CHÉRIE || Harry Potter

By kinsweasley

40.1K 1K 487

"You're Sirius Black's daughter?" There it was again, to which the girl rolled her eyes and shook her head "I... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Hello readers!


1K 36 11
By kinsweasley

Following day the thought about asking Arlo Ryker to the Yull ball was annoying Ellena in every way possible. She never in a million year thought or wanted to ask Ryker.

She wasn't nervous. Ellena did have that confidence to go & ask anyone out even if it's Snape. But the only problem was, she doesn't want to go out with Arlo Ryker.

Black saw Draco in the hallway with his usual 'friends' as she approached him.

"I want to talk with you. Alone" she eyed his friends "and I don't want to wait"

Draco knew Ellena well, as they grew up together. he nodded towards the end of the hallway where Crab and Goyle walked, leaving the two alone

Ellena took out the letter Lucius wrote last night and gave it to Draco. He read the letter and looked at Ellena

"I'm aware" he said "got the same thing last night. Father's giving you an opportunity, he should have gave something to me as well. I know I would have been better"

Ellena pressed her eyebrows together "that's what you have to say about it?"

Draco gave her the letter back "you should consider yourself lucky"


"That's all you want to say? I've some things to finish" Draco said fixing his hair

Ellena rolled her eyes. What did she even expect from him anyways.

When Ellena went back to her dorm she thought about the thing. She just have to ask him to be her date for the ball so that his father could see it. That's it. It wasn't a big deal right?

Ellena had been going to the dance balls since she was five. She had multiple dates to the dance. This school ball is the same thing.

Ofc! She will have plenty opportunities in future and it's just one night. He won't bite.

Ellena throw on a beige jacket as she was wearing black shorts and top before leaving the dorm.

She spotted Arlo Ryker in the common room with other students. She walked towards him getting his attention.

Without waiting any second she asked him "will you go to the ball with me?"

Few students made a sound and the girls giggled. Arlo looked at Ellena and smirked

"K, see you there" he replied and she nodded "okay" with the she went out of the common room

confusion appeared on Theodore nott's face. He was sitting on a chair coping Daphne's Charms homework when he saw what happened.


Ellena woke up on Christmas Day. The first thing she did was open the presents. She was still in her pajamas when she saw Pansy walked out the shower, towel wrapped around her. A strange look on of happiness on her face

"Black!!!" She said excitedly. Ellena had never seen her all happy before "Draky poo asked me out!!!"

"Oh?" Ellena didn't know what else to say. It was surprising that Draco has asked her, it was always Pansy running after him "good for you"

Pansy happily turn around and looked at herself in the mirror. After few seconds she gasped. Ellena looked up from the present she was opening to Pansy in confusion.

"You grew up with Draky poo!" She stated

"Thank you for the information" Ellena said sarcastically. She was done with unwrapping the present. As she took it out, it was a box of jewellery which Narcissa has send for the ball.

"What I'm saying is..." she hissed "you would know what he likes don't you?"


"Great!" She got up and walked towards her trunk and took out two dresses "You have to choose between these dress robes! In which you think Draco will find me sexier?"

Ellena looked at the dresses. One was green and the other was pink. She couldn't say which one was more worst.

"Who choose your dresses?" She asked awkwardly

Ellena observed the dress and as much as she did, she hated it more and more. Tbh the colour was some what descent, it's just the pattern and the shape.

"wear the first one. the pink dress" the pink little less ugly then the green one



"You're going with Ryker?" Theodore Nott asked his best friend as the three of them were heading towards the great hall for breakfast

"Lucius Made me" Ellena replied "I wasn't sure at first but it's just a stupid dance, who cares whom I went with anyway"

"I do" he said without thinking "I mean, I know what type of guy Ryker is. He's not someone whom you should be left alone with"

Daphne gave Theodore a look before lowering her gaze. She well knew about the situation

"I won't be alone" Ellena said moving her hair away from her face "Literally whole Hogwarts would be there"


Ellena Black took a clean bath and came out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her waist.

