By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20

327 19 21
By BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

The monotonous sound of the health monitor beeped endlessly in my eardrums, numbing my senses with its steady pulse. Beep... Beep... Beep... I've gotten used to hearing the sound as it is the only reminder of life. Without the steady pulse, I'd be presumed dead.

There's no sound or lights on the other side. Those who fail to wake to the sound of life support will never return to the living realm. I should be relieved by its reminder, but the hollow void in my chest only grows heavier at the slightest gesture of life. Why do I wish to be dead but still want to live? My vision gradually focused on the pale boy on the medical bed once I emerged from the bottomless thoughts in my mind.

Jae Yangcha. An underage alpha remained lifeless on the medical bed with the oxygen tube shoved deep into his throat to ensure his fragile lungs' survival. There's a deep purple bruise on his cheekbone. His eyes were still swollen from being attacked by the evil man. His lips were dehydrated and peeling. There was a deep bruise over his collar bones. The healing cuts... and scratches... covering most areas of his skinny figure.

Those were exclusively the physical wounds I could see. There were more. Three broken ribs and a small blood clot in his skull. A mildly fractured spine... and a broken left arm. Bandages and plaster casts... surrounded his limbs and head as he peacefully rested before me, barely alive yet not weak enough to die. If only I was a few minutes late... the boy would be in the morgue right now... and I'd be heartbroken at his funeral.

"His condition is stable," Jimin whispered. I shifted my gaze to find Jimin leaning against the other medical bed. He woke up a few days ago. The medical team is still treating his stab wound.

"He lost his ability to walk," I muttered, glancing back at the young alpha. The doctor informed us he might be temporarily disabled... and if his condition is severe... he might be cursed with a permanent inability to move.

"The culprit?" Jimin asked.

"Dead," I muttered. Jimin sighed as he observed Jae Yangcha's pitiful state.

"What about my assailant?" Jimin asked.

"He escaped," I answered. I thought Jimin's attacker passed out when I raced off to save him... but Taehyung and my guards claimed... the man disappeared from the corridor upon their arrival. He fled.

"Who is initiating this madness...?" Jimin sighed, lowering his head to stare at his bandaged torso.

"You should side with So-young," I mumbled. My mother... might eliminate the Park to strengthen Taehyung's household. She claims it isn't her intention to cast the Parks out of the alliance, but I don't trust her.

"Was it your mother's doing?" Jimin asked. I sighed and shifted in the chair between the alpha and Yangcha's bed to face Jimin.

"No, but my mother is exploiting your household," I said shortly. Jimin grew hushed as he examined my face.

"My parents had already signed the new contract," Jimin shook his head. I gripped my hand uneasily at the thought of my mother's evil intention. Why is it that I have to be the antagonist's daughter? Why? Why was I born into a corrupted bloodline instead of a pure one? I'm disgusted by my mother's greed.

I left the medical room after the brief chat with Jimin and headed up the staircase to approach my mother's office. Appa is away on a business trip. The old oak loomed darkly above me as I halted before the door. Quietly, I glanced at the golden handle with an unsettled feeling. I reached out, gently nudging the door open to find my mother resting on her velvet chaise lounge by the window. She was staring at the flickering cloud above the mansion. It's not raining, but the sky is on the verge of unleashing its aggressive downpour. I slowly settled on the armchair with my wary gaze on her emotionless expression.

"I'm transferring the kid to the hospital tomorrow," Eomma sighed, keeping her eyes on the gray clouds. I gripped my fist. She's as cold as ice. A heartless villain who desires nothing... but power. A woman who will go above and beyond... everyone else through all the bloody and dark paths... to rise above the others. Even if it meant striking a deal with the devil.

"I will not allow that," I said shortly. Eomma grew hushed. Slowly, she averted her stone-cold gaze to me and crossed her arms over her chest as she lay on the chaise lounge.

"I will not waste our household resource on an outsider-"

"I urged you to consider the child's household! But you dismissed all of their household proposals!" I snapped in anger. She might be a cold-hearted villain, but I am her hot-blooded daughter. Appa might be lenient with eomma because he loves her- but I've inherited the determination to achieve my desire from her!

"Did you expect me to welcome a powerless household over some... idiotic emotional attachment? Don't be foolish," Eomma calmly smiled as I glared at her. If only she accepted the Jae's alliance proposal earlier- no one would have dared to hurt the kid!

"They might be weak, but they had potential! His father has an extensive network in the foreign world! His mother is a distant royal blood! They would have benefited us!" I argued.

"But the heir is underage," Eomma sighed. I froze at her words.

"He will grow-"

"Why else did I hide you from the world when you were young? Because exposing an underage heir will only lure in vicious predators. I was forced to reveal you to the world at an early age and have been fighting all my life to protect my cub. You. Jang Sora," Eomma fired me an uptight look. I gripped my hands uncomfortably. I can't upset her. Eomma will only resist me if I provoke her.

"I'm begging you. Yangcha's parents are dead, and he has no one to rely on. We can't abandon him! I'm sure he'll benefit us once he grows! You can train him!" I pleaded, softening my gaze on eomma. She quietly stared at me from her position and turned to stare at the flickering cloud with her lips pursed.

"I'll take him in. Under one condition," Eomma cleared her throat, finally sitting up to stare sharply at me. I stared at her with an unsettled feeling. Of course, there's no free lunch.

A moment later.

I stood quietly before the sink in my bathroom as the warm water splattered onto the bloody keychain. Did I really expect my mother to save Yangcha without a cost? I turned off the faucet, pumped a handful of hand soap onto the teddy keychain and gently washed the stuffed animal to squeeze out Yangcha's blood.

I'm against eomma's condition but... if I oppose her offer... she'll expose the Yangcha to the bloodthirsty society. The alphas will kill him. But if I chose to protect Yangcha... The child has to give up everything. What do I do? I stared unblinking at the murky blood... seeping from the keychain as I rubbed it between my fingers. The dirty substance... splattering all over the sink. My family will taint the child. Eomma will exploit him. Is there a safer way to save Yangcha?

"Why don't you just throw it away?" Taehyung spoke up, startling me with his sudden presence. I blinked and glanced through the mirror to find him standing behind me in his casual nightwear as he watched me wash the keychain.

"It was clenched in his palm after he collapsed. The kid got it for me," I muttered, dropping my gaze to rub the small stuffed animal. Taehyung sighed, gently slithering his arm around my waist to hold me as I turned on the faucet to wash off the soap and dirty blood. He rested his chin on my shoulder with his eyes on Yangcha's keychain.

"Let's go somewhere after you're finished," Taehyung muttered. I briefly glanced at him as the lukewarm water soaked the keychain. I didn't reply and carefully washed it until the murky water turned transparent. I finally squeezed out the excess water and placed the keychain aside before washing my hands. Taehyung finally released me and walked out of my bathroom as I dried my hands with a towel.

"What is this?" I asked, following him into the garage to find a small picnic basket on the tool cart.

"It's a surprise," He smiled and lifted the basket to place it in his jeep's backseat

"I should get dressed if it's a special occasion," I smiled, glancing down at my plain ankle-length nightgown. Taehyung turns to chuckle at me.

"It's a private place," He assured, carefully opening the passenger's door for me. I sighed and got onto the passenger's seat as he held onto my waist to help me slip inside his car.

"It will rain soon," I muttered, worriedly staring at the brewing storm above the property.

"We'll be sheltered," Taehyung assured as he drove out of the mansion and into the windy night. I grew hushed and leaned back in the seat to stare out the window until a cold droplet splattered on the window. Splatter.

A few more droplets collided into the windshield... and before I knew it... we were driving through a heavy rainstorm. The windows began to fog up as Taehyung carefully steered up a hill, finally coming to a stop at a car rest with a view of the city. He switched off the windshield wiper and killed the engine. I stared at the heavy stream over the cold windshield unsurely.

"We can't see the view," I laughed as we stared at the foggy glass.

"What a bummer," Taehyung chuckled while shaking his head. He probably wanted to show me the romantic city lights... but we can barely see anything. Taehyung turned in his position to rummage through the picnic basket in the back seat and finally handed me a box of sweet rice cakes.

"You brought me here to eat rice cakes?" I smiled, opening the box to stare at the unevenly shaped dough with a faint smile.

"Eat first. You've hardly eaten since the attack," Taehyung sighed, suddenly starting the engine again. He reversed the car to face the trunk towards the view. Taehyung made me crawl off my seat to sit in the spacious back compartment with him. I laughed at the presence of a few cushions and a blanket.

"Did you plan a sleepover in your back compartment to watch the city lights?" I asked as Taehyung slipped off his shoes and tossed them in the back seat. I settled down with the rice cake box and crossed my legs as Taehyung sat facing me with his legs extended. He leaned against the opposite side of the car, turning to stare at the blurry window with a slight grimace.

"Yeah. But we can't see anything now," Taehyung sighed while slipping off his fresh socks.

The alpha lifted my bare ankles, gently pulling the wool over my feet to cover my freezing toes as I gripped the box over my thin nightgown. He's so sweet. Taehyung rubbed the base of the socks to warm my feet and finally leaned back with his arms folded. I thoughtlessly lifted the soft rice cake and stuffed it into my mouth. Why is there so much powder? Taehyung intensely watched me eat the rice cake as I bit into the soft dough. I halted and lifted my gaze to watch his anxious expression unsurely.

"Did you make this?" I mumbled while chewing the squishy dough. An explosion of thick honey suddenly filled my mouth.

