The Punk Next Door Punk Luke...

By ButUrNotMattyHealy

171K 3.5K 1.4K

Charlie Springs was always a good girl. She wasn't the normal rebellious teenager who went to parties and got... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

10.5K 226 288
By ButUrNotMattyHealy

Charlie's POV

I quickly walked up the stairs to my room to change into my pajamas. I decided to watch Netflix until I got tired. As I pulled up the site, my phone vibrated indicating someone texted me.

Unknown Number: Hey Charlie

Charlie: Who is this

Unknown Number: Luke

Charlie: Oh hey. How'd you get my number?

Luke: Kassidy

Charlie: I'm gonna kill her

Luke: Why? Don't you want to talk to me?

Charlie: It's not that, at least not only that, but she can't give out my number to random boys

Luke: I'm not just any random boy though, I'm your hot neighbor

Charlie: Don't get too cocky, I've still seen better

Luke: Really? Like who?

Charlie: Zac Efron, Channing Tatum, Andrew Garfield, Chris/Liam Hemsworth, Matty Healy

Luke: .......

Charlie: Haha, see even you can't argue with those

Luke: I meant normal people those guys are like superhuman

Charlie: I guess, but still they're very attractive

Luke: Since you have such a great music taste, ever heard of Blink-182?

Charlie: I've heard of them never listened to them before

Luke: :'(

Charlie: Sorry


Charlie: Ok, no need to yell

Luke: Good

Charlie: Gtg

Luke: Aww :—( bye

I still wasn't tired but Luke had interrupted my Netflix marathon. Supernatural and Doctor Who were waiting for me.

The Next Day

As i wiped the sleep from my eyes, I had remembered what happened last night. The memories of Luke and I in the closet, to him dropping me off, and when he texted me. I quickly grabbed my phone to check if it really happened. As I expected the conversation about attractiveness and Blink-182 was all there. As I checked my clock it was around 8. I always woke up earlier than most teenagers and I don't know why. I figured that since nobody else would really be out, I decided to go on a run. I needed to start exploring this city. I jumped out of my bed and got into a blue sports bra and my black running pants. Nobody should really be out, so this should be ok. I really needed to clear my head from last night. I was still confused about where Luke and I stood. Were we friends now or was he just being nice? I picked up my headphones and phone from my nightstand and headed outside. Even this early, it was still really hot. I headed in the direction of the beach and turned away from it, if I was going to explore now would be the best time. The street that I ran down had a bunch of little shops, one of them being Starbucks. Luckily I had brought my credit card in case of something like this came up.

"Hi! What can I do for today?" A perky girl asked me.

"Um, can I have a grande ice cafe mocha?" I said.

"Sure coming right up"

I slid my card on the card thing and went to wait for my drink. It wasn't really busy so my drink came in just a few minutes.

"Thank you." I said to the person handing me my drink.

When I got outside, there were a few of cute stores to go into. After about an hour, I just decided to go home.

"Hey Charlie, looking good." I heard Luke call to me from his house.

"Shut it Hemmings before I go over there and break that pretty little face of yours." I warned.

"So I am attractive?" How did our conversations always go this way? I just laughed sarcastically and went into my home. After I got changed into some jeans and an All Time Low shirt, my mom called me downstairs.

"Charlie, Kassidy is here." She yelled.

"Ok, I'll be right-" Kassidy cut me off by walking into my room.

"Spill everything between you and Luke." She immediately said.

"Well hello to you too."

"Don't avoid this Char, tell me everything."

"Fine, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"What happened in that closet?"

"Well before you barged in, he kissed me."

"That's it? Charlie, this is Luke we're talking about. There has to be more. How was it?" She said.

"The kiss? Amazing. Best I've ever had. It wasn't just any kiss, he made it special I guess. Like it felt like we were the only people in the world and nothing else mattered." I explained. By now she was on my bed listening very intently.

"Do you like him?" She asked.


"Well by the way you described it, this kiss seemed pretty special to you. If you do I don't blame you, I mean look at him. But just be careful, he's known for using girls." She warned.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Well, he charms them, does the dirty with them and then they get dumped. It's disgusting really. But he seems different with you. I mean by now he would have already given up on you because you didn't give in to him right away. I could be wrong so just be careful, I really don't want to deal with a broken heart." She explained.

"Oh. Don't worry about me. I'm pretty sure I can handle Luke." I laughed.

"Wanna go shopping?" She changed the subject.

"What is it with you and shopping?"

"It's a fun hobby, now lets go." She got up and pulled my arm to my door.

We had practically spent the whole morning at the mall. It was around noon and we were sitting at the food court, me trying to convince her that The Wizard of Oz was better than Alice in Wonderland.

"Yeah but is there a talking purple cat who can disappear in Oz?" She argued.

"No, but there are talking lions who have no courage." I shot back.

"Yeah but the monkeys there are evil and the "wizard" is a total fa-" Her eyes got wide and soon a smile spread across her face. "Charlie, look who's here." She pointed to a pizza place a couple of food stands over. Of course they were here.

"Please don't call them-" By the time I had gotten 2 words out she was out of her seat calling them over to join us.

"Ashton! Michael! Calum! Luke! Over here!" She was up waving her hands around. They looked over to her and started to come over.

"Hey Kassidy, hey Charlie." Michael greeted.

"Hey." Kassidy and I said at the same time. The other 3 pulled up chairs to sit down.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Luke wanted to find a new shirt and dragged us along." Ashton told me. "What about you guys?"

"Kass wanted to go shopping." I said, "but then again when does she not?"

"We were gonna go to Charlie's house after this, wanna join?" Kassidy asked. First giving out my phone number, now she's inviting people over to my house.

"Sounds good." Calum responded.

We finished our food and went back to my house with Kassidy lugging around her 10 bags of clothes from different stores.

"Do you have an Xbox or any video games?" Michael asked once we got to my house.

"Actually I think we have a PlayStation for my brother." I pointed over to the game system and Michael quickly ran over to it.

"What do you guys want to do?" Kassidy asked the other 3 boys, looking bored out of her mind.

"We could a play game." Calum suggested.

"What kind of game?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe," He thought for a minute before saying 4 dreadful words, "Never have I ever."

Hey!! So what do you guys think so far? Sorry if this chapter was kind of a filler, more will happen in the next chapter. Please vote, comment, and share. Thank you! Byeeeeeeee.

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