Silent But Deadly [Black Butl...

By Fallen_Angel_Otaku_

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She used to have a name, but she hardly remembers anything. All she knows is that she prefers to be Mute. ... More

Chapt. 1 ~ The Dark Aura
Chapt. 2 ~ Don't Overthink It
Chapt. 3 ~ Prey
Chapt. 4 ~ Encounters
Chapt. 5 ~ Curiosity Kills The Cat
Chapt. 6 ~ So Close
Chapt. 7 ~ Dark Thoughts
Chapt. 8 ~ Withholding
Chapt. 9 ~ Ties
Chapt. 10 ~ Crossing Paths
Chapt. 11 ~ Can't Resist
Chapt. 12 ~ The Fallen Angel
Chapt. 13 ~ Mixed Signals Or Communication?
Chapt. 14 ~ Desires & Regrets
Chapt. 15 ~ To Slowly Give In
Chapt. 16 ~ The Amount Of Chaos
Chapt. 17 ~ No Escape
Chapt. 18 ~ It's A Trap
Chapt. 19 ~ Have It Your Way
Chapt. 21 ~ This Stays Between Us
Chapt. 22 ~ What Would You Know?
Chapt. 23 ~ Failed Vacation
Chapt. 24 ~ Prepare For The Worse
Chapt. 26 ~ Until Next Time
Author Note
Chapt. 27 ~ The Trancy Manor
Chapt. 28 ~ Talk Later
Chapt. 29 ~ The Warning
Chapt. 30 ~ All Aboard!
Chapt. 31 ~ Mysteries Or Secrets?
Chapt. 32 ~ A New Game
Chapt. 33 ~ All Good Things Must Come To An End
Chapt. 34 ~ Endless Night
Chapt. 35 ~ From The Start
Chapt. 36 ~ Deceptions
Chapt. 37 ~ To Take Back What Was Lost
Chapt. 38 ~ What Did You Do?
Chapt. 39 ~ Deal With The Devil
Chapt. 40 ~ Twisted Games
Chapt. 41 ~ A Demon's Scheme
Chapt. 42 ~ Human

Chapt. 20 ~ Maeve

668 15 0
By Fallen_Angel_Otaku_



Young, quiet, but also kind. She wanted to keep her distance from others due to her shyness, and she preferred it that way however she saw fit. But she had a few friends here and there. She just wasn't in the habit of keeping in touch. 

"See you inside, Maeve!" 

A girl waved to the other after accidently bumping into her. The girl, Maeve, smiled back at the girl who just spoke to her while waving. Dressed in a black sailor uniform, black knee-high socks, wearing a black choker around her neck, and black sandals, Maeve attended a private school for both boys and girls, and she was a senior. 

The building looked to be like a mansion from the outside. But inside, it was like a maze. The boys and girls were separated by buildings. Building A were for the girls, and Building B for the boys. 

Maeve was a short, fair skinned, brown eyes, a strange shade of red hair color, and always a piece of black jewelry. As mentioned, she is quiet but a good student and friend. Maeve was your average quiet student. Minded her own business, did what she was told, and was very organized.

She was your average ambivert person. She didn't have a big friend group, and she wasn't in any well-known clubs. It was like living the normal human life. Yet something had to be wrong with her...

 During free period, Maeve sat outdoors on a bench with a book in her lap. Other students were playing around or chatting amongst themselves. "Little Miss Freak." A group of 3 students approached her. 1 girl and 2 boys. 

'Here we go again.' Maeve thought while rolling her eyes as she closed her book. She wasn't surprised since everybody had an enemy. 

"Shouldn't you be writing in your journal and researching dark and scary legends or something?" The girl snickered as the two boys behind her smirked. 

"Mhm." Maeve replied in a hum. 

"Can't talk because you're too busy sucking off one of the boys again? You should slow down or else you're going to have a sore throat. Poor thing." 

"And I'm surprised you can still walk after spreading your legs so often." Maeve said back without taking her eyes off the book. The 2 boys behind the girl blushed and snickered as the girl growled with anger. 

"Why you-!" 

"What do you get out of this? Seriously. The only bad thing here is being the same species as you." Maeve sighed, interrupting the bully before she could pounce. 

"Would you give it a rest? Stop starting things you can't finish." Her friend, Liam, walked over with one of his hands in his pockets while expressing an annoyed look. 

The bully scoffed before flicking some of her hair over her shoulder as she replied, "Whatever. I rather not waste any more time with a waste of space like this freak. Let's go." She said and walked away with her two companions following behind. 

When the bullies were out of sight, Mave and Liam both sighed and looked at each other as they exchanged the same smile. "First thing in the morning and they want to start something. How annoying." Liam sighed while rubbing the back of his head before turning his friend. "You okay?" 

"Yeah. I had it under control. Stooping down to their level is only going to have me lose some braincells." Maeve lightly laughed at her own joke, and Liam chuckled with her. "Thanks for driving them away." 

"No problem. What book are you reading today?" 

"Dark Desires."

"I swear, all you do is read. You bookworm." 

"Reading is better than the club activities here." 

