In the end

By cherr1xo

11.6K 146 94 brothers best friend and the player of London. I've always felt this attraction towards him but I k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
All the charecters (Not a chapter)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 52

52 0 0
By cherr1xo


'There's two beds but I don't know wether my roommate is going to come back during the night or not'
Jordan explains.
Me and him have been staring at his bed for the longest time and I'm afraid there's no other options on where I could sleep other than his bed.
'I can sleep on the floor and you can take the bed'
'That'll be too selfish of me after all you did help me, I'll take the floor'
Jordan chuckles and comes closer to me making me step back a bit.
'I'll do it again only for you to feel happy, sweetheart'
my heart is racing and all I can hear is my heartbeat about to come out of my chest.
'We can both share the bed' I stutter and his eyebrows rise in anticipation.
'Are you going to be comfortable with that?'
He asks and I nod.
'It won't be too bad. Plus you already..' I cough so that he gets the point but he's still waiting for me to speak.
'You know..'
He steps closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in to him.
'You know, what?' He asks teasingly with an addicting smirk on his face that I can't seem to stop thinking about.
'You know after we..' I sigh, I can't talk about what happened between us, it's still fresh and new and I feel embarrassed being in his presence after he felt how arroused I am by him.
When I stop talking he brings my face closer to his and plants a kiss on my lips gently.
A kiss of reassurance.
'What was that for?' I ask my eyes still closed
'I just felt like it' he says making my eyes open
'So you just do anything when you feel like it?'
'Pretty much so get used to it' he says pressing his lips on mine again.
'I think I already have' I say pulling him closer to me with a grip of his shirt.
He snakes his hand on my thigh and rubs me up and down gently, sending butterflies to my stomach.
'Wait' I pull away from him and he looks at me with a blank expression.
He was confused, but when his expression got softer I knew he knew why I stopped him.
'Im sorry, I didn't mean to-' he stops speaking and just stands up and grabs clothes from his bag.
'Jordan..I'm sor-' I begin to explain but he quickly shuts me up.
'There's nothing to apologise for sweetheart, I understand' he comes next to me and pulls me up from the bed.
I stand up and smile.
'Thank you' I say and he nods with a reassuring smile.
'Here, these are mine but it'll have to do for one night' he says and I take the pijamas from his hands.

I come out from the bathroom with baggy clothes that surprisingly isn't too big, it's secure enough to not fall down which I'm happy about.
'You look good' Jordan's eyes scan me.
'They're actually a decent size' I laugh
'Is that so?' He reaches his arm out to me and I take it.
I walk to him and sit next to him on the bed.
'So your saying I have a body of a short petite woman?'
I frown
'I am not petite'
It's true, I'm not and I won't deny it, yes there's a lot of petite women around me and they are gorgeous. Do I feel insecure sometimes? Of course.
But I learnt to love myself over the years
'Is your type petite?' I ask and he chuckles
'No, I like curves' he says
'Well good because I'm definitely not petite' I laugh

We both lay on his bed and even though it's a small single bed we still surprisingly fit, his arms curl around me and he pulls me into him.
His body heat connecting with mine gives me a feeling of safety I haven't felt in a very long time.
I close my eyes and even though I can't seem to focus on sleep I try everything I can, his body was so close to me that his body heat wasn't the only thing I felt on me.
I cant even move, I'm scared if I do I might feel it more than I am right now.
And from what I'm's huge.
Bigger than I expected it to be.
I know tall white boys have a reputation of you know...but this is definitely something.
I guess I'll have to wait until next morning, let's just hope I don't end up...

