My Emir ✅

By bookcounter

22.2K 2K 312

Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... More

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 12- Wedding party
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 18- Arcane
Chapter 19- Boundaries
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 26- Calm before the storm
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 42- Couture
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 23 - Selfish

386 37 8
By bookcounter

" Daddy!" Ameer squealed in excitement and pointed to the huge entrance of Sultan's hall, drawing all attention to the entrance. All heads turned just in time, to see Emraan walk into the hall, with Eskander and Zayn in tow.
Ameer hopped off his mother's lap and dashed to his father, who scooped him up into a hug.
" That's my Ameer!" Emraan cheered through the painful impact made on his wound,due to the hug.
Eskander was quick to collect the boy from his father, as he had noticed the grimace that flashed his expression.
They walked further into the hall that was occupied by the women in their family, who had come to continue the courtesy of well-wishing.
Yes, including the ones who wished he didn't return home alive. Somehow, they had managed to put up fake smiles, which served as a sheep coating for their wolf furs.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with his family members who had come to pay him a visit, he went straight to his room to rest, just as he had been instructed by Dr. Khalid. It was crucial and much needed.
His mother, Aisha, ensured that none of the guests got access to his room.
She was on the brink of losing her son, so she wouldn't take any more risks. Only God knows what she had been through during the period of his hospitalization. She was more than grateful to have him back home, whole and hearty.

Apparently, she was seated in the women's parlour__as they liked to call it. Mariya, Yasmeen, and a few more women, including Hassan's mother, sat with her as they chatted happily while munching on some snacks. Nazeera was shamelessly stuck in her room with Emraan.

At one side of the parlour, Yasmeen was with Mariya and one of her cousins. They had secluded themselves from the elderly ladies and were having a conversation on their own. It was a debate about the best Nollywood actress. It all started as a result of a movie in which both actresses had starred.
The next advertisement that took over the huge screen of the television they had been watching was that of an upcoming charity fundraising event. It starred Zayn in one of his few visits to some orphanages. It showed when he sported a smile while talking to the little orphans, and then when he read a book to them. In general, the advertisement showcased his compassionate nature towards kids.

" Zayn has always been good with kids. I'm sure he can't wait to have his own child." One of the older women said to no one in particular as the advertisement continued.

Mariya swallowed hard. Yes, she was well aware of that fact. She had seen his relationship with Ameer and the other kids in the family. He had gotten her niece on his side when her sister had visited with the kid. These little things make her feel guilty for asking him not to consummate their marriage yet. These extremely traditional women would be shocked to the core if they were to find out. They would hail her guts__ sarcastically.
This was one of the many guilt trips, that drained her. The thought of Zayn, thwarting his desires to fulfill hers.

" Mariya," Another of the women called her and she responded curtly. " When are you going give us the good news?" She asked. " I'm sure our son is eager to hear such news. He needs an heir, you know." The woman whom she had recognized as sultan's older sister, inquired, pointing to Zayn, who at that time walked into the parlour with Ameer and another boy who was a bit older than the toddler. They were both stuffed with candies which only meant that Zayn had just completed another episode of spoiling the kids.

It only worsened things for Mariya. It only fueled her guilt. She managed to lift the corners of her lips with what seemed like a shy smile. Albeit, it didn't reach her eyes. She was in a turmoil.

" It's been months since you two got married." Another woman added more fuel to the fire." The sultanate anticipates some good news from you."

A frown dawned on Zayn's expressions, as his brain registered what the conversation was about. His eyes met Mariya's. He wondered how she was able to flash him a smile.

Aisha probably sensed the gravity of the situation and decided to take control. She won't let her daughter-in-law get pressured by her family. It was the same with her. She was sure that Zayn wasn't keen on that too.
" Leave my children alone!" She exclaimed playfully with a hint of seriousness in her tone, which she ensured had been well conveyed. "They'll have a child when the time is right." She added.

" They are talking as if children simply fall from the sky." Yasmeen scoffed at the unintellectual behavior the women had just showcased.

The message was indeed conveyed because none of the women spoke about it again. She must have given out an enormous charity to deserve such a mother-in-law as a reward. Her gaze met Hassan's mother and the woman didn't bother to fight the itchy urge to roll her eyes at her.
As if she cared.

