The Punk Next Door Punk Luke...

By ButUrNotMattyHealy

171K 3.5K 1.4K

Charlie Springs was always a good girl. She wasn't the normal rebellious teenager who went to parties and got... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

11K 228 43
By ButUrNotMattyHealy

I know that the last chapter wasn't that great but I was writing it at like 2 in the morning. I hope this one is better though.

Charlie's POV

Thursday was the same thing except without Jake talking to me. Luke ignored me, Michael and me just messed around during science, Calum was super funny during English, and Ashton told me strange stories from when he was younger. Friday I started to get nervous for this stupid party. Why was I even going? I barely knew these boys and now I'm letting them take me to a high school party. Ashton's words still replayed in my head Oh and wear something sexy, Luke is coming. When I looked in my closet that morning I literally had no dresses, I didn't even own a skirt. It was times like these when I wished I had a girl friend. Someone who I could actually talk to and they could help me out with problems like this. When I glanced at the clock, it was almost 8:30 and I wasn't even dressed. I pulled out my Green Day shirt and threw on some jeans. I couldn't do anything with my hair so I left it down and grabbed an apple on the way out.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Michael asked me once I had gotten in the car.

"No." I replied.

"Oh, c'mon it'll be fun. Don't worry, I won't let you out of my site."

"Thanks." I noticed that Luke wasn't coming out of his house and wasn't in the front seat. Why did I get into the back?I quickly switched spots before Michael started the car. "Where's Luke?" I asked.

"He's not coming. Yesterday was the first day in a couple of weeks he showed up. He's not into the whole school thing." Michael explained.

"Well I don't enjoy the whole school thing either, but I still go everyday. Why is fair that that jerk gets to skip almost everyday?" I complained.

Michael just laughed at what I had just said. He pulled into the school parking lot and said he would see me in science. Once I had gotten to my locker, somebody came up to it.

"Hey, baby." It was the same idiot from yesterday, what was his name again.

"Go away." I said, was it Jaden, no, James, no.

"I hear your coming to your first party tonight." He completely ignored my demand.

"Yeah, and?"

"I'm going to make sure you have fun tonight." He said. Now he was just getting creepy. Jake! That was his name.

"Listen, Jake, stay away from me. I'm never going to let you anywhere near me at that party."

He did what he did before, pin me up against the wall. Except this time Luke wasn't around to help me.

"Oh you will, princess." He still had me against the wall. Before I even knew what I was doing, my knee came straight up. I told him I would knee him in the balls if he didn't let me go yesterday. He let go of me quickly and I took this time to run down to math. I remembered that Luke wasn't here today so I had nobody to sit with. I mean he never talked to me but at least I knew I could sit with him. I decided to just sit in my normal spot anyways.

"Hi, I'm Kassidy. You're new right?" A blonde girl asked me.

"Um, yeah. I'm Charlie."

"Can I sit here?"

I nodded my head so she took Luke's normal spot.

"I heard you kicked Jake in the nuts. I gotta say that's brave of you." She laughed.

"He was being a total jerk so of course I did. And why is it brave?" I wondered.

"Right, you're new. Well you know how there is just that one boy at every school who girl will throw themselves at? That's Jake. He's a cocky bastard to be completely honest. I would be careful though, when he sees something he wants he always gets it." She explained.

"Oh. Well I think I can deal with him." I confirmed.

"So, you coming to that party tonight?" Kassidy asked. "I assumed you heard about because you're friends with Michael."

"Yeah, I am. You?" I was hoping she was so I could talk to her some more.

"Yeah. I'm just going to warn you now though. These parties are super lame. It's the cliche of a high school party."

"Then why are you going?" I asked.

"Well as much as I hate these parties, I want to talk to you more so I'm gonna join you." She laughed. "Do you have anything to wear?"

"Nope. I was going to do that after school, wanna join?"

"I'd love to. I've always loved planning outfits." She laughed.

I was walking to Michael's car when Kassidy called me over.

"Charlie, come here. We're taking my car." She yelled.

I guess she thought that I was walking to my car.

"Hey where are you going?" Michael asked.

"Oh, I'm getting a ride from Kassidy. She's going to help me with my outfit tonight." I said while pointing over to Kassidy.

"Ok, well We will pick you up at 8." Michael waved to me and walked to his car.

At my house, Kassidy was searching my closet for something.

"Do you really not want to go shopping for a dress?" She pleaded.

"No. I'm not wearing a dress." I repeated for like the fifth time to her.

She just went back to diffing through my closet until she noticed something. It was in the back of my closet. A flower print top. The back of it was a lace back and was very flowy at the bottom.

"This is super cute! You have to wear it." She grabbed it out of my closet and searched for a pair of shorts.

"No, I want jeans." I guided her over to my jeans. She picked out a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Any heels?" She asked.

"Nope." I handed her a pair of cons to go with the outfit.

"You are going to look so good tonight!" She squealed.

"What are you going to wear?" I asked, trying to the subject off of me.

"I don't know. Can we please go shopping?" She begged.

"Fine." I wasn't too big on shopping, mainly because I rarely had money for it, and I wanted to buy most of the store. We went everywhere from Old Navy to Forever 21. She finally a dress and some sandles to go with it. Back at my house, she was doing my hair and make up. She quickly did her hair, I don't know how she was so good with this stuff. It was around 7:50, the boys would be here any minute, Kassidy decided that this was a great time to talk about Luke.

"So, you and Luke?"

"No. He doesn't even talk to me."

"Do you like him?" She asked. This question was easy.

"No, why would I? He's just an egotistical jerk. He thinks he's so amazing. But he's not."

"Ok." The way she said it, I knew that she thought I was lying.

A honk from a car, broke up out conversation.

"Do I look ok?" I asked her.

"Babe, you look hot."

We ran downstairs to the car. I noticed that it wasn't Michael's car, but Calum's.

"I'll meet you at the party." Kassidy told while walking to her own car.

I ran over to Calum's car, nobody else was in it so I took the front seat.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"At the party, they told me to pick you up when I left." He said.

The car ride to the party was filled with Calum telling me that I'm going to have fun at this party.

"Don't worry about anything. Michael said he wouldn't drink anything to take you home, but knowing Michael, Kassidy might take you home instead." He told me. I laughed at his comment on Michael. I knew I wouldn't be drinking at this party, I was pretty sure nothing would happen, but I was still worried about what Jake said. I could hear the music blasting before I even saw the house. I felt bad for the neighbors. A bunch of drunk teenagers listening to terrible music. I slowly got out of the car, worried about what would happen at this party.

There should be a link to the outfits in the story if you want to look at them. So the next chapter will be more exciting because it's going to be the party. But comment and vote. Byeeee.

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