𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗢𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼...

By luvvv34

118K 3.4K 799

⇰ 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘇 struggles to hide her relationship with her boyfriend, Joseph, from the people... More

Treinta y Uno
Treinta y Dos
Treinta y Tres


2.9K 93 37
By luvvv34

In less than two weeks I will be getting married to Nathan.

In less than two fucking weeks.

These past couple of days have been extremely hectic and this week is even more stressful since my father and Hector decided to host an engagement party for us which is in two days.

We would have had it earlier but after all, this marriage is unexpected.

And my father, being the kind man that he is, offered up our house to host the party, so everyone in this house is stressed due to the short notice.


Nathan and I also have the tour of the venue to go to tomorrow. And I have other wedding things to do. Most of them are finishing details but it's still very stressful.

Nathan and I have been..weird to say the least.

Ever since he spanked me there has been tension between us.

I can't look at him without becoming a blushing mess and I hate it.

I should be pissed at him for spanking me. I mean I couldn't properly sit down without wincing for two says plus I had a bruise on my ass for a week.

But if I'm being honest I'm pissed at myself. I shouldn't have liked it. I shouldn't have given him my consent to touch me. I barely know the man and I let him see my bare ass and keep my panties.

But I enjoyed every second of it.

I shouldn't have.

But I did.

The memory of me over his lap replays in my head all fucking day.

But lately he's been colder than usual and very irritable. I don't know if it's towards me or everyone. But there are moments where he looks at me like he's frustrated or angry with me.

It's weird.

The times we have gone out to dinner together we hardly say a word to each other. We occasionally look at each other and share a few words but that's all.

And the only reason why we have been going out to dinner in the first place is because my father said it would make good publicity.

Which it has, every publication won't stop talking about us.

My father is thrilled about it but I could care less about it.

What bothers me is that he is being different towards me and I don't know why it does. It shouldn't, after all this is an arranged marriage. We feel nothing for each other.

But I miss the small glimpses of warmth in his eyes. I miss the small conversations, the compliments, and when he would put his hand under my chin.

It bothers me that I care, it bothers me so much because I can't help but wonder if I did something wrong?

A heavy sigh leaves my mouth as I take off my gardening gloves, grabbing a small white cloth from my shorts to wipe away the sweat from my forehead. "You do realize that nothing is going to happen to me while I'm gardening, right?" I grumble as I scan the rose bush again, looking to see if there are any dead stems I might have missed. Lately, all of the rose bushes have been withering which I don't understand why since Elena and I take good care of them.

Not a sound comes from Luca causing me to turn around and glare at him. "This is ridiculous..he is being ridiculous," I angrily tell him, emphasizing the he, so he knows who exactly I am talking about.

I don't even want to say his name because saying his name will only make me continue to think about him.

Luca just gives me a look of boredom. "Your protection isn't ridiculous," he says calmly. Here we go again.

Nathan was not bluffing when he said Luca would be taking extreme measures to ensure my safety.

Ever since I came back from Nathan's house that day Luca has been literally hovering over my shoulder.

It's torture, pure torture.

"I haven't gotten any red roses since the last time," I roll my eyes, grabbing my gardening tools and walking to the shed. Luca follows.

It's true I haven't received any red roses or anonymous notes.

But I won't lie.

I am worried.

Terrified, even, of someone entering my room again without me noticing.

Of someone watching me sleep.

But nothing has happened.

"That doesn't matter, anything can happen at any time, Lina," he explains, trailing behind me until I stop walking, turning around to face him.

"Do you have a reason to believe something will happen?" I ask, staring him down, trying to intimidate him. But I know I am far from intimidating but it's worth a shot. I want to see if he will give me any piece of information.

"No," he plainly answers. "But he wants to be careful," he adds and I roll my eyes. He's being more than careful. I feel like a fucking prisoner. I'm used to having bodyguards with me at all times but not hovering over me.

Not even Ivan did that.

