The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

388K 11.1K 3.9K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 55

1.8K 93 20
By YamagsuKami

Through the passing of his life, he had felt multiple emotions.

Happiness. Anger. Shame. Pity. Sadness. Bitterness. All kinds of emotions, some more than others. But now... He felt a mix of the negative ones.

As if all negative emotions desired to team up and bombard him in a hurricane of shame.

He was pathetic.

All that effort for nothing. He gave his all even sacrificing his sanity and life just so he could accomplish one goal... Killing Cain and making the world a better place.

But he didn't.

He failed.

Cain was still alive and he...

He was caged in a prison that he didn't know the way out...

In Purgatory. Again.

All alone.

Just like the other time, but this time there wasn't anyone to save him. He was in the deep... and he would drown in it.

Like the pitiful person that he was...

Y/N's head went down as some tears stained the cursed ground that he was knelt on.

"I am sorry. I've failed."

He had failed Valiana. Sirzechs, Issei, Akeno, Grayfia. Everyone he held dear.

Perhaps this was his punishment for having the blood of the scorned in him?

Failing everyone you held dear to your heart and leave them alone. He couldn't protect them while he was here... He was Powerless.

Lucifer defeated him in the mental battle. And his father, Cain technically won that fight because he received the worst end of the battle. The most important battle in his life and he was defeated.

His eyes caught a glimpse of his dark blades lying next to him. Pride and Greed.

His hands moved slowly towards them and admired them in his grasp with a devoid look on his face.

He then turned the sharp ends in his direction. More precisely aiming at his throat.


He might as well be dead. In the end, it didn't matter. All he fought for was doomed, because he wasn't there to protect it.

His unborn child would die because he wasn't strong enough... If his baby couldn't live then he wasn't worthy of being. If a man couldn't protect his child what worth did he have?

Yes. This was for the best.

At a tortuous pace, the blades approached the flesh that covered his throat as he closed his eyes having a feeling of realization.

He didn't know why... But the thought of finally ending it all, Soothed him in a way.


A deep voice echoed through the back of his head forcing him to stop.



He spoke out loud no one would hear him anyway.

Will you give up? Already?

This made him grit his teeth in anger and wanted to go to his mental space to face him directly, but for some reason, he couldn't. Something seemed to block him from traveling there.

"Already? I think I kept going for quite some time already. I have endured countless battles, death, and disappointment... I deserve to rest. I'm tired. Not like you could understand either way, you're simply a monster."

His voice reached Vritra's but he pretended they didn't. He didn't have much time, to begin with. He felt as if the purgatory was slowly winning over him.

Time was against him.

You cannot stop. Not now. Not ever.

"Fucking hypocrite. What? Can everyone else get a break but I cannot? Bullshit!"

His hands tightened around the blades as they trembled and inched closer to his neck.

You are Special. You're not like everyone else, Y/N. You're different. You need to keep going. Keep enduring.

"I don't want to! I have failed at what matters the most! My baby, my kid. It's going to die because I wasn't strong enough! If I cannot save my kid then what's the point?! If I cannot defeat Cain what's the point? The weak will be stomped by the strong and I would rather die than suffer that humiliation! Do you understand it, Vritra? I am fucking done!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed all over the dark forest of Purgatory.

Try again. Try over and over until you triumph. The only limit is yourself and if you don't have any... The opportunities are infinite.

"Enough of your stupid lines. You talk as if you know anything. Look at what everyone I have done. I killed my mother who loved me, and lived under the false idea that she deserved to die. I failed my kid. I failed Valiana. Sirzechs, Issei. Fucking everyone and left them behind with that monster Cain! Tell me, why should I keep trying if it is meaningless?"

Vritra took a pause.

Because no one else will. The only one who I am certain that will change things for the best is you. And I highly doubt that anyone like you will be born ever again.

"Why would you care about making things better? Weren't you a destroyer? A killer? You were a damn monster... Why do you care about anything like at all?"

I'm also tired. Exhausted of everything rotting away without meaning. I have lived for a long time and everything I tasted, witnessed, or done was chaos. For countless years I have beings surrounded by misery and it corrupted me. But you were different. Y/N you had everything to turn like me, but you didn't. You didn't succumb to the darkness instead you used it to help, save and provide. Something that I could never achieve. Being able to Use the forces of bad to be a savior.

Y/N felt as if his throat dried up. He didn't have any words to say and just listened to his Dragon speak up his mind.

Please. Do not let misery devour you... Don't end up like me. You're better. I already made up my fate, but you still have time. This won't be your End but the beginning.

