A Perfect World

Від KamiyukiAeria

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Please read the A/N in the story for more information. In the not too distant future, a war breaks out in the... Більше

Author Notes/Forward
Operation Judgment: The Last Chance to Change
Chapter One - Ring
Chapter Two - Fate
Chapter Three - Awakening
Deep Recollection
Chapter Four - The Training Program
Chapter Five - Snow Lily
Chapter Six - Anima
Chapter Seven - Realization
Chapter Eight - Theory
Chapter Nine - Answers
Chapter Ten - The Incident
Chapter Eleven - The World
Chapter Twelve - The Balance Affected by All
Operation Hoplite: The First Chance to Change
Encounter: Red Death
Chapter Fourteen - Afterglow
Chapter Fifteen - New Faces
Chapter Sixteen - The Tower
A little more...
Chapter Seventeen - The First Objective
Chapter Eighteen - The Japanese Forward Psychic Unit
Chapter Nineteen - The Search of Perfection

Operation Exploro: The Second Chance to Change

4 0 0
Від KamiyukiAeria

Chapter Twenty: The Second Chance to Change

November 5th, 2028

Weather: Unknown

The Time Left to us...

It's just how it was supposed to be...

Weeks have passed. It seemed like years.

We were put into VR training as the next day began. The trainers wasted no time in working on the new potential recruits. Strength training, mental training. VR Training. Day after day, hour after hour, we had trained

Eventually our hours amassed into thousands. Session after session. Covering hundreds of hours in a small span of time within the VR space. Eventually, the months surpassed years. All of it was condensed into a small time scale, all of about 3 years worth of experience supplanted into their minds.

To us, it really did show how much technology they hid. VR, memory implantation, battle plans all planted into their minds. There was no telling the amount of memory they had stored from previous combatants. We could feel their deaths, feel their fear, feel everything about them during those moments.

All it did... was harden us to the reality of battle.

In time, most of my friends turned into someone else. Even I started to lose who I was once...maybe that's why... Maybe that's why War is a horrible, horrible reality.

In time, I started to wonder. If there existed a world without war. Without strife. Without any of the problems we face now...would it be perfect? For once?

2155 Hours... Operation Exploro

"EzBrief. Trust in defense."

"Welcome, Team Omega Six. You have passed all of your training tests and exams with the highest marks. You have been authorized to partake in your very first mission. Your team leader will be Yuki, Sixth Lower Lieutenant."

The screen then switched into showing the layout of the area they would be sent to. "We have reports of Sekai-Axis groups residing in the western Yamagata prefecture. According to our intel, they have begun to make an old college campus as their base." It then zoomed in to show the campus area as it stands.

"The Sekai took over this campus after attacking it earlier this year. Unfortunately, we had no one to send into to remove them from the grounds. We're certain that there could still be leftover hostages, so please keep an eye out." It then showed the missing persons report on those that used to reside there.

"Your team will be alone, as this is a small-scale assault. Should you need support, we will send another team to help you. However, this will reflect poorly on your career. Remember, that you are all getting paid for each incapacitation. We wish you good luck."

As the briefing ended, Yuki looked at the rest of her group. She then looked down at her watch, as the time finally ticked over to 2200 hours, 10 PM JST. "Local time. Twenty-two-hundred-hours. Mission starts. It's time. Let's go." Yuki said in a short manner, her expression was rough, much more than before. Her uniform rustled a little as she stood up from her seat, her boots making almost no noise as she steadied herself. She was dressed in uniform, usual garb and colors, but upon her back was a large see-through shield.

She stood up in the small interior and held onto the bars above them. The low hum of the helicopter sounded through the interior. All of them stood up, before they all donned their own helmets. They all held their respective weapons, although this time they were given more standardized gear.

Orpheus looked forward at her and narrowed his eyes slightly. "To think they'd rush us through 36 months of training in a few weeks..." he muttered to himself, slight disdain in his voice. He could hear Sara let out a huff, before she spoke, "I didn't like it at all...but I don't want to be alone..."

Orpheus took her arm in his. "As long as you stick with us, you'll be fine. Alright?" He gave her a smile, trying to help lighten her mood. He could see her eyes stare up at him and blink slowly, before then giving him a weak smile. "Good. Lower Lieutenant, we're ready." Instead of his old self...he's changed slightly in the augmented year.

"Alright. We'll be landing in a moment. Remember, this is a real mission. If you die, you're dead. So...let's not let ourselves get caught like that. Jorgen, as our combat medic, you'll take up the rear. Sara will be with you." She then placed her own helmet on. "Aria and Orpheus will be with me in the front."

