White album reader x mha

By Ramminggoat

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So first time writing a fanfic so go easy on me. 5/7/23 Story done and fully completed The story is as the... More

Getting your quirk
Skating with Dad
New bonds
A promise of a lifetime
Dealing with Middle School
The First True Step But To Where? pt1
The first True Step But To Where?pt2
A new choice but is it a new way of life
The pursuit of revenge
An explosive encounter
What really Happened
First day at the Foundation
Usj Training
UA Sports festival pt.1
Sports festival pt2
Father Pucci
Father Pucci part 2
Welcome to Green Dolphin Prison
7 days
A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand pt2
Air Combat
A new enemy and new allies
Italy welcome's you
Who the hell are you?
Only you
The End Has Come

All or nothing

25 0 0
By Ramminggoat

The wind blew strong as the warship easily pierced the waves causing salty mist to hit anyone on the front deck. Yet there y/n stood their demeanor unchanging as they stared forward with the sun on the horizon.

This was y/n greatest battle where everything was on the line. There were no second chances now, there was no room for errors.

Y/n spied a shiny object up above just within reach of the corner of their left eye. A special shine as if a planet was shown. Yet regardless y/n used it as a means for a wish.A wish to be able to return to Japan and end Shigaraki. Y/n wanted to say they were ready but with their current predicament they felt as if the world was against them as if a calamity was in pursuit.

Y/n decided that was enough time outside so they decided to go inside the warships control room. Placing the Melone's gift in a empty spot of the large board of buttons and controls.

The device first stuck to the controls magnetically then proceeded to form small wires that went inside the frame seemingly decrypting all locks placed over the weapons as a way for the US to try and minimize the amount of destruction and havoc y/n would create.

With a buzz the device said the words "access granted C-Ram and CIWS weapons online, Tomahawk missile online, harpoon missle online, MK gun online."

"Hell yeah now nothing can stand in my way." Y/n said with joy towards the clones that nearby all of which were busy trying to keep the ship from crashing or anything such as that.

Just then the radar feature of the boat alarmed multiple incoming aircrafts most likely Giorno's paid off military personnel or Italian air force either one wasn't a pleasant sight.

The commander began to establish connection and spoke to y/n "surrender now or face the might of Italy's air force, we already have spoken to US officials and they have told us you're locked out of any weapons along with giving the green light to sink the ship. So either come out with your hands up or you can sink with this boat all the way to the bottom of the ocean."

Y/n's white album clone that was controlling the throttle and steering looked towards them awaiting orders. Grabbing the mic y/n replied"If you believe that a simple security lock would stop me think again I have access to all weapons onboard so it is you who has to decide do you want your troops to die or will you step aside and allow me to finish off a Mafia boss

"Your bluffing." The commander rebuttaled

"Am I, well you'll just have to take that risk won't you."y/n said calmly

"Alpha team ready to strike this vessel but take caution those AA guns could be online." The commander said before cutting out.

Sighing in disappointment y/n pressed a sequence of buttons on hacking device.

The C ram and CIWS began their cycle spin as the weapon prepared to fire mass amount of ammo. The weapons system began to give warning with a audible voice "incoming." Before loud alarms played.

That was when the pilots realized they were screwed. Yet it was too late to do anything the guns spun and fire massive lines of bullets each finding their mark easily shredding through the planes not once did the warship slow or anything it continued on within thirty minutes all planes either retreated or were currently sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Y/n simply watched as fate ran its course this was meant to be, these soldiers were the lambs that y/n would use to show a start of a new age. A age without Giorno.

"You bastard I'll make sure you never make it to Rome." The commander said over the radio

Ignoring him y/n prepped the artillery guns ordering it to be positioned northwest. With the click on a button the large cannons fired their rounds sending a missle high in the air that left large white streaks upon the air itself.

Although y/n didn't see it they heard it over the radio the sounds of soliders and alarms before everything went quiet and the radio became quite.

Y/n didn't celebrate they didn't smirk in joy or contentment they stared forward their eyes set on the waves before them.

Meanwhile in a safehouse in Rome.


The sounds of a landline phone could be heard all throughout the house. The sounds were mixed with the already playing opera music. The sounds seemed to float in the smoky air, the smoke caused from a group of Italian men sitting in one room each having a cigar in their mouth all except the one who sat at the end of the table.

The person who sat at the end was a man with long blond hair. His turquoise eyes scanned the area noting the missing persons through the empty chairs. The missing people were the infamous duo of Narancia and Fugo.

Along with the obvious admirer of the man Patsy. So the man sent someone by the name Bucciarati to find them. Trish and Mista were absent aswell spending time with their child that they name Angelo.

The boy had his mother's hair and face and his father's eyes and skin tone. The boy was only 3 it was only 3 years ago that they had to save Mista from being prosecuted in Japan.

