Invisible String | Emily Pren...

By emilyprentissbae

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"𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣" After becoming Unit Chie... More

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1.8K 66 65
By emilyprentissbae


I SAT in my office, half paying paying attention to Y/n talk about the some study she read and the other half of my attention was scrolling through my email. Y/n had just gotten back to work last week so she was more upbeat than she normally was. However, this used to be an everyday occurrence so I knew that Y/n didn't really care if I was listening or not, she just liked to talk outloud.

She continued her ramble as a I came across an email from Linda Barnes. I looked at the calendar and saw that it was August 3rd. She's only been here for three days and she's already emailing me?

I frowned as I read it. It was a request for a 'confidential' meeting this morning to discuss the future of the BAU.

I replied back with a 'yes' but I already had a bad feeling.

I looked at the clock and saw that I only had about 2 hours till the meeting. I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair and I heard Y/n stop talking.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just some unit chief stuff." I said with a sigh and Y/n nodded. 

"Okay, I'll leave you be. Lunch later?" She asked as she walked over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course." I smiled and blew her a kiss as she walked out of the door.

I finished up some paperwork and by 10 am I was heading down to the second floor to find her office. I wasn't even nervous, just pissed that I had to be doing this. I knocked on the door. "Come in." She called out and so I did.

"Agent Prentiss. Hello. Take a seat." She said as she motioned to the seat across from her.

"Agent Barnes." I greeted as I quickly looked around her office. Her entire wall was covered with her accomplishments and had no pictures of kids or anything. Interesting.

"I've heard a lot about you." She said as she closed computer and scooted her chair closer.

"Likewise." I said politely although all I wanted to do was smack that narcissistic tight-lipped smile off her face.

"I have to say, your resume is as impressive as it is concerning." She said.

Damn, right into I guess.

"Ma'am?" I questioned. There was no point in arguing until I knew what to argue about.

"You've ran teams both nationally and internationally and you've taken down an entire terrorist organization during your time undercover. You've done more in your career by 39 than most people would have in three life times."

"Well, all of those things were a team effort." I said with a force smile.

"Selfless. I'm surprised." Barnes noted and I just stared at her.


"You're selfless. You can't even take credit for your own achievements Agent Prentiss. One would think that would make you a good leader, but I disagree." She said and I felt my blood starting to boil.


"You seem to care more about team loyalty than bureaucrat policy. You aren't objective enough and that puts your entire unit and everyone involved with you in danger. That's not even mentioning the units reputation that you have tarnished while in leadership. "

"Excuse me?!" I scoffed.

"Your unit is reckless Agent Prentiss. Take Dr. Reid for example. He was arrested in Mexico on murder and drug possession charges-"

"And he was released the same day when the Mexican Police Department found him innocent." I gritted out and Barnes just looked more irritated with my interruption.

"Stephen Walker." She said and I felt myself pale.

"Did you know that he was the first agent in the BAU's history to die in the field? Did you know that he left behind a wife and two kids?"

"I did know that." I said trying not to let my emotions show.

"And that was under your leadership. Remind me of why you brought him onto the team again?" She said.

"I brought him onto to the team because of his specialization in counterintelligence. At the time he was very insightful in catching Peter Lewis, who had escaped from prison." I said.

"Peter Lewis, that's the man that killed him and kidnapped you, correct?" She asked.

"Yes." I gritted out and she just nodded before turning her attention to a file on her desk.

"Let's discuss the rest of your agents." She said as she pulled out a stack of papers.

So that's what we did for the next two hours. I had to defend and explain almost every single decisions made by every team member. Halfway through, I knew whatever I was saying wouldn't even matter because Barnes had an endgame. I just didn't know what it was.

The last agent we got too was Y/n and I could feel myself starting to sweat. We had been careful about our relationship. No one knew but the rest of team. Or at least I hoped.

"I see that you hired Agent Y/l/n without any prior field experience."

"It's Dr. Y/l/n, and yes I did." I gritted out.

"And in less than a year she has been both, suspended and shot." Agent Barnes added.

"Both of those things were dealt with according to the bureau's protocol." I said with a forced smile.

Linda Barnes just sighed as she closed the file and leaned on her desk.

"Alright, I'm just going to cut to the chase." Barnes said and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

That would have been nice two hours ago...

"Your agents are reckless and it doesn't help that you're equally as rash."


"You are unreliable, destructive, and overall just a flight risk."

"Are you kidding me?!" I said as I stood up from my chair.

"Obviously, I'm not. It takes one look into your file to see that my observation are correct. Let alone the fact that you can't even have a formal conversation with me without acting out." She countered back, unamused.