Well...he had his moments.

But Luca is just overdoing it.

He notices the dissatisfaction in my face. "It isn't an enemy of the Santoro's which is a relief but you can still be in danger, Lina. This is serious and you need to realize that," he scolds me and I clench my hand around the gardening tools.

"I know it's serious," I firmly tell him. "I just feel unheard, Luca. No one tells me anything and I don't have a say in anything," I exhale a deep breath, trying not to cry out of frustration. I just feel so overwhelmed.

Luca's face turns slightly sympathetic. "Your safety is important," he clarifies and takes a short pause before continuing to talk. "But if you have comments or suggestions regarding my security..I'll listen," he reluctantly sighs, but he does sound sincere.

My eyebrows raise in surprise and a playful smile begins to form on my lips. "Good because I have a lot of comments and suggestions," I tease and he mumbles complaints under his breath.

"Thank you, Luca..I mean it," I softly tell him, appreciating the fact that he actually listens to me.

He gives me a short nod and waits for me outside of the shed while I put the tools away. I'm surprised he didn't follow me in here.

Once I step outside of the shed, Luca and I begin to walk towards the house. My eyes find Danny near the back door, patiently waiting for us, but his eyes are anywhere but on me. He's been avoiding me for days now.

His nose is completely healed but you can still see a faint purple bruise on the bridge of his nose. I haven't yet apologized for Nathan's behavior but I should soon.

Maybe that's why he hasn't been talking to me?

I finally look back at Luca, who is staring down Danny. "Nathan told me that he was looking into it," I blurt out, taking Luca's attention away from Danny. "Have..Have you guys found out anything?" I hesitantly ask, my palms begin to sweat at the idea of Nathan finding out about Joseph.

"Not yet," he tells me. "But when he does I'll tell you," he reassures me and I nod my head in thanks.

Before stepping inside the house, I look over at Danny. "Good morning," I tell him, giving him a soft smile.

He turns his head towards me but doesn't smile. "Good morning, Lina," he briefly says and then returns to avoiding my presence.

I feel horrible for the way Nathan treated him. Danny has always been a good friend to me. And I don't believe that he sees me more than that.

I want to say something else but from inside the house I can hear Ivan's voice. It's been so long since I've seen him or even talked to him.

These past couple of days he and my father have hardly been home because of "business." Or at least that's what Elena told me.

I don't hesitate to rush inside and see Ivan receiving a lecture from Irma. She's always lecturing both Ivan and my father because she's been with them since they were very little. The only difference is my father ignores her and Ivan actually listens.

I run towards Ivan, catching him off guard mid-sentence by wrapping my arms tightly around him. A huge smile forms on my lips as I feel him return the hug. "Te extrañé," I whisper. It's hard not having him around all the time. (I missed you)

I miss when we would eat breakfast together and I miss our talks.

Yes, I have Luca but it isn't the same.

"Yo también, mija," he softly says, caressing the top of my head before pulling away to smile down at me. (Me too)

"Ya que estás aquí, mijita, ¿Me puedes ayudar a convencer Iván de que no se hace más joven y necesita encontrar una mujer?" She sighs, earning Ivan to stressfully rub his forehead. (Since you're here, mijita, can you help me convince Iván that he isn't getting any younger and needs to find a woman?)

"Ya vas a empezar," he complains and I try my best to not laugh but I fail miserably. (Here you go again)

"I don't think that's a bad idea, Irma," I chuckle and she hums in content. It would be nice to see Ivan happy with someone. He deserves it.

"Adelina," he shoots me a 'stop laughing' look and now it's Irma that is laughing. "I don't want or need a woman in my life," his words directed towards her.

"That is what you always say," Irma purses her lips and shakes her head.

"And it is what I will continue to say," his voice is firm but remains at a respectful volume. Irma lets out a 'tsk' in dissatisfaction, knowing that she won't be able to convince him.

