My Innocent Baby Boy

By Mehersingh13

12.5K 744 90

Ever heard of those stories where the girl falls first but the boy falls harder? Yep. Exactly the same thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End.

Chapter 7

343 20 0
By Mehersingh13

"Where were you Hea?" She heard the rough voice stopping her.

Hea rolled her eyes as she closed the front door.

"Great. Now I have to deal with another one of these dicks myself."

"What did you say young lady?"

'Nothing, old man.' Hea thought as she turned to see her father.

"Nothing Father." She said, sarcastically.

"Answer my question. Why did you take so long to come home from school? Were you at a club?"

She scoffed. "You know me very well father. Yes, I was at the club. Fucking a 60 something year old man."

Her father got angrier.

"Can't allow them to dominate you, right?" She asked sarcastically.

Hea then rolled her eyes again and left to her room.

Mr. Kang started ranted as the girl climbed the step about how he was unlucky to have her as his daughter and all sorts of things.

"Yea, yea." Hea scoffed again before shutting the door loudly.

She freshened up and opened her journal from today's study session.

"Okay. Come on Hea. You can do this." She said as she encouraged herself to do the homework Jimin gave her.

Her mind then went to Jimin.

What was he doing now?
Is he hurt?
Who was that lady?

"Alright done." She closed her book.

She jumped on her bed and lay awake. Her mind was just thinking about Jimin.

"Why am I so interested in him? I can't be falling right? Ughhh." She groaned.

Grabbing her phone, she searched for her cousin's contact.

"Bitch what are you doing?" She asked as he picked up on first ring.

"Nothing. Ya miss me?" The girl heard his teasing voice on the other side making her roll her eyes.

"Actually I do."

She heard something fall then a loud gasp.

"Am I dreaming?! Or did the Kang Hea say she misses me?!"

"No I think you're dying." She deadpanned in response to his dramatic self.

"Aaaaaand she is back." Daniel declared.

"Just come back quickly bitch."

"Funny how you are calling me a bitch but begging me to come back home." He teased.

"Man, I don't got no one to do pranks with."

"You got your friends."

"Oh please." She chuckled, "They don't get into shit like that."

She heard laughing on the other side. "Don't worry, I am back by the next three days."

Hea groaned earning a chuckle from her cousin.

They stayed on the phone and talked about their day.

Hea told Daniel about all what happened today and he was shocked.

"Looks like troublemaker is going to get herself in trouble once again. But still though. I hope you find out who is harassing your cute tutor."

"Hey back off bitch." She defended.

"I guess someone likes him~" Her cousin teased her.

"No I don't." She denied.

"Well then can I have him?" He asked, cheekily.


"So you do?" He teased.

"No I don't."

And just like that, the cousins bickered and talked, then bickered until Daniel fell asleep on the call. Hea chuckled when she heard his snoring and she ended the call.

She then placed her head on her pillow and fell asleep.