"Well, you're wrong. During your look into my file did you see that I currently hold the record to both Agent Hotchner and Agent Gideon in the unsubs we've convicted and the number of families we've brought justice too in a year span? Did you read that I have more connection, both nationally and internationally than you ever will." I sneered.

"And how do you think you achieved those connections?" Barnes said with an eyebrow raise.

"I achieved those connections on my own. I have never once used my name or my parents wealth to get me anything." I scoffed back.

"Just because you never used the connections doesn't mean you haven't been handed opportunities because of it."

"I am well aware of that but-"

"The late Agent Strauss hired you because of it. Why do you think you transferred so quickly after Agent Greenaway's department?" Barnes said and I just glared at her. "That is not the reason Strauss hired me."

"Maybe not the full reason. Although, I'm not sure the other reason is any better." Barnes said with an eye brow raise.

"Excuse me?" I asked clenching my fist because I knew exactly where she was about to go.

"Your resume was nothing but red marks but she hired you anyway to get dirt on Agent Hotchner. To your credit you didn't, but do you want to know why she did that? Because she knew you would do anything to complete the mission. You are a CIA Spy after all." She said with a small smile.

"I was a CIA spy, I am not anymore. If you're implying that I would do the things I had to do back then, you're wrong. The FBI and CIA have two very different ways of functioning. Although, maybe you didn't know that because it has become quite obvious that your whole career has been pushing pencils and sticking you nose into places they don't belong-"

"Sit down Agent Prentiss." Linda Barnes gritted out.

I thought about finishing telling her off but realized that would just play into what she already thinks of me so I just sat down and bit my tongue.

"Alright I'll continue from where I was before. You were Chief of Interpol in London. Correct?" Barnes asked.


"And after you left Interpol you were immediately given the Unit Chief position which made me question, why? Dr. Reid has been here longer than you. David Rossi created the Unit. Jennifer Jareau has also been here longer than you and her background as communication liaison would have definitely helped dealing with the press. So why would Agent Hotchner choose you?" She asked and I knew it was a rhetorical question so I just pursed my lips.

"I was still questioning it when I pulled out his file. And not to my surprise, he also has connections to your family. He worked security detail for your mother, correct?"

"Oh, you can not be serious right now!" I yelled back.

"But did he?"

"Yes, he did. For probably less than a month. But that has nothing to do with why I am Unit Chief! Dr. Reid has no interest in leading a unit and neither does David Rossi. I'm not sure why Agent Hotchner didn't ask Agent Jareau, but I am sure she would excel at the position. But what I am sure of, is that he asked me because I have the experience, capability, and work ethic to lead this team!" I said clenching my fist together.

"Well, I am glad you think of it that way and I'm glad you think Agent Jareau is capable of running the unit." She said as she crossed her hands and I felt my body stiffen.


"As of right now, Agent Jareau will act as stand in unit chief if she accepts the positions. So, Agent Prentiss please turn in you badge and gun. You are suspended until further notice."

"WHAT?!" I yelled out as I shot up from my chair.

"You are not fit to run the BAU, Agent Prentiss. And these last two hours have only proved my point. You have been handed opportunities that you cannot handle your entire career. I will be over seeing the unit this week and I need to know if the BAU is a lost or cause or if it was just failing under your leadership." She said as she stood up.

"FAILING UNDER MY LEADERSHIP?! Who are you to dictate my skill when you nothing  but a hedge fund manager with a badge and ego bigger than-"

"AGENT PRENTISS! Finish that sentence and your fired." She barked out and I shut my mouth.

"Good idea. Now, hand me your gun and badge." She said as she held out her hand. I could feel rage coursing through my body as I tried my best not to slam my credential and gun into her hand. As I turned around to leave I heard Agent Barnes call out for me.

"Emily, do not discuss our chat with anyone. Am I clear?" She said with a triumphant smile.

"Crystal." I gritted as I walked out the door and slammed it. It was immature and unprofessional but I needed to do something.

I walked down the halls clenching my fist so tight I could feel my nails breaking through the skin. I don't think I've ever felt this much anger built up inside of before. I've been suspended before, but not like this. If anything I thought my relationship with Y/n would get me suspended, but Barnes didn't even know about it. And if she did, I would have been able to handle the suspension.

But this?

It was like a fucking slap in the face telling me that I will never be anything without my parents and last name. Have I ever even earned something on my own?

I don't even deserve the title of Unit Chief, do I? I mean Barnes was right. Stephen was killed under my leadership. Reid was arrested, even if it was just for a day. And Y/n... the woman I promised myself to never let get hurt got shot and almost died because of me!

