The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

388K 11.1K 3.9K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 56

1.9K 81 16
By YamagsuKami

Time Ago.

Y/N felt his legs go weak which led to him falling to his knees

He panted heavily as the blood covered his entire body. All sorts of injuries would instantly finish any normal human.

Admittedly he was surprised that he lasted this long against that... Diabolical Beast.

While he was given the break to rest he took a gaze to his wounds.

His stomach was torn open. His left arm was broken, twisted in a gruesome form. Although he didn't feel any pain he blame it on the adrenaline.

The monster stomped right in front of him towering over him and looking down at him with its crimson eyes.

Y/N looked up to meet his diabolical gaze which lacked any palpable emotion. This monster was above him in all senses. He barely could land any strike on it and those he did were based on luck doing barely any damage at all.

He couldn't win.

Hyperion rose its long sword ready to finish the human.

Fighting back, Y/N crossed his dagger in x taking the impact straight on but something happened that made his eyes go wide.

Both blades broke upon the force of the bigger sword the blade having free access to his flesh.

The long sword of the monster reached his chest and made a vertical cut from his chest down to his stomach worsening his condition even further.

Relentlessly, the monster grabbed him from the ground with his huge hand. It rose him up to meet up its demonic gaze, showing the great difference between their height and power.

Y/N E/C's eyes met with his in defiance even though he was at the losing end.

The beast didn't like the challenging look in his eyes and brutally slammed his body to the ground one... two-



Six times.

To this point, the boy was about to lose consciousness due to the heavy hits his whole body was receiving plus the blood loss.

Then, Hyperion cruelly span his whole body as if he was a rag doll. Y/N was already seeing red due to the blood that went to his head. But then everything came to a halt the moment he was once again slammed to the ground

This time with thrice as a force.

Y/N couldn't help but scream in pain as most of his bones snapped like glass.

Even if he had a strong body... It had limits and this monster was testing and breaking them.

Hyperion let his body deep into the hole his crash created and stomped on him making his whole body arch in pain. Blood gushed out his mouth as of every other part of his body.

The boy tried to crawl away with the little strength that remained in his pummeled body but Hyperion didn't let him escape.

Its Longsword lowered rapidly by the monster's hand command and it dug deep within Y/N's back piercing his stomach as well.

He couldn't scream as a burning pain coated his whole body.

Dark venomous veins started to materialize in his body and the pain only increased beyond his imagination but the venom didn't allow him to scream.

Y/N looked at his hand and was horrified upon seeing it get paler and paler.

He was rotting...


Cold. So Cold. He could feel death's embrace on him.

"I don't want to die. I reached this far and yet it wasn't enough. Nothing is never enough."

Hyperion did something which resembled a dark laugh as its sword started to rot the human's body.

Was it amused by his suffering?

This infuriated the young boy. Was this funny?

The suffering of others. Why it caused so much amusement?

With what right it dared to laugh?


Hyperion was powerful. It had all the right in the world to do as it pleased.

Logical. But... Unfair.

If only he had more power.

No. He only needed one more chance.

One more chance at life.

He would make the most out of it. Whoever gave him a chance wouldn't regret it.

"God. Allow me to Keep moving forward. Give me Life."

A dark presence took his head. Pushing him into a mental limbo.

Floating in an eternal voice he heard someone whisper to his ear, like those intrusive thoughts you got when you were at your lowest.

What do you wish?

Like an echo in the shadows, it asked him.

Y/N didn't hesitate to give a reply to the unknown being.

"To be Unstoppable. Immovable."

What are you willing to sacrifice?


Where does your purpose lay?

"To Reign. Like a Dragon does in the Sky."

We'll see... Be what you were always meant to be.

Embrace the Sacrifice and Devour the Dream just like the Oblivion does to the Fear.

The Black Dragon Emperor.

A black power surrounded his body as the Venom that devoured his flesh started to fade slowly, however, the fresh wounds didn't disappear but still.

He didn't feel any pain only...


Y/N eyes snapped open in a purple tone of color as he grinned widely. Happily.

He faced Hyperion from below as the black energy swirled uncontrollably. An indomitable power without a leash.

A black sword that had a chain attached to the handle materialized on his left hand. He gripped it with power.

The energy span forces Hyperion to step back.

Y/N got back up still having that grin on him.