"If you say so." Liam shrugs. "Let's head to class before both of our teacher's give us another lecture of being tardy." 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you later then." Maeve sat up from the bench and smiled at her friend. 

"See ya." Liam waved, and the two friends have gone their separate ways. Class went by as any other normal school day. The teachers gave their lectures, students took notes and listened. During one of the lectures, Maeve was reading about mythical creatures during one of her lectures. She was always fascinated with the other creatures that came from other worlds. 

"Maeve, you know you can't read that in class." Her classmate, and friend, Ember, whispered to her. "What are you looking at this time?" 

"Oni." Maeve replied. 


"Oni. They are Yokai in the Japanese folkore. They live deep in the mountains and have unbelievable inhuman strength. Their abilities are associated with thunder and lightning along with their evil nature." 

"Sounds scary." 

"Not really. There are many things about Oni's that are misunderstood about." Maeve returned to her book while flipping to the next page. "Those, and many other creatures out there that are probably blind to the human eye." 

"You say that about a lot of creatures. You don't say the same for humans, do you?" 

"Not at all." Mave shook her head with a light smile. "Haven't you ever thought of it? Like I said, there are many things out there that we don't know." 

"And there are many things that certain students should be paying more attention to other than information that are found in books, Miss Maeve." The teacher called out as she made her way over to Maeve's desk. Maeve and Ember looked up at her teacher. "You have plenty of time for that during your free period. What I will ask of you, Miss Maeve, is to pay attention to today's lecture. Do I make myself, clear?" The teacher gave Maeve a stern look. 

"Yes Ma'am. It won't happen again." Maeve said with a nod. 

"It better not." The teacher turned around and continued with the lecture as the two girls looked at each other and snickered. 

School had ended for the day and all students had gone home. Maeve returned to an empty house. Frowning upon the condition of the house, Maeve sighed to herself and went straight to her room. 

Later that night, Maeve was awoken by the front door slamming. "Son of a bitch...!" A voice was heard downstairs. Maeve sighed, knowing well enough it was her mother returning from a bar at this time of night. Maeve got herself out of bed and went downstairs to greet her mother. 

It was only the two of them living in the household. Their father had left years back and it had been the mother and daughter ever since. Maeve got her mother a glass of water as the mother plopped herself on the couch in the dining room. "Welcome home, mother." Maeve said in a whisper. 

"Ugghhh..." The mother replied in a groan, clearly still drunk. 

"How was your time out?" Maeve continued the conversation. Her and her mother are not always on the same page, but family was still family to Maeve. No matter what circumstances they came across. Even with the father out of the picture, Maeve still loved her mother. She could care less about the father. 

"These men are nothing but assholes... No matter how many of them you round you, they still discard you... What a crock of shit..." The mother crumbled loud enough for Maeve to her, still in her drunken state. "Even you..." The mother suddenly glared. 

"Huh?" Maeve looked up to look at her mother. Suddenly her throat was grabbed, and she was thrown to the kitchen floor. 

"It's your fault! Why he left me! All because of you! I hate you! How could you do this to me!? To your own mother!" The mother screamed with anger as she stopped and beaten on her daughter's body. After a few minutes, the mother screamed again and backed away from her daughter's body while covering her face with her hands, crying into them. 

Maeve stayed lying on the floor. Her eyes looked dead, but she was silently humming to herself. This was an everyday routine with between Maeve and her mother. Maeve never hated her mother for this. Not one single negative thought crossed her mind whenever her mother acted this way towards her. Because she knew it wasn't her mother's fault for acting this way. 

Maeve was use to her mother's beatings and the bullying at school. None of that mattered to Maeve because she knew she could take care of herself. She had no other choice... With a mother who strives for a man and love, and the number of bullies she had to deal with while going to school. But, as long as she had friends and support, Maeve always stayed positive. 

A few months later, Maeve was in her free period, and she was outside school garden, reading another one of her books. "Hey Maeve."  Another one of her friends, Carter, approached her. 

"Carter." Maeve smiled at him before returning to her book. Carter took a seat next to her as the two sat in silence. Carter was also in Maeve's friend group. The two had a few things in common, but when they were together, they wouldn't make conversation or anything. The two would usually sit in silence and enjoy each other's company. 

"I always see you by yourself. Do you enjoy the lonesome?" Carter broke the silence. 

"I should be asking you the same thing. I sometimes see you by yourself, but I choose to not say anything." Maeve replied with a chuckle. 

"That's my choice." 

"And this is mine." 

The two laughed and silence took ahold again. Suddenly Catter snatched the book from Maeve's hands. "What are you reading anyway!? You're always reading a different book!" 

"Hey! Carter! Give that back! I'm not done reading that!" Maeve shouted back while trying to reach for her possession. 

"Come on! I wanna see what you're reading all the time!" Carter laughed and held Maeve by the waist, preventing her from grabbing her book. 

"It's none of your business! Now give it back!" Maeve reached for her book. She found herself onto his lap as Carter held her still with his arm still around her waist and his free hand still holding onto the book out of her reach. 

The laughing had died down and the two of them realized the position they were in. The two stared at each other before Maeve broke the silence, 

"Give me the book back. We need to head back to class soon. Free period is almost over." 