She is selfish__ that's for sure. Otherwise, why would she request such a thing from her husband? And the pressure has started already. People are asking when she's going to have a child. She gets eaten by guilt anytime she sees him having a good moment with the children. It was blaring clearly that he would be a good father but she wasn't sure about herself.
She let out a frustrated sigh and sank further into one of the couches in Zayn's room. She had gotten fed up with the women and lodged in her husband's room for the meantime.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Zayn standing in front of her. It was as if he had teleported into the room. However, he told her that he had used the door, just like any normal human being. She had been too detached by her own thoughts to even notice when he had entered the room.

" What are you thinking about?" He quizzed, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow. His hands were tucked in the pockets of his kaftan.

" Nothing." She simply lied as if it was the most usual thing to do.
He only shook his head in amusement and sat beside her on the couch. He made sure they were facing each other.

" Little liar." He flicked her cheeks lightly and smiled at her, easing the tension in the room.
" Just forget about what happened downstairs. We'll be fine." He reassured her. " I'm not going to make any advances without your consent."
It wasn't as easy as he had portrayed it to be. Throughout his meeting with Eskander and Sultan, he had been pondering over it. It was a fact that Mariya is going to be the mother of his children__ that's if the circumstances remain the same. However, it didn't mean she should get pressured into doing it. The need for a child won't make him thwart his wife's preferences. At least, the mother of the child who has not been yet conceived should be taken into consideration. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any difference between him and Hassan.
Everything has a limit to it and as far as he knew Mariya, she won't cross those unspoken limits that have been put in place.

" I deem it inconsiderate for asking such a request from you. You have a soft spot for children and long to have your own." She confessed to what has been bothering her since they got married.

He stared at her for a while and took her hands in his. He strokes the back of her hand gently with his thumb as a sign of assurance.
" Keeping my promise is not much of a burden." How smoothly he had lied. " I trust that you will not cross the limits." He gave flashed her a smile.

She smiled back at him. Her husband. The man she has fallen head over heels with. Her comforter, her partner. She did even know how it happened but she found herself in a web of colourful feelings she came to accept as love. The man was doing things to her and she couldn't wrap her mind around it. She couldn't stop herself from falling. She found herself melting in his embrace anytime he hugged her. She always drove home from work, excited to see his face and hear his soothing voice. The many prayers he had led her throat and the way he made her understand her relationship with her creator. His heartwarming smiles always uplifted her dampened moods. It was just these and many more. She is in love with him and she knew it wasn't the same with him. All those moments he shared with her were only considered as a duty that had to be fulfilled. It was rather disheartening and she couldn't bring herself to tell him. She can't, even.

Above all, there was this one question she had wanted to ask him. It sounded kind of weird and could raise unnecessary suspicions but she couldn't help it.

" What about your desires? " She asked. That should be marked as the most stupid inquiry she has ever made.
He knew the kind of desire she was referring to.
Although it was her fault, she wondered if he had any sexual desires at all. If he did, then he must have put a lot of effort into his promise. How did he do it?

His reaction made her quite confused. A chuckle. That was his response. She winced at the way she was falling all over for him just by the sound of his throaty chuckle.
He stopped and threw her a look. It said so many things that she can't bring herself to utter. It made her heart race like crazy. She knew she had hit a nerve she shouldn't have crossed

" Wife," His voice was hoarse as he called her.
These little details.

How will he explain things to this naive wife of his? Albeit, her innocence was admirable. He wished he could be that much innocent.

Who said sleeping on the same bed with a drop-dead gorgeous wife every single night without any sexual activities, was easy?
Especially, when his ungodly thoughts try to get the best of him during the darkness of the night.

He leaned towards her, his lips were only a few inches away from her neck. She felt the hairs on her body erect as his breaths tickled the nape of her neck. Goosebumps!

" You don't ask a man in my situation such a question." He whispered into her ear. " It's dangerous."

She swallowed hard after realizing the gravity of the question she had asked. She shut her eyes as she felt a wave of shiver zap down her spine.

Zayn pulled back and stared at her intently. She would run out of the room if she were to hear his thoughts. He had to restrain himself from staring at her luscious lips, lest he does something to go against his principles.

" I'll see you later." He said and got up to leave. " I've got to meet with Sultan."
His departure was for the best. It applied in both perspectives.