The man finally shouted out annoyed by both the phone and the absence of his close friends. "Will someone please answer the damn phone, and where the hell is Fugo and Narancia!" Yelled out Giorno.

A man near the phone quickly grabbed it and asked "who is it?" The response was inaudible. But the man stood up and handed Giorno the phone.

"Hello" Giorno said into the phone.

"Giorno it's Bucciarati I have bad news the news was displaying the truth the kid torched the headquarters of the counterfeit bills. Also Giorno make sure you're alone for what I have to say." Bucciarati stated

"Everyone get the hell out we will continue this meeting on a different day."

Quickly clearing out the room and house were emptied within minutes.

"There I'm alone now speak." Giorno commanded

"Fugo and Narancia are dead." Bucciarati said bluntly

Giorno almost dropped the phone.

"What?!" Giorno screamed into the phone.

"It looks like the kids changed because Patsy's body is also here. It looks like they disposed of them and all other guys we sent out."Bucciarati informed

"Is that all?" Giorno asked

"It is all I had to report." Bucciarati said.

When the phone hung up both sides had tears streaming down their face it didn't stop. Bucciarati was brought to his knees. People who he thought of as his own children were gone all because of him.

Abbacchio appeared holding the weeping shoulders of his comrade. Although Bucciarati couldn't see him as it was only the spirit he felt some sort of comfort.

But Giorno was a different story he threw all the things that were on his desk off. Including bottles of whine worth several thousands of dollars. Along with other expensive gifts brought by the men at the meeting.

Steeling his nerves Giorno called a number he was going to get rid of this child himself now.

Time skip 6 hours

Finally arriving within a mile of the harbor Y/n Saw a seemingly dead city It was the void of light and all life it should have been active around now. Yet the only source of light came from the moon.

Even that wasn't much so turning on the warships lights to guide their way y/n spotted him their mortal enemy himself Giorno.

Summoning M/D they quickly flew off the deck towards the deck of the harbor. Landing exactly 7 ft from Giorno just out of his range.

"Long time it's been hasn't it." Y/n said gleefully

"You bastard you should have stayed in Japan where I left you. I regret not driving my fist through your head instead of your abdomen." Giorno said hate laced within his words.

"No, you don't deserve to act mad. You don't deserve to act this way at all. You are the one that took from me. You are the one who started all of this all for what just some cheap little mafia and look where that's gotten you." Y/n said hatred set a flame within them years of the fuel has finally been ignited.

"I could play dirty and just have the C ram decimate you and everyone around here including your little mafia but no, I'm not like you I'm doing this myself." Y/n said getting into a battle stance with My December summoning it's ice axe.

Giorno said nothing but summon his stand gold experience it looked totally different. It seemingly looked evolved, more powerful than before along with that Goirno took from his side pockets a small green ball with odd patterns almost like a tortise's shells.

"Allow me to show you what proper training and true determination from someone who came from nothing truly is" Giorno said.

Backing his arm in a way like a baseball pitcher would Giorno seemingly had a small glow that seemingly spun around the entire ball.

With a quick throw the ball exceeded speeds well over 90 mph. Yet y/n's battle experience showed as they easily dodge the incoming projectile. Yet they were oblivious to the rebound of the ball which had hit a nearby object it bounced right back towards Giorno's hand hitting y/n on the left side of their skull completely removing it.

Laughing like a mad person y/n looked at Giorno and said "It'll take a hell lot more than that to kill me I embraced a new version of me, the old me that you fought has long since disappear but go ahead try your hardest I want you to try and struggle as your body gives out its last breath."

Y/n's skull seemingly healed itself removing all previous damage. "What the hell." Goirno said.

"I guess you really aren't human I'll still kill you regardless."Giorno said

Y/n rush forward my December close behind both. them and their stand attacked simultaneously My December bringing down their giant axe and y/n throwing a "LEONIDAS SPEAR."

Though this time the spear was much different than when it was used to kill the members of the liberation army. This spear was different. This spear could create more spears in mid-flight by freezing all air around it turning once breathable air into nothing but small razor like constructs that once breathed in would shred the victim's lungs to bits.

Giorno utilizing a steel ball threw it at the spear allowing the ball to spin at unfathomable speed completely decimated both the spear and the small ice constructs in the air.

Grunting and frustration y/n observed as my December brought down their axe upon Giorno's head expecting for the man to be nothing but a blood splat.

Yet time seems to move backwards everything went backwards everything to the waves of the sea went backwards. The gust of winds went backwards even including y/n and MD went backwards.

"This is Requiem." This didn't come from Goirno. This came from his stand gold experience. The stand was independent much like My December.

Turning around in fright y/n saw multiple copies of themselves. They're nerves we're going haywire they were frightened for the very first time in a long while.