My mind begins to fill with curiosity. Has Ivan ever been in love? Has he ever let himself be in love?

Ivan rolls his eyes and Irma fixes the fabric of her black floral shirt. "Pues, I'm going to go find Elena, the poor woman has been stressing over the preparations for the engagement party," she says, looking between me and Ivan with tenderness in her eyes.

It's true all Elena has been doing is getting the house ready for the party. We haven't even had the time to finish the conversation we were having the day I went over to Nathan's.

A small blush forms on Ivan's face at the mention of Elena but he quickly clears his throat, looking away from us for a moment. Hm. Before Irma leaves the kitchen she walks towards me and places a hand on my cheek, looking at me with affection."Everyday you look more and more like your mother," she gives me a wistful smile and my eyebrows furrow at her comment.

Everyone has always told me that I look like my father and not my mother.

But it is true because I look nothing like her.


"But I don't look-"

"Irma, don't you have to go find Elena?" Ivan interrupts me and Irma reluctantly pulls her hand away from my cheek, stealing a quick scowl at him before walking out of the kitchen. I'm so confused.

"Was there any trouble while we were gone?" Ivan suddenly asks, making me turn around to face him. Irma has been here the longest. She saw my mother, she tended to her.

So, why would she say I look like her when I don't?

"Mija?" His voice sounds a little tense and his eyes have a hint of worry in them.

I shake my head, pushing away the amount of questions that are running through my head. Later. "No," I say, looking towards the back door, where I'm sure Luca and Danny are standing nearby. "With Luca's hovering I'm sure a fly won't even be able to get near me," I sigh in a loud exaggerated way, hoping he heard me.

Ivan exhales with relief and satisfaction but I roll my eyes at him. "It's for your safety, mija," he explains as I suppress a scoff. I need to get out of this house.

Or maybe go for a run.

And preferably alone this time.

"And has Nathan been treating you right?" His face turns serious, his eyes looking over my appearance for any signs of injury.

I don't know if right is the best answer since he spanked me twenty-five times on my ass and has been weird with me ever since.

"Yes, you have to stop worrying," I reassure him, earning a displeased look from him.

"Nunca," he places a kiss on my head and I smile, looping my arm under his and walking us out of the kitchen. (Never)

As we walk by a couple of stressful looking maids I turn my head to see Ivan spacing out. There's a small frown on his lips and his hazel eyes look more brown than green. They look dark like a bunch of sad thoughts are running through his head.

"Estás bien?" I squeeze his arm, bringing his attention back to me. (Are you alright?)

"No," he swallows harshly, his honest reply takes me by surprise. "I just can't believe that you will be leaving soon," he says quietly and I instantly swallow down the lump that begins to form in my throat.

Despite being raised in this house, I won't miss it.

Don't get me wrong, I'll miss the backyard, especially the garden.

I'll miss Irma and some of the other maids and gardeners.

A small part of me will miss my father even though he doesn't deserve it.

But the people I am dreading to leave are Ivan and Elena, my home.

"I always knew you would leave but I expected that you would leave on your own terms," his voice is taut with a hidden anger and my eyes begin to burn with tears.

Ivan has been keeping quiet of his opinion on this arranged marriage because of my father.

But I know that he hated it from the beginning.

I blink away the tears and release a deep breath, leaning my head on his arm. "I'll be fine, Ivan," I reassure him and mostly myself. "I'll be fine," I repeat myself as we step into the foyer.

"Ivan," my father's harsh voice captures our attention. Ivan removes his arm from mine and responds with a 'what?' which only causes my father to glare at him.

"I need to speak to you," he says coldly, his angry green eyes moving to me. "Alone," he emphasizes.

Such a warm greeting from a father.

Ivan clenches his jaw but nonetheless nods at my father. He gives me an apologetic look before following him upstairs. I have the urge to follow them but I don't.