"How did you know?" Taehyung asked, keenly smiling at me. I lifted my startled gaze to examine his innocent smile. Shit. It's too sweet. What did he add?

"It tastes... different from the one imo made," I awkwardly smiled, trying my best not to express my discomfort... and chewed the dough. The texture is oddly very chewy. Why is it not breaking down between my grinding teeth? Should I tell him the truth? I looked up at Taehyung again as he proudly beamed at me.

"Imo didn't supervise me. I memorized the ingredients and the procedure!" He cutely grinned. I stopped chewing at the rare sight of his gleaming pupils. How can I tell him it tastes like diabetes? That's mean of me.

"Ah. Yeah-" I nodded, uneasily straightening my body until I started coughing. It's too sweet! Taehyung's smile dropped when he noticed the discomfort on my face.

"It's bad, isn't it?" He asked, glancing down at the rice cake with an uptight frown. I apologetically observed his upset face.

"It's edible for a first attempt," I nodded, grabbing a water bottle and gulped the fluid thirstily. I'll just swallow it with some water. Taehyung picked up a rice cake and plopped it inside his mouth. He frowned at the odd taste, suddenly spitting it onto his palm with a disgusted look.

"I'll make it again! Don't eat it!" He snapped, hastily grabbed the lid from my lap- slammed the box shut and threw it into the front seat with an embarrassed look. I chuckled at his rosy cheeks and shook my head.

"It's the thought that counts," I smiled, gently taking his hand to assure him of my approval.

"I only wanted to feed you so you wouldn't starve yourself," He sighed, shifting his worried gaze to me.

"Don't worry about me," I shook my head. Taehyung raised his eyebrow with a doubtful look.

"After you almost died? You're telling me you're okay...?" Taehyung grimaced. I pursed my lips at his confrontation. Right. I keep having nightmares about The Jae's attack. I'm still disturbed by the death of Yangcha's parents.

"There's something wrong with me," I muttered, gloomily dropping my gaze to our hands. Taehyung suddenly gripped my fingers and lowered his face to catch my eyes.

"Sora. It's not your fault. I know it was the darkness. I've been there, okay?-"

"I don't feel remorseful, Taehyung," I shook my head with a blank face.

"What?" He asked me unsurely.

"The day... your uncle died... were you frightened?" I asked. I didn't want to remind Taehyung of our past but... something is seriously wrong with me.

"Yeah. I was in extreme shock after I returned to my senses," Taehyung nodded as he held my hands. I sighed and sat in silence to contemplate my thoughts. What should I do?

"I'm scared of myself," I shifted my anxious gaze to the alpha.

"You didn't kill that man. Do-hwan did the killing-"

"No. He wouldn't have survived even if Do-hwan didn't finish him," I shook my head. I killed the man.

"Sora. The mother fucker deserves-"

"That's right. He deserved to die and I feel no remorse after slitting his neck open. I felt no guilt stabbing him to death. Taehyung. I enjoyed the kill. You felt guilt after the darkness subsided, but me? I- I feel nothing. Even after days... I feel nothing but satisfaction," I fearfully shook my head with my uneasy gaze on him. I did not hesitate to tear his throat open. I didn't even shudder at the sight of his torn testicles.

"What are you trying to say?" Taehyung asked.

"What if... I'm a monster? How can a person enjoy-" I whispered in fear but was cut short when Taehyung suddenly leaned forward to peck my lips. I blinked at his abrupt affection in confusion once he pulled away to examine my face.

"Sora. Nothing is wrong with you. It's the effect of your darkness. It numbs our souls and makes us hurt others. You shouldn't feel any remorse... especially when it was your instinct to defend your life from the fucker's hostile intention. He deserved the painful death and you're not a monster. Alright? I know you would never lift a finger to hurt an innocent soul, so don't drown yourself with the absurd thoughts," Taehyung firmly gripped my hand. I pursed my lips at his slight frown.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable? After witnessing my... dark side? A behavior that strays from the goodness of a person?" I whispered. Taehyung quietly examined my pale face and glanced down at my lips again as the thunder rumbled over the jeep.

"Your darkness will never waver my heart. I'll love you on your worst and darkest side. After all, we're the darkness that complements each other. We're... far beyond... being a purely good soul, Sora. And that's okay. That's totally... fine because... at the end of the day... when the sky is pouring with its frosty chills... and during a moment... when we doubt our goodness... our hearts will continue to beat for each other," Taehyung shook his head.

"But what if... we lose ourselves... deeper into the darkness? Shouldn't we try to save our soul before it's too late?" I asked in tears. I know the darkness... is a valid justification to disregard my crimes... but what if it's just an excuse to get away with my... evil nature?

"No man is purely good. And no man is purely bad. The villain isn't always bad, and the hero isn't always good. We don't live in a fantasy, Sora. In the real world. Good and evil coexist in every soul and will outbalance each other... depending on the situation. Good and evil will never... ever balance out. It's okay to let the dark side win if... it's the only choice to ensure our survival. We can't be good people all the time. That's a lie on the screens. Goodness isn't always a strength... it serves to please others... and it will turn into a weakness once our goodness is taken for granted. So it's important... to let the darkness... set the boundaries... so we don't lose our souls to pure goodness. Being purely good is an illusion, Sora," Taehyung whispered. I sat in silence to think about his words. He's right. What will I earn from being a good person with the wrong people? Good and bad... must coexist within every person as an instinct to survive the world. Just because it's good for others... It doesn't mean it's good for me. And just because it's wrong to others... it doesn't indicate... It's bad for me. Living to satisfy under the pretentious mask of a purely good person will only kill the soul. And therefore, evil... must exist to save the soul from being manipulated by the greed of other souls.

"What if me being a bad person backfires on you?" I asked. Taehyung softly chuckled, gently drawing me onto his thighs until I was sitting on his lap with his legs extended under me.

"Are you really going to hurt me?" He asked, smugly raising his eyebrow.

I smiled and shook my head as I slowly encircled my arms around his thick neck. Taehyung smiled, gently tugging my head down to seal our lips. I gripped his shoulder as he weaved his fingers through my hair, soothing my racing mind with the tender strokes of his fingers as he parted his lips to plant his taste on my tongue.

"Are we really sleeping here tonight?" I asked, finally breaking the kiss to stare at the soft drizzle. It stopped pouring.

"No. Your mother will kill me if I force her daughter to sleep in the middle of nowhere," Taehyung laughed, reaching out to click the screen. Beep. The back compartment slid open, exposing us to the refreshing breeze. I smiled at the view of the saturated city as the light rain drizzled all over the car. The wind was so refreshing it swept away the heaviness within my chest with its cool gust. I shivered and turned to smile at Taehyung as I perched on his lap.

"I won't snitch on you," I winked. Taehyung laughed and straightened his back with his hand gripped over my hips, gently tilting his face upward to press his lips against mine again, so I giggled and parted my lips to welcome his presence.

Kim Taehyung slowly withdrew his hand from my loose hair, skimmed his fingers down my arching spine and skated his touch lower... until he reached my buttcheeks. I pursed my lips when he pulled away to examine my flustered face, so I gripped his shoulders nervously as he gently massaged my fleshy hips. I shuddered at his stimulating touch once he slipped his cold fingers under my gown to touch my bare flesh. Taehyung caressed my thighs... gradually moving his hand beneath my gown until his hands found my bra. I glanced down to watch him fondle my breast and glanced back at him with a slight frown.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?" He asked as I pursed my lips at his arousing strokes. Taehyung reached behind my back to unclasp my bra from around my chest.

"You want to do it here? On a cliff?" I asked, nodding at the dark city view with a flustered face. Taehyung chuckled, turning to gaze at the city as he kneaded my breast between his fingers. I bit my lower lips at the tingling sensation as he tweaked my hard tip beneath the gown. Hngh~! I helplessly shuddered over his lap while biting my lower lips in difficulty.

"We can stay clothed," He suggested, turning to smile at me. I nervously gulped at his alluring expression and leaned forward to kiss him. Taehyung finally drew his hands from under my gown to tug down the waistband of his sweatpants as I sat over him. The alpha slightly lifted me off his lap, carefully tugging the hem of my panties aside, so I pursed my lips uneasily as he gently shoved his hard bulge between my thighs to penetrate me from underneath.

"What about... the condom...?" I asked while rubbing his firm cheeks. Taehyung slowly made me lower my hips, causing my leg muscles to tense up at his warm presence inside me.

"I think... we should do it raw from now on," He smiled, lifting my chin to make me stare at his parted lips.

"Raw? But what if I get pregnant?" I frowned. Taehyung lifted my buttcheeks and lowered my hips to intensify the friction inside my burning canal, making me moan with difficulty as he made me ride his crotch.

"I'll get you birth control pills from now on. And if I get you pregnant... then we'll get married and raise our baby together," He chuckled. I smiled at his words and shook my head. Hngh! I hugged his neck with a weak smile as I slowly rocked over him. Taehyung grunted under his breath as the burning pleasure infected our bodies, so I panted heavily and turned to watch the city light as I bounced steadily over him until the jeep rocked with our movements.

"It's hot down there~!" I gasped as he roughly thrust inside me. He didn't say anything and firmly gripped my hips, pounding harder to shove his budge deeper until I released a loud moan.

"Ease your body," Taehyung smiled, suddenly pushing my shoulders to make me lay on my back. He grabbed a cushion to adjust it under my head as he crawled over my body.

The alpha lifted my gown to reposition his moist crotch against mine, so I grabbed onto his forearm in anticipation with my lips pursed and tilted my head back at the presence of his hard bulge as he shoved his way back inside my soaked opening. He leaned down to kiss my neck, making me shudder at his wet strokes, and wrapped my legs around his strong hips to secure him against me.