"Calm down" My December ordered "This is merely an overflow of life energy that has been bestowed into you remain calm, I will remove the excess as soon as this move of gold experience ends."

Bringing back its fist as time finally went back to it's regular form gold experience unleashed a long and harsh barrage of punches each of which finding their mark upon y/n's body. Though that wasn't all as Giorno steel ball was spinning through the punches that were beginning landed.

This assault was felt throughout the body of y/n who still tried to protect their brain and heart as long as one was still kept alive they would still live. A lot of energy and effort was being poured into keeping each alive as it was constantly either being damaged or completely decimated.

Landing a final strike upon y/n's head a green being emerged from the spinning of the great steel ball. This being went straight through y/n's head but this time they couldn't heal it this time it stung harshly almost as if this attack was unavoidable, unblockable. The soul was damaged.

'Is this how I die' y/n as their body fell backwards they were beginning to lose consciousness they can feel their body dying they were missing a portion of the top left of their head this would ultimately mean their death.

The great fire of hatred seemingly dimmed the once large harsh flames that burned as bright as the sun were reduced to nothing but the heat that you would see at the end of a cigarette. A smoldering heat, a dying heat.

My December saw their master was injured. It knew what it had to do "In this shirt!" It called out The ancient clock of time was seemingly ripped from the sky within a second the clock was frozen fully my December continued to pour endless amounts of cold as if it was freezing the very fabric of reality trying its best to keep y/n alive. It was going to fight with everything it had.

When everything began to dull that is when my December new it did the right thing Gold experience Requiem didn't move Giorno didn't move, the waves the time, the birds, the leaves, everything in sight didn't move.

Time was frozen yet My December didn't attack It went straight towards Y/n before collapsing. "This is it huh?" Y/n asked

"I fear so child, I am at my end I bought us some time before the great grim reaper himself comes for our soul. I'm sorry but this attack was too severe I couldn't do anything to stop it I tried to block him but he went through my defense. It went through yours, it even destroyed a piece of your soul." My December said tiredly

"Doesn't freezing time burn pieces up my soul due to how much we affect it?" Y/n asked

"It does and I was able to use small portions to the point where you'll still live a long life but to 100 is out of the question.." My December said

"If only we could kill this bastard before we check out." Y/n said.

My December realized something though they are a piece of y/n they were representation of the soul but in order to represent something they must have a portion of it or be a piece of it.

My December chuckled to itself it knew what must be done It knew that its time in this world was done but it wasn't for y/n.

Rushing into the boat MD grabbed the device Melone had gifted and called yasuho's number but not before texting. Once time resumed the call and message would go through.

MD grabbed y/n and hugged them tightly."I'm truly sorry to leave you alone in this world my child but it is for your own good. I will give you back what you gave me so long ago right when you were born."

My December held tight as y/n begged for them to stay. "I'm sorry, I truly am I will leave you my powers for I'm your stand from the old world but your genetic coding in this new world."

My December mist like form condensed to a small blue orb the orb that hovered before touching where
Y/n's heart was.

Their wound healed they still had invulnerability they still had their ice powers they still have the ability to to not require a human needs such as food and water. But what they didn't have was their friend from birth the friend who was with them through all good and bad that help them live through this cruel world.

Time resumed the device beeped meaning the call and message went through. Giorno and GER were confused they just seen the giant monstrosity my December in the air holding a giant clock now it was gone.

"Where the hell did that monster go and how the hell are you still alive?" Giorno asked

"That monster was my friend and was more human than you could ever be. And I'm still alive because I'm too pissed off to die." Y/n said enraged.

Rushing forward once more y/n created clones that used gently weeps though against the full power of a steel ball at the golden ratio level It would do little to stop it but right now in the simple game of toss that Giorno must do in order to protect himself it was enough.

"We will kill you." Y/n and the clone said in unison.

"GER try to find the real one quickly we'll be overrun soon." Giorno said

With the onslaught of the clones throwing their spears and weapons even their bodies at the duo it forced GER to use its special ability again. "This is Requiem." GER said

It had to say that exact phrase repeatedly over and over and over again because due to all clones being identical they could not find the real one the one that Goirno would need to use the gold ratio against.

And missing was out of the option, to lose a steel ball and waste it upon a clone that could have been dealt with a simple harsh barrage.

Especially because Giorno was running out of steel balls as the clones began to steal them sacrificing themselves in order to catch one then for the ball to be discarded into the ocean by another.

Exhaustion was beginning to set in Giorno was reaching his limits. Even with GER summoning monsters from rock and trees to fight alongside them those animals were quickly killed.

"Show yourself you coward!" Giorno yelled out

He didn't see it but y/n was currently in the air far beyond clouds. They had been given the gift of flight by My December when it gave its portion of soul back.

