His Demon Her Major [J. Whitl...

By QueenDann1

151K 3.6K 458

Freya Swan is Charlie's first born and favorite child and has been fighting her own inner demons since Renee... More

Freya Swan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7🔞
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13🔞
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16🔞
Chapter 17
Home renovations
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21🔞
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11🔞

5.2K 141 12
By QueenDann1

It's been 14 hours since I found out that Freya snuck out to 'save' Isabella and Renee, which only led her into a trap. I don't blame her, I would have done the same if it was my family.

Carlisle, thank the gods, got to her in time as well as the rest of us. Thanks to James twisted mind, he made a recording. James revealed that he and Isabella tricked Freya into leading her to a trap. I was angry and happy to rip the bastard to pieces.

Getting her to the hospital in time, Carlisle saved her and only found she has a concussion, a twisted wrist and best of all the babies were fine. Not that anyone else knew about them.

Hearing a groan, I lifted my head up to see Freya's eyes opening. I kneeled next to her and held her hand.

"Jasper?" Her voice was hoarse and weak, but I was just happy she is alive.

"I'm here, darling. I'm right here." I whispered to her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know—" She sobbed, but I put a hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb against her skin.

"I know, I know. You were tricked. I am not mad at you." I whisper to her, placing my forehead against hers.

"Where am I?" She asks.

"Phoenix hospital. Carlisle and I rushed you here, he took care of you and our babies." I answer.

"Are they okay?!" She exclaimed, but I calmed her down so no one busted into the room.

"Yes. The three of you are just fine. I promise." I whisper. "Your father just left for food, I guess he could tell you were about to wake up."

"Where is he? I want to go home." She says.

"I know. I'll get Carlisle to sign you out and we can get you home. I have Staci waiting for us by the plane. I got us a smooth ride home since you can't teleport without hurting the babies." I reply, getting up and about to wake to the door.

Instead of letting go of my hand, she held on tighter. I smiled, gave her a peck on her forehead then went outside. I saw Carlisle coming down the hallway, unfortunately, so was Renee.

"Where is she? Where is my daughter?!" She spat angrily.

"She is safe, that's all you need to know." I gritted my teeth at her as Carlisle got between us.

"For the last time, Ms. Dwyer, I have already told you that Freya is over 18 and is within her legal rights. She has the right to not want to see you. You cannot force her to do anything against her will." Carlisle says.

"She is and always will be my daughter. I have the right to see her in the hospital." Renee replied, as she fakes crocodile tears. But we weren't buying it.

"That's just it, Renee. You don't." Loki says appearing behind her, making Renee gasp.

"You. I — I thought you were gone." She whimpered.

"I was. Until I found out that I had a daughter. Thanks to you." He glared at her, making her sink against the wall.

"Loki, please, just let me—" She was cut off when he slammed his fist against the wall, scaring her.

"I lost seeing my daughter grow up. Because I know who you really are, Renee. I won't let you trick me again. That's my job description, you know. You know exactly what I can do, so you will listen here. You are going to leave my daughter, and her boyfriend alone. Or so help me, I will make you dissappear, never to be seen again. Not that many people will really care." Loki said in a dark voice, making her shake in fear.

Storming away from her, he went to Freya's room. I followed as Carlisle escorted her away from our room. Freya's eyes lit up when she saw us. Hugging her carefully, I smiled at their close relationship. Once he pulled away, I made sure she ate something even if it was jello. Once she stomached that, Carlisle and Loki signed her out just in time for Bella to wake up and ask to talk to her. But we ignored her and just got Freya out of the hospital and into the car.

When we got her into the Jeep, her father used his magic to change her sling into something more pretty. Something that really suited her style.

"Thanks, Dad." Freya says tired.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Just rest, and we will be home before you know it." Loki whispers to her. She instantly fell asleep in the seat.

He teleports to the house while I drove Freya to the plane. Meeting up with Staci, I carried Freya bridal style onto the plane and into the private bedroom quarters. Laying her down, covering her due to the cold, the plane soon took off.

Right when the plane landed in the brink of night, I flashed us home under the cover of darkness so we didn't get stopped.

Once we were home, I texted Sam letting him know that we made it. Him, Emily and Billy have been worried sick about Freya. So when they heard were home, they immediately replied they'd visit tomorrow.

~Time skip~

[whitlock house]
It's been almost like hell since I came home, I really want to smoke my weed, but I won't due to the babies. I knew that my body is immune to substances like that, but I'll just wait till the babies are born. I blocked plenty of new numbers on my new phone, thankful that Isabitch didn't get it when I was down in Phoenix. Once again, it was proven that I couldn't trust her.