The pleasure was so intense I couldn't help but curl my toes in his warm socks until he successfully... finished inside me. Gasping heavily... I slumped back on the cushion to ease my strained back as he firmly held my thighs apart. Taehyung eventually lowered weight onto my body in exhaustion and hugged me tightly as the warm semen leaked from my sore lady bits.

He eventually sat up between my legs with a few tissues to wipe the thick discharge from his tip as I remained on my back with my legs open. The alpha eventually wiped me clean before pulling his pants back on and helped me crawl back into the front seat. We left the hill after making love before the beautiful scenery and for some unknown reason... I felt really restless.

Taehyung grew hushed as he navigated the steering wheel over the empty road. Gulp. I fidgeted with my fingers upon feeling the uncomfortable stickiness between my legs. Why do I feel... so restless? Is it because... it feels like he's using my body to feed his needs? But I love him. Still. Why did he insist on having sex without a condom... out in public like this? I wasn't prepared at all. I gripped my fist and glanced at Taehyung nervously, but he didn't look at me and cluelessly drove us home. I got out of the car and followed Taehyung inside the empty mansion.

"I'll sleep in my room tonight," Taehyung smiled, briefly pecked my lips and strode away to enter his room while ruffling his hair without looking back.

I gripped my dirty gown... and nervously lifted the silk upward to examine the moist trails... over my shin with a slight frown. Sighing heavily, I entered my room to take a bath because I didn't feel comfortable with the stickiness of his discharge. It's my first time... having actual semen inside me. Ah! Sora! You're overthinking! I sat up on my bed after struggling to fall asleep. I'm restless! Why did he leave to sleep in his own room tonight? Did I do something wrong?

Blink. I stood in front of Taehyung's door in the middle of the night with a dark frown and slowly opened the door to find him sleeping shirtless on the mattress. I gulped, closed the door behind my back, and slowly tiptoed to his bed edge. Taehyung softly snored against his pillow as I crawled onto his bed in his socks and a fresh nightgown.

"Huh?- Sora...?" Taehyung jerked his head off the pillow, squinting sleepily at my unexpected presence. I crawled onto his torso and sat on him with my hands pressed over his pulsing chest. He unconsciously gripped my waist to stabilize my weight.

"Are you upset with me? Did I do something wrong???" I asked as he struggled to open his eyes. Taehyung sleepily frowned at me from his pillow as I slightly pouted at the dazed man.

"What are you talking about? Why would I be mad at you?" He asked, closing his eyes in exhaustion as he caressed the side of my thighs with his thumbs.

"Then why are you sleeping alone? Is it because you are too exhausted after the sex?" I sulked. Taehyung grumbled under his breath, suddenly forcing his sturdy body upward to sit facing me on the mattress. He gently secured his arms around my body before drawing me into a comforting hug.

"You're making no sense right now," He shook his head with his face pressed against my shoulder. I frowned and pushed his chest away with an annoyed grimace.

"No. You're the one making no sense. I'm asking why-"

"Why I'm giving you space? We've spent the past weeks together. I thought you'd want some space... but it seems like... I misread your intention. My adorable woman is sulking again~!" He sleepily cupped my cheeks. I glared at him in the dark. Taehyung chuckled and gently pecked my lips.

"Whatever. I'm leaving- Ah!" I muttered, attempting to crawl off his lap but shrieked in shock when Taehyung suddenly snatched my frail body and slammed me on the mattress. I gasped, quickly trying to sit up- but the man effortlessly swung his heavy leg and arm over my body to hold me captive in his embrace.

"How dare you leave after waking me in the middle of the night for attention?!" He softly grunted. I groaned and pushed his face away, but he only hugged me tighter.

"Ah! Let me go- It's stuffy-"

"Aigo~! I'm convinced it's your skill to pick a fight with me. Are you that bored~?" Taehyung grumbled, refusing to release me as I glared at him in the dark. He smiled at my cute pout and leaned forward to kiss me again.

"I'm only asking-"

"I'll never let you sleep alone from now on, so don't complain," He muttered hoarsely. I grimaced at his smug expression after failing to make him release me.

"So annoying~!" I grumbled, turning to sleep on my side, facing away from him.

Taehyung chuckled and shifted his body forward to hug my waist from behind. He gently interlaced his fingers with mine to assure me of his affection. I weakly smiled with my eyes closed and turned to hug his warm body in defeat. Taehyung softly kissed my forehead and patted my head until I fell asleep in his arms.


The warm afternoon sunbeam glowed brilliantly through the library windows as I tiptoed on my sneakers to reach a textbook on the top shelf until a hand unexpectedly appeared above my head. Oh? I glanced at the rolled-up sleeves with a startled look and turned my head to find Chul Sungho... standing beside me with a faint smile.

"Thank you," I smiled, placing out my hand for the book.

"It's not for you," He shook his head with an apologetic smile.

"Oh. Do you need it too?" I asked, briefly glancing at the hardcover with a slight frown. Taehyung asked me to get it for him though. Sungho quietly observed my anxious expression as we stood in the empty aisle before glancing at the stack of research documents on the cart.

"I'm just kidding. Why would I need it?" He chuckled, handing me the book. My eyes lit up at his playful nudge, so I quickly turned to place it on the cart- Clatter. I paused and turned around just in time to find my pill package falling onto the floor.


"You're taking birth control pills?" Sungho asked, crouching down to grab it. My face flushed red as he held it between his fingers.

"Yeah. Taehyung got it for me recently," I smiled, quickly snatching it from him as Sungho straightened his back with his eyebrows raised. I thanked the alpha again and pushed the cart away until I reached the librarian. The man quietly typed on the keyboard with his unbothered gaze trained on the desktop screen as I awkwardly stood at the counter. Why isn't he greeting me?

"Please check out the books for me," I informed, carefully lifting the stack of thick documents onto the librarian's desk. The elderly man briefly glanced at the books with his thick reading glasses.

"Five books maximum," He said shortly, glancing back at his screen. I pursed my lips to count the books with a worried frown. There are thirteen books.

"It's the school president's request to deliver the books," Sungho suddenly appeared beside me. I turned to look at him in surprise as he stood with his bag over his shoulder.

"Did the president send a notice?" The librarian dawdled. I gulped as he scrolled through his email. There was a tense moment of silence. The man suddenly turned to lift each of the books to scan the barcode without paying much attention to me.

"Can I... take them?" I asked, unsurely staring at the man's expressionless face.

"I've received the school president's request," The man nodded. I beamed at his approval and quickly collected the books, but there were too many to carry. Sungho reached out to lift the remaining half of the stack.

"Thank you," I apologetically smiled at Sungho's kindness.

"Why'd he send you to carry all this?" Sungho asked as we walked out of the library. I hugged the books with a weak smile.

"Taehyung has been busy lately, so I offered to help him," I shrugged. Taehyung didn't send me, but I insisted I could deliver the books to him. Sungho grew hushed as we strolled down the empty corridor.

"Birth control pills... have many side effects... were you aware?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"Huh?" I blinked at his random statement. Sungho awkwardly turns away at my baffled smile.

"I'm just saying... if possible... you should consider... alternative contraceptives... such as condoms. The pills aren't good for your health," Sungho shrugged. I chuckled at his thoughtful advice.

"I'll probably stop using it once I'm married to Taehyung," I nudged his arm. Sungho chuckled at my words until we arrived at the president's lounge. Taehyung opened the door for us after I announced our presence. He took the books from my hands and strolled toward his desk.

"It's very considerate of you to help the supreme alpha," Taehyung nodded at Sungho. The room was empty... and only Taehyung was in the lounge.

"I heard the secretary position is... always vacant. But since Haerim made it... maybe... you'll consider a candidate to help you ease your workload too?" Sungho smiled, nodding at Taehyung's empty secretary desk.

"Do you wish to apply?" I gasped at the alpha. Taehyung glanced at the vacant desk with a weak smile.

"I'm open to resumes. It's just that I never pass anyone, so if you're feeling confident... then send your file over," Taehyung nodded at Sungho, whose face lit up at Taehyung's encouragement.

"You'll receive it by today. I'll leave now and oh-" Sungho bid us goodbye and tried to walk out when he abruptly stopped and turned to stare dead at Taehyung.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Birth control pills have many side effects," Sungho reminded the high rank. My lips parted at Sungho's strange behavior. He nodded at us again and left the room before Taehyung could respond, so I awkwardly turned to find Taehyung staring at the closed door with a dumbfounded look.

"How did he know?" Taehyung glanced at me.

"I dropped the package earlier in the library," I shrugged. Taehyung sighed and rounded his desk to sit in his armchair, so I happily organized the books on his desk. The door to the lounge suddenly opened again... and Seokjin came strolling inside. He paused to look at me and went straight to his seat without a greeting. He's been ignoring me ever since I asked him not to interact with me.

"Sora. Can you get me water?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh. Sure," I smiled, quickly scurrying toward the fridge and hurried back toward my boyfriend as he reviewed the documents.

"Can you help me sort the files?" Taehyung asked, placing a stack of papers on the side of his desk.

"Of course," I smiled, quickly skimming through the random pages to put the files back in its chronological order. Taehyung kept giving me tasks to complete... until Seokjin let out a hefty sigh.

"If you have nothing to do... then leave the lounge," Seokjin ordered, looking up at me in irritation as I eagerly stood beside Taehyung's desk.