The last thought on her mind being Jimin.

~~~~ Next morning

"Wake up my lovely Hea~~~~ You gotta get your ass outta bed~~~"

"What the fuck." The girl opened her eyes and sat up on the bed.

She looked for the source.

"No one is definitely in my room, so where the fuck is his annoying voice coming from? He is in New Zealand for Christ's sakes."

Hea traced the sound and found a little tape in her draw.

"Really bitch?" She groaned.

Then her phone rang. She saw the caller's id and huffed.

"Really? That's how you wake me up? To that annoying fucking tape of your horrible singing?"

Daniel laughed. "Well good morning to you too cuz."

"It's not a good morning since I woke up to that." She huffed as she got out of bed.

"Oh come on. I have to be there with you somehow!" He teased.

"Whatever." Hea groaned again as she threw the tape in a cupboard.

"Let me go get ready for school in peace." She told him before flipping him off and cutting the call.

Hea got ready quickly cause she finally made up her mind to do something.

She skipped out of the house, but not in the direction of school. She walked further down her street until she came across the familiar driveway.

Hea hid waiting for the boy to come outside.

When she saw him finally, he was walking with his head down, hoodie on and avoiding the eyes of all the guards.

He left the gate and as he was walking peacefully, Hea jumped out of the bushes and yelled.

"Ahh!" Jimin hissed while looking at the laughing girl.

"Hi there!" She waved.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, walking away from her.

"Well~ I came to walk with you to school!"

He turned to her with a look of disbelief.

She shrugged. "Like I said. I just want to."

They walked together in silence then Hea pulled out an energy bar from her bag and handed it to him.

"Have this." She said without looking at him.

Jimin stopped again and just stared at her.

'Does she know about me? Does she know what happened?' The boy thought.

"Do you want me to feed you, baby boy?" Hea cut him from his thoughts as she stared back at him with her brows raised and a smirk.

He took the bar while giving her a silent thanks. She smiled.

Hea watched as Jimin finished it quickly like if he was starving for days.

She wanted to press further but she thought it's better to wait and become actual friends with him first.

"You know, for a bad girl, you really do act the opposite." Hea heard him mutter a while afterwards.

"Bad girls can be good. Sometimes..." She shrugged and then she smirked.

"Why? Do you want me to be a bad girl for you, baby boy?" Hea's tone was changed to a seductive, flirty one as she blinked and batted her eyelashes.

"U-um that's." He got red and she laughed.

"Chill I am just kidding." She held her stomach from laughing that much.

"Oh." She heard him say.

After minutes of silence, they arrived at school and Hea followed him into class.

There was not much students as yet since Daniel woke her up very early.

They both were in the class quietly. Hea was thinking very hard in that mind of hers.

Now you might be thinking, what is she thinking?

'Hmm. Do I have any tools in my locker for a blockbuster prank?'

Yep, Hea was concocting her own little prank show for later in the day.

When she finally decided on what to do, she needed recruits and the perfect person came to mind.

The girl smiled and pulled out her sketch book.

Looking at Jimin closely, her hands picked up the pencil unconsciously and her hands worked, on the image of him reading a book.

"Good morning." Her teacher's voice made Hea snap out of her trance and look at her.

"Someone's finally early." The elder lady mocked.

Jimin just kept his head down while Hea rolled her eyes.

"Someone's finally dressing like a person." Hea retorted.

The teacher gasped but angrily sat waiting for the others.

Hea scoffed lowly, and continuing sketching.

Students entered and class went by as usual.

At lunch, Hea waltzed over to Jimin's table and took a seat coolly. The two young ones greeted her but Jimin kept his head in the book. She smiled a little but turned to Jungkook.

"Imma need your help with something kid."

He gasped holding his heart.

"Whatever you want Ms. Hea." He bowed his head, giggling.

Hea laughed as well but got up and pulled him with her.

They went into an empty classroom.

Jungkook looked around and closed his eyes dreamily.

"I never thought this would happen." He whispered, sighing in content.

Hea almost giggled at his thoughts and walked closer to him. She trapped him and spoke in a husky tone.

"What are you thinking about Kookie?" 

He gulped.

'We must stay focused brothers and sisters. Jimin hyung would kill me if I touched his girl.'

Hea burst out laughing and stopped cornering him.

"I called you here because I need reinforcement! For a job?"

"What job?" He asked curiously, after composing himself.

Hea leaned forward and whispered the plan to him.

When she was done, Jungkook look surprised and happy at the same time.

"You're in?" She held out her hand.

"In." He declared shaking it and they smiled.

"So let's start."


"Kang Hea!"

"Oopsie." She whispered while walking into the classroom.

There stood the homeroom teacher with her hands on her hips.

Hea almost laughed out loud seeing the teacher's hair.

It looked like she was electrocuted. Hair standing up all over the place.

And she looked like the mad woman scientist with her angry face.