Jasper and Dad have been taking care of me, well, Emily too since she's been over every single day since I came home. She's become the real sister that I always wanted. She would push Jasper out to the kitchen and cook. Especially since we buy in bulk, Sam, Paul and Jared need it for their metabolism.

They were nervous about the babies at first, but when Dad stepped in and told them that I was a goddess, everything would be fine. Plus, we could just swipe some blood from a blood bank if we needed to.

"So, have you guys thought about names yet?" Jared asks.

"Still working on it. Carlisle wants to get another ultrasound to determine the gender. In fact, we are having a gender reveal/baby shower the weekend after prom." I answered.

"Sweet." Paul and Jared commented making me smile.

"So, lover boy asked you to prom?" Paul asks.

"Yes, he did. And I immediately said yes, Paul." I answered.

"Oh." He sighed.

"Look, Paul. We may have been friends since we were little before I was swiped away from Pops, that won't change the way I care about you. I'm sorry you developed a crush on my sexy ass, but I'm taken." I said.

"What!?" Jasper growled, hearing me.

"It was a long time ago, before I even met you." I replied, trying to calm him down but he just kept glaring at the pour love sick wolf.

"What was a long time ago?" Jasper asks, upset.

"None of your business." Paul spat.

"Hey! Enough!" I exclaimed, they both listened to me.

"If it wasn't for Paul, I wouldn't have known what real friendship is, or understood what love really is. And Jasper is a very nice, very handsome gentlemen that takes care of me first above everything else. So, be thankful." I said to them both.

I pulled Jasper to the couch and sat in his lap. My tummy was growing again, so Rosalie and Alice were fitting my dress for Prom for me, despite my surprise I have for them. As the night came by, Jasper helped me get ready for bed since I was still out of commission.

~Time skip~

Prom is here! I am so excited. With Rosalie, Alice and Esme helping I was going to look great. Dad was helping Jasper out with tux designs, but knowing the boys they were already dressed and waiting.

"You look beautiful, Freya." Rosalie says.

"Thanks, Rosalie." I reply, giving a twirl. My stomach was barely noticeable, so my baby secret was safe. After she did my hair, she helped me put on my heels.

After I was done, I put my sling in my bag so I could have it in case the pain meds wore off. I'm thankful that even though I'm a goddess, I still can use pain meds and I don't feel pain for long.

"You look beautiful, darling." Jasper says, greeting me at the bottom step.

"You clean up very nice, handsome." I reply pecking his cheek.

"You missed." He says, teasing.

"Oh, you'll get more later. For now, let's go make some memories." I replied unaffected by his flirtiness.

I walked out the door and waited for him to snap out of it. Once he flashed outside, he swept me off my feet and helped me into the seat. I chuckled at how long it took him to get out here, but he shut me up when he put a hand on my thigh.

[Forks High School]
Once we got to the dance, he helped me out of the Jeep only for pain to shoot through my arm. I grunted and held my arm.

"What's wrong?" Jasper asks concerned.

"N-Nothing. It's f-fine." I stammered, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

"It's not fine. You're still in pain. We should just go home." Jasper replies.

"No!" I exclaimed, only to get a headache. "No. I am fine. Let's go enjoy the dance for a bit then we can go home and cuddle. Deal?"

"Deal. But if you feel any pain no matter what, you tell me. It's not good for you or the babies." Jasper whispers, holding me close to his chest.

"I promise." I reply as we joined hands then went in line for photos.

"Freya!" I hear a soft whisper. Turing my head, it was Angela and Eric. "You look gorgeous, Freya."

"Thanks, you too Angela." I whisper back then turned to face with Jasper into the camera.

Once we got our photos, Jasper swept me up, again and got me inside. There was a puddle, he didn't want me to get soaked. When we got inside, I felt uneasy.

"You really want to torture me, don't you?" I asked.

Jasper chuckles. "Nope. Just want you to have a good time. Now, let's see what they got set up."

Giggling, I wrapped my arm around his and he led me around. Lights strobed and music played. The lights nearly blinded me, but what surprised me, was that it really was casino themed. When I saw the raffle table, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"What is that? Who is here?!" I thought as I felt a sliver of fear run through my body.

"Freya, what's wrong?" Jasper asks, bring me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine." I answer, then made sure to keep him off the subject by dragging him away from the raffle and towards the dance floor.

We passed Tyler dancing with Lauren, he was acting like a real idiot. Jessica was dancing with Jacob. I sent a message that a friend of mine needed a date, he happily agreed. I'm glad that the both of them are having a great time.

When it got to crowded, I was led outside by Jasper. I looked and saw he was holding his arm out to me. Smiling, I took it and held me closer. With that, he wraps his other arm around my waist. I put my free hand on his shoulder, our connected hands still linked.