"She can stay if she wants-"

"The principal advised her to stay out of the lounge," Seokjin dimmed his eyes at me.

"Only when the lounge is empty. I'm here with her... so why should she leave?" Taehyung scoffed, turning to fire Seokjin an irritated glare.

"This isn't a place for anyone to fool around," Seokjin argued. I gulped and glanced at Taehyung's annoyed expression.

"My legs... are sore from standing anyways. I'll leave- I have to train with Jungkook after school. I'll see you at home," I assured Taehyung, quickly leaving the room before he could stop me. Seokjin doesn't like public affection. I must be distracting him with the chit-chat with Taehyung, so it's better if I leave. Taehyung has to get his work done anyways.

Eomma registered me for a defense class with Jungkook after our school hours. She's paranoid because of the constant attacks. It's not like I'm defenseless because I've still got my taekwondo skills... but eomma insisted that I train to strengthen my skills.

"I surrender!" I screamed in pain while gripping Jungkook's muscular forearm in distress. Jungkook immediately released me from his grip after head-locking me on the mat. I gasped for air and collapsed weakly as the coach watched us from the bench.

"That's enough training for today," He dismissed, getting up to leave the room as Jungkook wiped the sweat bead from his forehead.

"Did you have to be so rough?" I grimaced, sitting up to rub my sore throat in discontent.

"You were just as rough when we were younger! You wouldn't release me even after I surrendered! You'd laugh at my face until I cried in desperation!" Jungkook sneered in irritation.

"I was just being playful!" I snapped.

"I could've died!" Jungkook glared. I smiled at his irritated face as he got up in his sweaty training clothes. His damp chest was half exposed... so I could almost see his hard pecs and abs under the slit.

Jungkook and I have been taking defense classes since we were young, and I was better than him because Jungkook was a whiny kid. He didn't like to strain his muscles... and he wasn't a flexible child either. I'd always bully him during our training sessions until he burst out crying. He'd run home to whine at his father in tears. I liked his cute bunny teeth... so I kept teasing the young fool.

"Do you want to get some drinks?" Jungkook asked, strolling out of the men's locker room. I nodded and followed him out of the training center to stop by a local store. I ordered a slice of cake as Jungkook sat with his iced Americano.

"I have a question," I straightened my body as Jungkook scrolled through his phone.

"Hmm?" He asked, shifting his questioning gaze to me.

"Do you remember anything before we moved to Busan?" I asked. Jungkook pursed his lips to recall his memories.

"We were really young when our parents resided in Seoul with Park Jihyun. I only remember glimpses of the fire incident. Why?" Jungkook asked unsurely.

"I can't remember much either. But there was something... do you remember falling into the ocean?" I asked. Jungkook stared at me with a concerned expression.

"Sora... Why are you bringing it up?" Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know. I keep remembering bits and pieces of my memories... things I never remembered before. It makes me feel restless," I shrugged. I keep dreaming about those memories. Again and again... it keeps appearing in my mind. What bothers me... was the fact... I'm not familiar with the memories.

"Then don't think about it. If it makes you restless," Jungkook shook his head. I doubtfully stared at him. He probably doesn't want to remember his past after his birth mother tried to end his life. I don't know why I'm so anxious... but it's been bugging me... ever since I had the vision in Busan.

I immediately rushed home with Jungkook after Do-hwan called to inform me of Yangcha's condition. Thud. I shove the door to the medical room open to find the young alpha... sitting against the bedhead as a doctor observes his ribs. Taehyung turned to look at me as he stood at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed.

"Yangcha!" I gasped, rushing forward to hug his frail body. The alpha gripped my back in shock as I tightly engulfed him in my arms. He's finally awake! I quickly pulled away to gaze at his swollen eyes in tears.

"Noona," Yangcha gulped hoarsely. I pursed my lips to suppress my tears but couldn't hold back my emotions and ended up crying beside him.

The head doctor left the medical room after he performed a check-up on Yangcha. The child was still too weak to move.. so we didn't speak much. I thought he'd get better... until the nurse informed me... Yangcha is refusing food. No matter what the maid cooked for the alpha... the soul refused to swallow the food.

Fast Forward.

I carefully pushed open the door with a food tray as a nurse worriedly stood by the alpha's bedside. I dismissed her, so she bowed and left the room. I carefully settled the warm stew on the nightstand as the boy soullessly stared out at the bright window.

"Are you feeling unwell?" I asked, gently placing my palm over his feverish forehead. Yangcha shifted his lifeless gaze to me and shook his head.

"You'll collapse again if you don't eat," I sighed, lowering my hand to hold his skinny fingers.

Yangcha let out a deep sigh and lowered his head to stare at our hands. Still. He didn't speak. I turned to lift a spoonful of warm soup and tried to feed him, but he kept his chapped lips sealed. I frowned and repeatedly convinced him to eat... but the alpha... remained headstrong and refused to be fed. I sighed and placed the spoon back into the bowl when Yangcha suddenly slid under the blanket and turned to face away from me. I stared at the bandage around his head in defeat and finally got up to leave with the tray.

"He refused it again?" Imo sighed after I placed the tray on the kitchen counter. Why won't he eat? He will not last if he keeps starving himself like this! I gripped the silver spoon and shoved Yangcha's food into my mouth in frustration. Imo left the kitchen after she cleared the sink... so I sat alone in the gloomy kitchen while glaring at the meal.

I jabbed the cold rice with a dispirited expression until warm tears slipped down my cheeks, whimpering softly with my head lowered as the swelling emotions erupted within my chest. I want to help him... but he doesn't even want to live. What am I supposed to do? Do I let him go...? But who will protect him when his parents are gone? The boy will not last. Lips trembling, I lowered the spoon to cry over the tasteless meal in extreme difficulty.

I thought Yangcha would get better after some time passed. He didn't. The child grew skinnier each day. Night and Day... I'd try to comfort the poor soul, but he'd refuse to show me his will to live. I'd cry in frustration because he was so stubborn. The only thing we could do was inject him with liquid supplements... but even the medications weren't enough to support the child's system. His once-youthful skin has turned yellow from the lack of nutrition.

Flash. I opened my eyes to stare out the gloomy sky in silence as I lay on my bed. Did he leave? I lifted my head off the pillow to scan the room for Taehyung's presence. Should I visit Yangcha... again? I sighed and turned to lie on my back as the deafening thunder rumbled over the mansion. There's a storm.

My body is sore. I was napping earlier in my room after lunch when Taehyung came in to spend time with me. He ended up... stripping me naked to make love. His... sex drive... is quite... wild and crazy. He'd sometimes do it with me multiple times a day or multiple times at once. Was Seokjin this horny? I don't think so. Why am I overthinking his love language- Sora! Stop it with the stupid thoughts-

"Young lady!" Imo suddenly barged into my room, startling me with her intrusion. I quickly sat up in my white nightgown with a slight frown as she frantically rushed to my bed.


"The child- he- you need to- to save him! Young master wouldn't listen to me! Please do something!-" Imo panted in fright as she gripped my hand. My heart sank at the terror on her face.

"What happened?!- Yangcha!" I gasped, fearfully scrambling off my bed and dashed out of my room. Imo suddenly caught my arm to stop me in the corridor, so I wildly turned to gawk at her in confusion.

"He's not in the medical room!" Imo snapped, suddenly dragging me towards the living room. What? Did Yangcha run away? My lips parted in horror once... I noticed the wide-open mansion's front door. Why are the elders crowding at the entrance to watch the heavy downpour?

"What's happening...?" I whispered, unsurely pushing between my parents to find Taehyung standing ahead of everyone else with his arms crossed. A nurse stood by the side of the door in tears as I listened to the desperate wailings of a familiar voice. Slowly... I shifted my terrified gaze to the wheelchair... under the harsh storm.

"EOMMA! EOMMA!- I'M SCARED! HAH- SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME-" Yangcha screamed in distress as he covered his ears. The alpha was crying for help as the cold shower poured onto him. Flash. The sky suddenly lit up with a bright flicker. BOOM! The dreadful thunder erupted across the sky, accompanied by a deafening rumble.

"ARGH! I'M SCARED! I'M SCARED!" Yangcha flinched at the terrifying sound above his head. I stood... staring at the shivering soul in shock before glancing at my family. They were... emptily staring at the boy from under the roof. Taehyung stood emotionlessly, staring at the child's desperation. Why- Why are they standing still...?

"Y-Yangcha!" I gasped, rushing forward but was held back by a firm force. I halted and glanced down to find a tight grip around my wrist. Taehyung shifted his dark gaze to me with little to no pity for the soul

"Leave him," Taehyung muttered.

"ARGH! -SOMEONE- PLEASE HELP ME!- N-NOONA?! NOONA- I'M SCARED! I PROMISE- I'LL BEHAVE- NOONA PLEASE~!" Yangcha bawled at the top of his lungs once he noticed me standing by the doorway.

Yangcha's eyes... were burning with warm tears as he gripped the wheelchair under the rain. Unconsciously... I tore Taehyung's grip off my hand and sprinted into the piercing rain with an aching heart. Yangcha sobbed in distress as he extended his arms for me, so I reached out for him until a strong arm encircled my waist, roughly hauling me backward before I could offer my helping hand to the desperate soul. I gasped,... wildly spinning around to find... Taehyung holding onto me with a glowering glare.



"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM?!" I screamed as I hastily shoved his arm off my body. Taehyung gritted and tried to drag me away from the cold shower.