Mariya let out the breath she had been holding in as soon as Zayn exited the room. She placed a hand on her chest that was hammering wildly.
" Why did I have to ask him such a question?" She sighed out of frustration. " He was doing just great."


First, it was Hassan. Then came Sa'eed. Already, those two are fugitives. Now, it's this pressure about her having to conceive. Although Zayn and the others were always available to see to the problems, she couldn't help but worry. The hitman who could have exposed the instigator was murdered.
What a mastermind.

Sa'eed too is nowhere to be found in the country, which only meant that he was lurking in the shadows, scheming something destructive. It bothered her so much.

A cold zephyr passed by, making her shudder a little. She held onto the metal railings of the terrace she had lodged at, but let go of it immediately because it had caught cold. It was indeed a cold night. There was a high probability of rain. She knew she should be inside the mansion at the moment but she chose to stay on the terrace because she loved the view from up there. It was spectacular.

" What a pleasant surprise!"

She quickly turned around to look at the owner of the voice. Not that she needed to verify but what was he doing there? Her eyes dilated in what seemed like fear.
Morphing such an expression will only give him an upper hand in the situation so she quickly masked it with a stoic one.
Once upon a time, she used to look at him, eyes full of sheer adoration. She yearned to finally be in his embrace, after the celebration of their holy matrimony, hoping for a blissful life filled with love and happiness.
Now she only glared at him with hatred. Unfiltered and unblemished hatred. She didn't want to be in his presence. How fast the times have changed. It would have been the same up till date, if he hadn't attempted to strip her of her honour and dignity, henceforth, going against every single principle she strived upon. On the optimistic side, it warned her of a miserable future ahead.
A warning she had taken into dire consideration.

" You've been avoiding me lately and you know it hurts me." He feigned hurt, bringing a hand to his chest.

She crossed her arms around her torso and leaned back a bit, shifting her weight on one leg. She rolled her eyes at him, not forgetting to hiss loudly in his face. He must be crazy.

" You expect me to come running into your arms after trying to rape me?" She scoffed." On top of that, you were having an affair with Ayoola."
Mariya paused for a while waiting for his lagging brain cells to register her words.

However, Hassan wasn't hurt in the slightest bit by her crude attitude towards him. He was guilty of all the charges directed at him. He seemed rather surprised at her new demeanor.

" I see..." He dragged the last word. "The love I have for bold women is on another level." He smirked, giving her properly veiled body a once-over. How he wished he could rip those veils off her body and explore her into depths. The little he had done with her had driven him crazy and had left him needing more. To him, she's better than drugs__ more intoxicating.
He chuckled at his lustful thoughts and met her gaze, only to see her glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, then he would have been dead.
He smirked and continued to scrutinize her body in silence. He was quite elated to see her shift uncomfortably in her spot. He will take that as a success on his part.

She could feel her breath getting ragged. Waves of shivers zapped down her spine as her palms and forehead got soaked with her sweat.
It was happening again. It happens anytime she comes vis-a-vis with him. The main reason why she avoided him most of the time. Those detectable memories came clouding her. It was rather unfortunate that they were not hazy. It felt vivid__ as if it was about to unfold again. It didn't help with Hassan scorchingly scrutinizing her like the day it happened.
It was almost impossible while trying to maintain her stoic expression through a possible panic attack caused by trauma.

Zayn had tried so hard to help her get a hold of herself after the incident and she won't let his efforts be in vain.
" I wish you realize how strong of a woman you are." He had said to her one time.
Mariya knew she had it in her. It only took her a bit longer to realize it. In no time, she got herself composed like before. She gave his face a once-over before landing a tight slap on his cheek.
His reaction was worth it. Better than months of therapy.

" What the fuck!" He blasphemed and brought a hand to his cheek to soothe the stinging sensation of the slap. " Kin yi hauka ne?!"

" Kai ka fara shi." She retorted with the same amount of energy.
That was the Mariya she knew herself as. She won't get cowered upon by anyone's threat or demeanor. She smiled as if she was proud of what she had done. Truth be told, she was.

Hassan stared at her with anger blazing in his eyes. How dare she?
Her husband must have fed her with too much of his doctrines. The action was never anticipated.

"Slut!" He spat spitefully at her.

She scoffed." Says the womanizer."