The eyes of the H/C-haired teenager looked at his blades that were just inches away from cutting his flesh.

He then realized what he was about to do and moved them away abruptly.

"What was I...?"


This act that he so much repudiated he was about to do it... That hopeless he was? How shameful of his part.

Y/N I don't have much time. You need to know something. Purgatory is a seal. Any form of spirit form that gets trapped within it will fall into a slumber. Whatever gets in can't get out unless used some specific methods. Lucifer is still in you. While you are here she can't do anything.

"What about you? Are you going to get sealed as well?"

Partially. I won't be able to communicate with you but you will still be able to wield my power. Something you need to know before I go..."

From out of the darkness that the trees cast, a tall figure walked unnaturally out from the shadows in an unnerving matter.

A monster.

He was well-versed when it came to those.

Just the sight of it was unsettling due to it seemed to try to copy the human movement but failed miserably.

Your scent is more pungent than before. Every single walking monster in Purgatory feels drawn toward power. You're like a lighthouse in the darkness.

Y/N got up from the ground immediately feeling the extra weight on his shoulders.

He almost forgot that gravity here was different, but shrugged it off.

The voice of his dragon friend seemed to get more distant by the second. Like an echo in a tunnel.


Let me talk. Y/N I have many things to tell you. So, please. Stay alive and keep enduring like you always have. Through the process of life, all I have ever done is destroy. I don't want that the only good thing that I have in my life to destroy itself. We'll talk about everything when you get out of this place.

Y/N doubted that he could find any way to come out of this hell. Last time he was saved by Gabriel but now... He was alone.

Vritra sensed his uncertainty.

You will get out of this place. I'm certain of it. I trust you, Y/N. Do not let the pain and grief drown you. Use all those emotions as a method to your desires. The pain and the anger you feel use it as fuel to go through everything. The fury will cleanse you and then you'll know what your next step is.

Without him noticing the twin blades returned to his grip as they irradiated black energy in response.

A heavy breath escaped his lips as his now purple eyes were over the monster that approached him.

I trust you, Y/N.

It sounded like a distant echo, but those were Vritra's last words before a deep silence was all it was within his head.

He didn't feel fear.

No. He was angry. Furious at his failure back on the surface. He failed Valiana and his friends.

Not again.

He would get out of this place and make up for his failure. He would fix things.

No one would stand in his way. And those who did...

The monster swung his arm aiming to tear him apart with its brute strength, but the creature just froze before it could reach him.

Y/N opened his eyes as the monster's body was covered in dozen of cuts and shortly after exploded into a pool of blood.

Chunks of dark blood stained the ground that they were standing over.

They would get culled...

But he still had to find a way to save his kid. They wouldn't get saved just by the art of magic... There has to be a way to save them.

Cain didn't know a solid solution so that meant that it was up to him to find one.

The main reason why his child was bound to die was due to Cain's curse. Which was imposed by God himself who was presumably dead. So he couldn't just hope to find him. And finding God literally... It sounded like a metaphor. Laughable.

'The only thing that I know is that the only way to prevent your brat from dying is with a power similar to the one that placed the curse in the first place

Cain's words echoed in his head as he tried to think of something.


His body was paralyzed.

Something clicked. An idea that could save his kid from dying.

Not being able to control his smile he felt as if all the sorrows he felt earlier just vanished.

While he was trapped in his train of thought he didn't notice the horde of monsters that stalked him from deep within the forest.

A dark and purple aura surrounded him his smile didn't falter. The grip over his blades tightened as they glowed as well.

"Since when I can turn curses into blessings?"

He muttered with a smirk not caring that the monsters were closing on him.

Now Purgatory didn't seem like a bad place to be in.

Beings with similar power to that of God only were two.

The Great Red. Dragon Of Apocalypse and...

Y/N linked two sources of important information together to get an answer for his main problem.

'Ophis is unable to act right now... For it is sealed deep on the dark corners of Purgatory..'

That was the information he got from the commander of the Khaos Brigade before he killed him.


A loud animalistic cry reached his ears as he disinterested looked to the side taking notice of an orc attacking him with some sort of axe.

The axe hit no one as the human disappeared from sight.

A second was all it took for every single monster in the area to be cut to death.

Y/N appeared not far from there as his blades were sullied with dark blood.

After his appearance, every single one of the monsters exploded in pools of blood. The place seemed to be surrounded by a ring of blood before all of the fluids mixed with the ground of Purgatory.

Y/N closed his eyes scanning the area with his senses. He then sighed as his senses didn't get anyone in the area.