I Live for Conquest and Power. Dominion over those who oppose me. A Monarch. Born from the Shadows I. Use them at my liking to purge the other shadows that do not wish to be Ruled by my hand. I'll use Darkness to keep the Light pure.

The words echoed in his head like a torrent of violent winds.


Y/N muttered before looking straight into the monster's eyes. Purple met crimson ones.

Now he wasn't frightened by it.

In fact...

He was eager to battle.

He would fight until the End.


Present Time.

Y/N grunted out in annoyance as a headless body collapsed to the ground joining the rest of the corpses that coated the area.

His clothes had seen better days, the same could be applied to him as well.

He might be much stronger than the last time, but he was still human therefore he had limits. And days of non-stop battle were weighing on him.

A sigh left him as he took a break to sit in the sea of corpses.

No trace of Ophis. He had been searching in all kinds of areas within Purgatory but had no luck. It was beginning to cause him frustration.

What made it even harder was the fact that he didn't know what he was looking for. Yes, a seal. But how it looked exactly? Where could he find it? Those kinds of questions.

Plus... Purgatory wasn't exactly small, to begin with.

His eyes lowered to his arm and a nasty scar remained. To not add the other that was on his torso, more precisely his chest.

Cain's blows proved to be stronger than his advanced regeneration, it left scars that took way too long to heal. Not like he minded. He liked them.

Leaving that to the side and returning to the main matter.


Getting enough rest he got up from the sea of corpses and looked around in search of any enemy nearby not finding any.

Good, he had time to think.

His blades disappeared out of his hands desiring to be weapons-free for a while.

Y/N then began to walk around the forest doing what he was always doing. Looking for any kind of lead. But like usual he got nothing. Only dark trees and dead vegetation.

At times like these, he desired to have learned the Sage arts. They would be quite of use to scan entire hectares in a matter of seconds. Did Koneko know them? Maybe he should ask her himself.

But now he had to work with what he had.

Another while of search passed and he was still empty-handed. This fruitless routine was starting to get on his nerves.

He clicked his tongue.

If only he could talk to Vritra. Probably the dragon knew more about what he was looking for than him.

A grunt left him when his eyes lay on a tree that he definitely had seen not long ago. He was walking in circles.

This is a routine already.

Purgatory was getting him on his nerves. The same trees, darkness, unnerving energy, and the damn stench of sulfur...

"Wait... A minute."

Y/N's nose wrinkled taking a whiff to the environment. It didn't have that particular smell of sulfur... In fact, it was a rather sweet and pleasant scent.

Now this was definitely out of the ordinary.

His head directly to where the scent came from shortly after his body followed the sweet aroma.

A couple of minutes passed of him tracing down the peculiar scent until something strange came across him.

In the middle of the desolated ground... a rose lay there contrasting the dark ground of Purgatory.

Y/N knelt paying close attention to the flower.

The sweet scent only grew stronger taking him to believe that this single rose was the cause of it.

"It's pretty..."

He muttered delighting his eyes at the sight of the crimson flower.

As he pondered about the rose his finger reached for its petals wanting to feel them but something happening that made him step back.

Upon his touch the rose decayed turning into ashes and shortly after some sort of hole opened tearing the ground apart and forcing him to take his distance to not be swallowed by the earth.

The ground tore apart entirely the dark hole that opened beckoning him to get closer which he did.

Walking towards the edge he looked into the dark oblivion but he couldn't catch anything due to the obscurity of it.

He then kicked a rock down. The stone fell until it was lost deep within the darkness of the hole.

Y/N didn't hear it crash which made him a little bit hesitant of venturing even further.

The human teenager closed his eyes gathering his senses.

His face turned into a frown just when a familiar aura hit him.

The aura of a... Dragon.

A dark dragon.

There was no doubt. This had to have something to do with Ophis.

But there was only one way to make sure...

Y/N gulped as he gazed at the hole. A sense of vertigo devoured him. He wasn't afraid of heights but this... This was a little out of the ordinary and it caused him some hesitation.

He signed heavily before giving a single step forward and his entire body was swallowed by the darkness.

As he fell, he couldn't see a thing. Way too dark but a feeling of uneasiness rose on him the more he fell deeper.

He had been falling for some time now, and the anticipation of the fall was beginning to frustrate him until he fell his feet landed roughly on the ground.

Even while on the ground the place remained dark and he cursed that his characteristic dark fire couldn't illuminate his way.

