Broken Vow

By zahrah_mukhtar

6.1K 927 811

On losing her husband, Zain Hashim on their wedding day, Hanan Aali made a Vow to remain his widow for the re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

269 47 44
By zahrah_mukhtar

Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)  said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):

1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)

2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.

3. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity).

4. To perform Hajj. (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca)

5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.

Sahih al-Bukhari, 8
In-Book Reference: Book 2, Hadith 1


Ammar emerged from the meeting room, taking purposeful strides, brimming with eagerness to meet Hanan.

His bodyguards trailed closely behind, but he halted them from following. "Don't accompany me. I'm not leaving the premises." The bodyguards acknowledged his command as he headed towards his private elevator.

The receptionist was taken aback as she witnessed Ammar's departure from the meeting room, knowing well that the meeting was far from concluding.

Ammar's impatience grew as he perceived the elevator to be moving at a sluggish pace.

When the elevator doors opened, he swiftly exited.

Ammar walk through the company lobby with determined steps, his posture exuding confidence, shoulders squared, and head held high. His countenance remained aloof as he sought out Hanan.

The employees promptly greeted him upon spotting his presence, yet he disregarded their greetings, neither looking at them nor acknowledging their words, his mind consumed with finding Hanan.

A noticeable change in his demeanour occurred. His typically cold and calculating eyes softened upon catching sight of Hanan, offering a glimpse beneath his otherwise emotionless facade.

As he drew nearer, his pace slowed, as though time stretched momentarily to savour the moment. The lines on his face relaxed, and a genuine smile delicately curved his lips. His gaze intensified, reflecting the depth of his emotions.

"Hanan," Ammar's voice softened as he uttered her name, his words flowing like a whispered melody filled with profound affection.

Hanan instinctively raised her head and beheld Ammar Sheik standing before her, clad in an elegant black Tom Ford suit, radiating sophistication.

"I believe we are not acquainted enough for you to address me by my name directly," Hanan remarked, rising from her seat.

Hanan, remember you need something from him. Why not be a little less rude? Her inner voice nudged her.

Hanan mentally facepalmed at her response, realizing she could have simply answered with a polite "yes" instead of her abrupt reply.

Ammar's laughter brought her back to reality. "You're something, you know? Now, could you please enlighten me on what I should call you, milady?"

The company's employees gaped in astonishment as their usually cold and ruthless CEO now displayed warmth in his gaze, even offering a smile and laughter. It was a stark contrast to his usual demeanour.

What struck them the most was the unprecedented sight of him personally receiving a guest on the ground floor. In the past, if the visitor was important, his assistant would handle the task. But this time, he had come himself.

Salma, the receptionist, shared the same shock. As far as she knew, the CEO was in a meeting, so why did he emerge to receive a guest?

Who is that lady? The question echoed in the employees' minds, but they had no answer.

"Don't mind me, you can call me Hanan," Hanan replied, forcing a smile. Since she needed something from him, she could afford to act a little more amiable.

"Alright then, I apologize for keeping you waiting here. I had no idea you were coming, otherwise, I would have personally received you since," Ammar apologized, leaving Hanan taken aback. She had heard and believed he was ruthless, so why was he being so kind and apologetic towards her?

"It's alright, but aren't you in a meeting or has it already concluded?" Hanan asked, considering the receptionist's information. How could he have left a meeting to receive her personally?

"Yes, the meeting was cancelled when I learned of your arrival," Ammar responded casually, Hanan's eyes widened in surprise.

"You cancelled the meeting on my account?" Hanan inquired, to which he simply nodded in affirmation.

"Shall we proceed to my office and have a conversation? I apologize for keeping you waiting," Ammar suggested, and Hanan nodded in agreement as he guided her towards the elevator.

The employees watched them with curious fascination until they vanished inside the elevator.


"What brings you to the company? Are you eager to meet your soon-to-be husband?" Ammar inquired, a small smile gracing his face, accentuating his handsomeness as his expression lit up.

Hanan was taken aback by his words.

If only he knew the true reason for her presence.

They sat across from each other on the office sofa.

Upon their arrival in his office, Ammar instructed his assistant to bring refreshments for Hanan, persisting even after she declined.

"Regarding that matter..." Hanan hesitated, unsure of where to begin.

"I've heard that you made a deal with my family, promising a substantial investment in our company in exchange for my agreement to marry you," Hanan began, her voice resolute.

"Yes," Ammar acknowledged with a nod.

"I need to tell you that I cannot marry you. I made a vow to remain a widow, honouring the memory of my late husband. You are aware that I am a widow, right?" Hanan spoke directly, known for her straightforward nature.

Ammar's smile quickly faded as he questioned her, "Yes, I am aware of your widowhood. However, are you truly planning to spend the rest of your life alone?"

"I had planned to live the remainder of my life alone, as it is preferable to me than entering into another marriage. No one can replace my late husband's irreplaceable presence in my life!" Hanan expressed firmly, causing a flicker of emotion to appear in Ammar's eyes, which he swiftly concealed with a smile.

"Your late husband must have been an exceptional individual," Ammar remarked, his gaze fixed on her. The determination she displayed to avoid remarrying indicated a deep love for her late husband that persisted.

"Yes, he was the most remarkable person I have ever known. Kind, caring, and selfless. In short, he embodied all the goodness you could ever imagine," Hanan smiled, a solitary tear tracing its path down her cheek.

"That is why I implore you to reconsider your request for marriage, as I am committed to honouring the vow I made to remain his widow for the rest of my life," Hanan pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"Please, for the sake of Allah, support our company. Ask anything from us except for my hand in marriage," Hanan added.

