I Wanna Be.

By TyFlawed

110K 4.6K 1.1K

Omani just want wants to be loved in world that tells her women like her don't deserve it. This book have m... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 17

2K 103 11
By TyFlawed


"Omani. Mrs. Omani?" The judge called out forcing me back to reality. Yes, judge sorry it's been a long night. "Mhm," She cleared her throat and started back talking. 'I have come to a deliberation," she said. My ears start to perk up and my eyes began to focus.

                      After hearing everyone's side, I have decided to give you and your husband supervised visitation rights every weekend. If any harm is done to this child during any time he will be taken away and jail will be in both of your futures do you understand?

"Yes judge, I said holding back all my tears with everything in me." Rome follow suit and told the judge he understood as well. "Okay, you're dismissed," the judge said as she slammed the gavel.

                         Rome walked out before me but seeing my baby prince was all I wanted. My mother walked up to me with Prince in her hand and all I could do is smile. She didn't understand how thankful I was to her for bringing Prince today. I haven't held him in my arms for a month and I missed his smell.

                            I reached out my hands to hold him and he started to cry. My feeling immediately shattered. It's only been a month and baby done forgotten who I am. "Comere stanka butt, I said while trying to at least hug him. He was pushing me away from him and reaching his arms out to my mother. I just gave him to her cause the last thing I wanted to do was see him cry. I walked with my mom to her car and she was updating me on everything I missed. He was crawling now and sometimes he was even standing on his own. That shit made me want to fuck Rome up because of his ass I'm missing all my babies first. I watched as my mom strapped him in his baby seat. She then proceeded to get in the driver's seat of her car. I leaned in the car and gave my mom the biggest tightest hug I could muster up. Listen, Ma, I said while holding her as tight as I could. I'm sorry for what happened at the hospital. Even though I was mad I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you.

                    She reached her arms around my body and said. "I know this must be hard for you." What you said did hurt but you were right. I passed my gutlessness on to you but that was never my intention. The way you spoke up for yourself and your son was astonishing and I am very proud of the woman you're becoming. You can trust me, I will always protect my grandson.

                   We released each other embrace and the tears were streaming down our faces. I love you, Ma, I said. She replied, "I love you to mani." I open the backdoor and kissed Prince on the cheek. He started whining, so I quickly closed the door and told my mom that I'll see her later.

                  While walking to my car I started to get depressed all over again. It sucked to go to that house without my heart that shit was killing me. On the flip side, I was approved for visitation so that's something to celebrate. My phone started vibrating in my hand, I looked down and once again it was Rome. I swear this nigga called me more in this last month than the 6 months we have been married that shit was buggin' me. It's crazy because I remember a time when I would be blushing and getting butterflies if he called me. Now I don't want anything to do with this clown.

So you just going to let yo shit ring. A smooth masculine voice said behind me.

"We don't have shit to talk about," I spat.

He grabbed my arm when he notice me beginning to walk away. "Let me the fuck go.," I said trying to snatch my hand but his grip was stronger, so my hand remained in his.

"Look we need to talk," he said yanking me closer to him. "Talk about what?" I mugged. I moved in closer to him so now my breast was touching his chest. He leaned down and I could feel the air from his nose on my face. "What is there to talk about," I said while giving him the look of death.

He started to talk. "Look Mani I need you to keep an open mind when you hear this." I just need you to trust me or shit gonna get real, real quick. What I am about to say is the only option I have.

I was just staring into his eyes. I wanted to scratch them out. "Go ahead Rome get to it."

He continued. "I know you are mad and what I am about to say is gonna make you even madder." I started tapping my left foot at this point because I just knew it was about Brittany and whatever it was he had me fucked up.

Look bruh imma be real with you. "I talked to Brittany," he said.

I felt it, I felt the demon in me begin to take over. My feet began to tap faster. The anger was boiling up and it couldn't be contained.

"Bruh calm the fuck down," he said while freeing my hand. He continued to talk. Brittany can't go to jail Mani, I'm sorry. If she goes to jail over a decade-long friendship will end. If that friendship end Mani shit gone get crazy.

Before I could even realize it I swung. My fist connected with his mouth. I have never been so mad in my life.

"Bitch," he blurted making me jump a little.

                   His hand was holding his mouth and by the look on his face, you could tell he was shocked. He cocked his free arm back and swung. I felt my cheek starting to sting. This nigga slapped me and I was pissed. I started swinging and I didn't give a fuck if we ended up going to jail in the courtroom parking lot. He grabbed my hands and pinned me to the car. "Bitch, chill the fuck out before I treat you like a nigga out here." He let my hand go free then I swung again this time it connected with his eye. He wrapped his hand around my throat and started to squeeze. His grip around my throat got tighter and tighter. I tried saying I can't breathe but the darkness in his eye let me know that he had blacked out. This nigga gonna kill me in this parking lot was all I could think. I started tapping his arm as hard as I can. I was trying to let him know I tapped out but he wasn't stopping. I felt my body getting weaker and my eyes were starting to shut. Rome please was all I could think as the darkness was starting to take over me. This was it I was going to die. I tried clawing at his arm but I was too weak so it didn't even make a scratch. Tears started rolling down my eyes and my body was starting to feel numb.

                 My body dropped to the ground and I tried to catch every breath I could. I was feeling around my body just to make sure that I was still alive. I thought I was at the end but Rome released me. I looked up toward him from the ground and he was just looking. I heard the saying dead behind the eyes and I get it now because he looked lifeless behind the eyes. He leaned down towards me with the creepiest smile on his face. I won't lie I was terrified.