She didn't know where this confidence boost came from but she loved it. She was glad to feel the old Mariya resurface. Now, she will give him a taste of his own medicine.
Before he could open his mouth to spurt any more balderdash, she landed another slap on his face, not forgetting to make a more negative impact than the previous one.

He was about to do the same to her but she was quick enough to get a hold of his arm, which she thwarted like a piece of trash. He clenched his jaw as he felt the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.

She turned on her heels and stormed off the terrace, her heels, making a sound with each step she took.

She left him fuming in anger with a bruised ego and a busted lip.

Mariya went downstairs, only to be informed by Zayn about their departure. She made sure to check up on Emraan for the last time. She met him and his wife in their room, having a good time. She wished she had waited for a response to her knock, before entering the room.

It was quite awkward back then. She said her goodbyes to Sultan, Yasmeen, Nana, and the others before heading to the garage.
At the garage, she met Aisha ordering a few maids to stuff a selected amount of groceries into their car. The woman dies that, anytime they visited. Thanks to her, their home never gets deprived of groceries. Her pantry is always top-notch. It relieved her of the burden of having to shop for them.

Mariya and Zayn took turns in hugging his mother before they finally drove off to their abode.
She had thought of telling him about her encounter with Hassan but thought otherwise. She didn't want to get him worried. Moreover, she had pulled off the situation quite impressively.
She had damaged his ego and she knew he would come at her. If not now, then later.


Mariya was woken up in the middle of the night by the frightening sounds of the thunder. It was raining cats and dogs, just as anticipated. The room was shrouded in darkness. She let her hand roam the space beside her, and it was null. Zayn was nowhere on the bed. Another rumble of the thunder had her shrieking. It got her off guard. She placed a hand on her chest, sturdy her racing heart. Eventually, her hand found the switch and turned on the lights. Her hand scanned the room thoroughly in search of Zayn. She tossed her duvet aside and sat up, throwing her feet off the bed. She slid her feet into her slippers and groggily dragged herself to the bathroom.

After a while, she came out of the bathroom with a frown on her face. Zayn wasn't in there, nor was he in the walk-in closet.

" Zayn!" She called without receiving any response." Za..." She paused when his built figure finally graced her sight. The frown that once lingered on her face returned. He was standing outside, on their balcony. His sweatpants, which were the only clothing he had on, were tinted in a darker shade of its colour as a result of being drenched in the rain. Water dropped from the hems of his trousers, which only meant that he had been in the rain for some time now.
He stood firm while the showers hit his body. He had droplets of water coursing down his toned muscles.

Her feet carried her toward his direction. She walked past the floor-to-ceiling windows that separated their bedroom from the balcony, then into the heavy showers. She hugged him from behind, wrapping her dainty arms around his torso. His boy was so cold.
He didn't move, nor did he say anything to her. They just stood in the rain for as long as they could.

" What are you doing to yourself?" She asked, finally breaking the silence. Her voice was laced with concern. If he is going through any ordeal she would be available for him just like he had been for her.

" Mariya, go inside. You are going to catch a cold." He cautioned. His voice could be mistaken for the rambling of the thunder in the background.

" Let's catch a cold together." She insisted and he could feel her smile against his back.

He finally broke the hug and turned to look at his stubborn wife, who was also drenched in the rain. He sent her a glare as a warning to heed his prompts, only for her to return it with a smile. His stoic resolve finally cracked when he realized he couldn't use that card on her.

She stared at him with an emotion he didn't want to recognize but, alas! He knew she could see right through him like an open book. All his achievements and shortcomings. His scars and the storms in his life.
His wife.

He raised a to her face and wiped the droplets of water that were glistening on it. His thumb did the job, while the rest of his fingers rested at the nape of her neck.

Souls were lost in eyes other's eyes, begging to be claimed.

Is this forever? They earnestly hoped.

" Let me heal you." She whispered to him without breaking eye contact.

" I'm sorry, wife."

Saying that he smashed his lips against hers. She had cut his very last string of patience.


😂 Hello guyssss

Welcome back from the Eid break. Hope you had a great time.

Yet again, another chapter.
Hope you liked it.
Y'all have to admit that Mariya did a good job with Hassan.

The pressure is getting worse😂

Anyways don't forget to vote, comment and shareee!!!

Tag anyone you know in the comments section.

Till then,

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