I turn my head to the side to find Luca only a few feet away from where I'm standing. I don't understand how he can be so quiet at times. "Is it safe enough to go to the mall today?" I ask with sarcasm. I need to get out of this house just for a little while.

I want to go shopping and not for wedding related things.

I want to shop for myself.

Plus I've been wanting to buy a Chanel anklet for the longest time.

Luca clearly doesn't appreciate my tone because he gives me a scowl. "Please," my voice turns soft, no trace of harshness or sarcasm. He rubs the back of his neck, debating on what to say before hesitantly nodding his head.

"Thank you," I smile widely before rushing upstairs to go get ready.

"Shit," I say under my breath, feeling the urge to pee. I hate using public restrooms.

"How much stuff do you need?" Luca grumbles, making my eyes roll. Danny hasn't been saying a thing but as I look over my shoulder I can see that he is clearly tired from carrying my bags around.

I have been shopping for a good three hours.

But there was a sale so it's not my fault.

The pressure on my bladder has me discreetly squeezing my legs together. Fuck, I don't want to use the restrooms here but I honestly don't think I can hold it.

I turn around, quickly walking towards the both of them. "We will leave after I use the restroom," I tell them and I hear a small sigh of relief from Danny.

"Please hold these while I go in," I tell Luca who is already carrying three bags in each hand with an annoyed look on his face. "I'll be quick, promise," I smile and he swiftly nudges his head towards the direction of the restrooms, silently urging me to hurry up.

I don't waste any time and rush to the restrooms, brushing past two girls who are exiting out. I cringe at the horrible smell, holding my breath so I don't gag and immediately go inside the first stall I see.

I grab several toilet seat covers and place them on the toilet before sitting down to pee. I quickly wipe myself and get up, flushing the toilet with my foot. No way I'm touching the handle. I pull my dress down and take another deep breath in, holding it so I don't smell the stench on my way out.

But all the air leaves my lungs as soon as I open the stall door and see Joseph standing there.

How the hell did he get in here?

Before I can even say anything he swiftly places his hand over my mouth and pushes himself inside the small stall, closing the door in the process. Shit.

My body begins to shake with fear, my heart pounding loudly against my chest. He pushes me against the side wall of the stall and a scared gasp leaves my mouth but he places a finger against his lips, telling me not to say a word.

Fuck, is there no one else in this restroom?

"I just want to talk, mariposa," he whispers, looking into my eyes but as I look into his eyes they are unrecognizable. My eyes trail down to his appearance and notice a gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans, making me shake even more. "When I remove my hand you better not scream Lina because if you do I will be forced to hurt you and I don't want to do that, do you understand?" His fingertips firmly grip my cheek and his palm pushes further against my lips as in warning.

I hesitantly nod, trying my best to stay calm. I have my knife that Luca gave me but I will only use it if things get bad.

But I'm praying that things don't go bad. I don't want to hurt him.

I'm praying that Luca and Danny will notice that I am taking too long in here and send someone in here to get me.

He slowly and carefully removes his hand from my mouth, letting me release a shaky breath. He lowers his head, placing his forehead against mine, my body tenses at the action. "I'm so sorry," he blows out a puff of air. "I'm s-so sorry," he says again, his voice coming out as a broken whisper this time.

"J-Joseph, what are you doing here?" I quietly ask, wanting to move my head away from him but I know better than to piss him off especially when he has a gun.

He mumbles incoherent words, moving his hands to either side of me, caging me in. "I t-told you to stay away..I told you w-we're over," I say as gently as possible.

A small chuckle leaves his mouth as he moves his forehead away from mine, staring at me with a crazed look in his eyes. "You didn't mean those words, Lina. I know you just said that because of your father," he smiles, stepping closer to me. "And that's why I'm here to tell you that I have a plan, a plan for us to leave without your father or your fiance finding us." One of his hands moves to my cheek, caressing it softly.

Back then I would have leaned into it but now all I want is to be far away from him.

"Joseph, y-you have to l-leave me alone," I stutter, afraid that my words will set him off.