Swaying my hips, I leaned my head against his chest as he held me close. We stayed silent as we enjoyed the peace and silence. The danger was gone, for now at least.

"So, I never got to ask. How did your family take the news?" Jasper asks.

"They were really excited. Grandmother Frigga is excited to see what magical abilities will be revealed in our children, and Uncle Thor was looking forward to the excitement of a sparing partner for when I give birth." I answered.

"That's good. I just hope he doesn't do to far." Jasper says.

"He won't. Not with you and Dad watching out for me. For us." I reply giggly.

Taking the chance at my reaction, he spun me around and dipped me. I giggled a bit more as he held me caustiously so he didn't drop me. Not that he would.

Hearing the sound of someone clearing their throat, I leaned my head down, and glared when I saw an upside down Edward and Isabitch.

"Can we talk?" Edward asks.

Raising me back up, I walked over and smacked him right across the face. Isabitch gasped loud, causing me to mentally roll my eyes.

"We have nothing to talk about. You lost my trust and respect when you sided with this bitch. The same bitch that nearly got me killed! You choose her over your own damn family. I can no longer trust the likes of you, Dick-ward. I want nothing to do with either of you." I stated then turned my back to them.

"Freya, please, just let me explain — Ahk!" I blinked, to find that Jasper flashed over and held Dick-ward by the throat with his hand.

"The girl told you she didn't want nothing to do with you, and yet you try to talk to her anyway. Now that, just pisses me off — mate." Jasper spoke, his accent strong.

"Wait... that's not Jasper.. It's Major!" I thought.

When Major came out, it was only due to Jasper unable to control his anger. His so called brother had the nerve to try to talk to his mate even after what they all witnessed, and heard thanks to that video James made while at the ballet studio. He was an idiot, he didn't believe that Isabella really set her sister up to die just because she wanted the money and beauty Freya had. A real time idiot if you can obviously see.

When he couldn't control his anger, fearing he might hurt Freya and the babies, he did the only thing he could. He let Major out of his cage.

"M-M-M-Major?!" Edward choked as cracks started to appear under Jasper's grip.

"It's good to see you squirm at my feet again, Edward Mason. You are not worthy of the Cullen name after what you've done. And don't even think of denying it, Jasper and Freya have told me everything." Major spoke, his voice stern towards the boy. "Now, I just have to ask, even though I don't care about your answer...why? Why would you ignore your family's advice and not listen to them about the human? The human that has caused nothing but trouble since she arrived here in town. Or did you forget...that the human you love had sex with other males just so they could hurt Freya?"

Edward was too afraid to talk. Worried that Major would instantly kill Isabella if he tried to explain what happened. But in reality, Edward knew that they were in trouble. He knew that Isabella was jealous of Freya, but what he didn't know was that she really wanted immortality. Which is why she made her plan to set Freya up to die, so she could be turned and show Edward and Jasper that she was better than her.

When in reality, it was all in her head. Delusional bitch.

Throwing Edward into a tree, he grunted when the impact broke the tree in half. The tree gave the illusion that it broke due to the weather. So no one would guess that a couple of vampires had a tussle.

"Edward!" Isabella cried out, and rushed over. Forgetting that her leg was 'hurt'.

Freya winced, but only because of the tree getting hurt by Dick-ward. Major turned to see Freya was getting light headed and tired. Swiftly lifting her up and off her feet, he flashed over to their Jeep.

When I felt myself coming back, Major got Freya to our ride. She was getting a bit tired. Helping her into the Jeep, I drove us home.

[Whitlock House]
Once I got her inside and up to the bedroom, I pushed her against the door and kissed her hard. I held her hips as she opened her mouth for me to stick my tongue inside.

I loved tasting her. Her scent constantly drives me nuts. I can barely control myself sometimes.

"Jasper." Freya says in a whisper as we pulled away. She pants, trying to collect her breath. "What are we going to do now? Prom will most likely be over within the hour, plus Dad is informing my family about the incident, so we have the house to ourselves."

"To ourselves, huh?" I ask with a smirk, causing her to blush.

"Why don't you take a quick shower and wash off any makeup. I want to pleasure you tonight." I spoke into her ear, feeling her body heating up a bit.

"O—Oh—Okay." Freya stutters.

I unzip her dress for her then helped her walk to the bathroom. Flashing around the room, I made a fire in the fireplace. Then, I flipped the covers over and pulled the sheet down so the bed was ready. Taking off my tux, I hang it up in the closet while I made sure my tools were all prepped. With that done, I flashed on my sweats.

"Jasper." I turned to see Freya wearing....a lingerie set that really set off her curves. Her beautiful body...that is all mine.