Shivers ran through the back of his neck when the cold air brushed against his skin but he shrugged it off and began walking forward following his instincts.

His eyes glowed purple in the darkness but they weren't enough to light his path so he just kept walking blindly.

Y/N proceeded to walk in a straight line and made some turns to both left and right.

As he ventured deeper a peculiar feeling made his senses spike suddenly.

Something... Energy was calling for him... Beckoning him to get closer.

The sensation felt as if he was at a nearby home... It called for him. It promised him warmth and care. Home...

Where he belonged. In fact, this was the energy that guided him on this dark road.

Closer and closer he walked towards the welcoming energy.

Then his movement halted when a dozen of torches lighted up seeing something else besides the darkness he was growing used to.

Unlike the ground of Purgatory, this was green and filled with vegetation. The same rose he saw on the surface now surrounded the rich ground he was currently on.


The fire of the torches dances slowly in a soothing matter. He wasn't sure but... It felt as if the fire was inviting him to go closer to where the light didn't reach to illuminate.

Y/N stepped in between the path of bright torches and even more of them lighted up illuminating his path forward.

His feet crunched against the grass making a satisfying noise.

The path of torches ended with him stopping in front of some immense gates that brimmed with dark energy. Draconic energy.

In the middle of the dark gates, a big symbol was emblazoned in it acting as the seal. However...

This symbol... It felt way too familiar. Warm. Welcoming. Like the feeling, you got when you returned home with your family after so long.

Like Home.

His eyes glowed purple as his blood felt like burning but it didn't feel painful, no. It was a warm ember that only transmitted trust.

Unconsciously, Y/N's hand reached up trying to trace the symbol with his fingertips.

Through the fabric of his clothes a purple and black glow emitted from his chest, where his heart was.

Y/N's heart accelerated in emotion and his fingers touched the symbol which glowed in unison with his heart.

An orange aura that came from the symbol entwined around his arm and reached for where his glow was his heart.

A voice sounded in his head, like a distant echo.

Welcome, son of the Brightest Pillar of Vibrant Light. Step ahead. Let's see your worth.

Then the gates Opened.


"Is this the place?"

Valiana asked what seemed to be no one but the shadow stain at her shoulder proved otherwise.

"Yes, My Queen. You have been here if I remember correctly."

Beru replied and Valiana remembered that time she came to this academy to pay a little visit to Y/N. She almost forgot that Kuoh wasn't unknown to her. Plus, she fought Y/N on these grounds.

"Yes. I have."

She was about to jump off the roof to reach the academy but Beru stopped her before leaping off.

"May you wait a minute or so, My Queen? I have called reinforcements, just in case."

This information made Valiana frown in annoyance.

"Huh? I don't need any help. Tell these reinforcements to turn the fuck back."

"They also volunteered to be of help to aid our King out of that prison. I couldn't deny them."

Beru said back gaining a low growl from her.

"It's not like I am going for a fight. I want to get off this quickly. But of course... If they want one. I can fend off by myself."

"If it serves as reassurance, we don't want to work with you too."

A voice that she knew reached her ears. Another growl escaped her as she turned back to see Raynare and Kalawarner.

"You two... You can go back. I don't need you."

"Please, let us tag along. We can be of use."

Valiana scoffed at Kalawarner's plea.

"For what? I already have what I need. I got the information and I got the power. What use would you two be?"

"Kala, don't go licking this bitch foot. She doesn't deserve it."

"Last time you two were biting my hand, you weaklings."

"Last time you could detect us from a mile away. What's happening? Getting weaker?"

Raynare spoke back angering Valiana.

"Why in the hell do you want to help me? Now that Y/N is gone you two can do whatever you want. Considering how fallen angels are, you two were most likely waiting for this opportunity."

Raynare flinched a little after the question.

She... couldn't answer it. Not now. Thankfully Kalawarner spoke on her behalf.

"Y/N gave us the opportunity of the being something more than a weapon, a tool. He treated us as his equals, like partners instead of slaves. He always gave us freedom and aid whenever we wanted or needed it. We feel the obligation to pay him back."

"Yeah... What she said."

Valiana let out a heavy sigh as her shoulder fell into a defeated matter.

"Fine. But I am no Y/N. I'll treat you two like tools and if shit hits the fan you two are on your own."

"Whatever. We're used to people like you either way."