Next morning:

Something Is tapping me but I'm not sure what, I can feel light taps on my body but I can't fixate on who it is or where it's coming from.
Is my body twitching right now?
Also why do I have something in my hand? I don't remember sleeping with a stuffed animal.
I squeeze the object in my hand and I can't seem to figure out what it could be, it's a handful but what the hell. Am I dreaming?
'Fucking hell daisy' my eyes shoot open and Jordan Is looking down at me with his face red as if he's been suffocated.
The thing in my's not an object it's a body part!
I remove my hand from wherever it's placed and roll out of the bed slam onto the floor.
'Oh my freaking god, oh my god, Jordan I am so sorry. I didn't even know, I thought it was a stuffed animal. I forgot where I was. I am so sorry' my words come out like word spit, one after another.
I still can't fathom anything that just happened, on top of that I can't even look at Jordan's face.
'I can't say I wasn't satisfied with the morning wood job' Jordan says teasingly and my whole face turns red.
Kill me now. Right here and there.
'I'm just kidding, come back up here' he taps on the mattress and I get up from the floor and stand straight
'I should probably leave' I say turning around but his arm reaches out to me, stopping me.
I'm to embarrassed to face him still but he finds every way to bring my face to his and I let him.
'Come here' he opens his arms to me and I go to hug him.
'God this is so embarrassing' I say with a groan
'It was a nice way to wakeup with your hand on my dick, up until you started squeezing it'  he chuckles
I bury my face into my hands, how can I act normal after this?
'I'm sorry' I say. I really don't have an explanation for anything else.
'Why are you apologising?' He asks
'Because I touched your accident'
'I wouldn't want to wake-up with any other touching my dick than you sweetheart'
My cheeks go red and I slap his chest.
'Don't say that! I'm already so embarrassed' I say rubbing my temple
'I'm serious' we both laugh.

'Breakfast hours is over, you'll have to wait till lunch hours' the woman in the cafeteria says annoyingly chewing her gum like it's her last one.
As you can tell, me and Jordan ended up being late for breakfast hours on our first day here.
'But we haven't had breakfast yet'
'Not my problem honey' she says and then gives out a leaflet to me and Jordan that has the breakfast, lunch and dinner hours timing on them.
'Come on sweetheart, I know where we can go' Jordan says taking my hand, I just follow him to where-ever we're going.

We walk in the nature, surrounded by trees everywhere and I can almost hear a running lake near but I don't think we're any close to it.
'Where are we going?' I ask, my hand not once leaving his.
'Somewhere where we can eat' he looks back at me and smiles
'But this place is like a dead end, I don't think there is anywhere else we can go to eat'
'When I was nine my dad used to bring me and my sister to camping all the time and one thing I knew about camping spots is, there's always a place to go eat' he says confidently
'But you've never been here'
'So how do you know there's a place to eat here?'
'Less talking more walking sweetheart'
I shrug and keep walking, we're not far away from the camping site but I'm still curious on how there could be a place to eat around here.

Five minuets have passed and it feels like we've been walking forever.
'Jordan are you sure-'
'Here we go' he says cheerfully
I look up to a small cottage looking house that has a small sign above the roof saying: 'grey moose pub'
'What on earth..' I stare at the cottage for the longest time
'How on earth did you-'
'I told you there's always a place to eat around here'
He chuckles and drags me towards the cottage
My shock is still in tact and when we enter the cottage a small old woman rushes over to greet us.
'Welcome, welcome!'
My face goes from shock to a gentle smile
'Hello' I say
'Pleased to see you guys, would you like a table or are you guys lost?' She asks
I had a feeling from the question that she asked that no one really came here to dine.
I look around the small space and it made sense, no one was in here other than a big tall man probably in his sixties behind the bar.
'We would like a table please' Jordan nods to the woman
'Oooo wonderful! Come come, there's a table for you guys right here' she leads us to a table near the window where the whole Forrest was visible, and honestly I hadn't seen anything more beautiful than this view.
The Forrest was covered with orange maple leaves all over and some trees had orange leaves but green moss covering the branches of it.
'Here is the menu' she gives us a small menu and leaves us to decide
The whole cottage is filled with plants yet it's very rustic and antique almost as if it's been here for more than fifty years.