"N-Noona! I'm sorry! Please!- I'll listen to you from now on- ARGH! AAAAARGH!" Yangcha sobbed in desperation but screeched in fear when the terrifying thunder boomed above our heads again, scaring the poor soul with its wrath. I snapped my soaked face at the child in horror as he remained under the relentless storm. He had no one... no one to shield him from the... frosty downpour.

"A desperate soul will crawl if they're in despair!" Taehyung seethed. I scoffed at his words in disbelief and shoved him away with all my might as the icy cold droplet stung my skin. What the actual fuck is wrong with him!? I rubbed my blurry vision with my angered eyes on the heartless elders. Imo and the nurse were sobbing on their side... as I stood between Taehyung and Yangcha.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TORTURE HIM!" I bellowed, storming towards Taehyung with my fists clenched as we stood under the pouring rain.

"I'm doing this to help him-"

"HELP HIM!? LOOK AT HIM AND TELL ME IF HE'S ALRIGHT!? YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed, shoving him hard. Taehyung stumbled backward but caught my arm, so I jerked out of his grip in fury.

"N-noona... please... ARGH!" Yangcha sobbed, trying to crawl off his wheelchair when it suddenly toppled to the side. The alpha gasped in pain, slamming hard onto the soaked pavement. The child wailed in pain and tried to sit up... but he couldn't move his paralyzed legs, so he weakly flopped to the ground. Warm tears... dripped from my eyes as I watched the poor soul... desperately crawling over the slippery pavement with his trembling hands. I can't think straight! Tell me this is a nightmare! Why is my fucking lover so heartless!?

"He will never behave himself if we let him- URGH-" Taehyung tried to grab my wrist again. SMACK! I threw a hard punch against his face, sending the alpha stumbling backward at my violent outburst. The elders gasped from the door, so I snapped my spiteful glower at their sudden reaction. Oh? They're only reacting now that I've punched Kim Taehyung?

"Stop me one more time- and I will fucking twist your neck!" I screamed. Taehyung froze at my explosion in shock.

"S-Sora-" Taehyung stuttered with his hand clasped over his bleeding nose.

"You're not an exception! So don't fucking- put your hand on me again!" I screamed at his face in frustration. Do-hwan suddenly ran out into the rain when he noticed me snarling at Taehyung. The man halted in horror at the sight of the helpless alpha... wailing on the ground... under the pouring rain. Taehyung's eyes glowered in tears as I glared at him with nothing... but hatred. I was so angry... I couldn't hear anything but the pulsating thumps in my temples.

"N-Noona... I- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to cause trouble... I'm sorry-" Yangcha whimpered as he struggled to sit up. I finally averted my deadly glare from Taehyung and crouched down to grab the child. He shakily clutched my arms as I rubbed away his messy tears.

My heartstrings tightened and twisted in extreme pain as I watched the alpha whimper against my embrace, trembling out of control as he clung to my soaked body. How can he apologize to me when he's done nothing wrong...? Do-hwan immediately rushed forward, slipped off his jacket, and swung it over Yangcha to shield him from the freezing shower.

"If anyone dares... to harm another strand of his hair... I will... fucking kill you with my bare hands," I threatened Taehyung and the elders as the darkness engulf my soul.

Do-hwan slipped his arms under Yangcha's body to lift the child's fragile body off the wet pavement before rushing inside the mansion to seek medical assistance. Imo and the nurse immediately hurried after Do-hwan to assist the traumatized alpha as Kim Taehyung resentfully glared at me from under his wet bangs with his bleeding nostrils.

A moment later.

"I want you to stand guard," I muttered with my dim gaze on the unconscious alpha. Yangcha wouldn't stop shivering on the bed. His lips are vibrating from the cold. His eye bags are dark and puffy. His healing wounds are bleeding again. His condition... has worsened.

"What happened?" Do-hwan asked the anxious nurse as she examined Yangcha's bruise.

"The doctor instructed me to take him out for a stroll in the wheelchair. It started raining- so I tried to push him back inside- but young master- he instructed me to leave the boy under the rain," The nurse fearfully confessed. I stood in silence with a grim look. Taehyung instructed the maid to leave Yangcha in the rainstorm...?

"Treat him," I muttered, coldly turning to stride out of the room with my arms crossed. My gown was soaked, but I didn't care and walked on my bare dirty feet to approach Taehyung's room. Thud. I shove his door open to find Taehyung compressing an ice pack over his bruised nose.

"Did you have to punch me over a mere child-"

"I should've punched you harder," I sneered. Taehyung froze as he stood inside his room, slowly turning to face me with his tongue pressed against his inner cheek.

"You're trying to pick a fight with me again-"

"Pick a fight with you? Yeah, no shit. Was I supposed to stay still and obey your hard cock like a servant? After you shove the kid into the rain?!" I screamed at the heartless man. How can he be so heartless?!

"MOH?! I WAS TRYING TO SNAP THE KID BACK TO HIS SENSES!" Taehyung roared at my face, angrily hurling the ice pack against the wall until it shattered into bits.


"HE'S NOT OUR HOUSEHOLD'S CONCERN! IT'S NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CARE FOR A CRIPPLED CHILD! HE'S AS GOOD AS DEAD ANYWAYS-" Taehyung stormed towards but was cut short by the rough blow on his cheek. SLAP. He grunted in shock at my harsh reaction. I struck him so hard... I could feel my palm burning from the impact.

"You can be the heartless asshole, but I won't be like you. Never. And do not expect me to fucking kneel for you. I am the supreme alpha. Not you, so don't you fucking raise your voice at me, Kim Taehyung. I took in that child under my wings, not yours. Who are you to complain when he's my responsibility?!" I furiously confronted him. Taehyung stared at me with his glowering eyes until a swollen handprint appeared on his cheek.

"I might not be a supreme alpha, but I'll be the fucking leader of the society, Jang Sora. Me. Kim Taehyung! I know you're a soft heart, but I won't let you exploit our household to save worthless assholes! You've done nothing but cause trouble! And I've always been the one to lick your dirt clean!" He snapped, suddenly stepping forward to tower over me. I backed away in fright as his pupils turned pitch black with the vicious darkness.

"I'm disappointed in you," I said shortly with a blank face.

Taehyung halted at my words with a slightly hurt expression. Sighing, I turned to leave his room without another word. What's the matter with him? I'm trying to love him, but why is he giving me so many reasons to repel him? This isn't right! Imo said I should just accept him, and I did! Now look at the consequences of my neglect! How can I close my eyes and overlook his toxic behavior!? He went as far as hurting an innocent soul!

"Sora open the damn door-" Taehyung knocked on my door, right after I locked it. I turned to stare at the rattling doorknob uneasily.

"Fuck off-"

"I SAID OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE WITH UNFINISHED BUSINESS! FINISH THE FIGHT YOU STARTED!" Taehyung bellowed, angrily drumming on my door. I gulped and backed away in horror when he violently kicked the door with all his might.

"He's fucking crazy!" I cursed, wildly spinning around to search for an exit.

"I WILL KILL THE FUCKING KID IF YOU DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!" Taehyung warned. I glared at the door in tears and turned to stare at the slippery balcony. THUD. THUD. My heart pounded like crazy as I stared at the loose door handle. He's going to break in. Is he crazy?!

"Shit!" I cursed, quickly dashing towards the balcony in a hurry. I gripped the cold railing and glanced down at the garden below in fear. It's not that high but I might still break my neck if I fall off! It's too slippery!

I flinched in fright when a flash of lightning struck the sky with its scorching flare. And without thinking, I swung my legs over the metallic railing to lower my body downward. The cold droplet mercilessly splattering... onto my face as I desperately clung to the icy... cold bars.

"Yah! What are you doing!?" Jungkook screamed from the side. I turned to find him racing out onto his balcony with a bewildered look. Did he see me from his room?!

"Kim Taehyung is a fucking crazy bastard!" I shrieked as I struggled to position my feet on the window frame below the balcony.

"And you're the crazy woman! You'll break your neck if you fall!" Jungkook shouted, rushing toward his railing to gawk at me in shock as I dangled from the balcony.

"I'd rather die falling than let that evil bastard strangle me to death!" I screeched.

"YAH!?" Jungkook gasped when my fingers suddenly slipped from the cold steel. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I slid from the railing. Thump! I gasped in shock- roughly landing over the damp soil and weakly rolled onto the manicured bush. A surge of sharp pain suddenly hammered down my lower back as I struggled to sit up between the bushes.

"Ow..." I whimpered while crawling on my feet with my hand clasped over my stiff back.

"Are you okay?!" Jungkook called from the balcony above.

"Jump down and see if you'll be okay!" I sarcastically screamed as I yanked my tangled dress from the branches until the cloth tore apart before limping away from the mansion in frustration.

"YAH!? WHERE ARE YOU GOING- SORA- WAIT-" Jungkook called, but I didn't listen and dragged my feet over the wet pavement. THUMP!- I abruptly stopped dead over the damp path at the solid sound of something heavy landing flat on the soil. What was that...? I dreadfully turned on my aching ankles with my face tilted toward the balcony... but Jungkook was nowhere to be... found.

"ARGHJdSHBHWS!" Jungkook screeched in distress. I snapped my face down to find the alpha... lying on the shrubs at an awkward angle.

"YAH! Why did you jump?!" I snapped, limping towards him in a hurry as Jungkook grunted on the ground in discomfort.

"Because you won't stop running!" He snapped, trying to sit up. BANG! My eyes flung open in fear, so I stiffly glanced up at the balcony above our heads. Taehyung will catch me if I don't run now!