Raynare words made him frown again but a shadow rose from the ground gaining everyone's attention.

Igris materialized, all expectant eyes on the black knight.

"I have scoped out the area and I bear bad news. Sadly, Victoria Reiss isn't in the academy."

"Fucking Great. I came here for nothing then."

Valiana cursed but Igris kept going.

"However... Her replacement is there. He may know her whereabouts or at least an approximation."

Then Valiana crackled her knuckles.

"Then let's get the information out of this asshole."

She said already tended to do it violently.

Another shadow materialized this time Beru being the one.

"If I may add-"

"No, you may not."

Beru then kept silent due to Valiana's command but the pleading look of the behemoth Ant won over her.

"What is it, Beru?"

"I suggest that we get what we need less violently."

"Huh? Weren't you the killing machine?"

The ant tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Pardon? I don't consider myself as much."

Then Igris spoke out.

Indeed. Our King always opts for a less threatening way to approach issues. He hates unnecessary violence. So I think is wise for us to keep up with his traditions."

"But I am not him."

Valiana muttered.

Raynare and Kalawarner shrugged.

"What do you suggest?"

Raynare asked the black knight whose gaze was directed to the two fallen angels.

"To give a proper background of the target. He is a man in his late fifties. DIVORCED and without a partner. Which lead to pent-up lust..."

Both fallen angels rose an eyebrow.

"Wait... No way in fucking hell."

Raynare shook her head as Kalawarner closed her eyes in denial.


"What Y/N would want you to do?"

Igris asked.

"To get things done!"

"Exactly. How...? In the less threatening way possible and this is the only way. Do you think this man will give out such information freely? Also, I am not saying to have intercourse with him... Just seduce him."

"But. He is an old man! A Stinky and gross one!"

"You didn't have any objections when you seduced the Red Dragon Emperor. As well as you Kalawarner, you tried to do the same with our King and you even bed him. The difference is that you're doing this for something good this time."

"Excuse me?"

Valiana imposed her with a deep frown on her face as she glared at Kalawarner.

"It was a long time ago."

"That doesn't make it any better, slut."

"Enough. Time is running and each minute that we spend arguing is another hour of my King's suffering. You know that time runs differently in Purgatory, right?"

Beru spoke firmly putting a stop to the bickering.

Kalawarner sighed as she looked at Raynare.

The fallen angels understood each other and rose their hands in unison while chanting three words.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

Raynare face turned bitter as she drew scissors and Kalawarner rock. She had lost.

"Ugh, fine! I'll do it."

She complained before flying down to the academy.

Valiana gave Kalawarner a venomous side look frightening the blue-haired fallen a bit.


The second Raynare stepped into the old man's office she got a strange feeling, but she shrugged it off.

She managed to get inside the academy by blending in as one of the students. Something she was good at.

As she stepped inside the room her gaze fell over a tall old man with gray hair, greenish-gray eyes, and numerous scars on his body.

He warmly smiled at her.

"Is there something I can help you with, student?"

"Uh... Well, I."

Raynare didn't know what to say. She was rusty but recomposed herself changing to a more flirty face.

"Principal... this might be nothing of your business... But where is your ring?"

The question made him raise an eyebrow as he eyed down at where his ring was supposed to be.

A sigh left him.

"I... recently got divorced. Things that happen in life but I hope that you never get to experience it, young lady."

She then walked closer to his desk.

"How do you feel?"

"Sad. But like I said, stuff that happens. Enough about me. Is there something you need?"


Her hands traced over his in a slow seductive way.

"I have a confession. I always had a tiny crush on you... And you know... since you're available now, I think I can make my move. What do you think, Principal? Care to have a ride?"

"Young lady, if what you're offering is what I think it is, I'm afraid it cannot be done. I don't want to lose my job."

Raynare chuckled as she got closer to him.

"Who is going to fire you? You're the Principal. You own this academy and whatever happens in it stays inside~ So why not?"

The older man chuckled and squeezed her hand, Raynare smirking in her interior. She had him, now to ask the question.

But she froze when her eyes met his.

"What do you want, fallen angel?"

His eyes now of yellow tone made her widen hers but she tried to recover from the surprise.

"Like I said I want to-"

Her head roughly impacted against the wood of her desk.

"Tell me or else I'll rip your wings and feed the remaining feathers to your vile mouth."