He shakes his head, his eyes growing darker with anger. "Do you not love me anymore?" He grits through his teeth, removing his hand from my face, my palms beginning to sweat.

I don't know.

I don't know anymore.

"Y-You are scaring me right now," I deeply breathe, completely dodging his question.

"Answer the fucking question, Lina," he spits and I slightly flinch at his harsh tone. I have to get out of here.

I look away from his rage filled eyes and look down at my sweaty trembling hands instead, staring at the beautiful engagement ring on my finger as I try to find the right words to tell him.

"Lina," he harshly says and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath before the next words leave my mouth.

"I-I don't know."

It goes silent. Completely silent and all that can be heard is the sound of his harsh breathing which sounds more like small sobs. Please, someone come inside, please.

"This is about him isn't it?" His voice is dreadfully low and I instantly open my eyes, knowing who he is referring to.

I look up to meet his angry gaze and shake my head. "Joseph, no I don't-"

One of his hands grips my face hard, a whimper leaving my mouth in pain. "Don't fucking lie to me. I've seen every fucking photo of you two," he growls, applying more pressure to my cheeks.

"J-Joseph, stop, you are hurting me." Tears begin to blur my vision as I put my hand on his wrist, trying to push his hand away but he is too strong.

"Did you let him fuck you?" He gets closer to my face, his nostrils flaring with every word.

A couple of tears fall from my eyes as I frantically shake my head. "Did you tell him that you love him too?" His eyes are completely dilated as he grips my cheeks harder causing another whimper to leave my mouth. I have to get away. I don't care if he has a gun, I have to get away.

"I said stop!" I raise my voice, stomping my heel on his foot and then kneeing him right on his balls. His hand leaves my face and he stumbles back as a loud groan of pain leaves his mouth. I take this opportunity to open the door and run out of the restroom.

I bump into a girl on my way out who steadies me with her hands to prevent me from tripping. "Hey, are you alright?" She gently asks and I quickly wipe away my tears, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

"Y-Yes," my voice comes out shaky and I can see the concern in her eyes.

"Do you happen to be Lina?" She asks and I mindlessly nod. "A man named Luca asked me to come inside to check if you were fine, he seemed pretty worried," she says, tilting her head analyzing me.

"I..I'm fine..I just had a moment that's all," I manage to give her a smile.

She tilts her head, her eyes glancing towards the restroom entrance then back to me. "Are you sure-"

"Yes, thank you for not letting me fall," I cut her off and offer her a kind smile before walking away from her to where Luca and Danny are.

Luca impatiently looks at his watch, his foot tapping against the floor while Danny paces back and forth. I slowly walk up towards them and Luca's head lifts up, stressfully running a hand through his chestnut brown hair.

"I was about to storm in there, regardless if it was a women's restroom. What took you so long?" Luca clenches his jaw but all I do is grab my bags from him, maintaining my head a little lowered so he doesn't see my watery eyes.

And my cheek is probably red too.

"We can leave now," I softly say and begin to walk ahead of them.

"Lina, cosa c'è che non va?" Luca catches up to me and I understand what he is asking me since his lessons have been paying off. (Lina, what's wrong?)

"Nothing, I'm just tired," I lie and Luca remains silent but continues to walk closely behind me.

The whole ride home I was silent. didn't utter a single word because the interaction with Joseph kept replaying in my head. Luca was looking at me through the rear view mirror but I pretended that I didn't notice.

And when we finally got to the house he tried asking me again if I was fine but all I told him was that I was tired and needed to sleep.

Joseph isn't going to stop.

I know that now.

And I also know what I have to do now even if it hurts me to do it.

I have to tell my father and Ivan.


𝖲𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗎𝗉𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗌 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾!!

𝖸𝖺𝗒𝗒𝗒𝗒 𝖫𝖮𝖫

𝖧𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 ♥︎

𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒'𝖺𝗅𝗅

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