Now he had to find Ophis seal. Purgatory didn't seem like a small place to search, but he wouldn't give up.

He finally had the solution to his problem.

Y/N finally noticed a burning pain in his body more precisely his arm, chest, stomach, and pretty much all the places that Cain cut him with his scythe.

The wounds were fresh and didn't seem like they were going to heal anytime soon. Besides, a corrupt energy oozed from them making him feel nausea

He chose to not pay mind to it and focused on his main goal.

Now having his motivation clear who was up to stop him?

He was unstoppable now.

What could stop a man in search of saving his child?



A pair of watery cerulean eyes snapped open.

Valiana rapidly noticed that she was in an unknown bed. She didn't seem to recall the place but the aura she got from it was Devil Realm.

Even if it was in her blood, she never liked this place. Earth was better.


His name was the first that crossed her head as she sat up in a quick motion but she was stopped by a hand on her chest.

Frowning at the fact that someone dared to touch her she snapped at whoever dared but her annoyance reduced significantly when she saw Venelana.

"Do not strain yourself. Your body is going through severe fatigue."

She said as Valiana growled.

"Fatigue? Fatigue because of what? I didn't do shit."

"Remember when you destroyed my prison? At that moment you used some sort of power that put your body through a heavy amount of pressure."

Valiana looked at the sheets as she remembered that.

She didn't notice it due to the heavy moment but she felt much stronger at that time. And the aura that surrounded her wasn't hers. It was of an indigo color and it had a darker feeling, but not evil though.

"Where am I?"

"You're at Gremory's castle. We have to be cautious that no one sees you because you're considered a traitor to the devil race."

Valiana scoffed in response.

As if she cared about what these fools thought about her.

She only cared about one thing at this moment.

Venelana saw how she was about to get up from the bed but once again she stopped her.

"Valiana, rest a little bit more."

Just this sole sentence caused the white-haired woman to grit her teeth.

"The nerve. You want ME to rest when Y/N is fucking suffering at wherever shithole he's at!?"

"Do you have a plan?"

"I'll think of something in the way, but I am not going to do a thing lying in bed. So move out of the way or I make you."

Venelana sighed.

"Sirzechs is already thinking of something. All of us are looking for a solution. You should do the same. Think. And for that, you need to relax... Oh, and wipe your tears sweetheart. You have been crying while you were sleeping."


Valiana's fingers touched her face only to feel a warm liquid on it. She rapidly wiped them feeling a little humiliated at the fact that someone saw her crying.

"Don't be ashamed of crying. Crying doesn't make you weak, giving up does."

"It's not time for your speeches, old hag. Your gay son has a plan or not?"

The mother flinched a little due to being called a hag and the nickname Valiana just gave to her son.

"He's... working on it."

"Huh? Why hasn't he come up with something? Doesn't he care about the one who saved you all?"

"Sweetie, Sirzechs is a Satan Lord and the battle between Y/N Cain caused a disaster. A disaster that won't sort out by itself. He's working on keeping order in the devil's realm. Many devils are afraid that that monster attacks once more."

None of this made Valiana calm down. Not in the slightest.

"So what you're saying is that you all haven't done shit? You're not "working on it" you're just forgetting about him."

Venelana sighed once again. She understood that Valiana was going through something serious and should be patient with her.

"Sirzechs has to make a perfect balance between his responsibilities and helping his friend. And we have something to start with. Ajuka made the hypothesis that the only way to get inside Purgatory and get Y/N out is through the same magic seal that he gave Sirzechs. Because it is unknown of another method to get inside that place. Purgatory had always been unreachable to us. We have to bias ourselves with Y/N's discovery."

This seemed to somewhat please Valiana.

"And? When is it going to be done? Time's running."

"Rias is working on it, but it is turning out to be quite a challenge to even begin the progress. Fixing up the seal is proving to be almost impossible. Even if most of us worked together the earliest we could get the seal to work would be... a year. I don't know how that boy even managed to create such a complex thing... And that is taking out the fact that we have to power it up after."

Way too much time. There had to be a way to speed up the progress. She didn't want to make Y/N wait an entire year.

"Is there anything I can do?"

She asked in barely a whisper but Venelana heard her.

"For the moment you can go talk with Rias and ask about the process. She can give you more details and maybe request your aid. I'll promise you that we are going to get your boyfriend back."

The woman grew an amused grin when Valiana flinched at the mention of the word boyfriend.

Venelana rose from her chair.