The woman soon comes back to me and Jordan with a small notepad in her hand.
'So what can I get you guys?' She asks
Jordan orders a full English breakfast and so do I, without beans of course.
I never had the best interest in baked beans, something about the taste always threw me off.
'I'll be right back with your food' she smiles and takes the menu away leaving me and Jordan alone.
'I wonder if everyone else realised we're gone'
I say and Jordan just gives a simple shrug, looking out at the window.
'Probably, but we were hungry so not much to say'
I nod and fiddle with a fork quietly.
'Maybe this counts as our first date' he says and my face goes straight to looking at him.
'A date?'
'A date with me, never thought you'd go there Hm?' I chuckle and so does he
'I have no problem going on a date with any girl I want, it's the company I find hard to enjoy' he explains, leaving me to question if my company is his type of date worthy.
'So what have you figured out about my company?' I ask
'So far so good' he says with a chuckle
'But I'm guessing you already knew I liked your company from the amount of times we hung out' he adds on
'It's hard to know if you like something or not' I say and he furrows his eyebrows.
'Am I that straight faced?'
'Not at all, but...' I put down the fork and cross my arms
'It goes for everyone; a face can tell one thing but actions can say another'
'Good point' he stays silent
My breathing some how got more heavy as the silence pierced through us.
My mind is rushing into a thousand thoughts and all I feel right now is peace yet when I lock eyes with him, something in me explodes, like a grenade of butterflies.
It's hard to find a presence you like to be in, in such a short amount of time...but with Jordan it always seemed easy.

A few minutes pass and our food is down in-front of us.
'This looks so good, thank you' I say to the woman.
She grins at me and Jordan then claps her hand together
'I'm so glad you two came, it's been a long time since having an actual customer' she says then pats me and Jordan's back lightly.
'I'll let you two eat' she walks away.
I felt so bad for the woman and whoever owns this place, this little cottage in the middle of a Forrest really doesn't attract anyone to come and eat, yet the food and place is amazing.
I take a bite of my sausage and sigh in relief.
'I really was hungry' I say cutting another piece of my sausage.

After we're finished eating and talking which didn't go any less than asking whether anyone is looking for us or how amazing the food is.
We decide to leave and Jordan takes out his wallet to pay, but me being me i insist on paying too, but he doesn't take no for an answer.
After a few arguments about who will pay, I let Jordan pay and he winks at me when I finally give up on him.
Before we exit the cottage Jordan stops and takes out more cash from his wallet, and I'm not talking about £10 or £20 he took out a whole £300 and gave it to the old woman.
The woman looks at the money in Jordan's hand and instantly declines his offer.
'Oh darling no, the biggest gift you can give us is to come back again' she pushes his hand away and squeezes it tight.
And just like I said before, Jordan does not take no for an answer.
'Count this as a thank you, it's the least I could do'
He says and hands the money to the woman anyway.
'Oh you precious lad' she gives Jordan a huge hug and taps his back.

Jordan isn't the Jordan I always imagined him to be, he's more than that.
He's kind, generous, caring and wise.
All these things add up to many reasons why the butterflies in my stomach is growing more and more intense.
Jordan isn't a stuck up rich boy like most guys I know, he knows how to spend his money, and it's all for good cause.

We exit the cottage after a few hugs and goodbyes and start walking towards the camping bay.
'That was very kind of you by the way' I say my head down at the floor watching my foot step on the crunchy maple leaves as we walk.
'What was?' He asks daftly.
'How you gave money to the lady, it was..really sweet' i smile at myself, the thought of how happy the old lady was coming into my mind.
'Right. That's nothing. She needed it more than me'
I look up to him and smile
'You really are amazing Jordan' I say and his eyes meet mine
'So are you sweetheart'
'Stop being cringe. I'm saying this because you genuinely impressed me' I laugh.
'Impressed you with normal things humans should do? Maybe I should take you everywhere with me'
'And why's that?'
'Because I tend to help people a lot, mostly those who are struggling'
I stop walking, when I do, so does Jordan.
I slip my hand into his and watch as his eyes go from our hands to my eyes.
'What's this about?' He asks
'I just want to hold your hand if that's okay with you' I say
'That's more than okay sweetheart' he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.
We continue walking with a growing good feeling inside me.

'Did I mention I spilled a baked bean on my boots?'
He cuts the silence, leaving me to hysterically laugh on our way to the camping bay.

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