She blow dry her hair and put on makeup. Her Red Dress was handing on the other side which she later put on. Daphne helped her zip it.

"Holy Cow!" Daphne said

She looked herself in the mirror and felt different. Red wasn't the colour she wear normally. It was something way different in a good way.

The dress has snatched her and it felt like it was made specially for Her.

"I knew the dress was beautiful but it's ten times prettier when it's on" Daphne said "give me a 360"

Ellena turn around so Daphne could see the dress from every angle "Holy shit Lena! I wish I was your date"

"I would ditch any guy for you Dep" She winked making her chuckle "what you waiting for? Go change"

Daphne came back and it was Ellena's time to gasp "look at you!!!"

(Daphne's dress)

"Wait a second..." Ellena opened her drawer and took out a sliver ring "here"

The sliver ring was huge and it was very shiny. It looked expensive.

"It will look way better on you" she said as she notice the look on Daphne's face. Ellena made her wear the ring

"It's so pretty" Daphne said admiring the ring "I'll return after the ball ok"

"Don't worry. Keep it"

The common room looked strange, full of people wearing different colours instead of the usual mass of black. Ellena and Daphne walked out of the common room to the great hall.

Arlo Ryker was waiting for her right outside the great hall. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt inside. Ellena can't deny the fact that he was handsome. He looked even more put together.

He looked at Ellena and walked towards her giving her his arm to hold "you look beautiful"

She hold his arm and smiled "you cleared up well"

"Let's have the best time together"

Maybe it won't be that bad

The two entered the great hall not being aware of one person's eyes on them as they walked in.

Harry Potter felt something inside him which he never felt before. Not even with Cho. He watched the girl walk in, hand in hand with a older Slytherin he never talked with. Harry couldn't deny that the girl looked absolutely breathtaking in her red dress.

(I have faith in what I see now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect ~)

She looked around the hall which was marvellous. She saw Draco walked in wearing dress robes of black velvet with a high collar. Pansy Parkinson was clutching Malfoy's arm, in very frilly robes of pale pink.

Ellena knew the pink wasn't going to be a good choice but she still had some hopes. However it was uglier then she ever imagined

The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The house table has vanished instead there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

Daphne appeared with her date which was a guy from other school and Theodore came with a Hufflepuff girl Ellena never knew about.

"Fanny Griffin" the Hufflepuff girl had blonde hair and blue eye. Ellena knew she was a muggle as there was no Griffin who was a pureblood

"Ellena black" she smiled

Draco and Pansy, Blaise and his date jointed the group as they ate dinner together.

When all the food had been consumed,
Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same. Then, at a wave of his wand, the tables zoomed back along the walls, leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right-hand wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello and some bagpipes were set upon it.

The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy, and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn.

"Come on" Ellena hissed "Let's dance!" She pulled Arlo and nodded Daphne towards the dance floor who did the same with her date

Arlo had placed one hand around her waist, and was holding the other tightly in hers. He kept his eyes on her which she didn't mind at all.

Ellena had danced with random guys during the Christmas Ball as a tradition since she was a child so it wasn't awkward for her. Same goes for Draco Malfoy

"My father's looking" he whispered to her. Ellena's eye's travel to the side and notice a men dressed in black dressrobes. He was a chief guest.

"Your father? I didn't know your father would be here?" She said in a most innocent tone that no one could ever tell she was lying

"It's annoying" Arlo replied as he turn her around while dancing before grabbing her waist again

"It's rather cute. He's looking out for his son" she said sarcastically making him roll his eyes

They continued dancing. Arlo's eyes on Ellena noticing every part of her face. She looked around the people and saw Harry sitting with Ron. She gave him a look which he noticed.

"You good?"

"Yea...erm, wanna grab a drink?"

