The Baby (Drarry)

By yoshiiSobo

214K 3.7K 3.8K

When Harry messes up a potion in class which cause a black and blonde toddlers to pop out. I couldn't find an... More

Potions Class
The Problem.
Toddler names
Chap 4 (idk what to title)
Chap 6
Chap 8
Chap 10
One week left
The leaving
The ending

Chap 7

14.3K 229 565
By yoshiiSobo

Harry woken up earlier than Draco. He walked into the kitchen as his usual routine in cooked breakfast. He looked at the calendar. "Fuck, We have school next week!" He groaned. It was a Wednesday. "Daddy" He turned to meet Scorpius. "Hey Scorps" Scorpius waved at him.

"What's that?" He asked. "What's what?" He said confused. "That your making" Harry turned. "Eggs and Bacon" Scorpius frowned. "Can I have cereal instead dada?" He asked. Harry frowned. "Fine"

He heard knocking he opened the door to see Hermione and Ron. "Hi guys!" He said hugging them. "Hi Harry!" Hermione said excitedly. "Hey mate" Ron said.

"So how's everything going?" Hermione asked. "Alright" Harry responded. Scorpius grabbed onto Ron's leg. Ron looked down. "Up up?" He asked. Ron awed. He picked the boy up. "Hi Scorpius!" He said. The boy waved. "Daddy where's papa?" Lily said walking into the kitchen. "Uhh.. in his room. I think" She nodded in left.

"Who does Scorpius and Lily adore more?" Hermione asked. "I adore daddy more" Scorpius yelled. "Lily adores Malfoy more" Harry said. "I figured after what we heard at hogsmeade" Ron said and Hermione slapped him. "Ow!" He yelped. Ron put Scorpius down so he could eat his Cereal. "It's fine guys she apologized" Harry said.

"I can't wait to see you next week! Everyone figured out what happened" Hermione said. "I know" Harry said deep down he knew he didn't.

Draco walked into the kitchen holding Lily. He rolled his eyes when he saw Ron and Hermione. "Wow good to see you to" Ron sarcastically said. "Shut up weaselbee" He said. Ron scoffed. "Stop" Harry told Malfoy. He heard Draco mumble something under his breathe.

"We're getting a four day weekend starting tomorrow!" Hermione excitedly said. "Would you wanna come to hogsmeade with us?" Ron asked. "Sure" He smiled. "Daddy can I come with you?" Scorpius asked. "Yeah sure" Harry said.


"Scorpius wake up buddy" Harry whispered. He was all dressed to go out. Scorpius woke up. "Okay dada"

Time skip.

After Scorpius was all dressed Harry went to go tell Draco they were leaving. He walked inside to meet Draco sitting up on his bed reading. "What?" Draco said. "Me and Scorpius are going to hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione." He said. "Oh alright take care I guess" Draco said not caring. "Okay bye"

He left when Lily walked out. "Daddy? Where are you going?" She said confused. "Hogsmeade" She only nodded and made her way to Draco's room.


Hermione, Ron, Harry and Scorpius were sitting on the train making their way to Hogsmeade. "Ronny" Scorpius said. Ron turn to look at him. "Yes?" He responded. "I want you to wear this!" He said excitedly. He handed him a necklace with a half snake on it. Ron smiled he put it on. They had matching snake necklaces. "I love it Scorps!" He said admiring the necklace.

"Lucky bitch" Hermione muttered to Ron. Ron snickered. Harry was looking outside the window. "What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked. Harry turn to look at Her. "I'm just wondering what's gonna happened when we leave hogwarts since y'know we leave in one month" He said concerned a little. "Harry, everything's gonna be alright" Hermione said. "Yeah Mate, you and Malfoy will think of something" Ron said.

The train stopped in they got off. Scorpius was holding Ron's hand. "Where first?" Ron asked. "Candy shop?" Hermione said. "Yay! Daddy can I get sweets?" Scorpius asked Harry. "Of course" Scorpius giggled.

Little time skip.

After they bought their candy's Scorpius begin to eat some. "Scorpius don't eat all of them" Harry said laughing. "But there so GOOD!" He said. Ron begin to eat a chocolate frog. "Woah!" Ron said. Hermione and Harry turn to look at him. "Look Harry!" He said excitedly showing the card to see Harry on it winking. "Seriously" Harry chuckled.

