal with her.

Hela sat and waited for the maids to dress me. The gave me some special medicine to heal all of the scars on my body. I thanked them as I was very insecure about my scars. Loki always reassured I still looked beautiful with or without scars.

Once the maids finished dressing me, they brought out a mirror for me to see myself. I gasped at the sight of myself.

The maids styled my hair using some magic before leaving. I was in heels as I wasn't used to walking in them. Hela helped me walk around the room, placing her hands on my forearms as she let me practice walking around Loki's room. I got the hang of walking in heels after a few minutes as Hela told me to straighten my back, lifting my chin up a bit.

"There," Hela stated. "Now you look stunning."

I blushed at Hela's compliment as I don't get compliments too often. I was always embarrassed when someone complimented me.

Hela held out her arm to me as I walked with her to the throne room. There was so many people bustling around that it was hard to find where Loki was. Hela bid me farewell before departing. Before I could protest, she was gone.

I looked around, trying to find Loki.

I saw Loki from a distance, noticing him and his brother's tall figures. I began walking towards Loki, avoiding bumping into people. Loki was talking with Thor as Thor noticed me. He smiled while nudging Loki's shoulder. Loki turned his head before he froze. I knew he was holding his breath as he looked in a daze.

I was about to walk over to Loki when I felt someone lightly tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw it was Njord.

"Care to dance?" Njord offered, smiling some while bowing.

I glanced at Loki as Loki nodded his head at me. I accepted Njord's offer, taking his hand.

"I've never danced before," I said quietly, nervous to be dancing with a god as powerful as Hela.

"That's quite alright," Njord chuckled, placing my hands correctly on him—one in his hand while the other was on his shoulder. "I'll show you."

Looking down, he carefully and slowly told me when and where to step. Soon enough, we were dancing in sync. Njord smiled down at me while I was now able to dance without looking down at my feet. After a while, someone else wanted to dance with Njord as Njord bid me farewell.

I looked around for Loki as I spotted him. He was still talking to Thor as he stood there watching me the whole time. I blushed while looking down at myself. Loki quickly walked over to me as he let out a sigh.

"My," Loki began, "the things you do to my heart."

I turned even more red as Loki grabbed my hand, gently kissing the back of it. He led me to the middle of the dance floor as he placed one hand around my waist, the other holding my hand out to the side. Loki knew I got the hang of dancing with Njord. Therefore, Loki began leading me across the ballroom, dancing. I was getting the hang out it better than I'd thought. I chuckled as Loki looked mesmerising.

Loki whispered in my ear, "You look marvellous darling."

I smiled, looking away from embarrassment. I motioned for Loki to come closer as he leaned down.

"You look quite handsome yourself," I whispered in Loki's ear.

Loki chuckled as he spun me around. "How about we go get some food hm?"

I nodded my head as there were tables upon tables with delicious food. As we were eating and watching others dance. Njord came up to Loki and me.

Njord began making small comments about others here and there, talking with Loki and me. Njord was talking with Loki about their viewpoints. I was watching other Asgardians dance with each other when I heard someone say my name. It was Njord.

"Are there other mutants like you on Earth with similar abilities? Or is each mutant uniquely different?" Njord asked, tilting his head to the side.

I answered, "Every mutant has their own unique powers. However, it was discovered recently how to remove a mutant's powers and give them to regular humans or even mutants; doubling their abilities."

"Would this give them the stolen ability?"


Njord hummed to himself as I knew it was from curiosity. A few of Njord's servants came by, asking if he'd like to demonstrate to the Asgardians a little show. Njord agreed as he walked to the centre of the dance floor with his servants surrounding him.

Just then, Njord summoned a wave of water from his hands as he painted the air with water. Soon enough, figures of horses made from water were running above everyone in the air. I awed at Njord's powers as did Loki.


After a while, people began leaving as Loki and I stood outside, gazing upon the stars.

Something was on Loki's mind, bothering him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, gently grabbing Loki's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Loki let out a long sigh. "I don't understand my own feelings."

I stayed silent for a moment. "You're talking about these feelings you have for me correct?"

Loki nodded his head as he glanced away.

I hummed as I looked up, noticing just how much more beautiful the sky was on Asgard than on Earth.

I thought about Loki's words and his affections he has shown towards me.

Is that what love is?

-Third Person POV-
Loki and Lorna soon retreated back into Loki's room. Loki used his seidr to materialise their ball gown clothes back into regular clothing.

Loki and Lorna were both laying down on the bed as Lorna was curled up next to Loki. Loki was stroking Lorna's hair while softly reading a book out loud to her. Once Loki heard Lorna's breaths become shallow, he knew she had fallen asleep. Quietly closing the book, Loki placed the book on his night table while blowing out the candle that sat upon it.

As Loki was getting comfortable laying down, Lorna unconsciously grabbed Loki's hand in her sleep, intertwining her fingers with his. Loki smiled upon seeing this, giving her hand three squeezes, meaning in his mind "I love you."

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