"You look beautiful." I spoke with a smirk as I stalked over to her.

Feeling her nerves, I decided to help her out by calming her down. When I felt her calm down a bit, I flashed her to the bed and hovered over her.

"Don't scare me like that!" She shouted at me while trying not to laugh.

"Undo your spell." I spoke challantly.

"What?" She asks confused.

"The spell you use to conceal your pregnancy. I want you to remove it." I answered clearer this time.

Blinking, Freya hummed a quick rhyme that made her stomach start to grow. Along with her stomach, her breasts grew half a size to.

"I'm glad this is another size, otherwise it'd be really tight." Freya says as she adjusted the top part of her sleepwear.

"I wouldn't mind that actually." I reply, my smirk still present.

"Yeah, of course you would. Because you don't have to deal with them." Freya says sarcastic.

"Well, you are beautiful no matter what size your breasts are." I reply, gently rubbing a hand over her chest. "Although, I wouldn't mind if they stayed big for a little while. Only if it means you've got my child in your beautiful tummy of yours."

"Jasper." Freya mutters, squirming underneath me.

"What? You like hearing me say that I love that you have my child, my kids inside of you. That I like that you have given me the gift of father-hood." I said which only caused her to blush harder.

"In fact, I think I still need to repay you for that, as well as pleasure you for the night. I'd love to be buried deep inside of you again, but I will wait until you give birth to the twins, in case something happens." I added as I pulled out the hand cuffs from my sweats. Her eyes widen seeing them. "Give me your hands."

She hesitated as first, but when she saw my smile instead of a smirk, she gave me her hands. I carefully cuffed her to the headboard so her arms would be up and out of the way. She tugs on the cuffs but then stopped when I straddled her and gently caressed both her breasts.

"You like it when I touch you, don't you?" I ask seducing.

"Y-Yes." She stuttered, throwing her head back as I pinched her nipples through her top.

"Now, it's time for the show." I mutter softly as I trailed kisses down from her lips to her neck, then down her chest to her stomach. I licked her belly button just so she'd squirm.

But as I reached down her stomach, I slowly pulled her underwear off and started to kiss her thighs.

"Jasper...please, don't tease." Freya whimpered, causing my to let out a primal growl.

I slowly licked up her clit once before diving right him. Her taste hit me like a wave, and I didn't want it to stop. Feeling Freya trying to move her hips, my arms wrapped around her waist, holding her still. Her whimpers grew louder and louder as I felt her stomach churning.

"Jasper — Ahh!" She whimpered then screamed, her release come onto my tongue.

Licking it all up, it was time for some fun. I licked my lips before pulling out the vibrator. Her eyes widen but before she could protest, I slowly inserted it into her. She squirmed at first, but as I straddled her I also pulled out a white ball gag from my other pocket.

"What are you going to do what that?" She asks blushing.

"Part your lips and you'll find out." I answer with a smirk.

Hesitantly, she does. Slipping the ball gag between her lips, I buckled it before planting kisses all over her cheeks then down her neck. Going down her neck, I gave her covered breasts attention before kissing her stomach back down to her clit.

She squirmed, which only made my length tighten in my sweats. Turning on the vibrator, Freya let out a squeal as she tried to free herself from the cuffs but failed. I smirked as I held her by her waist as I started to lick her clit again.

It wasn't long till she releases again. And again. and again.

Seeing her panting and sweating, I decided to quit. Once I turned off the vibrator, I slowly pulled it out. After I did that, I took off her ball gag and unlocked the cuffs. I also moved her top and her underwear into the hamper since I took them off awhile ago.

Carefully lifting her up in my arms, I walked us into the bathroom. With the bath already full, I lowered her in before flashing my sweats off and getting in behind her. I didn't mind if I didn't get a release, I was just lucky enough to have her in my life.

Gently rubbing her hair with shampoo, I made this bath quick so she could get some sleep. When I finished, I dried us off before flashing on clean sleepwear for Freya.

Laying us down in bed, I couldn't stop rubbing my hand over her slightly enlarged tummy.

"I love you, Freya." I whispered to her, then kissed her head.

"I love you more, Jasper." She whispers back.

"Oh-ho, don't start that. You won't win." I whispered to her.

"Why do you think that?" Freya asks.

"Because, you have no idea how much I really love you. Plus, I plan to show you real soon." I answer, kissing her forehead as she snuggled her face into my chest. "Sleep. We are gonna be busy tomorrow."

"Okay." She hums before succumbing to sleep.

I hugged her close as I closed my eyes, listening in on her heart beat, as well as my babies.

(Edited and proofread)

Happy Mother's Day! Everyone

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