As they were walking they saw Draco and Lily with Blaise and Pansy. "I didn't even know they were coming" Harry said. "DADDY!! ITS PAPA!" Scorpius yelled. Which Scorpius made a run to hug Draco from behind. "What the" Draco said he turned to see Scorpius. "Hey bud" He said smiling hugging him. "Hi Papa!" He said giggling. "Where's dada?" He asked confused. Harry finally caught up catching for his breathe with Ron and Hermione behind him.

"Scorpius you can't run off like that" Harry said between breathes. "Sorry daddy" Scorpius apologized. "Hi Scorpius!" Pansy said excited. "Hi Pansy!" He said hugging her.

Lily and Scorpius then hugged. "Hi dada!" Lily said waving. "Hey Lily" Harry said.


Pansy and Blaise went on their own ways and so did Hermione and Ron at hogsmeade. Draco and Harry were walking with Scorpius and Lily. "I wasn't expecting to see you guys here" Harry said after awhile of silence. "Oh, well we left after you guys did"

Harry only nodded. It was awkward after last night. They heard gunshots and people begin to run and scream. "DADDY! IM SCARED!" Scorpius yelled crying. Lily was holding onto Draco. "LETS GO HURRY!" They didn't have their wands at that moment. They ran into alley. "papa.. I'm scared" Lily said with tears holding Draco. "Malfoy what the hell are we gonna do?" Draco turn to look at him. "I don't fucking know?!" He snapped.

After a few moments There was a portal next to them came out Lucias and Narcissa. "Mother, Father?!" He said. "Hurry come on!" She hurried them into the portal. They were inside the Malfoy Manor.


"What's happening?!" Draco asked confused. "We saved you idiot" Lucias said. Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh well we also wanted to see our grandchildren" Lucias said. Lily and Scorpius we're holding onto Harry behind Draco.

Narcissa walked towards the kids. "Hello angels, I'm your grandmother" She said smiling. "Where she isn't an angel" Draco said smirking. Lily scoffed. "How old are they?" Lucias asked. "Four but Lily acts like a seven year old" Draco said. "sand how are you darling?" Narcissa asked Harry. "Good.. thank you for asking" he said cracking a small smile.

"Father! Take us back to hogwarts! We could get expelled" Draco said to his father. "Don't worry about it Draco" he told him. "Aren't you kids getting a four day weekend either way?" Narcissa joined in. "Yes mother, but either way we still have to be at hogwarts" Draco told her. "Just stay Dumbledore won't mind" Lucias said. "But-"
"No buts" He said. Draco nodded his head as an response.

"Follow me dears" Narcissa said. They all followed her except Lucias into a room. "You guys can sleep in here. And there's a room for Scorpius and Lily" Draco shook his head. "Mother! Im not sharing a room with him!" He said angrily. Harry rolled his eyes. "Draco" he shook his head. "No mother" He said walking out of the room. "Sorry Harry" Harry only nodded.

Harry sat on his bed while Scorpius was on the ground playing with Lily.

"Where's papa?" Scorpius asked. "Not sure" the twins stood up to find Draco they walked out and met with Narcissa. "Grandma where's papa?" Lily asked. "In his room darling" She pointed to his door. "Thank you!" She thanked her. They both went and knocked on the door. "Go away" Was heard from inside. "Papa!" Lily yelled. The door opened. "Yes Lily and Scorps?" He said.

"can we come inside?" Scorpius asked. "Of course" They both walked into the room amazed it was huge green and black. Draco closed the door. "Papa what's wrong?" Scorpius asked. "Nothing" He smiled.

He gotten in an argument with Harry after they arrived and with his parents. The argument wasn't about the room thing.

"Father why don't you love daddy?" Lily asked. "I just.. Not sure" he said awkwardly. "Daddy seemed upset" Scorpius told Draco. "It's alright he'll get over it. I know it" He said. He heard a knock and the door open to show Harry. "What is it Potter?" Draco frowned. "I just wanted to just come with you and the kids" Draco rolled his eyes. Harry felt upset and was about to leave. "Just stay Potter" he heard. Harry say next to him awkwardly. "Daddy why are you so awkward?" Scorpius laughed and so did Lily.