"I'll give you some time to yourself. Remember be cautious when you get out of this room, we don't want any butler or maids seeing you and spreading rumors. If you need something just tell me."

As she finished she walked out of the room leaving her alone with her thoughts.

The first thing she did was to get out of bed and head towards the mirror. Her reflection meets her eyes.

"Albion, what was that power from that time? Was it yours?"

Valiana mentally questioned her dragon.

No. The power came from your child. Its power seemed like a combination of Vritra's and Y/N's own. That mix merged with mine as well. That power ends as a result.

"Can I use it willingly?"

Albion took a moment to answer as if he was thinking of what to say.

No. It's not yours so you don't have control over it. I guess it will activate at moments when the offspring feels that you are in danger. Or Y/N as of matters.

"I see."

Unconsciously her hand caressed her belly as her eyes had a warm shine.

"So it was you, huh?"

She returned to reality and frowned.

That was weird. The feeling felt pure... way too pure for what she was used to in her life.

Her eyes caught the sight of some neatly folded clothes in a chair and she decided to put them on.

Even if she didn't get along with Rias she needed the information. She wouldn't just stay there waiting for the solution to magically appear. Besides she trusted more in herself than anyone else. If she did things herself everything would be much faster and consistent.

After being fully dressed she was about to get out of the room but the door opened before she could head towards it.

Without her noticing a heavy breath left her when her eyes witnessed Azazel stepping into the room.

Questions and he would most likely judge her.

Not like she cared.

"Azazel. What is it? I have places to be and things to do."

His face was serious all the way through.

"Is it true?"


Valiana said that but inwardly knew what he meant.

"That you're pregnant with his child?"

"Yes. I don't know why you're so scandalized about it. You have heard us having sex more than a dozen of times. It was meant to happen sooner or later."

She shrugged before placing her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

The fallen angel's hands turned into fists due to the anger.

"You know who he is right? The blood that he has running through his veins. He is the son of that monster Cain. Are you comfortable with that? The fact that an abomination is growing inside of you? Are okay with that?"

Valiana's eyes glowed blue and it took everything of her willpower to not pummel to death her foster father.

"Careful, Azazel. You might be the closest thing that I had to a father but do not go over the edge. This my child the one you're talking about."

"Why are you so fond of it? You always despised the thought of having a brat. Why now all of a sudden you're so determined to save it? Why are you willing to sacrifice so damn much to keep a lineage of killers alive?"

Azazel said at the border of exclaiming. Unlike what he expected of Valiana... she actually calmed down and replied.

"Because I fucking want to. That's all you need to know. I know what Cain did to you, you have told me and I'm sorry about it. But you need to understand that Y/N isn't Cain. In fact, I am much more similar to Cain than he ever would be. All Y/N was to you was a help, a friend. And now just because of his blood you despise him? If that's the case you should hate me as well. You know all the things my father did to not add my grandmother. They might as well be worse than Cain. Yet... You accepted me and took me under your protection."

"That's different!"

Valiana frowned at his loud voice.

"No. No, it's not. You're just a hypocrite."

She walked forward and when she was about to pass him by to get to the door he grabbed her arm in quite a rough manner stopping the white-haired woman.

Valiana was about to retaliate violently but someone else did it before her.

Two shadows barraged out from a dark corner. The biggest one grasped Azazel shortly after slamming him against the wall.

Blinded by the surprise of the attack, Azazel couldn't react in time before the edge of a blade was against his neck courtesy of the slightly smaller shadow.

"What the-"

"If you dare to ever touch the Queen again I'll tear you limb from limb."

Beru warned as her body irradiated a dark aura and her mandibles clicked together due to the anger.

"Be Wise, Fallen Angel and keep your hands to yourself Or I'll cut them."

Igris said as the sharp edge of her sword threatened to cut the fallen angel's neck.

"You two... What are you doing here?"

Valiana didn't expect them to be here. They were supposed to be with Y/N... Instead, they were here. This made her feel even more determined to save Y/N.

He was all Alone.

"King's orders."


Both answered but they kept their grip over Azazel who struggled to free himself from the combined strength of the two shadows.

"Let go of him already. Leave him grief alone."

Following her commands they let go of Azazel.

Valiana gave her foster father a brief look before walking out the door. Much to her surprise, the two shadows followed her causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Did Y/N order you two to stay?

"Yes. He said that it was for the best."

Igris answered first being followed by Beru.

"Keeping you safe is the top priority he said."

"That idiot... Can't he think about himself for once in his life?"

The girl muttered to himself.