Arlo nodded and went to grab a drink. Ellena walked towards Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Hermione Granger! Wow!" She squeezed her hands "have you seen yourself? You look perfect Ellena!" Hermione replied

She did looked perfect. Harry thought

"It's hot, isn't it?" said Hermione, fanning herself with her hand "Your date has gone to get drinks I assume. Viktor's just gone to get some as well"

Ron gave her a withering look "Viktor?" he said "Hasn't he asked you to call him Vicky yet?" Hermione looked at him in surprise "What's up with you?" she said

Ellena awkwardly looked away as the two started arguing over Viktor Krum.

"Er...nice weather" said Harry in the most awkward way possible

"We're inside...?"

"Yea..erm. I mean, you know..."

"I don't but it's ok" she said to which Harry awkwardly smiled

"You look absolutely beautiful" the words left his mouth. She smiled softly "thank you. You look handsome yourself Mr Champion"

"Hey!" Arlo called. He gave her, her drink and turn to face Harry "You made quite a fool of yourself potter. Hilariously embarrassing for you"

Ellena gave him a weird look.

"Come on, my father's waiting" he pulled her away and the pair walked towards his father.

Kingen Ryker was probably around 45. He had dark brown hair which looked almost black inside. His eyes were bright blue however Arlo's eyes were brownish black.

"Merry Christmas Father" he said

"Christmas" Mr Ryker replied before looking at his son's date "Ellena Black! We met at last"

Ellena had never seen Kingen Ryker face to face in her life. He use to visit the manor but she was always outside taking walk around the yard or sleeping under a tree outside.

"It's a pleasure Mr Ryker!" She faked smiled.

"Lucius's been looking after you since your father died, am I right?" The smile dropped from her face "it's difficult to look for two children and work at the ministry, great men Lucius" he chuckled on his own "He kept you, that's —"

"Narcissa look after me. She's the one who gave me a home" Ellena said straightly.

There's on way people thought Lucius is the one who look after her. He's the one who's doing everything he can to throw her out as soon as possible

Kingen looked at her up and down then turn towards his son "well, let me know if there's anything"

Arlo nodded and the two walked back towards the dance floor.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch?" He asked "me? Being a bitch?" She raised her eyebrows

"He said what he knew about you which was true infect. Why did you replied in such a tone? He's my father!"

"It wasn't true!" She snapped "Lucius has nothing to do with me. It's Narcissa who took care of me, not him!"

"Is everything ok?" A voice asked. Theodore Nott approached the two "yes" Arlo replied

"No actually. It's not" She said moving towards her best friend "thank you for the time Ryker. I was enjoying but not anymore"

Theodore looked at Ryker with narrowed eyes "let's go"

As the two best friends walked away she told him the conversation they had.

"Ignore'em Lena" Theodore said "you look pretty" he kissed the back of her hands making her giggle

"stop it, I'm blushing" she joked as she looked around "where's your date?"

"Probably somewhere I don't know" he spoke "you didn't told me you were a muggle?" She asked "I didn't know either"

The music started playing again. This time it was rock.

"Wanna Dance??" The two asked together

"Gimme a sec!" Ellena took out her wand and with one spell her long red dress decreased in size. Now The dress reaches above her keens.

"Spell I learned from an ancient fashion book. Cool isn't it?" She said noticing Theodore's confusion

"Let's go!"

They went to the dance floor and went wild. Almost everyone was dancing, not caring how it looked. Ellena laughed as Theodore spins her. Cedric and Cho were right next to them and other the other side were Fred and George

While dancing the music switched as well as the partners. Ellena spin around and from Theodore's arms she went to someone else.

"Well, hello Black!" The person smirked. She looked up, he was way taller then her

"Weasley" Ellena said as she put her hands on his shoulders "Fred or George?"

"Fred Weasley"

"I don't think we have talked before" she giggled "now we're" he winked

Everyone spin again and the partners switched. Cedric grabbed Ellena's waist "Mr Diggory!"