Raynare understood that this old man wasn't an ordinary one. Fuck her luck.

"I am searching for Victoria Reiss."

"Huh? Vicky? You're looking for Victoria? Why?"

The fallen angel struggled to speak under his hand.

"I need information to help out a friend of mine."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Noble. But fallen are all but noble. You're Lying and the fact that you know about Victoria's relevance means that you're a threat. And I will never betray her!"

The man rose her body and aimed a heavy punch at her gut but his hand was grasped by a shadowy one.

He then looked to the side to see Beru with her mandible twitching in anticipation.

"Let her go."

"An Ant King? Now that's peculiar."

"Final warning. Let her go."

Her voice got deeper and the old did as told and let her go.

Beru started to let go of the man but rapidly she was seen in the necessity of protecting herself from a punch from the old man which pushed her a couple of feet back.

"It doesn't matter your numbers or your strengths... I will never allow you to harm my sister!"

A yellow aura surrounded him as Beru's own purple one swirled in defiance.

Two knocks echoed through the room causing everyone to look at the door.

"So much for not doing it violently huh, Beru?"

Valiana said with a grin as she made herself present.

"Who are you?"

The old man asked her who shrugged.

"None of your fucking business, old man. I just need to know where Victoria is. Will you help me or you'll make it difficult? Because there is no other way this ends. In the end, I'll get what I want."

"I will not betray her."

Valiana grinned as her eyes glowed.

"Then so fucking be it."

Before they could start fighting Beru composed herself.

"I think there is a little misunderstanding here. We wish to know where Victoria Reiss is because we need her help to get The Black Dragon Emperor out of Purgatory."

The old man's aura immediately ceased and his expression softened.

"Oh, you mean Y/N. Wait... is here in Purgatory?"

Beru nodded.

"Poor kid... So that's why he didn't come to school these days. I'll link you up with Vicky immediately."

Valiana's energy disappeared and was left stupefied.

"What? Just like that?"

"Of course. I know the kid and I know what he is worth. If I can help him then I'll do it. Besides all of this could have been avoided if you asked and not tried to sway me."

Raynare flinched.

"I won't apologize. I didn't know who you were... Wait, who are you?"

The old man chuckled.

"Oh, my apologies for not introducing myself. I am Noah Reiss."


Victoria's amber eyes were to the red wine of her cup. It was hypnotic to see it move and shake with each subtle movement of her hand.

It was raining out of her mansion and the sound was soothing. But she knew she didn't have time to relax.

That woman... Valiana was coming and that only meant that things were going to get irritating.

Speaking of which.

"You arrived early considering the fact that you had to come from a whole other continent."

"My sacred gear."

She answered plainly and dryly making Victoria chuckle.

"Well, let's get down to business. What is wrong?"

"Y/N is trapped at Purgatory."

Victoria's eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal.

"I see... That's unlucky. That place is the real hell. Whatever gets in doesn't get out, or at least that's what they say."

"I need your help to complete a certain spell that is going to allow us to create a portal to get in and get out of that place."

The blonde woman placed her cup over the table.

"Oh, and who created such a splendid spell?"

"Y/N. But he already used it which drained all of its power erasing most of the work."

"May I see it?"

Valiana rapidly grabbed a copy of the spell that Rias lend her and gave it to Victoria.

"And what exactly do you need?"

"To fully recreate the spell will take way too much time. What we need is someone to make us a shortcut. Make it faster."

Victoria scanned the paper and her eyes glowed yellow reading the magic beneath the seal.

She hummed as her eyes returned to normality.

"I can't deal with this. My knowledge of magic doesn't reach this level of complexity."

Valiana frowned as she snatched the piece of paper from Victoria.

"Then you're fucking useless. I am leaving."

"I still know of someone that could be of help."

The white-haired woman stopped and looked at her.


"Easy there, girl. I still have some questions that need to be answered."

Valiana growled.

"I don't have time for your fucking games? Tell me already!"

Her eyes glowed as she glared at Valiana.

"Lower your voice, Demon."

Valiana didn't cower under her powerful gaze.

"I do whatever the fuck I want. Do not order me around like you're above me."

This show of defiance made Victoria grin.

"You're truly... A troublesome woman, Valiana. Tell me, when things turn south which will you be on, hm?"

"My side. I don't belong to anyone."

Victoria chuckled at the ignorance.