After having to keep retrying to create the weapon in the air y/n succeeded finally even with GER repeatedly using nullify to zero of which had set y/n back repeatedly.

Releasing it y/n watched as the giant asteroid made its way towards Giorno and GER at land the asteroid was unseen by the duo due to a large incoming forecast of clouds but now that it was released said clouds were quickly dispersed with the pressure the asteroid created.

GER was the first to spot it using nullify to zero to try and stop it yet It put them in a continuous position where they kept needing to rewind the attack. The attack was so enormous one could not simply avoid it if the hit was not direct they would still take large damage through the impact.

GER yelled towards Giorno"y/n is up there in the sky. quickly use the gold ratio."

Throwing the steel ball forward GER gave it the last bit of power it needed as the green being emerge once more y/n didn't defend they simply stopped flying and allowed for the ball to go over their head. Yet the ball pursued It appears that when GER punched it It infused a bit of life energy into it so that it would track y/n.

Resuming flying as fast as possible y/n got low to the ground swerving through obstacles one after the other though that did little to stop the gold ratio as it simply continued forward destroying all things that acted as a defense.

Countless clones tried to stop it yet none succeeded the steel ball still pursued. Approaching Giorno in the hopes him either being hit with his own move or for it to stop.

Yet all that was received was Giorno merely ducking out of the way allowing the ball to continue it's flight.
With the ball still hot on their heels y/n flew upwards toward the asteroid they created hoping to use it to slow the ball at the very least.

The ball finally pierced through the multi hundred foot asteroid completely destroying it before tailing once again. Y/n finally went in for another sky dive straight towards Giorno along with the hundred of pieces of broken asteroid.

"All or nothing." Y/n thought

Crashing down with the large pieces of ice y/n saw GER activating Requiem meaning y/n would return to their previous position.

GER had set itself in a perfect position placing y/n between itself an immovable and an unstoppable force the golden ratio. Giorno smirked believing he won his smirk diminish when a perfect circle sized hole appeared in the back of his head. That caused GER to scramble leaving it unable to use nullify to zero. Quickly flying around GER the golden ratio ball plunged right into the front of GER's skull.

He fell over barely clinging to life GER returned back to Giorno having sustained too much damage. With GER gone the ball lost its life energy and simply plopped down.

"How?" Was all Giorno asked.

A clone answered the question by holding out y/n's device that had Yasuho on call. "Hey y/n we got your message alot of crazy things were happening but Josuke was able to do what you asked of him."

"What did I asked?" Y/n questioned.

"You asked us can we go beyond so Josuke did and we managed to send his attack throw the phone." Yasuho responded.

"Thank you Yasuho you as well Josuke" y/n said before ordering the clone to hang up the device.

Approaching Giorno's downed corpse y/n felt bliss they felt great, the heavy weight that had been on their shoulders for years vanished.

Y/n smiled and cried out to the sky the pursuit of revenge was over. The lifetime of hatred had been answered. The sun rose y/n hadn't realized how long the battle had lasted it must've been for at least 10 hours though the sun's appearance was showing a turning point in y/n's life, a dawn of a new life, a change to everything.

Giorno drew his last breath glaring at y/n one last time before his eyes went dim the light had been snuffed out as well as his last breath. Ordering the left over clones to throw the body to the sharks y/n felt proud their father was avenged hatred was dispersed of.

Standing preparing to board the boat y/n was shot in the heart yet healed instantly. Turning to the culprit was none other than Mista. Quickly making short work of him the clones brought him on his knees to y/n's feet.

Mista was held down he had a black eye and had been stripped of his weapon. He looked at the person before him they weren't something to scoff at any longer they could rule the world now.

Creating a sharp ice blade y/n ready to bring back the blade in preparation for the execution to fully completed the revenge.

But out of nowhere a pink haired woman appeared struggling against the hold of the clones who were taking ease to not hurt the child that held her hand.

"Trish you and Angelo get out of here this bastard is a crazy, I don't want you guys to get hurt." Mista advised.

"You let Mista go you sonuvabitch he hasn't done anything to you!" Trish yelled out tears streaming down her face.

Ignoring her y/n began the to bring down the sword preparing to decapitated Mista. Yet they stopped all the sudden by a small child trying to protect Mista by throwing himself over Mista's neck.

Y/n stared at the child small tears coming out of his small eyes "please papa" the Child said although the sentence was confusing y/n understood it.

"Child I will spare your father, You deserve to walk a path of your choosing I will not take from you what was taken from me." Y/n said.

Turning around and stepping into the boat the clones followed suit releasing their hold on both Mista and Trish and began to board the warship.

Y/n ordered the clones "set a course for Japan and one of you try to find a bliss barrel."

As the boat went away the child hugged Mista tightly as did Trish all of them realizing the Mafia business was one to no longer be incorporated with.

Well folks that does it this is the second to last chapter.

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