"W-What? Im not awkward? Am I?" He turn to Draco. "Yes you very are" Draco said laughing. He scoffed. "Haha Papa says your awkward" Lily laughed out loud.

Narcissa knocked on the door. "Food is done" She said. "Okay thanks mother" Draco said getting up. "Yay!" Lily and Scorpius ran out. "So Malfoy.." Draco turn to look at him. "Not mad anymore?" He questioned. "no" Draco told him. Harry nodded. "Damn, you are so awkward" He laughed. "Shut up" Harry playfully slapped him and laughed they went to eat.


"Scorpius, Lily time for bed" Draco yelled. "Aw! No I don't want to go to bed!" Lily pouted. "Come on" She stormed. Scorpius ran to their room. Harry walked into the twins room with Draco.

"I don't want to go to bed!!" Lily yelled. "Lily stop yelling" Draco said. She rolled her eyes. "Stop it" Harry said. Scorpius was already in bed. "Why are you so much trouble?!" Harry greeted through his teeth. "Who else do you think I got it from?" She rolled her eyes Harry looked at Draco. "Oh come on Potter" He rolled his eyes.

Harry started to tuck Lily in bed. But she kept pushing everything out of bed. "Lily stop it!" She snapped at her. "WELL I DONT WANNA GO TO SLEEP!" She screamed. "Lily shut the fuck up! MY PARENTS ARE SLEEPING!?" He yelled. "Now your both gonna wake them up you dipshits" Harry said. "Potter shut the fuck up. Lily get the fuck in bed in shut up I don't give a single shit if you don't wanna sleep" Harry turned to him. "Stop cussing!" He snapped at Draco.

Scorpius had enough. "STOP YELLING! I JUST WANNA SLEEP!" He cried out. They turn to look at him. "Listen to your brother for once Lily" Draco sneered. "Shut up Malfoy, Lily just go to bed" Harry told her. She rolled her eyes. "Well what I don't want to?" She said. "Don't try to act smart." Draco said. No one realized that Scorpius got out of bed he walked towards Lily in slapped her on her cheek.

She started to cry. "SCORPIUS?!" Harry yelled. "She wouldn't go to bed and someone had to do it?" He shrugged. "Scorpius go back to bed!" Harry told him.  He groaned. Lily then went quiet. She yawned in went to sleep. "Let's get out of here" Harry nodded They said their goodbye to Scorpius and left.

"Finally" Harry said in relief. "Yeah" he looked at Draco. "What?" Draco asked. "Nothing" Draco only nodded. "So like about last night.." Draco looked at him. "Oh.." Draco forgot about last night. "I forgot about that" Harry only nodded.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Harry looked at him. "I was gonna take a shower" They both begin to run to there rooms getting there clothes and ran to the bathroom. "I was here first" Draco said. "For your correction I was here first!" He said.

"Just get out Potter!" Harry shook his head.  "No!" He told him. "Might as well take a shower with me" Draco rolled his eyes. "I might as well"

"Potter! Seriously get out I'm taking a shower!"


Draco hopped in the shower taking his clothes off and then begin to start the water. "SERIOUSLY MALFOY!?" Harry couldn't see him cause the cloth was in the way. Harry begin to take his clothes off in join Draco. "POTTER!? WHAT THE FUCK?" He yelled luckily there was a silent charm. "I needed a shower either way" He smirked.


They begin to kiss. Draco begin to kiss his neck. "Sex?" Draco asked. "Yes" Harry responded. Harry turned around and bent over. Draco aimed and went for it. "Fuck" Harry moaned out. Draco set his hands on the side of Harry's waist he pushed him forward and back. "Fuck Potter!" He groaned. "D..Draco!" He moaned out. Draco hit a spot that sent Harry to go crazy. "DRACO! OH, MERLIN" He moaned out.

Draco begin to thrust into that same spot. "DRACO I-IM CLOSE" He moaned loudly. He had tears and was screaming. Harry then came. Draco came inside of Harry. "Fuck Harry, that was hot." He moaned. He let go of Harry. "Fuck" Harry groaned.


They went to their own beds and fell asleep 😴


Long chapter sorry 😡

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