"Miss Black. It's a pleasure dancing with you" Cedric said "Pleasure's mine sir"

"I'll take her" Draco interrupted. Cedric remove his hands then Draco grab her left hand and his right on her waist

"You asked Pansy?" She asked straight forward

"don't remind me" he barked "where Ryker? Have you talked with his father yet?"

"His father was being a asshole" she rolled her eyes "He was talking about my dad and how yours was looking out for me"

He sighed. Draco dropped her hand and walked away from the dance floor, leaving the girl in confusion.

Ellena looked around before leaving the dance floor as well. She sat on one of the chair and removed her shoes.

"Salazar, my toe hurts!" She muttered to herself

"Do you want some company?" Looking up she saw Harry Potter. He smiled to her as she nodded and sat on the chair which was next to hers

"Your dress—"

"Simple Spell" she started "I wanted to have fun while dancing. Long dresses are lot of work" He just nodded, not knowing what to say to her

"Why aren't you dancing?" She asked "I can't dance" he replied "you can learn how to dance" she said putting her hands in her hair "I don't think so"

"rubbish! I learned how to dance when I was five, you'll learn easily"

"I doubt that" he let out a laugh

"Have some confidence in yourself!" She said looking at him "come on" Ellena put on her shoes before getting up and fixing her dress

"Wot?" He looked at her blankly

"To dance!" She said excitedly "I'll teach you"

"No. I'm not going to dance and make fun of myself"

"Trust me, you won't make fun of yourself" she said "and if you did...well, then you're just awful"

Harry look at her then at the dance floor where couples were dancing. He doesn't know why but he agreed. Ellena grab his arm and pulled him onto the dance floor

She put both her hands on his shoulder "now put your hands on my waist"

"Where?" Harry asked, thinking wether he heard it right or not "my waist Harry"

he didn't move so Ellena grab his hands on put them on her waist "see! Wasn't that difficult"

"Now move your legs with me but don't step on'em" Harry started doing what she said but he couldn't move his legs and focus on at the same time.

"Look at me not at your foot" she hissed. Harry awkwardly look up at her face and it took him quite a while to clam down

Harry's green eyes looked into Ellena's grey once. A smile coved his face as he saw her smiling. The two moved together on the sound of the music

"You look cute with glasses" she whispered. How come she never found the glasses cute?

"I-it's stupid" Harry said "you say so" she replied and the sound ended. Ellena removed her hands but Harry didn't

"You can let go now" she spoke. Harry removed quickly making an awkward face with a little sorry.

It was almost the end. The hall was more then empty there were only few people left.

"Told you, you won't make fun of yourself" Ellena said removing her shoes once again "all thanks to you" Harry smiled at her

"Don't get use to it. I won't do it for free next time"

"Yeah?" Harry smirked "I won't mind paying you"

"We will see about that" she winked

"EL!!" Daphne shouted her name "what you doing here? I thought you left with Theo! Wait your dress!!!"

"Theo left?" Ellena asked

"After the weird sister's, yes" Daphne replied. She notice Harry standing next to her

"Hello!" Harry said

"hi?" Daphne gave him a look then looked at her best friend "let's get out of here. I've some tea" she whispered the last part

"durmstrang?" She asked to which Daphne nodded happily.

Daphne went with a durmstrang student.

"Come on" she started pulling her "you gotta tell me what you did with your dress, it's giving!"

"I'll tell you all about it. But first...What happen with that durmstrang boy?"


Author's note,

I'm posting after a while. I'm on a vacation so I'm not getting time.

Anyways, here's the chapter ❤️

Tell me about your day.
I'll go first,
• I went bowling in the morning (last minute plan) then I went to book store (80% off bitches!!!) then from there I went for boating with my family and ate out.

Fun day ✨💅🏻

Kinsweasley ~

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