"Oh, ignorance oozes from your words. We all belong to a cause, to a purpose. You see, I am an Eternal. Someone who was given the duty of defending the Human race from any adversity. Khaos Brigade is the definition of adversity to my kind. And you belong to it. Therefore..."

The woman got close enough to Valiana

"You're a lighthouse of problems to humanity."

Her blue eyes met her yellow ones.

"I don't belong to Khaos Brigade. Not anymore."

"Why is that?"

"The only reason that I joined them was because Cain knew a way to save my child... But it turned out to be a lie. Now I don't have anything that ties me to them."

"That's good. Really good. But that still doesn't answer my question. Which side are you on?"

What side was she on?

She never stopped to think about it. Previously all she wanted was to fight anyone who opposed a challenge for her and she still enjoyed it. But...

Her main purpose at this moment changed...

Valiana's hand unconsciously went to her belly.

This... Her family.

"I am on my family's side."

"Does Y/N counts as your family..?"

"He is the father of my child. Of course."

Victoria smiled.

"Then that simplifies all things."

Valiana then pushed her.

"You're invading my personal space, you psycho."

"Oh, my apologies if I made you nervous. I just wanted to clarify some things."

After hearing this she scoffed.

"Like hell, you made me nervous. I can defeat you easily."

"Hm, ignorance. I think the baby will be more tied to its father because you... You are just obnoxious... Here is Abel's address, he should have some information that could be of use."

Victoria gave her a piece of paper that contained the Primus address.

Valiana proceeded to read it and groaned.

"Damn it. Do I have to fly to a whole other continent, again? Can't you people stick to the same fucking country."

"Sweetie. We have to stay in different countries so that we can protect multiple places at the same time."

That made sense but still, it was annoying to keep flying to each edge of the whole planet.

"Still it so fucking annoying to keep traveling from each edge of the damn planet."

Victoria shrugged.

"A small inconvenience to save your dear Y/N, am I right?"

Valiana didn't reply verbally causing a soft chuckle from the older woman.

"Why did you let me off so easily?"

"The side you're on is your family, yes? I am certain that when things get complicated and we have to choose sides... Y/N will be the first to jump at humanity's aid. He understands what we Eternals fight for..."

A dry chuckle left the white-haired woman.

"You speak as if the humans are saints. They're just as guilty for this fucked up world as the other species. Do not think that you are good guys."

"Now I don't care about that. I don't care about the horrible things that my kind had done in the past... None of them compares to what the others have done."

Valiana raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What are you talking about?"

Victoria's grin faded as her whole expression took a more furious twist.

"Why do you think the group of Eternals was created, to begin with? Girl, humanity's power didn't compare to those of Devils, Angels, and Fallen... They were the sheep with no choice but to hide in the mud away from the Wolves. Murder, Massacre, Torture, Rape, Intimidation, Exploitation everything in the book... You see..."

The woman gave a step closer to the half-breed Devil who felt a little intimidated by her imposing and furious yellow gaze.

"I don't hold a grudge against the other specie, they were different times. I understand and I can acknowledge the fact that having power blinds people... But if I have to choose between my kind and the rest of the world... I would let everything else Burn just so humanity could still live."

Valiana gave a step back trying to get farther from this woman who was causing her chills. Something about her was unnerving. Those eyes... They were filled with anger.

In a second, Victoria's smile returned.

"Now, you should leave, sweetheart. I hate guests."

This woman creeped the hell out of her so she just choose to leave without saying a word.

Her foot stepped over the edge of the window frame but she was stopped by the voice of the woman.

"Oh, and Valiana."

She looked back over her shoulder and for a moment she seemed genuine almost sympathetic.

"Good luck with the childbirth."

"Huh? Do you have experience with it?"

Valiana asked genuinely curious but the woman shook her head with a soft chuckle.

"No. But some acquaintances have... I am certain that it will be the most painful sensation in your life. Not only your giving birth to a child with the blood of the original Lucifer but it is also mixed with the volatile blood of The Primus... You're going to hate Y/N."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement, Ms. Reassurances."

Sarcasm was obvious in her tone... However, a faint smile crossed her face. Victoria thought that she looked much better with it than with the constant scowl.

"And for the record... I already hate him."

Her sacred gear materialized as she took off to the sky leaving Victoria whose smile lasted for a while.

"What a troublesome girl."

But a capable one indeed.

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