I didn't even bother heading back to the bullpen before going straight to my car.

I need a drink.


IT'S BEEN five hours since Emily left for her meeting and two hours since JJ left for hers. I knew I shouldn't be worried, I mean Emily is the unit chief after all, but I haven't heard a single word from her. She even missed our lunch, not that I was upset, but she usually shoots me a quick text or pops in to tell me she can't. Maybe I should be worried?

"You're staring." Luke said as I felt a paper-ball hit me in the forehead.

"What?" I asked as I swiveled my chair toward him.

"You've been staring at her office for the last 7 minutes and 28 seconds." Spencer chimed in and just shot him a glare.

"Do you two not have anything better to do." I grumbled and they just laughed.

Eventually I brought my focus back to my consults and worked for about an hour before we all heard JJ storm into the bullpen. She didn't even look at anyone before she went straight to Emily's office and started banging on the door.

"She's not here JJ." I called out confused.

"Fuck." I heard JJ curse under her breath before opening the office door and walking in.

"What's going on?" Tara asked as we all looked at each other.

"I don't know. I'll go check it out." I said and everyone just nodded.

I slowly walked to Emily's office and knocked on the door. "JJ?" I called out and was surprised when she opened the door and immediately pulled me in by the wrist.

"What the hell-" I started as JJ closed the door and locked it.

"Did she tell you?" JJ asked as she started to pace around the room. I could see the tension in her shoulders and was now becoming increasingly worried.

"Did who tell me what?" I asked slowly.

"Did EMILY tell you?!" She said and I just shook my head, extremely confused about what was going on.

"Oh shit. She probably left after the meeting." JJ groaned as she ran her hands through her hair.

"JJ what the hell is going on?!" I asked growing impatient.

"Its- it's complicated." She said.

"Well then un-complicate it. You're acting like a wreck and no one has seen Emily in five hours. So please just tell me what's going." I said trying my hardest to not beg but If anything was wrong with Emily begging would be lightest of things I would do.

"What I say can not leave this room, do you understand me Y/n? I'm only telling because I know that Emily will tell you." She said seriously and I just nodded. "Yeah yeah, I understand."

JJ stopped pacing to look at me, "Emily got suspended."

"WHAT?!" I said, shocked.

"And I am now acting Unit Chief."


"Jesus Christ lower your voice!"

"Sorry....what?!" I yelped as I stared at her and she just bit her lip nervously.

"Barnes doesn't think she's fit to run the unit. I- I was coming in here to talk to her." JJ said.

Now I was starting to pace around the room. "Did you call, her?" I asked.

"Yeah, and it didn't go through. She must have shut her phone off." JJ winced.

"Why would she do that?" I asked as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call her. I don't even know why I asked, JJ and I both knew why she would. We also knew that Emily could easily disappear without a trace, not even Garcia would be able to find her if she truly didn't want to be found.

I called her three times and each time my call was cancelled. "Fuck." I said as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I headed for the door when JJ grabbed onto my wrist. "Where are you going?" She asked concerned.

"I need to go find her." I said as I shrugged off her hand.

"Wait! Please tell her that I'm sorry. I don't want her job, especially not like this." JJ said as she bit her lip.

I immediately pulled her into a hug knowing that she definitely needed one. "You have nothing to be sorry about Jay. This is all just some bureaucratic political bullshit. But in the meantime, you're going to be a great Unit Chief, and you're going to hold this unit together, okay?" I said sincerely and I felt JJ nod against my shoulder.

"Yeah, okay. Tell me when you find her. I want to make sure she's okay." JJ said softly before letting me go.

"Of course." I said sincerely before bolting out the door and ignoring everyones concerned looks. I made a beeline straight to Garcia's office knowing that would be the best place to start.

"I need you to track Emily's phone." I said as threw the door open. Penelope looked at me concerned but immediately complied. I rarely used a demanding tone so she must have sensed this was serious.

"Hmmm she shut it off, but fear not! I will turn it back on and track it!" Penelope said as she typed.

"The fact that you have the power to do that terrifies me." I muttered and Penelope laughed.

"Ahh! Our favorite brooding brunette is at..... a bar?" Penelope said and I but the inside of my lip. "Lovely. Which one?"

"O'keefes" Penelope said and I was out the door before she could say anything else.


I pulled into the parking lot and couldn't decide if I was relieved or not to see Emily's car. It was early afternoon so there weren't that many people here.

As soon as I walked in I spotted her in the back by herself. I slipped into the bar stool next to her and she didn't even glance my way.