They both nodded, however, Orpheus would still be standing next to Sara. He looked at her and then patted her on the head, before putting on his helmet as well. Sara nodded, and slid her helmet on too. They all stood there as they awaited it to land.

After a moment, they felt the craft touch the ground. As soon as they did, one of the pilots turned about to face them. "We're here. You're ready to go whenever. We'll remain here for your pickup." They gave them a thumbs up as the doors slid open.

"Thank you Cam." Yuki spoke, before immediately moving to the door. "Let's go." Exiting the craft, the wind rushed at them. The cold Autumn air hit her. "It's already that time of year..." She said under her breath. Her eyes looked, scanning every shadow and inch of the landing zone. "It looks clear for now. No sign of anyone."

Orpheus quickly followed her. It was then that Aria came out of the craft after them. She wore a lighter suit than the rest, but she also had a visor on her head. On her back, was a rifle, which would use in case they needed it."I've scanned the surroundings. It seems they're waiting for us to enter the complex, or they're just deaf and didn't hear our craft incoming."

Yuki nodded. "It's likely that this is a trap. But..." she looked around, before beginning to walk forward. "...they don't seem like they want to attack right away." The other two came out behind them. Sara in her full gear, while Jorgen sighed as he was forced to wear a backpack that weighed him down a little. In it, was a communication system.

"No complaining, I already know you don't like it, Jorgen." After she finished speaking, she looked ahead to what stood in front of them. "This must be the entrance hall...fitting." Yuki narrowed her eyes. It has been a month since they were once students too... She felt some sort of nostalgia for what stood in front of her, but she also felt pain from how they too, were uprooted from their life.

Yuki looked back at her team, giving them one last glance, before hoisting up her shield and moving. "Let's move."


The interior was dark, like a surveillance vehicle. The screens were bright, and the windows blackened out. A certain man sat and watched Yuki's team enter the building, smiling as he did so. Next to him, was a woman, wearing a headset that almost looked like the primitive VR headsets.

"So it seems they've taken the bait...my, my, you really are smart Cee-Vee-oh-five..."

"That's my ability. Being one of the newer prototypes, I am one of the best combat forecasters. However, I did ensure that our forces kept our little hostages there. It would provide a very fine spectacle" Adam sneered. "Well, this is honestly going so much better to the plan. Although...was it in your plans to have Crimson get captured? I'm not worried in any way at all...but I'm concerned if she'll defect."

CVO5 scoffed. "I already planned for that. She's most likely going to, but...what she doesn't know is that I already have overwritten the system that lies within her." She flicked her fingers about, pulling up her file. "We ensured we would improve her capabilities, and we did. When the time is right, I will ensure that the system we implanted within her injects the full might of the GW drug."

Adam started to clap. "Well done, you're far more impressive than I had imagined. It seems that...with each new iteration, we all get stronger." He started to pace around in the small interior. His eyes were locked onto the screens as he saw them look about the hall. "I wonder though. I've gotten word that Mr. K wanted to select one of his...'newer' children to enter combat. Might you know who?"

CVO5 smiled. "His name is Bee-vee-oh-one. He is the very newest of us. Unlike us Shi-vee units...these new Bee-vees are specifically hard crafted from an unknown person's combat data." She pulled him up on the screen, showing his data. "Chosen name: Klaus Sycamore. He's installed with the Arin-Type Combat data."

"The Arin-Type data...I've never seen it in action before." CVO5 narrowed her eyes. "I feel as though he's already in the 4th phase of tests. The final production types should be ready then...which means that we're legacy types..." A sudden realization came over him, but he kept it to himself.

"We may be the Legacy types, but keep in mind, we possess abilities far stronger than them. The Arin-Type data was downsized to be efficient in specifically sword fighting. We Legacy types are also not bogged down with their personal vendettas as they are. We have more free-will than they will. Also...should the incoming Commander-types be ready...we'll see them being even weaker."

Back within the complex...

Yuki led her team past the main hall, and into the Food Court. "We've made it into the Food Court without any signs of enemies. They must likely be in the basement below." Yuki then looked at her arm band, which had been scanning the entire floor since they entered.

Aria stood behind her, puzzled. "I swear I saw about a dozen people just...waiting for us, now my readings show that there's no one here..." She started to look around then, concerned. She could see Orpheus ready his weapon, feeling the tense emotions starting to emanate from him.