The girl chuckled.

She and Jungkook got sparks and placed them on the top of the chair. When the teacher sat, they exploded and messed up her hair. With only smoke and standing up hair strands.

Yet the teacher was so angry.

Her and Jungkook were outside watching her reaction and Jungkook ran away the minute the teacher yelled while Hea laughed.

"Are you listening to me Ms. Kang?!" The lady screeched.

Hea shook her head.

"Nope. Just zoned out for a while."

"To the principal's office!!" Mrs. Lee screamed before leaving the class to fix her appearance.

Hea entered the office and smiled at her uncle.

"Hey uncle." She grinned.

"What prank did you pull now?" He sighed.

"You know me so well!" She reached over to kiss his cheeks.
"Anyways. I just kind off messed with that lady's hair a bit. Don't worry. The explosives weren't real so there wasn't any damage." She explained grinning.

"Maybe to her pride, yes." She chuckled.

Her uncle groaned. "Hea what is it with you and that woman! She's your teacher."

"I won't tell you." She shrugged.

"Fine. Just get out of here and go to class." He commanded and the girl smiled.

She waved him bye and slipped away to class.

As she was about to open the door, she saw the teacher entering as well.

"Sup teach?" She asked as her hand went to the doorknob.

The lady glared at her, and Hea glared back.

After couple seconds, the teacher straightened her posture and entered the classroom leaving Hea behind.

"That's what I thought bitch."

The girl entered as well and took her seat at the back, trying to stay awake. She did so successfully for half of the class but feel asleep and woke up little before class ended.

When everyone left, she followed Jimin to the library.

They settled down and Jimin marked her homework.

Surprisingly, she got only two incorrect.

"That's good. Solve these now. It's a practice paper to see how much you actually know." He ordered quietly.

Hea finished in half an hour and while Jimin was marking, he suddenly went back this morning. Seeing his teacher in the hallway with hair like the character from Home Alone movie.

"Why'd you pulled that prank this morning?" He asked quietly.

"I wanted to." She shrugged.

"What happened to bad girls being good?"

She turned to him. "I said sometimes.." She replied then winked.

Jimin cleared his throat.
"Alright. 76% on the quiz. Not bad but we're aiming for a hundred."

Hea groaned.

Jimin proceeded to educate her on the the ones she got wrong and told her the answers.

Time flew by quickly and next thing Hea was walking alongside Jimin on the rocky road to his house, in silence.

She had no idea what to ask.

And he had no idea what to say.

To say it was awkward would be an understatement...

"Soooo. Here we are." The girl told him as she stopped little far from his house.

He thanked her quietly with a head nod and walked inside.

"It's progress... I guess?" She asked herself as she watched him go inside and shut the door.

Hea walked back to her house and thanked the heavens her father wasn't home.

"I am out on a business trip for a month. Don't continue to be a bitch and bring boys in my house."

She rolled her eyes at her father's note.

"Fuck you too." She threw it in the bin after ripping it.

One thing she was glad for is that her father dismissed all the maids and guards from staying this time.

Her phone rang just as she threw herself on the couch.

"I am not even there and you still managed to pull a prank. How rude."

Her cousin's voice rang on the facetime call.

"Let me guess, uncle told you?"

"I have my sources."

"Oh those unreliable shit for sources." She teased.

"They are reliable."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are. Not."

Before Daniel could reply, he heard his mother shouting.

"Danny! Leave my poor Hea alone and stop arguing with her!"

Daniel huffed and Hea laughed.

"Is that Aunt Zoe in the background?" She asked smiling.

Just then, the older woman appeared in the screen and waved. Hea waved back at her aunt excitedly.

Aunt Zoe smacked behind Daniel's head.

"Why are you troubling my poor daughter?!"

"But Mom. I am your son!" He whined while Hea laughed.

"She's my daughter! And I won't let you trouble this innocent child." The lady said walking away to clean up the room.

"Innocent my ass. Plus she started it." Daniel mumbled.

"What'd you say?!" His mom turned back at him.

"Nothing my sweet mother."

"I thought so." She confirmed then waved Hea good bye and left the room.

When the door was locked, Hea started laughing.

"Yea Yea. She loves you more than me." Her cousin sulked.

"Awww. Too bad." She stuck her tongue out.

"By the way. How come you're on the couch? You're normally in your room."

"He's on a business trip." She shrugged.

"Ohhhh. So what do you plan on doing?"

"Watch tv and sleep."

"Sounds like you."

Hea rolled her eyes playfully at his comment.

"Kang Daniel!"

The boy widened his eyes hearing his mother's shout and Hea smiled widely.

"What did you do now?" She asked.

"Where are my freshly baked cookies!"

"Oops." He whispered.

His cousin laughed at him. "Go deal with your mom and better apologize seven times. Oh and don't die!"

They ended the call and Hea changed into some sweats then plunged on the couch.

She had snacks and the TV on.

After couple hours, the girl finally fell asleep on the couch with the TV still playing.

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