"Emily." I said softly and all she did was swirl the contents in her drink around.

"Emily." I repeated and she finally whipped her head toward me. "I heard you the first time." She said, slightly slurring her words.

"How much have you had to drink?" I asked seriously and she just rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. You could have alcohol poisoning or-"

"Do you ever just shut up?!" She yelled and I just raised my eyebrows. "I see we're a couple drinks past fun and giggly."

Emily just glared at me and then downed the rest of her drink before called the bartender over. "I'll take another-" She started before I cut her off.

"She won't be getting anything because we're leaving. C'mon Emily." I said and mouthed a small thank you to the bartender who gave me an understanding nod.

"No!" She said.

"Emily, we're going." I said as I stood up and motioned for her to do the same. She didn't move.

"Now!" I gritted out and Emily grumbled but immediately stood up, swaying a little bit. I wrapped an arm around her waist, now very thankful that the physical therapy was strengthening my arm.

We made it to my car, but not before she had to throw up in the bushes. I held her hair and rubbed her back as she emptied all the contents of her stomach. Which was probably all alcohol since I knew she didn't eat lunch.

"Gross." I muttered as I had to look away. Throw up was one of the things that I couldn't handle. Ever.

Once she was done I put her in the passenger seat of my car and gave her some water before heading to the driver's side. "My head hurts." Emily grumbled as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"There's some Advil in my purse." I said and Emily reluctantly went through it before pulling it out. I watched from the corner of my eye as she wrestled to get the bottle open. She cursed in a language unknown to me, although I'm pretty sure it was polish.

"You want me to help you open it?" I asked as we pulled up to a red light, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No." She mumbled and she continued her struggle.

"Just push the lid down and turn." I said after awhile and it earned me a nasty glare from Emily. "I am! The damn things broken!" She groaned as she threw it on the ground frustrated.

I went to pick it up and immediately popped the lid open. Emily mumbled somethings as she took it and I just laughed. 

"I could have done that."

"Sure you could have." I giggled as I patted her knee.

When we got to her apartment Emily immediately flopped onto the bed and I walked into the bathroom to start a bath for her. Once it was filled back up I went into the bedroom and saw Emily lying face down on the bed.

"Alright C'mon." I coaxed as I pulled her off the bed. She groaned as we walked into the bathroom and I immediately made her brush her teeth. I then helped her out of her clothes which proved to be rather difficult because it seemed as if she had lost all balance in her body.

"Trying to get me naked huh?" Emily slurred slightly as I helped her take her bra off. I just rolled my eyes as I continued to get all of her clothes off. "Alright let's get you in the tub." I said as I helped her into the water without bubbles because for some unknown reason Emily hated them.

"Are you going to join me?" She asked as she settled in to the water giving me a cheeky grin.

"No, you're drunk. I'll stay out here." I said as I took a seat on the ground next to her.

"Awww please! I promise to keep my hands to myself!" She whined and I just chuckled. "Yeah, sure. You are in no state to be doing anything of that matter. I'm not going to take advantage of that."

"What if I gave you full permission to take advantage me?" She said wiggling her eyebrows and I barked out a laugh. "Not going to happen."

She just sighed and pouted her lips at me. I kissed the back of her hand before grabbing her shampoo and conditioner from the shower. We both sat in a comforting silence as I washed her hair slowly. I didn't exactly know how to bring up her suspension and she definitely was not in the right mindset to be having this conversation so I just let it go for now.

Eventually the water got cold and I could see Emily was minutes away from passing out so I got her out of the bathtub and into a big t-shirt and shorts. She immediately got into the bed and I was about to head downstairs when she grabbed onto my arm. "No, stay here." She said giving me pleading eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

"No funny business, I swear." She promised.

"Okay okay, let me change first." I said and was met with a very big smile. I quickly changed into a tank top and sweathshorts before slipping into bed with Emily. She immediately wrapped her arms around my waist, with her head in my lap since I was sitting up. I ran my fingers through her hair and wasn't surprised when she was out within a couple minutes.

I reached over to the bed side table and grabbed my phone to call JJ who answered immediately. "Is she okay?" She asked voice filled with worry.

"Yeah she's fine. She was at O'keefes but she's asleep right now." I said quietly as I ran my fingers through her raven hair.

"Did she say anything about the suspension?"

"No," I said and I heard JJ sigh. "Do you guys have any plans for dinner?" She asked.


"Perfect, I'll bring a pizza over and we can figure all of this shit out." JJ said and I let out a soft laugh.

"Sound's good. Thanks Jay."

"Of course. I'll be over in an hour."

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