Wednesday Addams getting soft...

بواسطة An_idiot_faggot

123K 2.6K 1.2K

Y/n and Enid get a new roommate named "Wednesday." Enid and Y/n are sisters but don't have the same family s... المزيد

Introducment of Y/n
Episode 1: Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Dont know what you feel?
Close to Death?
Fight with a friend
The Harvest Festival
Episode 2
No body
Extracurricular activity
Cover up
Poe cup
Winners? Or in the end losers?
Hidden library?
Episode 3
Hurtful words
Break in
The meeting house
Secrets exposed again..
Thruthfully a Monster
Episode 4
An anger never showed
Murderous cave
A dance
A moment to a disaster
Episode 5
Parents weekend
Family drama
Reunited not in a good way
Death trap
3 birds caught stealing
Words? Poems? Clues? Death itself?
Episode 6
Happy Birthday
Lied to
The Gates Mansion
Episode 7
Diary with new information
Date night!!
Thing or Y/n?
Episode 8
Caught red-handed
It's finally happening
Boss battle

Forced date?

1.7K 37 13
بواسطة An_idiot_faggot

"While most plants reward their pollinators
with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties
turn to sexual trickery or deception." Ms.
Thornhill lectured.

Wednesday sat at her usual desk, next to
Xavier's right, while Y/n was on Xaviers's right as well.

Xavier reached down to grab something and let
out a quiet grunt of pain.

Y/n looked over at him concerned.
"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"Yeah, I tweaked my back fencing." He told her.

Wednesday turned her head slightly towards
them, analyzing their interaction.

"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics
a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once
the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects
get in exchange?" Ms. Thornhill asked.

"Nada." Bianca answered. "Just like all the guys
at the Rave'N."

The students quietly chuckled at that.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about
Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any
homework." Ms. Thornhill announced.

The students murmured happily at that.

"But I do still need volunteers for the decorating
committee. Anyone interested, come and see
me up here."

Xavier looked over at Wednesday and Y/n.

"What you're not gonna volunteer? Aren't you guys pumped about disco balls and spiked punch?" Xavier asked sarcastically. "There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz."

Y/n shook her head and stood up. She walked over to Ms. Thornhill.


(Y/n's pov)

I don't know why I'm doing this. I hate volunteering for stuff like this. I could just make up an excuse.

"Are you here to volunteer?"

"I-What? Oh no. I just had a question."

"Oh ok. What did you need?"

I need an excuse.

But what can I use. Something about plants? What's her full name? No, that's rude to teachers. Her back story of her coming to Nevermore?

"Y/n?" A voice asked.

Think Y/n! Think!

"Y/n?" The voice asked again.

Y/n! I swear if you don't-

"Y/n!" The voice called

"Y-Yeah?" Y/n stuttered.

"Are you okay? And are you going answer me?" Thornhill asked.

"Oh yeah. What's the name of that plant that eats bugs and some other things?" Y/n asked.

"Venus flytrap?" Thornhill questioned.

"Yep. Thanks." Y/n awkwardly said as she walked away.


(Nobody's pov)

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes Wednesday replied bluntly. "I'll probably do that anyway."

Xavier chuckled dryly and turned to Y/n who just got back. "What about you? Are you going?"

The girl shrugged. "Uh, I don't know...Haven't
decided yet..Dances aren't really my thing,
and......nobody's asked me yet."

Xavier grabbed his stuff. "Well maybe you can
be the one to do the asking." He suggested.

He bent down to put his stuff in his bag, and
lightly grunted again. Wednesday looked over at him and noticed the claw marks in his neck, filling her with suspicion and theories.


Xavier exited his little shack that was located in
the woods, and walked off, not noticing
Wednesday, Thing, and Y/n hiding amongst
the trees, watching him.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Y/n

"We need to do this. Xavier didn't get those
scratches from fencing. He's hiding something."
Wednesday said confidently.

Thing crawled inside Wednesday's bag.
Wednesday grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled
her towards the shed.

They snuck inside, and Wednesday turned a
light on, revealing paintings and drawings of
the monster in the woods.

Y/n's eyebrows raised and her eyes glew orange and pink at seeing all the super creepy art works. She scooted closer to Wednesday.

"Why do your eyes keep doing that? I forgot to ask." Wednesday asked and Thing turned its head towards them to see what they are talking about.

"What colors are they now?" Y/n asked.

"It's like a sunset. It's beautiful..surprisingly. It's orange and pink."

Y/n grunted hearing the colors "Thanks for the compliments." Y/n thanked Wednesday.

"I wasn't..!" Wednesday sighed.

"I suppose every artist needs a muse.
Wednesday muttered changing the subject.

"I guess, but why'd he have to pick this thing?"
Y/n asked, extending her claws.

Wednesday hummed and picked up two smaller
drawings. One of the monster's face and claws,
and one of the monster's full body surrounded
by red circles.