"Sh-Shit! I have to go!- Cover me!-" I snapped, quickly shoving Jungkook aside and got up to dash through the pouring rain. He slumped weakly onto the muddy soil in disbelief at my decision to ditch him.

"JANG SORA!- DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME HERE- AHHHEWDHJDRHD-" Jungkook screeched, trying to get up from the soil, but his back was in too much pain. He winced and collapsed back into the bush- just as Kim Taehyung appeared on the balcony above. Jungkook froze when he found his cousin staring at him.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, dumbfounded by his young cousin's awkward position in the bush.

"Heh- Hehe- Can you... call the medics? I think I broke my spine trying to catch your bride- Ah~!" Jungkook laughed funnily but groaned in pain as he rubbed his hips. Taehyung gripped the railing in frustration once he realized Sora had disappeared.

"Fuck-" Taehyung cursed, turning to race back inside Sora's room.

"Ya- Yah! Bring the medics! Ah~ Appa!? APPA! HELP ME! I CAN'T GET UP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Jungkook screamed for help as he lay helplessly in the bush, but no one heard his desperate calls. The alpha kept screaming for assistance under the rain as Jang Sora fled the mansion through the mansion's loophole.


Fast Forward

Jang Sora weakly smiled at Jae Yangcha as he sat in the wheelchair by the garden. The child had started eating and drinking after recovering from the severe flu. She slowly pushed the young boy back toward the mansion- only to find the elders and Taehyung frowning at someone. Both Yangcha and Sora halted at the unexpected presence before them.

Kim Seokjin shifted his dull gaze to the disabled young alpha... who nervously gripped the handrest and glanced up at the supreme alpha... as she stood behind his wheelchair with a startled look.

Sora's POV

"What are you doing here?" I blinked in surprise.

"Jae Yangcha needs a proper guardian to secure his assets. He has no alliance, so I'm here to take him in," Seokjin sighed, turning to face my mother's uptight expression. I stared at Seokjin in shock.

"What makes you think you can simply take him from us when we were the ones to sustain his life after he got hurt?" Taehyung crossed his arms with his eyebrows raised.

"The Jae is an independent household. The heir may select a new household as his guardian," Seokjin refuted. I nervously glanced down at the frightened boy as he held my hand.

"You're not taking him," Eomma stepped forward. Taehyung suddenly stormed off without another word as Seokjin stubbornly stood before the elders.

"It isn't your choice. The child has every right to select his path and if he chooses my household... I'll compensate the expenses incurred during his stay here," Seokjin sighed, smiling warmly at Yangcha. I didn't dare react, so I placed my hands on Yangcha's shoulders to assure him of the situation. The boy blinked unsurely at Seokjin before looking up at me with his clueless eyes.

"Sign it," Taehyung unexpectedly stormed towards the boy. Yangcha flinched in fright as the man flung a document onto the alpha's lap with a pen. My eyes widened in shock. Contract? Alliance contract???

"You can't force him to sign it!" Seokjin snapped, turning to glare at Taehyung in disbelief. Yangcha's lips started trembling at Taehyung's intimidating scowl. The child shakily grabbed the pen in fear.

"I- I'll sign it- but-"

"Are you really going to choose a corrupted household? Yah. Jae Yangcha! Your future depends on the contracts- so don't be foolish and pick a household that will guarantee your lifelong security! Not a family that intends to exploit you!" Seokjin snapped, causing the child to wince in fright. He whimpered while gripping tightly onto the pen in fear.

"Corrupted? Are you presenting yourself as a pure entity then?!" Taehyung snapped.

"Let's give him some time to consider the alliance. Do not sign the contract until-"

"Taehyung!" I gasped in horror. CLICK.

Kim Taehyung suddenly whipped a gun out of his pocket to aim it straight at Yangcha just as Kim Seokjin tried to remove the contract from Yangcha's grip. The elders froze in fright at the presence of Taehyung's deadly energy. The young alpha suddenly sobbed in distress as he fearfully stared at the loaded gun barrel before his face.

"What are you doing?!" Seokjin snapped, wildly gawking at Kim Taehyung in disbelief as he threatened the child with a gun.

"I might not be able to kill you, but I am allowed to seize an underage alpha's asset as compensation payment for the resources my household wasted on him," Taehyung darkly snarled at Seokjin.


"SHUT UP AND SIGN THE DOCUMENT! YOU SHOULD BE GLAD I'M KEEPING YOUR SCRIPPLED ASS ALIVE!" Taehyung bellowed, roughly shoving the barrel against the child's forehead. Blood drained from Yangcha's face as he tearfully sobbed in the wheelchair.


"Do not try to interfere, Sora. We've already spoken, right? It's either he dies betraying you today or lives to protect his own life," Taehyung shifted his dark gaze to my pale expression. Seokjin glanced at me with a bewildered look. I gulped at Taehyung's darkness.

"I'll sign it!" Yangcha sobbed, shakily grabbing the pen to scribble on the document with his head lowered.

Kim Seokjin stiffened in his position as he watched the child sign away his soul to my household, so I pursed my lips with my torn gaze on the devil's contract. Taehyung suddenly snatched the contract from the young alpha's grip and stormed off with the document. I quickly crouched down to hug Yangcha. The child whimpered in distress as he clung to my shoulder for support.

Kim Seokjin slowly turned to stare at my mother with a drained expression after witnessing... my family's thirsty greed to achieve power.

He's standing before the... bloodthirsty... monsters.

Flash Back: The night Sora fled the mansion.

Kim Seokjin softly hummed as he strolled into his living room with a warm mug to sit on his couch with a file. The top-rank alpha glanced at the dark night sky through his glass door to admire the bright flickers in silence. Ding. Seokjin lifted his phone to find a text from Haerim. It was a question about a task he assigned her earlier. Seokjin placed the mug on the coffee table to answer Haerim's text in his cozy living room- Beep. Seokjin snapped out of his thoughts and shifted his gaze away from the text on the screen to stare at the front door.

"Did I imagine it?" Seokjin frowned, dismissively glancing back at his phone again to type on the digital keyboard. Beep. Beep. The alpha froze once he heard his door monitor denying entry access... repeatedly.

"What the hell?" Seokjin cautiously rose to his feet in his casual clothes. He tossed his phone onto the couch and strolled toward the entrance until he noticed a dark silhouette... standing outside his door. Thud... Thud... The person started banging on his door. Seokjin halted to stare at the unexpected presence. Slowly, he reached out for the alarm beside his door. He had to alarm his guard.

"S-Seokjin? Are you home? Seokjin???" A small voice spoke up from the other side of the door just before he pressed the alarm button on the wall. The alpha froze in his place once he recognized her soft whimper. Seokjin immediately dropped his hand to grab the door handle but halted to stare at the shadow with a conflicted frown.

"Let's avoid each other," Sora's dull voice echoed in Seokjin's head.

The alpha shifted his troubled gaze back to her silhouette as she repeatedly knocked on his door. Gulping... Seokjin withdrew his hand from the handle... and took a step back. He can't associate with her.

"You're right. We should avoid each other," Seokjin quietly spoke to himself. He sighed and turned to stroll away from the door. The alpha gripped his hands and slumped on his couch in defeat to gaze at the unsent text on his phone screen. Buzz. Buzz. Haerim suddenly called Seokjin after he read her text without a reply.

Seokjin shifted his gaze to the heavy rainstorm outside his villa and back to the front door with an unsettled grimace. His heart is desperately begging him to open the door... but his mind is screaming at the alpha to keep his hands clean from her affairs. Seokjin eventually lowered his head to pinch his nose bridge as he resisted the urge until... the room suddenly grew hushed. His phone stopped buzzing... and so did the thudding on his door. The alpha lifted his face to stare at the silent monitor with a restless feeling.

"Did she leave? What is she doing out here in the rainstorm?-" Seokjin sighed, getting up to approach the door. He grabbed the door handle, thoughtlessly pushing it open with a curious frown. Nothing. She wasn't at his door anymore. Seokjin stared at the empty path leading to his villa... thinking she had left when he lowered his gaze to find... Jang Sora... sitting on the ground with her arms wrapped around her shredded nightgown. Seokjin froze in shock as she softly sobbed at his feet.

"S-Seokjin?- You're home!" Sora gasped as soon as she noticed Seokjin frowning at her by his opened door. The alpha glanced at the dirty smudge on her pale cheeks. Her murky nightgown. Her burning red eyes. Her muddy barefoot... to her striking... messing hair. Twigs. Leaves. And dirt... completely covering her body as she stood before him... with a weak smile. It was her empty smile... that made Seokjin uncomfortable. Why was she smiling in this condition? He didn't know.

"Did you fight with your new boyfriend?" Seokjin forcefully chuckled while studying her torn condition. Sora suddenly pouted at his joke until warm tears slipped from her eyes. She sniffled, fighting hard to hold back her tears as Seokjin stood before her.

"You're a heartless jerk," Sora glared at him with her puffy eyes. Seokjin's smile dropped at her painful tears. His heart began aching at the sight of her shuddering shoulders. She was freezing.

"Did you come... all the way here just to tell me I'm heartless?" Seokjin teased. The second-rank alpha was super restless as they maintained the short distance between them. Sora stared at his unbothered reaction in silence as the weeping sky thundered over their heads.

"I'll leave," Sora sighed, weakly turning around and limped back into the rainstorm with her head lowered.

A surge of unbearable contraction... thumped against Seokjin's chest... causing the alpha to grip the door handle in guilt. He shifted his gaze to the heavy downpour with a slight frown before averting his conflicted gaze to the supreme alpha as she fought her way through the harsh storm. He had to let go of her.