She couldn't understand how someone like him could be so selfless at crucial moments. Not only sacrificing himself to save everyone but also he gave away his only company just to protect her.

Well, he had Vritra but from what he constantly said, any conversation with the Black Dragon could hardly be considered as such, he compared it to talking to a wall.

"You two can go. Unlike Y/N, I don't like having bodyguards at all places like the damn president."

The two shadows nodded but were a little insulted at that comment regarding their King.

He wasn't a lowly President. He was The King.

Igris and Beru turned into a pile of shadows and merged with the closest darkness of a corner.

Valiana sighed and decided to rapidly head to where would be working to gather details or any sort of information that could keep her busy.

Following Rias's energy she stopped in front of some sort of basement. Without knocking or questioning she opened the door quite roughly startling the red-haired girl.

"Jeez! Don't just smash open the door like that-"

She ate her words the instant her eyes lay over Valiana.

Rias gulped slightly nervously but she calmed herself.

"Oh, it's you. Are you feeling okay?"

Valiana was curious at his concerns but she shrugged it off.

"How is it going? Anything I can do to speed up the process?"

Her voice was demanding basically rude.

"Well... Uh, I don't really know."

"Are you kidding? Do you even know what you're doing, rotten tomato?"

Rias' eyebrows twitched due to the rude nickname.

"I am working on it. I'm having a hard time figuring it out. I mean, it's so complex that I barely know how to start. But I feel like I'm getting the hang of it."

"So you haven't even started? Are you alone?"

The Gremory shook her head.

"Akeno is helping me with research. She's right there."

Her head signaled to the left and Valiana turned to see Akeno next to a tower of books while she read one.

"Oh, I haven't noticed you there. Anything useful or are you reading Romeo and Juliet?"

Akeno abruptly closed her book and gifted her a smile, but the smile hide some venom.

"You're so obnoxious."

"Wow, the Queen of sarcasm is here. Or should I say Queen of whores?"

Rias flinched after hearing this bold insult.

Tension filled the area.

These two haven't even met each other in the past and yet... They seemed to clearly hate each other. Why?

Akeno understood why Valiana was this way towards her.

She knew. Of course, she knew.

Not like she cared. In fact, she loved the fact that she knew.

"My, I smell some jealousy. Don't worry, sweetheart. You were the first."

Valiana grinned.

"The first and best that's for sure."

Akeno's eyes opened as her smile twisted into a more violent one.

"Oh my, I said the first not the best. I think I was a tad better, but I guess that isn't something to brag about. I mean, being better than you isn't that hard, you know."

The ravenette rose from the couch and faced the white-haired dragon emperor with defiance.

"You don't know me."

"I don't. Neither I want to. I just know that you caused him so much pain."

"What do you even know huh? Talking as if you know everything, you don't know shit. You ignorant bitch."

Akeno giggled, this annoying the white-haired girl even further.

"I just know that some days he was down and the one to comfort him wasn't you. You were never around, because if you were the best, he would have gone to you, but he didn't."

Then she was grabbed by the collar of her shirt by Valiana.

Rias got off her chair and screamed at them.

"Hey! Knock it off!"

Her words fell on deaf ears.

"You really love to run your mouth. How about if I seal it with my fire?"

Instead of backing away, Akeno maintained her smirk and giggled once again.

"You may hurt me, but if you do the only thing that will link you and Y/N will be the baby. Nothing else. Now... Let's focus on bringing back Y/N shall we? And quit your bitching, time is running and I'm actually looking for a way to save him."

Even though Valiana was livid she let go of Akeno as she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Not saying anymore Akeno returned to her continuing her research.

Rias let out a breath. Relieved that it didn't escalate any further.

"Rotten tomato. Give me something I can work on."

"Well... Firstly I need to know what I am doing exactly. The complexity of this magic seal is above anything I have ever seen. I need... Like a base. I need some points to be able to connect the lines. Because I can't just randomly draw lines or else I'll ruin the entire seal and do it all over again."

"I see."

Then Igris appeared next to them startling Rias again.

Who wouldn't get scared when a towering shadow knight appeared out of nowhere?

"If I may?"

Beru materialized next to Akeno and he greeted her politely.

"Hello, Queen."

"Hi, Beru."

It took all of Valiana's willpower to not snap at that.

Y/N was fucked up when he came back.

"Go on, Igris."

Valiana said and the shadow knight nodded.

"I might have information of a certain someone that knows a certain someone that might know how to help Rias Gremory in her work."

"And who is that?"

Rias asked curiously.

"Victoria Reiss."

Thank you for Reading!

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