                  He was just gazing at me and then he finally spoke. "Mani, please don't ever in your life do no shit like that again." I was this close to doing something I wouldn't have been able to take back. "We can speak again when you calm down," he said. He started turning around to walk away.

"There's nothing to talk about." I mustered up. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back around towards me. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I was scared. "What," he said while inching close to me. I finally picked myself up off the ground. I took a couple of deep breaths. "Look Rome," I spoke up. I don't give a fuck about her and your family's friendship, I don't care. What she did to my son is unforgivable. If you thought it was going to go y'all way you should have just murdered me because I promise you it won't. You can hide that bitch but imma see her eventually and when I do just know imma dog walk that hoe. I turned around and hurriedly got into my car before his goofy ass could even reply. I drove off leaving him just standing there.


                   I was absorbed by the thought of almost killing Mani the other day. My anger was really about to get the best of me. No woman has ever laid hands on me and Mani just kept doing it. I let the shit slide because I felt bad as fuck about Prince's situation but real talk that shit had to come to end. She going to fuck around and make me hurt her. The knocks at my office door interrupted my thought process.

"Yo," I said waiting for the person on the other end of the door to reply. "Yo,' "What's good Rome, my nigga Preach said while walking into my office.

"What's good lil nigga," I replied.

"Rome I got good and bad news my nigga," he said.

Bruh, I just shook my head. I was tired of all the bad news that's been hittin' me lately. "Ightt bruh just spit it out," I said waiting to hear what had been going on. He said, "iight imma give you the good news first." 'The good news is we finally found out who hit the stash.

My ears perked up I had been waiting to hear about this incident for a minute. Iight I said, that's good to know but I have a feeling that I already know who did it.

He started talking, "yea bruh I hate to be the one to tell you this but it was B." 'That snake ass nigga stole from you, my boy." I was pissed but not too much because I had a feeling it was him. He's the only nigga I know bold enough.

                    I handled the lil business I had to do at the office and was getting ready to head out. I got up and dapped my nigga off, especially after coming through with that info. I had a feeling that his lame ass stole from me but I wanted to be one hundred percent sure. I walked out of the building and got into my car. King Von and polo g "the code" blasted through my speakers. This song was my shit. I started thinking about how I would handle this situation with Brandon. I smiled a little because little did I know this was a blessing in disguise. Everything that led up to this series of events played in my favor. Brandon fucked with the wrong one and little did he know I had a cake baked for him.

                      I pulled up to Mani's parent crib. Today was the first official day of our visits. We choose to do it at Mani's parents' crib because Prince was still a baby so where would go other than a park? There's only so much he can get into. I got out and notice my mother's car was in the driveway. I was wondering what she was doing here. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Shortly after Mani's mom pulled the door open. Soon as it opened you could hear Prince crying. His ass always crying I joked to myself. "Hey, how are you Rome," mani Mom said as she stood off to the side and let me enter her home. "I'm good how have you been," I replied. "I'm just living a life one day at a time," she replied. Same here I said walking past her to the living room.

                        I look in Prince's direction and my Mother was holding him. She was rubbing his back trying to get him to stop crying. It was a sight to see though. I feel like since I didn't consent to my marriage my mother treated them the same way I did. She truly did love my son but I guess she felt like she had to choose a side and my mom gonna always ride for me. "Oh look it's Daddy," my mother said to Prince while lifting his body and turning him around to face me. I walked and grabbed him and stopped crying immediately. I laid him across my arms and just looked down in his direction. I felt like shit treating him like I did. Ignoring him when was a split image of me all because I couldn't handle the mistake I made.

A phone rang, Mrs. Harrison walked quickly and grabbed the phone off the sofa. "Hello, she started to speak." 'WHAT," she shouted. Oh my god, are you serious?

My mother and I were just looking in her direction. We both were wondering what going on. "Okay, imma be there in a min," she said and hung up the phone.

"Oh my god," she said while grabbing her purse and keys. "Mani just called me from jail," she said. I started paying more attention than I was previously. "What you mean she's in jail," my mother chimed in. Mani's mom continued, "I don't know she didn't have the time to tell me what happened. We can all go now and see what going on. I'm going to call my husband so he could meet us there.

"Rome," she said looking in my direction. Prince can ride with you. Um, "I don't think that's going to be possible," I said. I don't have a car seat. I felt a lil defeated after saying that shit out loud. How do I have a son but no car seat I just know we all thinking about it. "It's alright son he can ride with me," Mrs. Harrison said.

"Just put him in the car seat for me and we will meet y"all there," she said while we were all walking out of the door.

                    After about 30 minutes of driving, we finally made it to the city jail. I got out of the car and headed in there. I didn't understand how my mother made it here before me when I left before her. I walked in and everybody was there. Mani's dad, Mr. Harrison was talking to one of the deputies. "Sir,' "I had no idea she was your daughter," the deputy said. Mr. Harrison placed a hand on his shoulder and said "It's okay you're new here so I won't hold that against you," release my child. "Yes sir! " the deputy said and disappeared behind these two double doors.

                    After around ten minutes the double door start to open and there was Mani. She look disheveled you could tell she was in a fight. Her hair was all over her head. Her clothing was torn up and she had blood all over her shirt and pants. My only thought was what the fuck happened. Mani walked straight past me to her mother. She just flopped her head on Mrs. Harrison's shoulder and started to cry. Mani's dad spoke up, "Mani what happened,' he said. She stood up and took her head off her mother's shoulder and turn to her dad. She walk closer to her dad extending her arms then she started hugging him. At this point, tears were running down her face. "What happened," her dad ask again. She was silent for a second then all she said was, "I handled my business"

Thoughts, What yall think.?

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