The supreme alpha weakly limped over the pebbled path with her sore feet to make her way through the cold storm. It was never her intention... to race to Seokjin for help- She halted in her place when someone grabbed her wrist from behind. Pause. The cold wind blew violently against her weak body as the warm hand tightened around her... heating her icy fingers with his comfort. Slowly... she turned to find Kim Seokjin... standing before her with a stern frown. The supreme alpha stared at his tense body and glanced down at her wrist as he held onto her.

"You can stay," Seokjin whispered as he stood under the downpour with her. Sora pursed her lips until her eyes sparkled in tears.

"No- I'm sorry for bothering you- I-I'll leave-" Sora shook her head and tried to yank her hand away but was interrupted by Seokjin's swift movement. He tugged her arm. The supreme alpha gasped in shock as she stumbled towards her former lover. Thump. She slammed into his solid body. The rain poured harder onto them as she unconsciously gripped his soaked shirt.

"I can't let you leave in this condition," Seokjin whispered, tightly hugging her quivering body against his chest with his hand clasped over her dirty hair.

Jang Sora pursed her trembling lips and lowered her face to sob against his chest upon receiving his comforting embrace. It was the comfort... she desperately needed after running aimlessly in the cold storm to flee her cruel family. Seokjin shakily tightened his arms around her until he felt his heart shattering into bits. How can they treat her... so harshly? He thought to himself. The top alpha resentfully lifted his angered gaze to stare at the deadly storm above them with an uptight expression.

"Are you paying or not? I'm soaked!- Are you her boyfriend!?" A man snapped, suddenly appearing with a guard. Seokjin immediately snapped out of his dark thoughts and turned to find a stranger frowning at him after the guard escorted the man inside.

"Neh?" Seokjin blinked at the middle-aged man.

"This lady took the taxi all the way here and said she'll pay me!" The man glared at the supreme alpha in annoyance. Seokjin froze and glanced at Sora's apologetic pout. The alpha eventually asked his guard to deal with the transaction and escorted Sora inside his home to shelter her from the storm.

Sora's POV

Seokjin pushed the door to his villa open for me, but I didn't dare step inside, so I stood at the doorway with my lips pursed. He suddenly turned to question my hesitation.

"I might... stain your tiles," I muttered, awkwardly glancing at my dirty feet. Seokjin lowered his gaze to watch the dirty water... dripped from my gown with a slight grimace.

"Put on the slippers," He sighed, turning to grab a pair of white slippers. I uneasily gripped my soaked gown as the alpha crouched down to hold my feet, but I quickly took a step back. He looked up at me while kneeling on the floor with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I might get you dirty," I whispered. Seokjin sighed and glanced at his already-soaked clothes. There were dirty smudges on his white shirt and pants. I fired him an apologetic look.

"It's cold. Step inside," Seokjin sighed, reaching for my feet to slip on the slippers. I bit my lower lips as I watched him place the warm slippers under my aching feet. Seokjin sighed and stood up to hold the door open for me. I gulped and stepped inside.

"Thank you," I whispered, turning around to examine his familiar villa. It's still the same... everything is neat and tidy.

"You know your way to the bathroom, right? Wash up first," Seokjin sighed, walking past me and disappeared into his bedroom. I shivered at the cold chills and walked after him to use the guest bathroom. I took a quick bath because I didn't feel like drenching myself for too long, then stepped out into the corridor. Seokjin brought me a laundry basket for my dirty clothes and handed me a nightgown. I paused to stare at the silky fabric unsurely.

"You have my nightgown?" I asked, looking up at Seokjin in surprise.

"I never really had the time to throw out your clothes after we broke up," Seokjin shrugged, bending down to lift the laundry basket and left with it. I gripped the light gown and pulled it on before removing the towel from my cold body. It was a long-sleeved gown that ended above my shin. Sighing, I walked into the brightly lit living room and finally settled down in exhaustion.

"I did your laundry. The clothes should be ready in an hour," Seokjin informed. He walked into the kitchen to look through his cabinet.

"I have a favor to ask," I spoke quietly. Seokjin didn't answer me and kept on doing whatever he was doing in the kitchen. He appeared a few minutes later with a mug and handed it to me. I accepted it. It's hot chocolate...? I softly smiled at the soothing sweet scent.

"Did you eat?" He asked, standing before me with his arms crossed.

"I'm not here to-"

"I asked if you're well fed before you came running to my place in this condition?" Seokjin asked, stubbornly watching me with a blank face. I gulped and glanced down at the hot chocolate.

"No. I'm starving," I looked up apologetically. Seokjin fired me a bitter look and strolled off again to open his fridge.

"I haven't eaten either," He muttered. I watched him anxiously from the couch as he placed the fresh ingredients in the sink. Sighing, I lowered my face to sip the hot chocolate before turning to stare at the stormy view with a dim expression. Do-hwan won't be able to track me without my phone.

Seokjin made seaweed soup and sweet bulgogi because it was the quickest dish to cook. He carefully settled the rice bowl and chopsticks for me... with a glass of water. I thanked him again and sat on the carpet to eat with him. We didn't speak and ate in silence. Should I speak now? I feel bad. Why did I bother him at this time? I peeked at Seokjin's composed expression unsurely as I chewed the rice.

"I said I have a favor to ask," I cleared my throat. Seokjin stopped chewing and looked up at me with a blank face.

"I can't promise you anything," He shook his head.

"Jae Yangcha," I gulped, gripping my chopstick at the child's name. Seokjin slurped the seaweed soup with an unbothered look.

"A mother raped and killed. The father with a bullet lodged in his forehead," Seokjin nodded after an intense silence.

"Thankfully, the heir is alive," I nervously examined Seokjin.

"The kid is underage. An underage alpha without their parents will not last-"

"Can't you take him in?" I interrupted. Seokjin halted with his chopstick over his rice. He glanced at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" Seokjin asked.

"Accept him in as your alliance," I intensely stared at Seokjin. He quietly observed my desperation.

"No one will approve him-"

"My parents might seize the child's power if I let him stay with me," I gulped, frantically reaching across the table to hold Seokjin's arm.

"Your mother-"

"Oh. My mother said she'd let the child reside with us only if he transferred his assets to my household. I'm afraid she will kill the boy once she possesses his power," I nervously held Seokjin's hand. He stared at me from across the table without blinking.

"What makes you think I'd be generous with him?" Seokjin asked. I pursed my lips to study his face.

"Your household never kills for power. It's your parent's righteous virtue to steer clear of any crimes. You can claim the child's power, but the child will still thrive in your household. I know your family won't kill him," I begged. I have to save Yangcha. The child is an innocent soul, and my parents are greedy monsters. I'll only endanger the boy if I keep him close.

"Sora. It's not my decision to thoughtlessly decide the alliance-"

"I promise I'll return the favor when you desperately need support. Oh? Seokjin, please," I pleaded, tightening my hands around his. Seokjin stared at me with a troubled grimace.

"You don't have to support me, not when you're barely well yourself," He shook his head, slowly withdrawing his hand from mine. I pursed my lips at his rejection.

"Taehyung- he- forced the child to sit under the rain today. Yangcha- He was wailing and screeching. My households will eliminate the child- so please-"

"Is that why you're in this condition? You defied your own household to protect the child?" Seokjin interrupted me with a disappointed look.

"They can't kill me, but they will kill the kid," I pursed my lips.

"They can't kill you... but do you want to live the rest of your life with this kind of treatment?" Seokjin asked. I grew hushed at his words.

How long can I run away from my family? I said I wouldn't run, but here I am... fleeing their cursed mansion... once again. Seokjin sighed deeply and got up to collect the plates as I sat blankly to rethink my life decision. What should I do now? Did I drag Yangcha to his own demise? Was it the right decision to... place him in my mother's grip...? What have I done?

"I'll figure out a way," I sighed once Seokjin returned to the living room after doing the dishes.

"Do you want me to call Do-hwan? Or are you not ready to return home?" Seokjin asked, bitterly frowning at me.

"Can you leave a text for Do-hwan? Tell him I'm fine... and that I'll return tomorrow," I muttered. Seokjin sourly stared at me and bent down to lift his phone from the couch. He tapped on his phone and walked off... leaving me alone in the living room.

"I'll let you sleep on the couch. Kim Taehyung will surely go berserk if he finds out... so leave quietly with him if he happens to barge inside my villa. I'll sleep with my door locked," Seokjin tossed me the warm blanket.

"You're a good man, you know?" I smiled at him.

"Technically, I'm not enough for you," Seokjin shrugged, walking off with his phone. I pursed my lips at his words until he switched off the lights and disappeared. Sighing, I turned to lie on the couch with the blanket extended over my body. I hugged the cushion and turned to look at the gloomy dark sky in silence. Why is it that... the love I feel for Seokjin... is so different from Taehyung? There's a distinct difference I can't quite... grasp.

Sora... There are many forms of love.

A moment later

Kim Seokjin carefully stepped out of his bedroom in the middle of the night and strolled into the living room to find the supreme alpha snoring softly against the cushion. He glanced at the soft drizzle outside the villa and turned to adjust the heater to keep her warm. Sighing, he entered the guest bathroom to grab a medical kit and walked towards the couch. He quietly settled on the floor, gently tugging the blanket upward to expose Sora's bruised feet. The alpha frowned at the scratches over her feet before turning to grab the medical supplies. Quietly... he dabbed the cream over the bruises.

