Little Maxie

By Anki_Carrington

135K 2.7K 457

Max Verstappen was a little. He never really did actively try to hide it, but he knew his dad hated other peo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 35

1.8K 29 5
By Anki_Carrington

Max sat on the chair looking at the two man, and couldn't help but shift nervously. A time-out? So, just sitting on a chair.

He gave a nervous twitch and Brad gave a worried gasp, making Max look at him wide-eyed, wondering if he had done something wrong. Perhaps he wasn't allowed to move either.

But Brad wasn't telling him off, even though his leg was nervously twitching with micro movements he always had difficulty controlling. The whole situation was very confusing to Max. Oh, he knew he deserved a punishment.

There was really no way he was getting out of this one, he knew that, no matter how much Bradley might say he was a good boy. But... was this really all the punishment he was going to get?

He had asked, wanting to be sure and both adults had said that this was it. Surely, there must be something he was missing about the time-out thing. Perhaps something came after. This was just to make him anticipate what would happen once those three minutes were gone.

He gave a small gasp and jumped when the timer Brad had put on began to beep.

"Time's up," Fernando said helpfully.

"Here, let's get you off the chair," Bradley said the same moment, not even waiting for Max to answer and just lifting him up from the chair. Max tensed slightly, still feeling unsure about it all.

Brad was feeling relieved now the time-out was over, and he couldn't stop himself from patting the diapered behind in comfort while slightly bouncing the little, almost expected him to start bawling because of the unfair punishment.

"Maxie punishment over?" Max asked when nothing else happened, looking at the caregiver, who nodded gingerly.

"Yes, all over now, okay?" Bradley affirmed.

"Sure?" Max asked, still looking doubtful. It would be silly if they lied about it now, but for it to be over already? Brad would sport his teeth marks a lot longer and it would have been much more correct if Max had sported a bruised bum during that time as well. His dad would have said that it would serve as a reminder of his bad behavior.

"Really sure," Brad said, sounding happier now. The caregiver took him to the couch and sat down, settling Max on his lap.

To tell the truth, Brad was having the intense desire to keep Max close. It was clear that the little could use all the comfort and love he could get, even if he didn't realize it himself, and Brad just couldn't let him out of his arms now.

They sat in silence for a moment, the tension building up again while no one really knew the best way to go from there. Max was shifting in agitation, jumping slightly when he wetted himself and making a whimpering noise.

Brad looked at him in worry, and he suddenly felt himself pressed closer to the caregiver, who patted his back and was making soothing noises, hoping to calm Max down.

"Well, I see that you got all your toys out," Fernando said, suddenly, pulling the attention to him. He grinned at Max, wanting to put him at ease. The little looked at Fernando, and then down at the toys the man was gesturing at. Then he glanced at Brad, unsure.

"Uhm," Max said, "I clean up?"

"No, don't do that," Fernando said, annoyed at himself for making the little feel as if he needed to clean the toys, "why don't you show me which one you like best,"

"Don't know," Max said after a moment, shifting a little on Brad's lap, still with the arms wrapped around him. He stared at the toys, barely even remembering what they all were, "all new,"

"They aren't all new. You got the tin here," Bradley said softly, glad that Fernando had taken the initiative to make a conversation. He leaned over and took the tin box that Max had brought, and held it in front of the little who hesitantly took it.

"Oh, now I'm curious," Fernando said, ignoring all the nervousness, "do you want to show me what's in there?"

"Can I?" Max asked Brad, unsure if he was allowed to get his toys out at all. Even if the punishment was over, he wouldn't be allowed to play after all that.

"Of course, you can," Brad said, feeling his heart break a little more at the hesitant tone, "Fernando would love to see your toys,"

Max nodded, now understanding the situation. It wasn't playing. It was just showing his cars, but that was fun as well. It kind off felt a little like playing, but he didn't need to say that to Brad, or the caregiver might not let him.

"Is my cars," Maxie said, shyly, opening the tin box and revealing the half a dozen cars, "like to play with them,"

"You do?" Fernando asked, looking in the box and taking a red car out, "oh, I guess you always play the Ferrari?"

"No," Maxie giggled, taking out a darker one, "this my favorite, grandpa. Goes fast,"

Fernando stared at Max, who was smiling and showing him the car. Brad suddenly looked away, his face flushed, and his arms going a little tighter around Max while he tried to hide his own embarrasement. He had hoped that this wasn't going to happen.

Silence grew again, and Maxie's smile started to falter when he felt the tension, still holding out the car to Fernando. He just wanted to put it back in the box when Fernando's hands shot out and held Maxie's hand still. The older driver leaned forwards and looked at the car, making hmm'ing noises.

"This one is your favorite?" Fernando asked, looking in awe at the car, and Max nodded.

"Yes, it always wins," Maxie said.

"That's nice," Fernando said, letting go of the hand, and glaring slightly at Brad, sure that the man was to blame for his new title by the little. He folded his face again, making it seem non-threatening, "so, you calling me grandpa now?"

"Braddy said you track grandpa," Maxie said with a grin, patting Fernando's arm, ,"nice grandpa,"

"Oh, Braddy said that," Fernando said, keeping the smile on his face, while Maxie nodded happily, not noticing the slight vicious stance of the smile. Bradley shifted a little, making Max look at him for a moment, before looking back in his tin of cars, wanting to take them out to play.

"It wasn't supposed to stick," Bradley muttered, feeling embarrassed at being caught calling Fernando grandpa. He would really need to watch what he was saying around Max.