Yuki looked back at her and then reassured her. "We'll be alright, even if they ambush us. We can run if we need to." She gave her a short smile as Aria nodded. "It's a tense situation, as we could die any moment, but please let's keep ourselves calm." Her eyes scanned the darkness, her helmet running deep noise detection.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone move. "Stop." She said to her team, looking in the direction from where it came. Raising her shield up, she directed them to the hallways, using hand movements to do so. Within, they could see various tables and chairs knocked over, as well as various things lying on the floor.

Deeper down, they could hear something fall over. Yuki moved back a little, gently whispering to Aria, "I want you to run a scan behind us. The moment anything pops into your range, warn us." Yuki knew something was up, and she felt they were about to find out.

Proceeding down the hallway even more, they finally met a crux in their path. Two different hallways, both even darker than it was already. That was when Aria warned them.

"Four Enemies, approaching from the rear!"

Immediately, they all turned, weapons readied. In front of them, they saw four armed men, hands on their triggers. "Put your hands up. We'll have you surrounded in a moment!"

"Protect Jorgen, ensure that he isn't harmed!" Yuki yelled as she took the initiative, holding her shield up, she sprinted towards them. Bullets started to fly towards her team, before she pushed a button. The shield grew in size to cover the entirety of the hallway, blocking the bullets, before ramming it into them, knocking them to the ground.

They all scrambled to get back up, only to have 4 sets of weapons pointed at them. Sara, Aria, Yuki, and Orpheus held them down. "Leave this place and your weapons, or face the consequences." Yuki wanted to try offering peace, wanted to at least try it just that once.

"You think we'll stand down to insolent children like psychics? You're part of the reason why this world isn't equal!"

Yuki felt the rage build up in her heart. 'So, this is what it felt like for my father...' she thought, before pulling the trigger. "Anyone else?" she yelled to the other three, they shook their heads, before getting up to run away.

"Enemies from the rear!" Aria shouted, with Jorgen already opening fire upon them.

Yuki did her best to get back in front to protect them. She held up her shield, but saw that she had used up a battery charge for the extension. "Find cover, or stand behind me!" Yuki held her hand around the shield, firing at them with her handgun. The bullets bounced off of the shield, ricocheting into the walls next to them.

Aria took cover behind one of the tables, which happened to have bullet holes in it already. Seeing as it was more of a hiding place, than an actual cover piece, she decided that it would be safer to pull the rifle off of her back. She looked at it for a moment, before gulping. "I'm sorry..." she whispered.

Standing up over the table, she aimed with the dot-sight equipped rifle, before taking out two of those firing at them. It took only but a moment before the fire was trained on her. Aria took a hit to her chest. "Aah!" she cried out. Taking cover once more, she coughed slightly. "Jorgen, take care of her!" She could hear Yuki yell.

She looked up as Jorgen started to open her uniform. "Excuse me for a moment..." she heard him say as she could hear her blood pumping in her ear. The pain was incredible, she felt like she was punched hard in the chest. She felt him check over her wound, before then using that specific gel from before.

She watched him fill the wound, before he began to cover it up with a patch of gauze. "This'll have to do for now..." She could feel the pain go away, but the discomfort was also still there. However, the fact that she had been shot for the first time, had awakened a...fear of sorts. Going through the simulations, she would get hit, but she knew that she was fine.

She started to hyperventilate a little. Feeling herself starting to lose control of her emotions. This was when her eyes started to unfocus, everything starting to blur. The noises of the gunfire were drowned out for a time. It felt like hours that the flashing lights and muffled noises would happen.

Everything went black for a moment, before she came to Yuki smacking her face to wake her up. She was dazed. The shock of the moment forced her unconscious, the shock of a...more real battle. "I...I'm fine.." Aria whispered, starting to catch her breath. She then finally had the realization of who was in front of her.

"S-sorry... I got careless. I should've warned you when I had decided to do that." She started to breathe heavier, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I...almost died, didn't I...?" Her words were met with a smile, but then a stern expression.

"While I'm glad you're alive... You should ask for permission or tell us when you're going to do something. It's important." Yuki raised her hand towards her.

Aria flinched and closed her eyes, but was met with a gentle touch to her cheek. Opening her eyes, she looked to see Yuki staring into her own face. "It's alright. They're all gone. Every last one of them."

Somehow, those cold words hurt her more. She could feel, deep down. Yuki's heart was breaking, was quivering. It hurts from being forced to hurt others. It wasn't ok after all, wasn't it?

End of Recording

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