The second rank sat in absolute muteness while treating her injuries as the cold storm ravaged the city with its relentless downpour. Seokjin gently covered Sora's feet and scooted upward to examine the scratches on her arm. Sighing deeply, he dabbed the injury on her damaged skin with a concentrated frown. The alpha eventually straightened his back and glanced at the dark circle under Jang Sora's eyes.

How can anyone treat a soul this... carelessly? He thought. He would have never raised his hands to bruise her skin, even if he was super furious with her. Seokjin's chest wrenched with an uncomfortable throb as he examined his former lover. Cuts... bruises... scratches... and tears... she keeps appearing with them and yet... she'd smile as if it's nothing.

Seokjin had noticed her condition ever since she first returned to society. He'd inspect... the way she limps through the corridor. The obvious... bandage around her head just a day after becoming the council president. Some days... he'd notice her bright pink nose and puffy eyes. But she'd mask all of her discomforts with a simple smile.

A smile. That's all she needed to appear okay.

"I know I can treat you better, Sora, but who am I to oppose your decision if... it's Kim Taehyung that you favor?" Seokjin whispered, staring at her sick face with a sad frown. It wasn't her choice. Seokjin knew that. The helpless soul is trapped with a man that can't love her right because it's her parent's wish to marry her off for power.

"You must be in great pain," Seokjin muttered, quietly watching her snuggle against the cushion. He couldn't hold her. He couldn't comfort her like he used to, but it doesn't mean he can't root for her happiness. Seokjin pursed his lips and lowered his face in defeat. He sat in the darkroom as the lightning flickered through the glass door. The room remained chilly and dim as the alpha sulked in silence by his lover's side with a yearning heart, knowing he'd only put her in a more difficult position if he reached for her again.


A future event

Sora's POV

"Taehyung! Wait-" I gasped, frantically forcing my body off the mattress, but he effortlessly held me down and slammed his lips against mine to hush me with his slick tongue. Thrust.  Thrust. Thrust. I moaned in distress as he repeatedly thrust between my legs to disable my body with the hot pleasure.

"Why did you betray me, Sora...?" He darkly gritted as I weakly remained beneath his sweaty chest. I looked up at him in tears as he hovered his heated body over mine. Groaning... I turned my head on the pillow to avoid his intimidating scowl as he worked his way inside me until I felt my crotch dripping wet from the burning sensation.

"I didn't betray you- Ah~! Hngh~!" I shook my head with my eyes screwed shut. Taehyung firmly gripped my thighs and shoved his hips forward with all his might until I lost my voice to his suffocating presence, lodged deep inside my burning groin. I grabbed his strong forearm in distress.

"Did you think I was a fool?! You went to Seokjin to beg him to save the child-"

"My mother will kill the child! Please- It was my only intention to save the kid-" I sobbed but couldn't help but moan in between his thrusts. My body is burning! Why is he so rough?!

"I told you not to associate with him!" Taehyung snapped, roughly seizing my cheeks to make me look at his baring teeth. The man suddenly stopped moving his hips to freeze over me with his sharp gaze on my damp cheeks as I helplessly fumed over the mattress, completely disabled by his pleasuring strokes.

"There's nothing between us-! Ahhh~!" I denied. Thump! Taehyung suddenly moved his strong hips in a taunting place. I gasped and arched my back over the bed in pleasure as he rubbed his moist crotch against my mine to grind my tight canal with his hard presence. I tried to push his torso away, but the man simply grabbed my hand to pin my wrist beside my head.

"I don't believe you," Taehyung gritted as he pounded me with a fierce scowl. I panted heavily and reached down to hold his hips.

"I love you! I love you!" I pleaded, trying to tug down his body while squirming under his heavy mass. I'm burning all over! Taehyung refused to go easy on me and aggressively leaned down to bite my neck. I tilted my head upward in distress as he sped up the pace of his thrust- until I curled my toes to resist the surging pleasure as the bed rocked and creaked at his merciless movement.

"How am I supposed to believe you when you keep running away from me to him?" The alpha sensually whispered as he bit my earlobe until I shivered and whimpered in difficulty. I can't breathe properly! I clenched my jaw with my fingers entangled in his wild hair as he repeatedly thrust between my shaky legs.

"I promise- I won't do it again- I'm sorry-" I stuttered as he tortured me with the taunting movement of his crotch.

"You're sorry?" Taehyung lifted his face to stare darkly at me. He stopped moving his hips again... so I slumped weakly against the mattress to catch my breath. He's... fucking the life out of me... Sora... you need to stop- but... what can I do in this position? He'll only thrust harder if I defied him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you- I'm sorry-" I sniffled while holding back my tears. Taehyung quietly examined the streaming steaks on my damp cheeks as our chests pulsated heavily against one another. I'm scared of him! There's nothing I can do in this position when he's literally holding my naked body in a chokehold at a vacant place like this! He keeps disabling me with sex! Arousing my nerves- by toying with my sensitive body until I go weak and submit to him!

Third Person Pov

"Marry me," Taehyung whispered.

"W-what?" Sora blinked at him in tears.

"Let's get engaged," Taehyung whispered, suddenly sitting up on the mattress and pulled out of her soaked slit without finishing. The supreme alpha twisted her trembling legs in discomfort while sprawling on the bed as she watched Taehyung crawl off the mattress. She nervously watched the naked man walk away to search for something in his jacket. The supreme alpha fearfully bit her lower lips as Taehyung crawled back onto the bed with his sweat-drenched body.

"You got a ring?" She whispered, looking up at him with her messed-up hair. Taehyung grabbed her thighs, roughly yanking her body over the mattress and made her sit on his lap. Sora moaned in distress after he slipped his hard tip back inside her again.

"Will you marry me?" Taehyung asked as he held the diamond ring before her flustered face. She blinked in tears and glanced at his intimidating gaze.

"This is how you'll propose?" She whispered. Taehyung suddenly moved his hips under her. Sora gasped at the toe-curling jolt inside her groin and gripped his shoulder with her head lowered. Thrust. Taehyung darkly watched her frown in difficulty as he beat his meat upward to stifle her with the scalding pleasure. Thrust. Sora moaned in distress as she clutched onto his broad shoulders.

"You don't like it? The proposal? And the pleasure? I'm offering you both at once," Taehyung whispered as he made her bounce over his crotch. Sora shuddered in distress while hugging his shoulders with her face buried against his sweaty neck.

"Okay. I'll marry you," Sora nodded in defeat, holding tightly onto his hard muscles.

Taehyung shakily slipped the ring onto her left ring finger while thrusting deep inside her. Sora moaned aloud, so he grabbed her face, forcefully pinning his lips over hers before shoving her vulnerable body backward onto the mattress. Thump!

The alpha sat up between her legs, impatiently shoving himself deeper as he watched the supreme alpha's youthful body quiver with his lustful strokes. She gripped the bedsheet in distress as he pressed his palm over her lower stomach... intentionally applying... pressure to paralyze her sensitive nerves with his addictive friction. The alpha suddenly shoved his fingers inside her mouth and twirled them around her wet tongue to muffle her moans.

"You can't... betray me again. Okay?" Taehyung asked. Sora stared up at him from the pillow in difficulty as he played with her tongue. She nodded in silence as he thumped inside her.

"Say it, Sora," Taehyung pressed, withdrawing his fingers from her lips to knead her sensitive breast while thrusting his hips against her soaked groin.

"I'll submit it to you. I promise," She whispered in exhaustion.

"Say it again," Taehyung darkly stared at her. Sora jerked violently under him as the hot jolt erupted all over her body to signal her defeat.

"I- I'll do anything for you. I promise- hah~!" Sora screwed her face in difficulty until she felt the hot pressure exiting her with the final pump. Thrust! Kim Taehyung pulled out just in time to let her release her discharge.

The supreme alpha wheezed in exhaustion as she struggled to calm her burning body and racing heart. Huff! Huff! She hyperventilated over the mattress... twitching helplessly with her eyes closed as the man held her thighs apart to watch her release her discharge. Squirt!

"I love you," Taehyung whispered as he crawled over her sweaty body.

The supreme alpha's grip... suddenly loosened around her lover's hips... and she... flopped... weakly onto the mattress.

Jang Sora was entirely depleted by his aggressive assertion... so she remained motionless on the mattress with her sticky hair glued to her damp cheeks as he kissed and fondled her naked skin to his desire. Her mind was too clouded... for her to think straight... as her lover encircled his possessive arms around her feverish body. Jang Sora closed her eyes to ignore the discomfort in her chest... as she remained trapped within Kim Taehyung's grip. Her body twitched intensely after he emptied her soul on his bed.

She thought it was pure love between them... but does love come with so much lust? The sexual tension... so powerful... it became his weapon to weaken her body by repeatedly exhausting her soul until she was too vulnerable to feel or think.

Her energy... depleted by the exhaustive pleasure. Her body... intensely aching from the repeated invasion of his touch. Her feelings... entirely suffocated by his poisonous tongue. Her tears... had stopped flowing at his addictive love strokes.

And her soul... has finally surrendered to his dominance, signally her unfortunate defeat.

Whatever she does...

He'll be the master... tugging on her puppet strings.

And there was no escaping.

Not after he cuffed a diamond leash around her soul to label her as his possession.

Kim Taehyung smirked... against her reeking body fluid... in the dimly lit bed chamber... as he gently kissed the glistering ring... over her finger while holding his lover captive... within his... possessive clutch.


Lmao. Don't ask me why I'm here instead of studying for my exam XD I dunno. I'm so stressed I don't really feel like studying anymore so here's another update! I hope you enjoyed it~! Have an amazing day! I love you guys!!! <3

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