"Well, it apparently did stick," Fernando grumbled, before looking at Maxie with a smile, and cooing a little at him "you know how it goes with littles, soon you'll be calling me grandpa during an interview and the press would eat it up,"

Max giggled at the tone, not really understanding most of the words, but grandpa didn't seem to be annoyed at him. He was looking a bit weirdly at Bradley though, who at first had been looking away and was now looking wide-eyed at Fernando.

"You don't mind it?" Brad asked, sounding apologetic and surprised at the same time.

"I had worse," Fernando said, not entirely happy about the situation, but knowing it couldn't be changed. Once littles got a title in their head, it was almost impossible to remove. "the media does love to play up my age. As if I'm too old too race, bunch of .."

"Grandpa Nando, play?" Maxie asked, tugging his sleeve and interrupting the other driver. He hadn't really been following the conversation, but he had been distracted by the rest of the toys.

He really wanted to play with them, and he hoped that Brad wouldn't mind him playing with Fernando. After all, it would be to keep their guest busy, and Brad couldn't get angry at him for that?

"We can play a little bit," Fernando said slowly, knowing that he didn't have a lot of time left. This was supposed to be a quick stop before he had to go to his meeting, "I have to go soon though,"

"Okay," Maxie said, then glancing up at Brad, and swiftly looking away when the caregiver looked at him.

"Do you want to ask a question?" Bradley asked, and Max nervously shifted, fiddling with the car he was holding.

"Can Maxie go get bunny?" Maxie asked, "Maxie keep bunny?"

"Of course, sweetheart, it's your stuffy," Brad said carefully, wanting to affirm to Max that no one was ever going to take his bunny, "always be Maxie's stuffy,"

"Always?" Maxie asked with wide eyes, "pinky promise? Brad no take bunny away,"

"Of course, I will pinky promise that," Brad said, holding out his pinky for Max. The little immediately shifted in Brad's lap so he was facing the man and wrapped his own pinky around it. He then went up with his thumb, and Brad briefly touched it with his own thumb while their pinkies were still intertwined.

When they loosened hands, Max suddenly hugged him, hard.

"Thank you," the little whispered in his ear, wiping away his tears on Brad's shirt, and then before Brad could react, Max let go. He beelined to the bedroom. A moment later, he came back, holding bunny tightly in his arms, the ear in his fist.

"There is bunny," Brad said with a smile, glad that Max had dared to go and get it, "so, what do you want to play with? You want to play with the cars, or do you want to play with something new,"

"Grandpa Nando choose," Max said, looking over all the toys and finding that there was just too much choice. And to be honest, now that he had bunny, he didn't really care which toy.

"You know what, how about we build a tower with the blocks, and then I really need to be going?" Fernando asked, not wanting to just leave, even though his whole schedule was being pressed.

"Okay," Max agreed, eagerly picking up the unopened box and handing it to Brad, who opened it.

The blocks were put on the coffee table, and Max was soon kneeling in front of it, exclaiming happily when he built a small house, Fernando helping, but it was clear that he wasn't really into it.

"I have to go now," the man said when the house was built.

"No more play?" Max asked, looking disappointed. He guessed that Brad would just have him clean up the toys until he was good again. Perhaps he could show that he was a good boy tomorrow and get to play with a toy again.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get to a meeting, and I still need to get dinner," Fernando said, getting up and patting Max, "don't worry, we'll see each other soon again,"

"Not worried," Maxie said with a pout, folding his arms. He wasn't really worried about Fernando, he could take care of himself. He just wanted to play longer.

"Well, perhaps it's best that we stop playing. We need to get our dinner as well," Brad said with a smile, and Maxie looked at him, realizing that his tummy was indeed grumbly.

"Am hungry," he admitted.

"Well, that settles it. Why don't you say bye to Fernando, and we go eat," Brad said, and Maxie nodded, shyly waving at Fernando.

"Bye bye grandpa," Maxie said, keeping his bunny pressed against himself.

Fernando said bye and left them, hurrying down the corridor in the false hope that he wasn't late. Brad close the door behind him, and took Max's hand in his, making sure to stay away from the bunny because he didn't want to cause another meltdown.

"Let's go for our dinner as well," Brad said, making Maxie frown.

"Not eat here?" the little asked, and Brad shook his head.

"No, we're scheduled to eat in the dining area downstairs," Brad said, seeing the little nervously bite his lip, "why don't you pack in bunny's ear in your bag, and we can go. Perhaps we'll see Lando?"

"Can I take bunny?" Maxie asked, half hopeful, half-afraid of being rejected, but if he could take the ear, he might be allowed to take the whole stuffy. Then he could show bunny around the hotel. Brad looked at the little, who was clinging on the bunny, big hopeful eyes aimed at him.

"Of course you can, but you need to keep it close," Brad said, unable to deny the little right now. Max smiled at him in surprise.

"I will, promise," Maxie said, getting up to fetch his hip bag to put the ear in while Brad went to the second bag with his purchases, taking out a bib he was sure they would need. Max did seem rather small at the moment, and lunch hadn't been a clean affair before, and he just knew that dinner was going to be a repeat performance.

They soon entered the dining hall, luckily not too busy. Max looked around and gripped Brad's hand tightly. A moment later, he realized that they were in public and swallowing in fear, he wanted to let go of the hand, but Brad wouldn't let him.

"No, let's keep on holding hands," Brad said, not wanting Max to get lost and also wanting to reassure the little that he was near.

"Okay," Maxie said shyly, knowing that this was a clear giveaway about his headspace. Huddling a bit behind Brad without letting go, he kept his bunny tight to him. His dad always said that people would mind, and he didn't want anyone to mind at all. So perhaps if he hid, no one would see him.

"Oh, you got your bunny again," a voice come from behind them, making Max yip and bury his face in Brad's back.

"George, you scared him," Lewis said, frowning at his teammate, who looked at Max with wide eyes. 

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