"Xavier you just became much more
interesting." Wednesday said to himself, and
put the drawings in his bag.

"Okay, great. Can we leave now? I feel like all
these drawings are staring at me or are going to haunt me." Y/n asked, shifting uncomfortably.

Wednesday turned to her and noticed how
tense she was then nodded. "Yes. I believe outlet work here is done."

She turned off the light, and the two quickly exited the shed, and began walking back to the school.

"Wednesday! Y/n!"

The two froze and turned to see Xavier coming
towards them.

"X-Xavier. Uh...hey." Y/n greeted nervously.

"What are you two doing?" Xavier asked.

"Nothing." Wednesday answered quickly. "We
just saw you come out this way. What is this

"It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it
out and fixed it up, so Weems let me use it."
Xavier explained.

"How very entrepreneurial. We would love to
see inside. Why don't you give us a tour?'
Wednesday suggested.

Xavier shook his head. "Not right now. It's a
total mess."

"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last
summer. I'm not easily fazed." Wednesday

"Maybe another time. Why were you two
looking for me?" He asked.

"Uh...we wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill's
homework assignment." Wednesday lied.

"She didn't give us homework. Remember?
Why are you two really out here?" He asked

"Um...well...the uh, the truth is..." (Y/n)
stuttered, trying to make up an excuse.

"The truth is...Y/n wanted to ask you
something, and asked me to come along to
support her." Wednesday blurted out.

Y/n turned to face Wednesday with wide eyes.

"What?" She hissed.

Wednesday just put her hand on her back and pushed her towards Xavier.

She rammed into Xavier's chest. She quickly pulled herself off Xavier.

Xavier looked at her and smiled. "Is this about a
certain dance that you weren't sure you wanted
to go to, perhaps?"

Wednesday stiffened. She was hoping Xavier
wouldn't come to that conclusion.

"I'm all ears." He said.

"Sometimes intentions melt in the face of
unexpected opportunity. If this was my
only chance to get information on a
potential serial killer..I was willing to
make the sacrifice."

"Are you really going to make her ask?"
Wednesday asked.

"Oh, absolutely." Xavier replied smugly.

Y/n looked back at Wednesday with a look
that said 'I can't believe you're making me do
this.' And 'I'm gonna kill you in your sleep.'

Wednesday just gestured for her to suck it up and ask.

Y/n sighed and looked back at Xavier's
expectant face. "Okay. Um..Xavier...Will you go to the dance... with me?" Y/n awkwardly
forced out.

Xavier chucked. "Yes, Y/n, I would love to go
to the dance with you."

Y/n just smiled awkwardly and nodded at him. Then she quickly turned and walked away,
slightly glaring at Wednesday as she passed

Xavier turned to Wednesday with raised
eyebrows. "I thought she'd never ask." He

Wednesday just turned and walked away.
"Neither did I." She muttered to herself with
gritted teeth.


Enid squealed and bounced when she found out
Y/n was going to the dance with someone.

"Oh my god! My sister is going to the Rave'N!
Y/n Sinclair!!!" Enid squealed. "My whole world is tilted."

Wednesday sat in the chair at Y/n's desk with
a scowl on her face. She was helping her with something. Y/n was sitting on her desk, watching Enid bounce up and down.

"You know what you need now?" Enid asked.

"A bullet to the head?" Y/n guessed hopeful.

"A dress! We are definitely going shopping!" She

"I already have dresses." Y/n told her.

Enid frowned. "No offense, but I've seen you're
dresses, and absolutely none of them are Rave'N worthy. You need something that screams First dance. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!"

Wednesday's fingers dug into her thighs. She
didn't know that this would wan be her first dance. And she would be spending it with Xavier.

Y/n jumped off the desk. "Let me do your hair. You wanted a new hair style for the Rave'N, right?"

Enid nodded.

A couple minutes later, Y/n had a brush in her mouth. Enid was in a chair with a towel around her neck and Y/n had two black gloves on.

Wednesday was just watching from afar. "I do also need my hair redone. I need to take out the braids and brush it. Then I can braid it again."
Wednesday whispered to Thing.

"I can help you." Y/n told her. "I'm great with hair."

"It's true." Enid assured her.

Wednesday's groaned but nodded in agreement. Y/n and Enid looked at each other and smiled.

"So hair is now on the list of your special ability's." Wednesday whispered to herself.

Y/n went back to doing Enid's hair. She was making all her hair pink as that was Enid's wish.
She was putting the pink dye in her hair.

"Just a couple more minutes and I should be done." Y/n told Enid.

Enid just nodded.

After a couple minutes later, Y/n finished Enid's hair. "I have to set a timer for about 15 minutes for the dye to settle in. Once that's done, you have to hop in the shower and wash all the dye out. Don't worry, I'll help you."

Enid nodded again and went to sit.