Ammar remained silent, observing her tearful plea, feeling a pang of guilt for subjecting her to this situation.

If it were anyone else in his position, he might reconsider marrying her and offer assistance to her family.

But this was Ammar, and he could not fathom a life without her. She was his entire world!

Without her, his existence would lose all meaning. She was his purpose!

How could he let her go? How could he ensure her safety without him in her life?

He needed to protect her, for she was his very life!

"Hanan," Ammar called her name with a gentle tone, causing her teary eyes to meet his gaze.

For some reason, she despised the way he uttered her name. It almost sounded like... She erased the thought from her mind and focused on listening to him.

"I understand the significance of your vow. However, life has allowed us to find happiness together. We can build a beautiful future, filled with love and companionship," Ammar said softly, hoping that she would grasp his perspective.

"You don't understand. Losing my husband was devastating. It shattered my world. I made that vow to honour his memory and cherish what we had. I never wanted to betray his love, even after he's gone," Hanan said, her voice trembling slightly as tears streamed down her face. The thought of marrying again felt like a betrayal of the love she shared with Zain.

"I know the magnitude of your loss, and I deeply respect the love you both shared. But love is not a betrayal. It presents an opportunity for healing and embracing new beginnings. Together, we can honour your late husband's memory while creating our path," Ammar spoke softly, and Hanan remained silent, weeping silently because she couldn't fathom accepting his words. No one could replace Zain in her heart.

Ammar rose from the sofa he had been sitting on and moved to sit beside her. "Listen to me, Hanan. Your late husband would want you to find happiness. He would want you to live a life filled with love and joy. The vow you made was born out of profound grief, but now it's time to heal and embrace the future," Ammar declared, his determination evident as he sought to convey his message to her.

"Why are you trying so hard to make me understand why I should move on and marry you? You don't know what Zain means to me, he's my soul! Can you imagine living without your soul?" Hanan burst into tears.

And you are my life! Ammar said in his mind.

He had restrained himself from embracing her to provide comfort and stop her tears, but now he felt unable to hold back any longer.

Ammar embraced her, gently patting her back to soothe her tears. "I'm sorry, Hanan, but I have to get married to you. I can't fulfil the request you made. Please forgive me," Ammar whispered.

Hanan cried for a few minutes before regaining her composure and realizing the situation they were in.

Ammar Sheikh had hugged her!

In a surge of anger, Hanan pushed him away and stood up. "How dare you hug me?" she seethed.

Ammar, who had just regained his balance after being pushed, also stood up. "I'm sorry. I couldn't bear to see you crying, so I hugged you to console you," Ammar explained.

Hanan despised herself for appearing vulnerable in front of Ammar, and now he had the gut to even hugged her!

"My crying has nothing to do with you hugging me! You could have expressed your concern from where you were. Or do you think I'm the kind of girl you can touch however you please? I'm sorry, but I'm not like that," Hanan said furiously, her anger towards Ammar growing stronger than before.

"Please don't misunderstand me. I'm sorry. I just couldn't bear to see the woman I love cry and do nothing about it. That's why I hugged you," Ammar tried to defend himself.

"Enough! If you truly love me, you wouldn't have done that. And you could have helped our company without making the deal of marrying me," Hanan said, sending daggers down his way.

"Hanan, you have to understand. I have to marry you because I love you more than you can imagine, and I can't imagine my life without you," Ammar confessed, looking at her intently, hoping she would understand the depth of his feelings.

"Then help our company without marrying me!" Hanan demanded, staring directly at him.

"I can't," Ammar replied, looking away, hating himself for not fulfilling her first request when they first met. But he was willing to do anything for her, whatever it is. Except for not marrying her!

"I knew it! What did I expect from a ruthless person like you, who only cares about himself? It's my mistake that I even sought your help, knowing the kind of person you are," Hanan said, picking up her bag. She blamed herself for thinking that Ammar Sheikh might still possess a heart that would sympathize with her and help her family without requiring marriage. To him, everything seemed like a business deal.

Ammar winced at her words. She didn't know how much she meant to him!

He may be ruthless to everyone else, but not to her and... Nevermind. He would become the most caring person to her, but couldn't she see all the love and care he showed her?

Was his love invisible to her?

Ammar snapped back to reality when he saw her heading towards the door. Quickly, he reached the door, locked it, and remove the key.

"What's that for?" Hanan glared at him.

"It's for your good," Ammar said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Open the door right now!" Hanan yelled at him.

"I can't, sweetheart. You need to calm down first. I can't let you storm out in such fury," Ammar said calmly, though internally he knew he had triggered her anger.

"I'm not furious, and if you'll excuse me, I have important work to do," Hanan said, struggling to contain her anger, not wanting to do something she might regret later.

"What work do you have?" Ammar asked curiously.

"It doesn't concern you!" Hanan bellowed.

"I'm sorry, but can we please sit down and talk? We haven't finished our conversation," Ammar suggested, maintaining his composure.

"That reminds me, marrying me would be the worst decision you'll ever make. I promise you that!" With those words, Hanan snatched the key from his hand and unlocked the door.

"No, sweetheart, it would be the best decision I ever made. I promise you that too," Ammar said with a smile, allowing her to leave. He knew that she could explode at any moment if she didn't leave his office.

Hanan didn't even turn back as she stormed out of his office, consumed by anger and regretting her encounter with Ammar Sheikh!


And they have met! How do you like their first meeting?

Ammar now made Hanan hates him more😯

How is Ammar's character? Do you like him?😄

And Hanan's character too? Do you like her?😄

Hanan is so adamant about not marrying again🤔 Do you relate with her or is she overreacting?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Please don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow.

Till then.

Love Zahra💕

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