"We still got time." Carter suddenly tightened his grip. 

"Carter, I'm serious. Let me go." 

"Oh come on. What's the rush? You're into stuff like this, right?" 

"What?" Maeve gave him a confused look. "What are you-"

"You think I wouldn't notice the kind of books you read? Like this one. Don't you know what the contents include? I personally didn't know you were into that sort of stuff." 

"I'm not. I read for entertainment." Maeve began to struggle. 

"I don't think so." Carter smirked. "When reading this kind of book, you get all kinds of ideas in your head. What kind of thoughts run through your head when you read books like this? You dirty girl~" Carter whispered into her ear as his hand glided up her thigh. 

This sent shivers down Maeve's spine, causing her to go into a panic. "Carter, stop! Let me go!" Carter dropped the book and held Maeve into his lap. He grabbed ahold of both of her wrists with one hand and held them behind her back as he continued to hold her in place with his arm snaked around her waist. "You're hurting me! Please, stop! Let me go, Carter!" Maeve pleaded and began to cry. 

"You have no idea how hard you get me. How you're always such a tease." Carter grunted and muttered while undoing his belt and unzipping his fly. "Unless you don't want the whole school how much of a dirty whore you are, I suggest you do as I say. Whos' going to believe you anyway?" 

"Carter, we're friends..." Maeve whimpered. "Why are you doing this?" 

"We are friends. Shhh, listen, Maeve." Carter moved some of her hair out of her face. "I've always liked you. You are always a good friend. You're so beautiful. And I have to have you..." He whispered again with a growl. 

"You know what will happen if I were to tell someone..." Mave warned. She yelped when Carter grabbed the back of her head tightly. 

"Like I said, who is going to believe you anyway? It's your word against mine." 

"What are you talking about?" Maeve glared. 

"I know you, Maeve." Carter smirk. Maeve couldn't think of anything. What was he talking about? What could he know? She was confused yet scared at the same time. "Kiss me." Carter pressed his lips against hers, catching her off guard. 

Maeve's eyes widen, having her first kiss stolen from somebody she didn't like the same way that he liked her. While being stunned by the kiss, Carter snaked his hand underneath her skirt and moved her panties to the side. Maeve gasped in pain when she felt something big force its way inside her. Carter deepened the kiss to silence her cries. 

'It hurts!' Maeve shut her eyes tightly as tears poured down her cheeks. With her wrists behind held tightly together from behind her, and the pain in her private sex, she couldn't struggle anymore. 

"If you don't want anybody to hear us, keep that mouth of yours shut." Carter smirked against her ear. Maeve momentarily came back to reality when hearing this. She was going to say something until Carter went back to thrusting, making her bounce up and down. Maeve yelped and bit her lip to keep herself quiet, even though she was in pain...

Sometime later, Carter was a panting mess while Maeve was a whimpering mess. Her collarbone and neck were covered in hickeys and bitemarks as her thighs were printed with bruises and handprints. "That was amazing. You were so good. Let's do this again, yeah?" Carter whispered into the girl's ear before giving her a peck on the cheek. Carter then got himself together, fixed his clothes, and walked away from the school garden, leaving Maeve in such a state. 

Maeve's eyes were wide with terror and shock. She hugged herself tightly while trying to cover up anything part of her body that was exposed. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She couldn't believe her friend did this to her. Maeve didn't know what to think or do. 

After collecting herself and her thoughts, Maeve grabbed her things and ran out of the school in shame. She thought this thing would blow over in a few days. But it only got worse... Carter didn't stop what he was doing to her, and every time Maeve tried to fight back, Carter would get angry and lose control over himself. 

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years. Until graduation. Carter made sure that Maeve didn't say a word throughout their years of school. Even when Maeve went to go to help, nobody believed her. Some thought she was making it all up. The teachers tried all that they could to help, but they could only do so little. Her mother couldn't care less. Maeve's friends slowly began to change around her. Soon her friends became the bullies for reasons Maeve could never understand.

There was no way of getting out of it. Maeve accepted this because she didn't want to get any more beatings from Carter, or any of his friends that he would let have a go with her. Reality soon dawned on her. 




Was all she thought from the everyday abuse. Her red heart slowly turned black as the emotions she had once felt had died. The voice she once had was no longer heard. Slowly, Maeve was drained from her very existence. Everything that she was had been stripped away completely because of the life she lived. 

One night Maeve sat in her bedroom with her hair covering her eyes. Her body was covered in bitemarks, bruises, stained blood, tears, and sperm. Her breathing was shaky as her body trembled with hatred and disgust. She was in Carter's house as him and his friends were downstairs enjoying each other's company. 

'I can't take this anymore...!'  Maeve thought with such hatred before sobbing to herself. She calmed down her sobs before taking in a deep breath. 

"Hey God...
I'll be the jester...
Entertain ya, to the best of my ability
When I suffer more, fragility, when I answer
Pay me for a reason, oh-oh
So stop complaining, I'll have our seasons, oh-oh
It's not just a joke or a lesson to live through
Every which way and second there's a breakthrough..." 


More of MC's backstory will be explained along the story. You'll have to wait and see 

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