Y/n took off the gloves. 

"Your turn, Wednesday." Y/n said as she walked over. Wednesday sat in a chair. Y/n sill had the brush. She put it in her pocket and started to take out Wednesday's braid. She then grabbed the brush out of her pocket and started to brush her hair.

"Let me know if I hurt you or pull to hard."

Wednesday couldn't look at her, so she forced Thing to do it for her.

Thing tapped to Y/n.

"Oh, come on! Really, your trying to give me a death glare?"

Thing nodded to her. Y/n groaned and started to brush her hair again.

Her hair was soft. Not at all what Y/n expected.

"Your hair is soft." Y/n whispered into Wednesday's ear.

Wednesday felt something in her lower stomach. Her face started to heat up.

Thing tapped to Wednesday.

"I am not blushing nor am I flustered." She groaned.

Y/n just smiled to herself and started to braid Wednesday's hair again.

"Thank you." Wednesday thanked her.

Y/n just nodded and smiled. The alarm started to go off. "It's time Enid!"

She walked over to Enid and helped her up. She put her hand on her back and lead her towards the bathroom.

"Get the shower started. I'll be in with what you need for your hair to finish and settle." Y/n said reviving a nod.

Y/n walked out and walked past Wednesday. She glanced at her and Wednesday glanced at her as well. Y/n shook her head and kept walking. She grabbed the conditioner and shampoo that Enid would need.

She walked back into the bathroom. Enid yelped when she saw her.

"What?" Y/n asked confused as she looked down.

Y/n's eyes widened and she shoved a towel into Enid.

"We are sisters. It doesn't faze me." She reassured her.

"Shampoo, Conditioner." She said as she shove the products into Enid's chest.

She turned away and started to walk towards the door. She put her hand on the handle but stopped.

"I hope you know..Nothing fazes me."

Enid cocked an eyebrow. "But yet, Wednesday seems to faze you. I saw you blushing once. And also you follow her around like a lost pup."

Y/n didn't respond and opened the door. "I hope the water burns you alive."

Enid's eyes widened but she smiled.

"I'm becoming annoyed with Enid." Y/n told Wednesday after she walked out of the bathroom.

"Me too. Her colors make me want to barf."

After a bit of time, Enid got back to talking with Y/n about her dress for the Rave'N.

"And I know just the place." Enid said with a
huge smile.


Y/n stood in the town of Jericho looking at a
store called 'Hawte Kewture,' with an uncertain
look on her face.

"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"
Wednesday asked in horror.

"Our friend group's first shopping spree! The dance committee's suggesting all white to
match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with
us." Enid said.

"Well I have more pressing business than to
worry about a stupid dress for a dance I'm not
even attending." Wednesday chimed in.

Y/n looked at her incredulously. She wasn't
seriously going to ditch her when she was the
one who got her in this mess in the first place,
was she?

Enid frowned. "But I thought we were bonding." Enid whined.

"I feel I'll only slow you two down. You're
gazelles. I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and
go run with the pack."

"Are you sure?" Enid asked.

"Yeah Wednesday, are you absolutely sure?"
Y/n asked with grinding her teeth and a death smile as her eyes turn a glowing red.

Wednesday nodded and quickly glanced over at
Y/n before she turned and left. Leaving Y/n
watching her go, with a hurt expression.


As Wednesday was walking down the street, she
passed by Uriah's Heap and Thing crawled onto
her shoulder. Then pointed at the display window.

"I'm going to see Galpin. I'm not stop-"

Wednesday glanced at the window and stopped
in her tracks.

I'm the display window, was two female mannequins. The first wearing a black, vintage looking dress, and next to it, was a female mannequin wearing a beautiful black dress that matched the other dress.

Wednesday couldn't help but stare at the two
outfits. She thought the dress was very
fashionable and good looking. She couldn't help
but wonder if it would look as good on her as it
did on the mannequin.

She also thought the matching dress was very
pretty. She couldn't help but picture Y/n
wearing it. It looked to be her size. It would fit her body very well. Wednesday knew she'd look
good in it.

The little bell above the store's door rang,
snapping Wednesday out of his thoughts, and
he turned to see Dr. Kinbott exiting the store.

"Hi Wednesday." She greeted with a smile.

She glanced at the display case to see what he was looking at. "That dress will definitely turn some heads. As will whoever accompanies it in that other dress."

"Are you collecting more exotic trinkets for your
office?" Wednesday asked, referring to the weird

"Those are souvenirs from my travels. That's
how I step outside of my comfort zone.
Speaking of which, are you going to the Rave'N
this weekend?" Dr. Kinbott wondered.

Wednesday's eyebrows twitched. "I'm not
required to answer your questions out in the
wild, am I?"

Dr. Kinbott shrugged. "I look forward to talking
all about it at our next session. What about Y/n? Is she going?"

Wednesday didn't respond and just walked

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